Example #1
        //protected override int GetPW(int qilo, int pwval, int qtime) {
        //  return pwval;

        protected override int GetPixPerNote(Forms.frmTrackMap frm) //frm not used here
            if (IShowNoteMap.OneOct)
            return(IShowNoteMap.GetPixPerNoteInt() * (int)IShowNoteMap.nudHeightVal);
Example #2
 //* used by frmMultiMap - one trk only
 internal clsPicNoteMapMM(Forms.frmTrackMap multimap, PictureBox pic, clsTrks.T trk)
     : base(pic, trk, false, multimap.BarFont, false)
     frmMM = multimap;
     //FileName = multimap.FileName;
     //NoteMap = multimap.NoteMap;
     //MaxQTime = multimap.MaxQTime;
     //NumTrks = multimap.NumTrks;
     //QIdd = multimap.QIdd;
     //TicksPerQI = multimap.TicksPerQI;
     //FirstTrk = false;
Example #3
        internal Size SetPicSize(Forms.frmTrackMap frm)
            PixPerNote = VFactor;
            if (!OneOct)
                PixPerNote = GetPixPerNote(frm);
            if (PixPerNote == 0)
                PixPerNote    = 1;
                Pic.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
                Pic.BackColor = Color.White;
            BarDivMod = BarDiv;
            if (ShowBeats && BarDiv != 1)
                BarDivMod = 1;
            ShowBarNumbers = (BarDiv > 0 && BarFont != null);
            if (OneOct)
                Height = 12 * PixPerNote;
                Height = GetTrkHeight(frm);
            if (ShowBarNumbers)
                Height += BarFont.Height;
            Width = (P.F.MaxBBT.QI * HFactor) / HDiv;
            Size size = new Size(Width, Height);

            Pic.ClientSize = size;
            //if (frm != null && Trk == frm.RecTrk) Debugger.Break();
Example #4
        private void DrawChord(clsNoteMap notemap, Graphics xgr, Forms.frmTrackMap frm, int pwval, int qtime,
                               int hdiv, int vfactor)
            string name = Pic.Name;

            //int trk = Trk;
            int[] chweights   = null;
            int   maxchweight = 0;
            Brush brush;

            if (pwval != 8192)
                brush = BrushPW;
                brush = BrushNoPW;
            int noteborder = (ShowKB) ? vfactor / 3 : 0; //vertical pixels not coloured in (to allow black keyboard notes to be seen)

            if (Trk == null)                             //all channels (not multimap)
            //* get chord colours (int[12] chweights)
                bool[] boolmap;
                if (Weighted)
                    boolmap = notemap.IsF(qtime);
                    boolmap = notemap[qtime];
                ChordDB.clsDesc desc = ChordDB.GetChord(boolmap);
                if (desc != null) //matches chord exactly
                //brush = clsChBrush.GetOldBrush(desc.Rank);
                    brush = clsChBrush.GetOldBrush();
                else //no match - show note weights
                    chweights   = ChordDB.GetChordWeights(boolmap);
                    maxchweight = chweights.Max();

            int width = Math.Max(1, HFactor / hdiv);

            if (!OneOct) //frmMultiMap or notemap.midi
            //* calc note display limits
            //int minpitch, maxpitch;
            //GetMinMaxPitch(out minpitch, out maxpitch);
            //int y, minc;
            //GetYMinC(frm, out y, out minc);

            //* draw note if notemap[..] true
                for (int note = MinPitchShow; note <= MaxPitchShow; note++)
                    if (!GetNoteMap(notemap, qtime, note, false))
                    int notemod = note.Mod12();
                    if (Pic.Name == "picNoteMapMidi")
                        //brush = Brushes.Black;
                        if (P.F.CF != null && P.F.CF.NoteMap[qtime, note.Mod12()])
                            brush = P.ColorsNoteMap["Note Match"].Br;
                            brush = P.ColorsNoteMap["Note No Match"].Br;
                    else if (Pic == P.frmSC.picNoteMap)
                        for (int i = 0; i < P.frmSC.MapTrks.Count; i++)
                            clsTrks.T trk    = P.frmSC.MapTrks[i];
                            int       trknum = trk.TrkNum;
                            if (trknum > 15)
                                trknum %= 16;
                            if (((clsNoteMapMidi)notemap)[qtime, note, trk, false])
                                brush = TrkBrushes[i];
                                xgr.FillRectangle(brush, (qtime * HFactor) / hdiv, GetY(note - MinC, PixPerNoteInt), width, vfactor);
                        brush = GetNoteBrush(chweights, maxchweight, brush, notemod, notemap, qtime);
                    if (frm?.NoteMap?.Delete != null && //trackmap
                        Trk == frm.MouseTrk &&
                        frm.NoteMap.Delete[qtime, note])
                        brush = Brushes.Red;
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brush, (qtime * HFactor) / hdiv, GetY(note - MinC, PixPerNoteInt), width, vfactor);
            else //oneoct - called from frm NoteMap (any) or frmMultiMap
            //* draw note if notemap[..] true
                for (int notemod = 0; notemod < 12; notemod++)
                    if (!GetNoteMap(notemap, qtime, notemod))
                    if (Pic.Name == "picNoteMapMidi")
                        brush = Brushes.Black;
                        if (P.F.CF != null && P.F.CF.NoteMap[qtime, notemod])
                            brush = P.ColorsNoteMap["Note Match"].Br;
                            brush = P.ColorsNoteMap["Note No Match"].Br;
                        brush = GetNoteBrush(chweights, maxchweight, brush, notemod, notemap, qtime);
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brush, (qtime * HFactor) / hdiv, GetY(notemod, vfactor) + noteborder, width, vfactor - 2 * noteborder);
                if ((Pic.Name == "picNoteMapMidi" || Pic.Name == "picNoteMapQuant") &&
                    (P.F.frmChordMapAdv != null && P.F.frmChordMapAdv.optChordMatch.Checked))
                    //* check if pitchclass (pc) present in notemapcf, but not in pic
                    for (int pc = 0; pc < 12; pc++)
                        if (P.F.CF.NoteMap[qtime, pc] && !GetNoteMap(notemap, qtime, pc))
                            Brush gbrush = clsChBrush.Green;
                            xgr.FillRectangle(gbrush, (qtime * HFactor) / hdiv, GetY(pc, vfactor) + noteborder, width, vfactor - 2 * noteborder);
Example #5
 protected override int GetTrkHeight(Forms.frmTrackMap frm) //frm not used here
     return(P.frmSC.VFactor * Octaves * 12);
Example #6
 protected override int GetPixPerNote(Forms.frmTrackMap frm) //frm not used here
Example #7
        internal void PaintMap(clsNoteMap notemap, Forms.frmTrackMap frm, Graphics xgr, int pixlo, int pixhi, clsMTime mtime)
            //* frm = frmMultiMap if multimap and showing multiple octaves
            //* bardiv=0: don't show bars
            //if (Pic.Name == "picNoteMapCF") Debugger.Break();
            //pixlo = 0;
            //pixhi = NoteMap.GetLengthQTime();
            //Brush brushkb = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200));
            Brush brushkb = P.ColorsNoteMap["Keyboard"].Br;
            int   qilo    = (pixlo * HDiv) / HFactor;
            int   qihi    = (pixhi * HDiv) / HFactor;

            if (qihi > P.F.MaxBBT.QI)
                qihi = P.F.MaxBBT.QI;
            //SetPicSize(frm);  //call moved to frmMultiMap & frmNoteMap
            //if (!Loc.IsEmpty) Pic.Location = Loc;
            Pen penline = new Pen(Color.Black);

            if (ShowBarNumbers)
                int y = BarFont.Height;
                xgr.DrawLine(penline, 0, y, Width, y); //start
            //* draw keyboard
            if (ShowKB)
                int hi = 12;
                if (!OneOct)
                    hi = Octaves * 12;
                    //if (frm != null) hi = frm.Octaves[Trk] * 12;  //frmMultiMap
                    //else hi = P.F.frmNoteMap.Octaves * 12;  //frmNoteMap
                for (int o = 0; o < hi; o += 12)
                    int   kbxlo = pixlo, kbxhi = pixhi;
                    int[] offset = new int[] { 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 };
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brushkb, kbxlo, GetY(o + offset[0], PixPerNote), kbxhi, PixPerNote); //C#
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brushkb, kbxlo, GetY(o + offset[1], PixPerNote), kbxhi, PixPerNote); //E-
                    //xgr.DrawLine(penline, kbxlo, GetY(o+4), kbxhi, GetY(4));   //E|F
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brushkb, kbxlo, GetY(o + offset[2], PixPerNote), kbxhi, PixPerNote); //F#
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brushkb, kbxlo, GetY(o + offset[3], PixPerNote), kbxhi, PixPerNote); //G#
                    xgr.FillRectangle(brushkb, kbxlo, GetY(o + offset[4], PixPerNote), kbxhi, PixPerNote); //B-

            //* draw notes
            //Color color = Color.Black;
            int pwval = 8192;

            //for (int qtime = 0; qtime < NoteMap.GetLengthQTime(); qtime++) {
            for (int qtime = qilo; qtime < qihi; qtime++)
                //if (qtime >= notemap.GetLengthQTime()) break;
                if (qtime >= P.F.MaxBBT.QI)
                //pwval = GetPW(qilo, pwval, qtime);
                //if (frm != null) pwval = ((clsNoteMapMidi)notemap).PB[Trk][qtime];
                if (frm != null)
                    pwval = ((clsNoteMapMidi)notemap).GetPB(Trk, qtime);
                //if (pwval != 8192) color = Color.SkyBlue; else color = Color.Black;
                DrawChord(notemap, xgr, frm, pwval, qtime, HDiv, PixPerNote);

            //draw bars
            // height was GetY(-1, pixpernote);
            DrawBars(BarFont, xgr, Height, ShowBeats, HFactor, HDiv, BarDivMod, qilo, qihi, mtime);
Example #8
 protected abstract void GetRanges(Forms.frmTrackMap frm);
Example #9
 protected abstract int GetTrkHeight(Forms.frmTrackMap frm);
Example #10
 protected abstract int GetPixPerNote(Forms.frmTrackMap frm);
Example #11
 protected override int GetTrkHeight(Forms.frmTrackMap frm) //frm not used here
Example #12
 protected override int GetTrkHeight(Forms.frmTrackMap frm)
Example #13
        //protected override int GetPW(int qilo, int pwval, int qtime) {
        //  if (qtime == qilo) pwval = frmMM.FileStream.PitchBend[Trk].SearchGetValueQI(qtime);
        //  else pwval = frmMM.FileStream.PitchBend[Trk].SeqGetValueQI(qtime);
        //  return pwval;

        protected override int GetPixPerNote(Forms.frmTrackMap frm)
            return(frm.GetPixPerNoteInt(Octaves)); //frmMultiMap