static bool FindMountPoint(HkShapeCutterUtil cutter, HkShape shape, Vector3 direction, float gridSize, List <Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint> mountPoints)
            //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(drawMatrix.Translation, Vector3D.Transform(direction, drawMatrix), Color.Green, Color.Green, false);
            //float offset = (gridSize * 0.9f) / 2.0f;
            float offset      = (gridSize * 0.75f) / 2.0f; //because fracture pieces can be bit inside the cube
            Plane plane       = new Plane(-direction, offset);
            float minimumSize = 0.2f;

            Vector3 min, max;

            if (cutter.Cut(shape, new Vector4(plane.Normal.X, plane.Normal.Y, plane.Normal.Z, plane.D), out min, out max))
                var aabb = new BoundingBox(min, max);
                aabb.InflateToMinimum(new Vector3(minimumSize));
                float centerOffset = gridSize * 0.5f;
                //    VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawOBB(boxC, Color.Red, 0.02f, true, false);

                MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint mountPoint = new MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint();
                mountPoint.Normal  = new Vector3I(direction);
                mountPoint.Start   = (aabb.Min + new Vector3(centerOffset)) / gridSize;
                mountPoint.End     = (aabb.Max + new Vector3(centerOffset)) / gridSize;
                mountPoint.Enabled = true;
                //because it didnt work if shape wasnt realy near the edge
                var  zExt = Vector3.Abs(direction) * mountPoint.Start;
                bool add  = zExt.AbsMax() > 0.5f;
                mountPoint.Start -= zExt;
                mountPoint.Start -= direction * 0.04f;
                mountPoint.End   -= Vector3.Abs(direction) * mountPoint.End;
                mountPoint.End   += direction * 0.04f;
                if (add)
                    mountPoint.Start += Vector3.Abs(direction);
                    mountPoint.End   += Vector3.Abs(direction);


        static bool FindMountPoint(HkShapeCutterUtil cutter, HkShape shape, Vector3 direction, float gridSize, List<Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint> mountPoints)
            //VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(drawMatrix.Translation, Vector3D.Transform(direction, drawMatrix), Color.Green, Color.Green, false);
            //float offset = (gridSize * 0.9f) / 2.0f;
            float offset = (gridSize * 0.75f) / 2.0f; //because fracture pieces can be bit inside the cube
            Plane plane = new Plane(-direction, offset);
            float minimumSize = 0.2f;

            Vector3 min, max;
            if (cutter.Cut(shape, new Vector4(plane.Normal.X, plane.Normal.Y, plane.Normal.Z, plane.D), out min, out max))
                var aabb = new BoundingBox(min, max);
                aabb.InflateToMinimum(new Vector3(minimumSize));
                float centerOffset = gridSize * 0.5f;
                //    VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawOBB(boxC, Color.Red, 0.02f, true, false);

                MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint mountPoint = new MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint();
                mountPoint.Normal = new Vector3I(direction);
                mountPoint.Start = (aabb.Min + new Vector3(centerOffset)) / gridSize;
                mountPoint.End = (aabb.Max + new Vector3(centerOffset)) / gridSize;
				mountPoint.Enabled = true;
                //because it didnt work if shape wasnt realy near the edge
                var zExt = Vector3.Abs(direction) * mountPoint.Start;
                bool add = zExt.AbsMax() > 0.5f;
                mountPoint.Start -= zExt;
                mountPoint.Start -= direction * 0.04f;
                mountPoint.End -= Vector3.Abs(direction) * mountPoint.End;
                mountPoint.End += direction * 0.04f;
                if (add)
                    mountPoint.Start += Vector3.Abs(direction);
                    mountPoint.End += Vector3.Abs(direction);

                return true;

            return false;
        public static List <MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint> AutogenerateMountpoints(HkShape[] shapes, float gridSize)
            HkShapeCutterUtil cutter = new HkShapeCutterUtil();

            List <BoundingBox>[] aabbsPerDirection = new List <BoundingBox> [Base6Directions.EnumDirections.Length];

            var newMountPoints = new List <MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint>();

            foreach (var directionEnum in Base6Directions.EnumDirections)
                int dirEnum = (int)directionEnum;
                //int dirEnum = 2;
                Vector3 direction = Base6Directions.Directions[dirEnum];

                foreach (var shape in shapes)
                    if (shape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.List)
                        var listShape = (HkListShape)shape;
                        var iterator  = listShape.GetIterator();
                        while (iterator.IsValid)
                            HkShape childShape = iterator.CurrentValue;

                            if (childShape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.ConvexTransform)
                                HkConvexTransformShape transformShape = (HkConvexTransformShape)childShape;

                                FindMountPoint(cutter, transformShape.Base, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
                            if (childShape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.ConvexTranslate)
                                HkConvexTranslateShape translateShape = (HkConvexTranslateShape)childShape;

                                FindMountPoint(cutter, translateShape.Base, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
                                FindMountPoint(cutter, childShape, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);

                    if (shape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.Mopp)
                        var compoundShape = (HkMoppBvTreeShape)shape;
                        for (int s = 0; s < compoundShape.ShapeCollection.ShapeCount; s++)
                            HkShape childShape = compoundShape.ShapeCollection.GetShape((uint)s, null);

                            if (childShape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.ConvexTranslate)
                                HkConvexTranslateShape translateShape = (HkConvexTranslateShape)childShape;

                                FindMountPoint(cutter, translateShape.Base, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
                        FindMountPoint(cutter, shape, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
        public static List<MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint> AutogenerateMountpoints(HkShape[] shapes, float gridSize)
            HkShapeCutterUtil cutter = new HkShapeCutterUtil();
            List<BoundingBox>[] aabbsPerDirection = new List<BoundingBox>[Base6Directions.EnumDirections.Length];

            var newMountPoints = new List<MyCubeBlockDefinition.MountPoint>();

            foreach (var directionEnum in Base6Directions.EnumDirections)
                int dirEnum = (int)directionEnum;
                //int dirEnum = 2;
                Vector3 direction = Base6Directions.Directions[dirEnum];

                foreach (var shape in shapes)
                    if (shape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.List)
                        var listShape = (HkListShape)shape;
                        var iterator = listShape.GetIterator();
                        while (iterator.IsValid)
                            HkShape childShape = iterator.CurrentValue;

                            if (childShape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.ConvexTransform)
                                HkConvexTransformShape transformShape = (HkConvexTransformShape)childShape;

                                FindMountPoint(cutter, transformShape.Base, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
                                if (childShape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.ConvexTranslate)
                                    HkConvexTranslateShape translateShape = (HkConvexTranslateShape)childShape;

                                    FindMountPoint(cutter, translateShape.Base, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
                                    FindMountPoint(cutter, childShape, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);

                        if (shape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.Mopp)
                            var compoundShape = (HkMoppBvTreeShape)shape;
                            for (int s = 0; s < compoundShape.ShapeCollection.ShapeCount; s++)
                                HkShape childShape = compoundShape.ShapeCollection.GetShape((uint)s, null);

                                if (childShape.ShapeType == HkShapeType.ConvexTranslate)
                                    HkConvexTranslateShape translateShape = (HkConvexTranslateShape)childShape;

                                    FindMountPoint(cutter, translateShape.Base, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
                            FindMountPoint(cutter, shape, direction, gridSize, newMountPoints);
            return newMountPoints;