Example #1
    // Sets the placement of the all toasts
    public static void setToastSettings(GPGToastPlacement placement)
//		if( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android )
//			return;
//		_plugin.Call( "setToastSettings", (int)placement );
		// Sets the placement of the all toasts
		public static void setToastSettings( GPGToastPlacement placement )
			if( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android )

			_plugin.Call( "setToastSettings", (int)placement );
		// Here only for iOS API compatibility. Calls through to setToastSettings.
		public static void setWelcomeBackToastSettings( GPGToastPlacement placement, int offset )
			setToastSettings( placement );
		// Here only for iOS API compatibility. Calls through to setToastSettings.
		public static void setAchievementToastSettings( GPGToastPlacement placement, int offset )
			setToastSettings( placement );
Example #5
	// Sets the placement of the achievement toast
	public static void setAchievementToastSettings( GPGToastPlacement placement, int offset )
		if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer )
			_gplaySetAchievementToastSettings( (int)placement, offset );
 // Here only for iOS API compatibility. Calls through to setToastSettings.
 public static void setWelcomeBackToastSettings(GPGToastPlacement placement, int offset)
 // Here only for iOS API compatibility. Calls through to setToastSettings.
 public static void setAchievementToastSettings(GPGToastPlacement placement, int offset)