Example #1
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb)
            this.villagerAnim.Draw(sb, this.screenPos);

            if (drawWelcomeBox)
                if (openingBox)
                    if (welcomeBoxOpenAnimation.loops <= 0)
                        welcomeBoxOpenAnimation.Draw(sb, this.screenPos);
                        sb.Draw(this.welcomeBoxTex, new Rectangle((int)this.screenPos.X, (int)this.screenPos.Y, welcomeBoxTex.Width, welcomeBoxTex.Height), Color.White);
                else if (closingBox)
                    if (welcomeBoxCloseAnimation.loops <= 0)
                        welcomeBoxCloseAnimation.Draw(sb, this.screenPos);
Example #2
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb)
            sb.Draw(this.backgroundTint, this.backgroundTintRect, Color.Black * 0.75f);

            sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, "Inventory", new Vector2(Window.resolution.X / 2 - this.titleFont.MeasureString("Inventory").X / 2, 40), Color.White);

            Vector2 folderNamePos = new Vector2((int)(25 + (squareSpacing * 2) + (emptySquare.Width * 2) + (emptySquare.Width / 2) - (titleFont.MeasureString(folderTitles[curFolder]).X / 2)), 108);

            sb.DrawString(titleFont, folderTitles[curFolder], folderNamePos, Color.White);
            folderArrow_Left.Draw(sb, new Vector2(folderNamePos.X - 7 - folderArrow_Left.frameWidth, folderNamePos.Y));
            folderArrow_Right.Draw(sb, new Vector2(folderNamePos.X + 7 + titleFont.MeasureString(folderTitles[curFolder]).X, folderNamePos.Y));

            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                    if (folders[curFolder].pages[curPage].squares[x + (y * 5)].isEmpty)
                        sb.Draw(this.emptySquare, new Vector2(25 + (squareSpacing * x) + (x * emptySquare.Width), 150 + (squareSpacing * y) + (y * emptySquare.Width)), Color.White);
                        sb.Draw(this.fullSqaure, new Vector2(25 + (squareSpacing * x) + (x * fullSqaure.Width), 150 + (squareSpacing * y) + (y * fullSqaure.Width)), Color.White);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Square (" + x + ", " + y + ") is empty: " + folders[curFolder].pages[curPage].squares[x + y * 5].isEmpty);

            //Draw name, hp, mp, and money
            sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, this.playerName, new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 205, Window.resolution.Y - 430), Color.White);
            sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, "HP: " + this.curHP + "/" + this.maxHP, new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 225, Window.resolution.Y - 405), Color.White);
            sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, "MP: " + this.curMP + "/" + this.maxMP, new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 225, Window.resolution.Y - 380), Color.White);
            sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, "Money: " + this.money, new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 220, Window.resolution.Y - 355), Color.White);

            //Left column
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                sb.Draw(this.statIcons[i], new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 265, Window.resolution.Y - 320 + (45 * i)), Color.White);
                sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, this.statValues[i].ToString(), new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 220, Window.resolution.Y - 320 + (45 * i) + 10), Color.White);

            //Right column
            for (int j = 4; j < 8; j++)
                int i = j - 4;
                sb.Draw(this.statIcons[j], new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 160, Window.resolution.Y - 320 + (45 * i)), Color.White);
                sb.DrawString(this.titleFont, this.statValues[j].ToString(), new Vector2(Window.resolution.X - 115, Window.resolution.Y - 320 + (45 * i) + 10), Color.White);

            expBar.Draw(sb, new Vector2(558, 500));
Example #3
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb)
            sb.Draw(this.backgroundTex, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Window.resolution.X, (int)Window.resolution.Y), Color.White);
            sb.Draw(this.floorTex, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Window.resolution.X, (int)Window.resolution.Y), Color.White);

            if (curBattleState == Fighter.STATE_IDLE)  //This has to be here s othe gray screen is drawn before the actual stuff
                sb.Draw(this.timeSlowOverlayTex, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Window.resolution.X, (int)Window.resolution.Y), Color.Black * 0.65f);

            foreach (EnemyFighter enemy in enemies)
                sb.Draw(fighterShadowTex, new Rectangle((int)enemy.curScreenPos.X, (int)enemy.curScreenPos.Y + 3, (int)enemy.baseDims.X, (int)enemy.baseDims.Y), Color.White);

            sb.Draw(fighterShadowTex, new Rectangle((int)player.curScreenPos.X, (int)player.curScreenPos.Y + 3, (int)player.baseDims.X, (int)player.baseDims.Y), Color.White);

            if (curBattleState == Fighter.STATE_IDLE)
                sb.DrawString(this.countdownFont, String.Format("{0:0.0}", this.timeUntilFightState / 1000), new Vector2(700 - countdownFont.MeasureString(String.Format("{0:0.0}", this.timeUntilFightState / 1000)).X / 2, 30), (this.timeUntilFightState / 1000 <= 2) ? Color.Red : Color.White);

                if (!drawingFightWheel)
                    if (selectingEnemy)
                        enemySelectorAnim.Draw(sb, new Vector2(enemyScreenPositions[curEnemyHighlightID].X, enemyScreenPositions[curEnemyHighlightID].Y - 55));
            else if (curBattleState == Fighter.STATE_FIGHT)     //this is at the bottom bc moves should alwasy be drawn last
                if (player.isFighting)
                    player.attackList[player.curAttackID].DrawMove(sb); //this isnt happening after the 1st time, something with these variavles
                else if (player.hasAttacked)
                    //enemy attack
Example #4
        public void DrawTilemap(SpriteBatch sb)
            Vector2 firstSquare = new Vector2(Camera.Location.X / Tile.TileWidth, Camera.Location.Y / Tile.TileHeight);
            int     firstX      = (int)firstSquare.X;
            int     firstY      = (int)firstSquare.Y;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("firstX: " + firstX + "   firstY: " + firstY);

            squaresAcross = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(Camera.viewWidth / Tile.TileWidth)) + 1;
            squaresDown   = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(Camera.viewHeight / Tile.TileHeight)) + 2;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Squaresdown: " + squaresDown + "   SquaresAcross: " + squaresAcross);

            for (int y = 0; y < squaresDown; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < squaresAcross; x++)
                    int mapX = firstX + x;
                    int mapY = firstY + y;

                    if ((mapX >= map.mapWidth) || (mapY >= map.mapHeight))   //Makes sure we're not out of bounds

                    foreach (int tileID in map.Rows[mapY].Columns[mapX].BaseTiles)
                        if (tileID == Tile.OVERWORLD_WATER)   //maybe changethis to an isAnimated value later
                            FrameAnim tileAnim = new FrameAnim(this.tileAnimSpiteSheets[Tile.OVERWORLD_WATER], map.waterMaxAnimFrame + 1, Tile.TileWidth, Tile.TileHeight, map.waterAnimFrameMS, true, false);
                            tileAnim.curFrameID = map.curWaterAnimFrame;
                            tileAnim.Draw(sb, Camera.WorldToScreen(new Vector2(mapX * Tile.TileWidth, mapY * Tile.TileHeight)));
                            sb.Draw(Tile.TileSetTexture,             //this calls the tileset that the tile texture comes from
                                    Camera.WorldToScreen(new Vector2(mapX * Tile.TileWidth, mapY * Tile.TileHeight)),
                                    Tile.GetSourceRectangle(tileID), //this calls the position from the tileset of the tile
Example #5
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, GFXHandler gh, GameTime gameTime)
            if (gameHandler.curSceneID == Scene.ID_OVERWORLD)
                this.worldScene.Draw(sb, gh);
            else if (gameHandler.curSceneID == Scene.ID_BATTLE)

            //sb.Draw(this.mousePointerTex, new Rectangle(Mouse.GetState().Position.X, Mouse.GetState().Position.Y, this.mousePointerTex.Width, this.mousePointerTex.Height), Color.White);
            mousePointer.Draw(sb, new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().Position.X, Mouse.GetState().Position.Y));
Example #6
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb)
            spriteAnim.Draw(sb, screenPos);

            //sb.Draw(this.debugTex, new Rectangle((int)this.screenPos.X, (int)this.screenPos.Y, this.bounds.Width, this.bounds.Height), Color.White);