Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int rangeX = 32;
            int rangeY = 1;
            int rangeZ = 25;

            ServerLib.MegaGridClient      client     = new MegaGridClient("http://localhost:3838");
            Dictionary <string, string>   gsa2names  = client.GetNames(rangeX, rangeY, rangeZ);
            Dictionary <string, RectList> name2rects = client.Names2Rects(gsa2names);

            Console.WriteLine("Names and Rectangles resolved.");

            Console.WriteLine("Rendering net grid");
            //Grid netGrid = RenderNetGrid(gsa2names, name2rects, rangeX, rangeY, rangeZ);

            Console.WriteLine("Rendering isometric net grid.");
            //          Grid renderedGrid = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderIsometricCellsScaled(netGrid, 204, 204, 238, 0, 1, 1, "MegaGrid");

            Console.WriteLine("Saving final grid.");
//            GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng("\\github\\glyphics2\\megagrid_iso.png", renderedGrid);

            Console.WriteLine("Rendering mega grid.");
            Grid grid = RenderFlatGrid(gsa2names, name2rects, rangeX, rangeY, rangeZ);

            Console.WriteLine("Saving final grid.");
            GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng("\\github\\glyphics2\\megagrid_flat.png", grid);

Example #2
        static void ExecuteCodeToPng(ScratchControl ctl, string code)
            //Glyphics codeString object
            Code rasterCode = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code);

            //Save final result to PNG file
            string filenameOrthogonal = "..\\..\\" + RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToCodename(rasterCode).Name + "-Ortho.PNG";
            string filenameIsometric  = "..\\..\\" + RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToCodename(rasterCode).Name + "-Isometric.PNG";

            //Execute, render, and save to png
            Grid grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(rasterCode);

            //Save png's to each
            if (ctl.FileNameOutOrthogonalAnimated)
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(filenameOrthogonal, RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderObliqueCells(grid));

            if (ctl.FileNameOutIsometricAnimated)
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(filenameIsometric, RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderIsometricCellsScaled(grid,
                                                                                                                   ctl.IsometricCellWidth, ctl.IsometricCellHeight));
Example #3
        public static void DeployTo(string exePath, GraphicsApi gapi, bool is64bit)
            string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath);
            string fxFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ArxFx", "ReShade.fx");
            List<CopyDef> files = GetIncludedFiles(fxFile);
            files.Add(new CopyDef(fxFile, "ReShade.fx"));

            string reshadeDllPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ArxFx", "ReShade{0}.dll");

            if (gapi == GraphicsApi.Unknown)
                var apis = GetAllGraphicsApiList();

                foreach (var api in apis)
                    files.Add(new CopyDef(
                        string.Format(reshadeDllPath, is64bit ? "64" : "32"),
                files.Add(new CopyDef(
                    string.Format(reshadeDllPath, is64bit ? "64" : "32"),

            CopyFiles(files, path);
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //for (int i=0;i<zodiac.Length;i+=2)
            //  Console.WriteLine("{0:X}, {1:X} ",(uint)zodiac[i], (uint)zodiac[i+1]);

            byte[] unicodeBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(zodiac);

//♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️

            int bands = zodiac.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < bands; i++)
                byte v = (byte)(i * (255 / bands));
                rgbV.Add(RasterLib.RasterApi.Rgba2Ulong(v, v, v, 255));

            //  rgbV.Add(RasterLib.RasterApi.Rgba2Ulong(0, 0, 0, 0));
            //rgbV.Add(RasterLib.RasterApi.Rgba2Ulong(0, 0, 0, 0));

             * for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 30)
             * {
             *  ulong rgb = RasterLib.Utility.Converter.Hsl2Rgb(i, 100, 49);
             *  byte r, g, b, a;
             *  RasterLib.RasterApi.Ulong2Rgba(rgb, out r, out g, out b, out a);
             *  Console.WriteLine("hue "+i + " - rgb " + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + a);
             *  rgbV.Add(rgb);
             * }*/

            Grid gridIn = GraphicsApi.PngToGrid("c:\\github\\logo.png");

            string str = "";

            using (var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("testUnicode.txt", false, Encoding.Unicode))
                for (int y = 0; y < gridIn.SizeY; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < gridIn.SizeX; x++)
                        CellProperties cp = gridIn.GetProperty(x, y, 0);
                        byte           r, g, b, a;
                        RasterLib.RasterApi.Ulong2Rgba(cp.Rgba, out r, out g, out b, out a);

                        string character = Rgb2UnicodeChar(r, g, b);

                        str += character;
                    str += "\n";
Example #5
        public static void Control(ScratchControl ctl, RectList rects)
            //Then render that to triangles
            Console.WriteLine("Creating triangle library");
            TrianglesList trianglesList = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateTrianglesList();

            foreach (string filename in ctl.FileNamesInStlLibrary)

            //Render the rectangles out as shapes(Triangles) to a new set of triangles
            Triangles triangles = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderRectsAsStlMapping(rects, trianglesList);

            Console.WriteLine("Rendering triangles to grid");

            //Reduce scale to 1x1x1, making it 1mm x 1mm x 1mm
            triangles.Translate(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            //Scale up to make an exactly sized models in inches then millimeters
            const float finalSizeInInches      = 2;
            const float finalSizeInMillimeters = finalSizeInInches * 25.4f; //Inches to millimeters

            triangles.Scale(finalSizeInMillimeters, finalSizeInMillimeters, finalSizeInMillimeters);

            //Save final result to STL file
            Console.WriteLine("Saving triangles to {0}", ctl.FileNameOutStl);
            RasterLib.RasterApi.SaveTrianglesToStlAscii(ctl.FileNameOutStl, triangles);

            //So.. as long as we are here.. let's make a preview

            //Since we can, normalize it now

            //Save a rendering out to a PNG, why not, too.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating preview grid");
            Grid gridFromStl = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateGrid(96, 96, 96, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("Rendering triangles to grid");
            RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderTrianglesToGrid(triangles, gridFromStl);

            //Then render to a new grid
            Console.WriteLine("Rendering grid to oblique preview grid");
            Grid gridObliqueRendered = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderObliqueCells(gridFromStl);

            //Then save
            if (ctl.FileNameOutStlPreview != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Saving file to {0}", ctl.FileNameOutStlPreview);
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(ctl.FileNameOutStlPreview, gridObliqueRendered);
Example #6
 public static string GetGraphicsApiDll(GraphicsApi api)
     switch (api)
         case GraphicsApi.DirectX8: return "d3d8.dll";
         case GraphicsApi.DirectX9: return "d3d9.dll";
         case GraphicsApi.DirectX10: return "dxgi.dll";
         case GraphicsApi.DirectX11: return "dxgi.dll";
         case GraphicsApi.OpenGL: return "opengl32.dll";
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(api), api, null);
        static void Main()
            //Create a grid
            Grid grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateGrid(256, 256, 1, 4);

            //Draw procedural image to grid

            //Save grid to png
            GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng("..\\..\\generated.png", grid);

        private static void DetermineShaderExtension()
            // Use reflection to figure out if Shader.Profile is OpenGL (0) or DirectX (1).
            // May need to be changed / fixed for future shader profiles.

            var assembly = typeof(Game).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

            if (assembly == null)
                throw new ShaderLookupException(
                          "Error determining shader profile. Couldn't find assembly. Falling back to OpenGL.");

            var shaderType = assembly.GetType(SHADER_TYPE);

            if (shaderType == null)
                throw new ShaderLookupException(
                          $"Error determining shader profile. Couldn't find shader type of '{SHADER_TYPE}'. Falling back to OpenGL.");

            var shaderTypeInfo = shaderType.GetTypeInfo();

            if (shaderTypeInfo == null)
                throw new ShaderLookupException(
                          "Error determining shader profile. Couldn't get TypeInfo of shadertype. Falling back to OpenGL.");

            // https://github.com/MonoGame/MonoGame/blob/develop/MonoGame.Framework/Graphics/Shader/Shader.cs#L47
            var profileProperty = shaderTypeInfo.GetDeclaredProperty(PROFILE);
            var value           = (int)profileProperty.GetValue(null);

            switch (value)
            case 0:
                CurrentGraphicsApi = GraphicsApi.OPEN_GL;

            case 1:
                CurrentGraphicsApi = GraphicsApi.DIRECT_X;

                throw new ShaderLookupException("Unknown shader profile.");
        //Document by codeString example
        public void DocumentByCode(string documentationPath, string title, string code)
            string    path     = documentationPath;
            IRenderer renderer = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer;


            Grid grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code));
            //            using ()
                Grid gridIso       = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code.Replace("WallCube 37", "WallCube 21")));
                Grid gridIsometric = renderer.RenderIsometricCellsScaled(gridIso, 255, 255, 255, 255, 6, 6, "Isometric docs");
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(path + title + "-Iso.png", gridIsometric);

                Grid gridOrtho = renderer.RenderObliqueCells(grid);
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(path + title + "-Ortho.png", gridOrtho);

                int id = RasterLib.RasterApi.GetId(title);
                if (id >= 0)
                {//Glyph description
                    Glyph glyph = RasterLib.RasterApi.GetGlyph(id);

                    string description = glyph.Desc;

                    string glyphDoc = "#" + title + "\n"
                                      + "\n##Description: " + description
                                      + "\n##Arguments: " + glyph.Syntax
                                      + "\n"
                                      + "\n![](" + title + "-Iso.png)\n"
                    //Console.WriteLine(glyphDoc + "\n");

                    string crCode = TokensToHotlinkedCode(RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToTokens(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code)));
                    glyphDoc += "\nFigure Code:\n" + crCode + "\nCondensed: " + code + "\n";

                    using (var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + title + ".md"))
                //Needs example writer for markdown here, if needed
                //else { }
Example #10
        private void RunPngLoadSaveTest(int bpp)
            const string cubeCode1 = "Size3D1 4 4 1;PenColorD4 255 255 255 255;FillRect 0 0 0 4 4 4";
            const string cubeCode2 = "Size3D2 4 4 1;PenColorD4 255 255 255 255;FillRect 0 0 0 4 4 4";
            const string cubeCode3 = "Size3D3 4 4 1;PenColorD4 255 255 255 255;FillRect 0 0 0 4 4 4";
            const string cubeCode4 = "Size3D4 4 4 1;PenColorD4 255 255 255 255;FillRect 0 0 0 4 4 4";
            const string filename  = "test.png";

            string cubeCode = "";

            //Set BPP
            if (bpp == 1)
                cubeCode = cubeCode1;
            if (bpp == 2)
                cubeCode = cubeCode2;
            if (bpp == 3)
                cubeCode = cubeCode3;
            if (bpp == 4)
                cubeCode = cubeCode4;

            //Generate the triangles
            Code code    = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(cubeCode);
            Grid gridOut = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(code);

            //Save and load
            GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(filename, gridOut);
            Grid gridIn = GraphicsApi.PngToGrid(filename);

            Assert.IsTrue(GridsAreEqual(gridIn, gridOut)); //If not equal, problem
Example #11
        public static GraphicsBackend ConvertApiToVeldridGraphicsBackend(GraphicsApi api)
            switch (api)
            case GraphicsApi.Direct3D11:

            case GraphicsApi.Metal:

            case GraphicsApi.OpenGL:

            case GraphicsApi.OpenGLES:

            case GraphicsApi.Vulkan:

                return(GraphicsBackend.OpenGL);    //This function is not (!) run if SystemDefault enum option chosen. But defaults to opengl anyway if happens too...
Example #12
        static void Main()
            //Manually create 64x64x64 grid to draw STL to
            Grid grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateGrid(64, 64, 64, 4);

            const string inputFilenameStl = "..\\..\\archquad.stl";

            Console.WriteLine("Input filename: {0}", inputFilenameStl);

            //Load the triangles from the STL file and reduce to a unit 1x1x1 size
            Triangles triangles = RasterLib.RasterApi.StlToTriangles(inputFilenameStl);

            Console.WriteLine("Triangle count: {0}", triangles.Count);

            //Render the triangles to the grid, will autosize to grid size
            RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderTrianglesToGrid(triangles, grid);

            //At this point we've loaded and grid has the rendering. So let's make a pretty rendering.

            //Render the 3D grid to a new 2D grid, in oblique view
            Grid gridObliqueRendering = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderObliqueCells(grid);

            //Write out a little bit about the grid
            Console.WriteLine("Grid: ({0},{1},{2})", grid.SizeX, grid.SizeY, grid.SizeZ);

            //Just state the dRectory we are writing to.
            const string outputFilenamePng = "..\\..\\test.png";

            Console.WriteLine("\nOutput filename: {0}", outputFilenamePng);

            //Finally save the oblique rendering out to a png file
            GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(outputFilenamePng, gridObliqueRendering);

        //Generate documentation for a piece of Glyphics codeString
        public void DocumentByCode(string documentationPath, string title, string code)
            string    path     = documentationPath;
            IRenderer renderer = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer;


            Grid grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code));
            //            using ()
                Grid gridIso       = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code.Replace("WallCube 37", "WallCube 21")));
                Grid gridIsometric = renderer.RenderIsometricCellsScaled(gridIso, 255, 255, 255, 255, 6, 6, "Isometric Docs");
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(path + title + "-Iso.png", gridIsometric);

                Grid gridOrtho = renderer.RenderObliqueCells(grid);
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(path + title + "-Ortho.png", gridOrtho);

                int id = RasterLib.RasterApi.GetId(title);
                if (id >= 0)
                {//Glyph description
                    Glyph glyph = RasterLib.RasterApi.GetGlyph(id);

                    string description = glyph.Desc;
                    description = description.Replace("<", "&lt");
                    description = description.Replace(">", "&gt");

                    string glyphDoc = "<title>" + title + "</title>"
                                      + "<h1>" + title + " Glyph function</h1>"
                                      + "<h3>Description:</h3>" + description
                                      + "<br><img src=\"" + title + "-Ortho.png\">"
                                      + "<img src=\"" + title + "-Iso.png\">"
                    //Console.WriteLine(glyphDoc + "\n");

                    string crCode = TokensToHotlinkedCode(RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToTokens(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code)));
                    glyphDoc += "<h3>Figure Code</h3><pre>" + crCode + "</pre><h4>Condensed</h4><pre>" + code + "</pre><br>";

                    using (var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + title + ".html"))
                    string exampleDoc = "<title>" + title + "</title>"
                                        + "<h1>" + title + " Glyph Function Example</h1>"

                    string str = title + ".png";
                    str         = "<a href=\"" + str + "\"><img src=\"" + str + "\"></a>";
                    exampleDoc += str + "\n";

                    string crCode = TokensToHotlinkedCode(RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToTokens(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(code)));
                    exampleDoc += "<h3>Example Code</h3><pre>" + crCode + "</pre><h4>Condensed</h4><pre>" + code + "</pre><br>";

                    using (var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path + title + ".html"))
Example #14
 public void SetGraphicsApi(GraphicsApi api, Action systemPreAppReinitialisation)
Example #15
 public bool IsGraphicsApiSupported(GraphicsApi api) => true;
Example #16
        public static void SuperDebug(ScratchControl ctl)
            Grid grid = null;

            if (ctl.FileNameInCode == null && ctl.FileNameInImage == null && ctl.FileNameInStl == null && ctl.FileNameInSvg == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Must have FileNameIn type.");

            if (ctl.FileNameInSvg != null)
                Console.WriteLine("SVG Input filename: {0}", ctl.FileNameInSvg);
                string codeString = Svg2Gly.ConvertSvg2Gly(ctl.FileNameInSvg);
                Console.WriteLine("SVG:\n" + codeString);

                Code code = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(codeString);
                if (ctl.Resize != null)
                    code = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToRescaledCode(code, ctl.Resize[0], ctl.Resize[1], ctl.Resize[2]);

                Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}\n", codeString);
                grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(code);
            else if (ctl.FileNameInStl != null)
                grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateGrid(64, 64, 64, 4);

                Console.WriteLine("STL Input filename: {0}", ctl.FileNameInStl);

                //Load the triangles from the STL file and reduce to a unit 1x1x1 size
                Triangles triangles = RasterLib.RasterApi.StlToTriangles(ctl.FileNameInStl);
                Console.WriteLine("Triangle count: {0}", triangles.Count);

                //Render the triangles to the grid, will autosize to grid size
                RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderTrianglesToGrid(triangles, grid);
            else if (ctl.FileNameInImage != null)
                Grid        gridImg = GraphicsApi.FileToGrid(ctl.FileNameInImage);
                GridContext gc      = new GridContext(gridImg);
                int div = 63;// 31;// 15;
                grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateGrid(gridImg.SizeX, 255 / div + 1, gridImg.SizeY, 4);

                Extrusion(grid, gridImg, div);
                Grid gridIsometricScaledQuick = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderIsometricCellsScaled(grid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4);
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(ctl.FileNameOutIsometric, gridIsometricScaledQuick);
            else if (ctl.FileNameInCode != null)
                string codeString = RasterLib.RasterApi.ReadGlyc(ctl.FileNameInCode).Replace(';', '\n');

                Code code = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(codeString);
                Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}\n", codeString);

                Codename codename = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToCodename(code);
                Console.WriteLine("Codename: {0}\n", codename);

                if (ctl.OutputTokens)
                    TokenList glyphTokens = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToTokens(code);
                    string    tokenDesc   = "Tokens:\n" + glyphTokens + "\n";

                if (ctl.Resize != null)
                    code = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToRescaledCode(code, ctl.Resize[0], ctl.Resize[1], ctl.Resize[2]);

                grid = RasterLib.RasterApi.CodeToGrid(code);
                Console.WriteLine("Grid: {0}\n", grid);

                if (ctl.FileNameOutOrthogonalAnimated || ctl.FileNameOutIsometricAnimated)
                    ControlAnimator.DoAnimation(ctl, code.codeString, codename.ToString());

            //DownSolver ds = new GeneralLibrary.DownSolver(codeString);

            if (ctl.OutputBytes && grid != null)
                string bytesDesc = RasterLib.RasterApi.BytesToString(grid.CloneData());
                Console.WriteLine("GridBytes:\n{0}\n", bytesDesc);

            RectList rects = RasterLib.RasterApi.GridToRects(grid);

            if (ctl.OutputRectangles)//rects
                Console.WriteLine("Rects: {0}\n{1}", rects.Count, rects);
                RasterLib.RasterApi.BuildCircuit(rects, true);

                string serialized = RasterLib.RasterApi.RectsToSerializedRectsLimit255(rects).SerializedData;
                Console.WriteLine("Serialized Rects: (len={0})\n{1}\n", serialized.Length, serialized);

                RasterLib.RasterApi.SaveFlatText("..\\..\\foo.txt", serialized);
                SerializedRects serializedRects = new SerializedRects(serialized);
                RectList        rectsDecoded    = RectConverter.SerializedRectsToRects(serializedRects);

                int count = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("# of Decoded Rects = {0}", rectsDecoded.Count);
                foreach (Rect rect in rectsDecoded)
                    Console.WriteLine(count + " : " + rect);

            if (ctl.OutputRenderedAscii)
                Console.WriteLine("2d view:\n{0}", RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.GridToHexDescription(grid));
                Console.WriteLine("3d view:\n{0}", RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.GridTo3DDescription(grid, 0, 0, 0));

            if (ctl.OutputSceneGraph)
                Scene     scene     = RasterLib.RasterApi.RectsToScene(rects); Console.WriteLine("Scene: {0}", scene);
                QuadList  quads     = RasterLib.RasterApi.RectsToQuads(rects); Console.WriteLine("Quads: {0}", quads);
                Triangles triangles = RasterLib.RasterApi.QuadsToTriangles(quads); Console.WriteLine("Triangles: {0}", triangles);

            if (ctl.FileNameOutStl != null)
                ControlStl.Control(ctl, rects);

            if (ctl.FileNameOutOrthogonal != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Orthogonal Rendering..");
                Grid gridOrthogonal = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderObliqueCells(grid);
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(ctl.FileNameOutOrthogonal, gridOrthogonal);

            if (ctl.FileNameOutIsometric != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Isometric Rendering..");
                if (ctl.IsometricCellWidth < 1)
                    ctl.IsometricCellWidth = 1;
                if (ctl.IsometricCellHeight < 1)
                    ctl.IsometricCellHeight = 1;
                Grid gridIsometricScaled = RasterLib.RasterApi.Renderer.RenderIsometricCellsScaled(grid,
                                                                                                   ctl.IsometricCellWidth, ctl.IsometricCellHeight);
                GraphicsApi.SaveFlatPng(ctl.FileNameOutIsometric, gridIsometricScaled);

 public SetIntersightGraphicsController()
     ApiInstance = new GraphicsApi(Config);
     ModelObject = new GraphicsController();
     MethodName  = "UpdateGraphicsControllerWithHttpInfo";
 public GetIntersightGraphicsController()
     ApiInstance = new GraphicsApi(Config);
     MethodName  = "GetGraphicsControllerListWithHttpInfo";