Example #1
 public override bool  Match(FeedInfo feed)
     //compare as defined ...
Example #2
        private void ImportGroup(XmlElement root, IResource rootGroup, ImportUtils.FeedUpdateData defaultUpdatePeriod, bool addToWorkspace)
            // Import all groups
            XmlNodeList l = root.SelectNodes("RssFeedsCategory");

            if (l != null)
                foreach (XmlElement group in l)
                    string name = group.GetAttribute("name");
                    if (name == null)
                        name = "Unknown group";
                    IResource iGroup = _plugin.FindOrCreateGroup(name, rootGroup);
                    ImportGroup(group, iGroup, defaultUpdatePeriod, addToWorkspace);
            // Import all elements
            IResource feedRes = null;

            l = root.SelectNodes("RssFeed");
            if (l != null)
                foreach (XmlElement feed in l)
                    string s = feed.GetAttribute("url");

                    if (s == null)
                    // May be, we are already subscribed?
                    if (Core.ResourceStore.FindUniqueResource("RSSFeed", "URL", s) != null)

                    FeedInfo info = new FeedInfo();
                    info.url = s;

                    // Ok, now we should create feed
                    feedRes = Core.ResourceStore.NewResource("RSSFeed");

                    feedRes.SetProp("URL", s);

                    ImportUtils.Attrib2Prop(feed, "name", feedRes, Core.Props.Name, Props.OriginalName);
                    ImportUtils.Attrib2Prop(feed, "etag", feedRes, Props.ETag);
                    ImportUtils.Attrib2Prop(feed, "authUserName", feedRes, Props.HttpUserName);
                    s = feed.GetAttribute("authPassword");
                    if (s != null)
                        string sharpReaderPassword         = "******";
                        MD5CryptoServiceProvider       MD5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                        TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider DES = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
                        DES.Key  = MD5.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sharpReaderPassword));
                        DES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;

                        byte[] DESed   = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
                        byte[] DeDESed = DES.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(DESed, 0, DESed.Length);
                        // Huuray!
                        feedRes.SetProp(Props.HttpPassword, Encoding.Unicode.GetString(DeDESed));

                    s = feed.GetAttribute("lastRefresh");
                    if (s != null)
                        DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(s);
                        feedRes.SetProp(Props.LastUpdateTime, dt);

                    // Peridoically
                    ImportUtils.FeedUpdateData upd;
                    s = feed.GetAttribute("refreshMinutes");
                    if (s != null)
                        upd = ImportUtils.ConvertUpdatePeriod(s, 1);
                        upd = defaultUpdatePeriod;
                    feedRes.SetProp(Props.UpdatePeriod, upd.period);
                    feedRes.SetProp(Props.UpdateFrequency, upd.freq);

                    // Cached?
                    info.cacheFile = GetCacheNameByURL(info.url);

                    // Feed is ready
                    feedRes.AddLink(Core.Props.Parent, rootGroup);

                    info.feed = feedRes;
                    if (addToWorkspace)
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to implement for a feed compare. Should return true,
 /// if the criteria match that feed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed">FeedInfo to compare (work on)</param>
 /// <returns>true, if the feed match</returns>
 public abstract bool Match(FeedInfo feed);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// [Not yet implemented]
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feed"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool Match(FeedInfo feed)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Import subscription
        /// </summary>
        public void DoImport(IResource importRoot, bool addToWorkspace)
            IResource feedRes = null;

            importRoot = _plugin.FindOrCreateGroup("RssBandit subscriptions", importRoot);

            // We will add info about imported feeds here
            _importedFeeds = new ArrayList();

            ImportUtils.UpdateProgress(0, _progressMessage);
            // Start to import feeds structure
            XmlDocument feedlist = new XmlDocument();

            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("RssBandit subscrption load failed: '" + ex.Message + "'");
                ImportUtils.ReportError("RSS Bandit Subscription Import", "Import of RSS Bandit subscription failed:\n" + ex.Message);

            ImportUtils.FeedUpdateData defaultUpdatePeriod;
            XmlAttribute period = feedlist.SelectSingleNode("/feeds/@refresh-rate") as XmlAttribute;

            if (period != null)
                defaultUpdatePeriod = ImportUtils.ConvertUpdatePeriod(period.Value, 60000);
                defaultUpdatePeriod = ImportUtils.ConvertUpdatePeriod("", 60000);

            XmlNodeList feeds = feedlist.GetElementsByTagName("feed");

            int totalFeeds     = Math.Max(feeds.Count, 1);
            int processedFeeds = 0;

            ImportUtils.UpdateProgress(processedFeeds / totalFeeds, _progressMessage);
            foreach (XmlElement feed in feeds)
                string s = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChildText(feed, "link");

                if (s == null)
                // May be, we are already subscribed?
                if (Core.ResourceStore.FindUniqueResource("RSSFeed", "URL", s) != null)

                FeedInfo info = new FeedInfo();
                info.url = s;

                IResource group = AddCategory(importRoot, feed.GetAttribute("category"));
                // Ok, now we should create feed
                feedRes = Core.ResourceStore.NewResource("RSSFeed");
                feedRes.SetProp("URL", s);

                s = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChildText(feed, "title");
                ImportUtils.Child2Prop(feed, "title", feedRes, Core.Props.Name, Props.OriginalName);

                ImportUtils.Child2Prop(feed, "etag", feedRes, Props.ETag);

                s = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChildText(feed, "last-retrieved");
                if (s != null)
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(s);
                    feedRes.SetProp("LastUpdateTime", dt);

                // Peridoically
                ImportUtils.FeedUpdateData upd;
                s = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChildText(feed, "refresh-rate");
                if (s != null)
                    upd = ImportUtils.ConvertUpdatePeriod(s, 60000);
                    upd = defaultUpdatePeriod;
                feedRes.SetProp("UpdatePeriod", upd.period);
                feedRes.SetProp("UpdateFrequency", upd.freq);

                // Cached?
                s = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChildText(feed, "cacheurl");
                if (s != null)
                    info.cacheFile = s;
                    info.cacheFile = null;

                // Login & Password
                ImportUtils.Child2Prop(feed, "auth-user", feedRes, Props.HttpUserName);
                s = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChildText(feed, "auth-password");
                if (s != null)
                    feedRes.SetProp(Props.HttpPassword, DecryptPassword(s));

                // Enclosures
                ImportUtils.Child2Prop(feed, "enclosure-folder", feedRes, Props.EnclosurePath);

                // Try to load "read" list
                XmlElement read = ImportUtils.GetUniqueChild(feed, "stories-recently-viewed");
                if (read != null)
                    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (XmlElement story in read.GetElementsByTagName("story"))
                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        info.readItems = list;
                        info.readItems = null;
                // Feed is ready
                feedRes.AddLink(Core.Props.Parent, group);
                info.feed = feedRes;
                if (addToWorkspace)

                processedFeeds += 100;
                ImportUtils.UpdateProgress(processedFeeds / totalFeeds, _progressMessage);
Example #6
        private void BuildGoogleFeed()
            // the majority of the code to follow is based upon the excellent blog below:
            // http://blog.codenamed.nl/2015/05/14/creating-a-google-shopping-feed-with-c/

            // get an instance of the store application
            var HccApp = HotcakesApplication.Current;

            var totalProducts = 0;
            var feed          = new FeedInfo();

            // get the store URL based upon SSL
            var storeUrl = Request.IsSecureConnection ? HccApp.CurrentStore.RootUrlSecure() : HccApp.CurrentStore.RootUrl();
            // used to get currency code
            var regionInfo = new RegionInfo(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.LCID);

            feed.Link    = storeUrl;
            feed.Title   = HccApp.CurrentStore.StoreName;
            feed.Updated = DateTime.Now;
            feed.Entries = new List <EntryInfo>();

            // find all products in the store that are active
            var searchCriteria = new ProductSearchCriteria
                DisplayInactiveProducts = false

            // using the search instead of querying the Products directly to use cache
            var products = HccApp.CatalogServices.Products.FindByCriteria(searchCriteria, 1, int.MaxValue, ref totalProducts);

            // non-shipping
            var shippingInfo = new ShippingInfo {
                Price = Constants.HARDCODED_PRICE_ZERO
            // not taxable (e.g., software)
            var taxInfo = new TaxInfo {
                Rate = Constants.HARDCODED_PRICE_ZERO

            // iterate through each product and add it to the feed
            foreach (var product in products)
                var productUrl = UrlRewriter.BuildUrlForProduct(product);

                var productEntry = new EntryInfo
                    Availablity           = GetStockMessage(product),            // OPTIONS: preorder, in stock, out of stock
                    Condition             = Constants.CONDITION_NEW,             // OPTIONS: new, refurbished, used
                    Description           = product.LongDescription,
                    GoogleProductCategory = Constants.HARDCODED_GOOGLE_CATEGORY, // hard-coded for this example project (see property attributes)
                    Id          = product.Sku,
                    ImageLink   = DiskStorage.ProductImageUrlMedium(HccApp, product.Bvin, product.ImageFileMedium, Request.IsSecureConnection),
                    Link        = productUrl,
                    MobileLink  = productUrl,
                    Price       = string.Format(Constants.CURRENCY_TEXT_FORMAT, product.SitePrice.ToString(Constants.CURRENCY_FORMAT), regionInfo.ISOCurrencySymbol),
                    ProductType = GetFirstAvailableCategory(HccApp, product.Bvin), // put your preferred site category here
                    Title       = product.ProductName,
                    MPN         = product.Sku,                                     // this should be replaced with real data
                    Brand       = product.VendorId,                                // this should be replaced with real data
                    Color       = string.Empty,
                    Gender      = Constants.GENDER_UNISEX,                         // OPTIONS: male, female, unisex
                    AgeGroup    = Constants.AGE_GROUP_ADULT,                       // OPTIONS: newborn, infant, toddler, kids, adult
                    GTIN        = GenerateGTIN()                                   // this should be replaced with real data

                // this could and should be iterated on to show shipping options for up to 100 locations
                productEntry.Shipping = new List <ShippingInfo>();

                // this could and should be iterated on to show taxes for up to 100 locations
                productEntry.Tax = new List <TaxInfo>();


            // simply done to display the feed in the textbox
            // alternatives could be to send this through a web service or other means
            txtGoogleFeed.Text = feed.SerializeObject();
Example #7
 public FeedConfigViewModel(FeedInfo info)
     Data   = info;
     _feeds = new ObservableCollection <FeedItemInfo>(info.Feeds);
        private static bool Filter(FeedInfo f, IEnumerable <string> subscribedAnimes)
            var unpackedTitle = OptionUtils.UnpackOption(f.AnimeTitle.Value, string.Empty);

Example #9
        public List<FeedInfo> GetRss()
            List<FeedInfo> listrss = new List<FeedInfo>();
                string rssurl = "http://www.jqpress.com/feed/post.aspx";
                XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(rssurl);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[2];

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        FeedInfo post = new FeedInfo();
                        post.title = dr["title"].ToString();
                        post.description = dr["description"].ToString();
                        post.link = dr["link"].ToString();
                        post.pubDate = dr["pubDate"].ToString();

            catch (Exception e) { }
            return listrss;
		public FeedInfoEqualityTest()
			_sut1 = new FeedInfo();
			_sut2 = new FeedInfo();
Example #11
        public static Tuple <DateTime, DateTime> GetFeedDateRange(GTFSFeed feed)
            FeedInfo info = feed.GetFeedInfo();

            if (info.StartDate != null && info.EndDate != null)
                return(new Tuple <DateTime, DateTime>(
                           DateTime.ParseExact(info.StartDate, "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                           DateTime.ParseExact(info.EndDate, "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

            DateTime?minStartLeft  = null;
            DateTime?minStartRight = null;
            DateTime?maxEndLeft    = null;
            DateTime?maxEndRight   = null;

            DateTime minStart;
            DateTime maxEnd;

            if (feed.Calendars.Any())
                minStartLeft = feed.Calendars.Min(x => x.StartDate);
                maxEndLeft   = feed.Calendars.Max(x => x.EndDate);

            if (feed.CalendarDates.Any())
                minStartRight = feed.CalendarDates.Where(x => x.ExceptionType == ExceptionType.Added).Min(x => x.Date);
                maxEndRight   = feed.CalendarDates.Where(x => x.ExceptionType == ExceptionType.Added).Max(x => x.Date);

            if (minStartLeft.HasValue && minStartRight.HasValue)
                if (minStartLeft > minStartRight)
                    minStart = minStartRight.Value;
                    minStart = minStartLeft.Value;
                if (minStartLeft.HasValue)
                    minStart = minStartLeft.Value;
                    minStart = minStartRight.Value;

            if (maxEndLeft.HasValue && maxEndRight.HasValue)
                if (maxEndLeft > maxEndRight)
                    maxEnd = maxEndLeft.Value;
                    maxEnd = maxEndLeft.Value;
                if (maxEndLeft.HasValue)
                    maxEnd = maxEndLeft.Value;
                    maxEnd = maxEndRight.Value;

            return(new Tuple <DateTime, DateTime>(minStart, maxEnd));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the list of articles from the stream and returns the feed item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">Information about the feed. This information is updated based
        /// on the results of processing the feed.</param>
        /// <param name="newsgroupListStream">A stream containing an nntp news group list.</param>
        /// <param name="response">The response.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheDataService">The cache data service to store embedded binary content.</param>
        /// <param name="cachedStream">Flag states update last retrieved date on feed only
        /// if the item was not cached. Indicates whether the lastretrieved date is updated
        /// on the NewsFeed object passed in.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A FeedInfo containing the NewsItem objects
        /// </returns>
        internal static FeedInfo GetItemsForNewsGroup(INewsFeed f, Stream newsgroupListStream, WebResponse response, IUserCacheDataService cacheDataService, bool cachedStream)
            int readItems          = 0;
            List <INewsItem> items = new List <INewsItem>();
            NewsItem         item;

            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

            // just to have the source for the item to build to track down issues:
            StringBuilder itemSource = new StringBuilder();
            NntpWebResponse nntpResponse = (NntpWebResponse)response;

            FeedInfo fi = new FeedInfo(f.id, f.cacheurl, items, f.title, f.link, String.Empty);

                foreach (MimeMessage msg in nntpResponse.Articles)
                    string   parentId;
                    string   id;
                    string   author  = parentId = id = null;
                    DateTime pubDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    content.Length = 0;

                    string title;
                    if (msg.Subject != null)
                        title = EscapeXML(msg.Subject.Value);
                        title = "";

                    UnstructuredField fld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.MessageID) as UnstructuredField;
                    if (fld != null)
                        id = fld.Value;

                    MailboxListField mfld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.From) as MailboxListField;
                    if (mfld != null && mfld.MailboxList.Count > 0)
                        author = mfld.MailboxList[0].AddressString;

                    fld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.References) as UnstructuredField;
                    if (fld != null)
                        // returns the hierarchy path: the last one is our real parent:
                        string[] singleRefs = fld.Value.Split(' ');
                        if (singleRefs.Length > 0)
                            parentId = CreateGoogleUrlFromID(singleRefs[singleRefs.Length - 1]);
                    DateTimeField dfld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.Date) as DateTimeField;
                    if (dfld != null)
                        pubDate = dfld.DateValue;

                    ITextBody txtBody = msg.Body as ITextBody;
                    if (txtBody != null)

                        content = NntpClient.DecodeBody(content,
                                                        (fileName, bytes) =>
                            string name = PrepareEmbeddedFileUrl(fileName, id, nntpResponse.ResponseUri);
                            // we replace the uuencoded/yencoded binary content with a clickable link:
                            if (IsImage(fileName))
                                return(String.Format("<img src='{1}' alt='{0}'></img>", fileName,
                                                     cacheDataService.SaveBinaryContent(name, bytes).AbsoluteUri));
                            return(String.Format("<a href='{1}'>{0}</a>", fileName,
                                                 cacheDataService.SaveBinaryContent(name, bytes).AbsoluteUri));
                                                        line =>
                            // escape HTML/XML special chars:
                            return(line.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace("]]>", "]]&gt;"));

                        content = content.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br>");

                    if (id != null)
                        item              = new NewsItem(f, title, CreateGoogleUrlFromID(id), content.ToString(), author, pubDate, id, parentId);
                        item.FeedDetails  = fi;
                        item.CommentStyle = SupportedCommentStyle.NNTP;
                        item.Enclosures   = Collections.GetList <IEnclosure> .Empty;
                        _log.Warn("No message-id header found for item:\r\n" + itemSource.ToString());
                        _log.Warn("No message-id header found for item.");

                //update last retrieved date on feed only if the item was not cached.)
                if (!cachedStream)
                    f.lastretrieved          = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                    f.lastretrievedSpecified = true;

                //any new items in feed?
                if ((items.Count == 0) || (readItems == items.Count))
                    f.containsNewMessages = false;
                    f.containsNewMessages = true;

            catch (Exception e)
                _log.Error("Retriving NNTP articles from " + nntpResponse.ResponseUri + " caused an exception", e);

Example #13
 public static async Task UpdateFeedInfoAsync(FeedInfo f)
     await _db.UpdateAsync(f);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 如果f存在,则返回它的id;如果f不存在,则插入并返回它的插入后的id
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <int> InsertOrReplaceFeedAsync(FeedInfo f)
            await _db.InsertOrReplaceAsync(f);

Example #15
 public async static Task RemoveAFeedAsync(FeedInfo feed)
     await _db.DeleteAsync(feed);