internal static CompGlower GetGlower(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._glower == null) { _GlowFlooder._glower = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("glower", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._glower == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect GlowFlooder.glower!", 305432421); } } return((CompGlower)_GlowFlooder._glower.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static Color32[] GetGlowGrid(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._glowGrid == null) { _GlowFlooder._glowGrid = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("glowGrid", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._glowGrid == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect GlowFlooder.glowGrid!", 305432421); } } return((Color32[])_GlowFlooder._glowGrid.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static Map GetMap(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._map == null) { _GlowFlooder._map = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("map", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._map == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect!", 305432421); } } return((Map)_GlowFlooder._map.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static Thing[] GetBlockers(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._blockers == null) { _GlowFlooder._blockers = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("blockers", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._blockers == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect GlowFlooder.blockers!", 305432421); } } return((Thing[])_GlowFlooder._blockers.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static ushort GetGridSizeXMinus1(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._gridSizeXMinus1 == null) { _GlowFlooder._gridSizeXMinus1 = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("gridSizeXMinus1", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._gridSizeXMinus1 == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect GlowFlooder.gridSizeXMinus1!", 305432421); } } return((ushort)_GlowFlooder._gridSizeXMinus1.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static FastPriorityQueue <int> GetOpenSet(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._openSet == null) { _GlowFlooder._openSet = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("openSet", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._openSet == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect GlowFlooder.openSet!", 305432421); } } return((FastPriorityQueue <int>)_GlowFlooder._openSet.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static uint GetFinalizedVal(this GlowFlooder _this) { if (_GlowFlooder._finalizedVal == null) { _GlowFlooder._finalizedVal = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("finalizedVal", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (_GlowFlooder._finalizedVal == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("Unable to reflect GlowFlooder.finalizedVal!", 305432421); } } return((uint)_GlowFlooder._finalizedVal.GetValue(_this)); }
internal static void FloodGlow(GlowerPorperties prop, Color32[] grid, Map map, GlowFlooder flooder) { if (removedProps[map.Index].Contains(prop)) { return; } if (prop.glower.parent.Destroyed || !prop.glower.parent.Spawned) { return; } flooder.AddFloodGlowFor(prop.glower, grid); }
internal static void AddFloodGlowFor(this GlowFlooder g, CompGlower theGlower) { if (g.GetCalcGrid() == null) { MethodInfo method = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetMethod("InitializeWorkingData", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.NonPublic); method.Invoke(g, new object[] { }); } typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("glowGrid", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(g, g.GetMap().glowGrid.glowGrid); typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("glower", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(g, theGlower); Thing[] innerArray = g.GetMap().edificeGrid.InnerArray; typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("unseenVal", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(g, g.GetUnseenVal() + 3u ); typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("openVal", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(g, g.GetOpenVal() + 3u ); typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("finalizedVal", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(g, g.GetFinalizedVal() + 3u ); IntVec3 position = g.GetGlower().parent.Position; typeof(GlowFlooder).GetField("attenLinearSlope", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(g, -1f / g.GetGlower().Props.glowRadius); int num = Mathf.RoundToInt(g.GetGlower().Props.glowRadius * 100f); IntVec3 intVec = default(IntVec3); IntVec3 c = default(IntVec3); int num2 = 0; CellIndices cellIndices = g.GetMap().cellIndices; g.GetOpenSet().Clear(); int num3 = (position.z << (int)g.GetGridSizeZLog2()) + position.x; g.GetCalcGrid()[num3].intDist = 100; g.GetOpenSet().Push(num3); while (g.GetOpenSet().Count != 0) { int num4 = g.GetOpenSet().Pop(); intVec.x = (int)((ushort)(num4 & (int)g.GetGridSizeXMinus1())); intVec.z = (int)((ushort)(num4 >> (int)g.GetGridSizeZLog2())); g.GetCalcGrid()[num4].status = g.GetFinalizedVal(); MethodInfo method0 = typeof(GlowFlooder).GetMethod("SetGlowGridFromDist", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.NonPublic); method0.Invoke(g, new object[] { intVec }); if (UnityData.isDebugBuild && DebugViewSettings.drawGlow) { g.GetMap().debugDrawer.FlashCell(intVec, (float)g.GetCalcGrid()[num4].intDist / 10f, g.GetCalcGrid()[num4].intDist.ToString("F2")); num2++; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { c.x = (int)((ushort)(intVec.x + (int)_GlowFlooder.Directions[i, 0])); c.z = (int)((ushort)(intVec.z + (int)_GlowFlooder.Directions[i, 1])); int num5 = (c.z << (int)g.GetGridSizeZLog2()) + c.x; if (c.InBounds(g.GetMap())) { if (g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].status != g.GetFinalizedVal()) { g.GetBlockers()[i] = innerArray[cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)]; if (g.GetBlockers()[i] != null) { if (g.GetBlockers()[i].def.blockLight) { goto IL_47C; } g.GetBlockers()[i] = null; } int num6; if (i < 4) { num6 = 100; } else { num6 = 141; } int num7 = g.GetCalcGrid()[num4].intDist + num6; if (num7 <= num) { if (g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].status != g.GetFinalizedVal()) { if (i >= 4) { bool flag = false; switch (i) { case 4: if (g.GetBlockers()[0] != null && g.GetBlockers()[1] != null) { flag = true; } break; case 5: if (g.GetBlockers()[1] != null && g.GetBlockers()[2] != null) { flag = true; } break; case 6: if (g.GetBlockers()[2] != null && g.GetBlockers()[3] != null) { flag = true; } break; case 7: if (g.GetBlockers()[0] != null && g.GetBlockers()[3] != null) { flag = true; } break; } if (flag) { goto IL_47C; } } if (g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].status <= g.GetUnseenVal()) { g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].intDist = 999999; g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].status = g.GetOpenVal(); } if (num7 < g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].intDist) { g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].intDist = num7; g.GetCalcGrid()[num5].status = g.GetOpenVal(); g.GetOpenSet().Push(num5); } } } } } IL_47C :; } } }