Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// onSceneCreated this function is called whenever the current gamestate is changed. This function should contain logic that
        /// needs to be processed before the state is shown for the player. This could be enteties that's not able to be created pre-runtime.
        /// </summary>
        public void onSceneCreated()
            DrawableTextComponent text1 = new DrawableTextComponent("Map:", Color.Black, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Menufont"));
            PositionComponent     pos1  = new PositionComponent(new Vector2(0, Game.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 80));
            int           id1           = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();
            FadeComponent fc2           = new FadeComponent(1, 3);

            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id1, text1);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id1, pos1);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id1, fc2);

            draw = new DrawableTextComponent("Whiteboard", Color.Black, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Menufont"));
            PositionComponent pos2 = new PositionComponent(new Vector2(105, Game.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 80));

            kbc1 = new KeyBoardComponent();
            FadeComponent fc = new FadeComponent(1, 3);

            kbc1.keyBoardActions.Add(ActionsEnum.Left, Keys.Right);
            newId = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(newId, fc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(newId, draw);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(newId, pos2);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(newId, kbc1);

            DrawableTextComponent text = new DrawableTextComponent("Press Enter To Start", Color.Black, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Menufont"));
            PositionComponent     pos  = new PositionComponent(new Vector2(300, 0));
            KeyBoardComponent     kbc  = new KeyBoardComponent();
            FadeComponent         fc3  = new FadeComponent(1, 3);

            kbc.keyBoardActions.Add(ActionsEnum.Enter, Keys.Enter);
            textId = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId, kbc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId, text);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId, pos);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId, fc3);

            DrawableTextComponent text2 = new DrawableTextComponent("Press Right-Arrow key To Change Map", Color.Black, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Menufont"));
            PositionComponent     pos3  = new PositionComponent(new Vector2(180, 50));
            int           textId2       = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();
            FadeComponent fc4           = new FadeComponent(1, 3);

            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId2, text2);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId2, pos3);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId2, fc4);

            DrawableTextComponent text3 = new DrawableTextComponent("Register Character By pressing a Key", Color.Black, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Menufont"));
            PositionComponent     pos4  = new PositionComponent(new Vector2(150, 100));
            FadeComponent         fc5   = new FadeComponent(1, 3);
            int textId3 = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();

            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId3, text3);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId3, pos4);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(textId3, fc5);
Example #2
    private System.Collections.IEnumerator Start()

        _fadeComponent = gameObject.AddComponent <FadeComponent>();
        _fadeComponent.SetFade(1.0f); //start off black

        _dataStore = new DataStore();
        yield return(_dataStore.Init());

        yield return(SetStateInternal("mainmenu"));
        /// <summary>
        /// onSceneCreated this function is called whenever the current gamestate is changed. This function should contain logic that
        /// needs to be processed before the state is shown for the player. This could be enteties that's not able to be created pre-runtime.
        /// </summary>
        public void onSceneCreated()
            //add the enteties which should be displayed on the screen when the players choose their caracters. Player enteties is to be created after leaving this state therefore the
            //add entetiestolist - function needs to be called before entering the playing-state

            DrawableTextComponent dtx = new DrawableTextComponent("Flappy Ass, version 1.0 By: PT2", Color.Tomato, Game.Instance.GetContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/MenuFont"));
            PositionComponent     pc  = new PositionComponent(new Vector2(20, 100));

            fc = new FadeComponent(254, -3);

            int id = ComponentManager.Instance.CreateID();

            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, fc);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, dtx);
            ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(id, pc);

Example #4
 private void Awake()
     _player = PlayerControls.Get();
     _bomb   = Bomb.Get();
     _fade   = FadeComponent.Get();
     if (_player == null)
         Debug.LogError($"Unable to find a {typeof(PlayerControls)} inside this scene.");
     if (_bomb == null)
         Debug.LogError($"Unable to find a {typeof(Bomb)} inside this scene.");
     if (_fade == null)
         Debug.LogError($"Unable to find a {typeof(FadeComponent)} inside this scene.");
Example #5
 protected override void Awake()
     Lights = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <FadeComponent>();
        /// <summary>
        /// draw is the function which handles the actuall drawing of the text in each loop in the game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Takes a GameTime object which should represent the time since the last time this function was called</param>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">Takes a SpriteBatch object which is used to draw the textures directly to the screen</param>
        public void draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            List <int> dra = ComponentManager.Instance.GetAllEntitiesWithComponentType <DrawableTextComponent>();

            if (dra != null)
                foreach (var a in dra)
                    DrawableTextComponent d = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponent <DrawableTextComponent>(a);
                    FadeComponent         f = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponent <FadeComponent>(a);
                    if (f != null)
                        f.fadeDelay -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                    Dictionary <Vector2, string> list = d.GetStringDictiornary();
                    //If there is a StringList then there's multiple lines of text that should be written to the screen.
                    if (list != null)
                        //For each of the strings in the list write them to the screen, the value key in the dictionary is the
                        //position where the line should be written.
                        foreach (var item in list)
                            if (f != null)
                                if (f.fadeDelay <= 0)
                                    f.fadeDelay = .035;

                                    f.alphaValue += f.fadeIncrement;

                                    if (f.fadeIncrement >= 255 || f.alphaValue <= 0)
                                        f.fadeIncrement *= -1;
                                d.textColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(f.alphaValue, 0, 255));

                            spriteBatch.DrawString(d.font, item.Value, item.Key, d.textColor);
                    //There is just one line of text, then just draw it to the screen.
                        FadeComponent fc = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponent <FadeComponent>(a);
                        if (f != null)
                            f.fadeDelay -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                        if (fc != null)
                            if (fc.fadeDelay <= 0)
                                fc.fadeDelay = .035;

                                fc.alphaValue += f.fadeIncrement;

                                if (fc.fadeIncrement >= 255 || fc.alphaValue <= 0)
                                    fc.fadeIncrement *= 0;
                            d.textColor = new Color(255, 0, 255, (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(fc.alphaValue, 0, 255));

                        PositionComponent p = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponent <PositionComponent>(a);
                        if (p != null && d != null && d.visible == true)
                            spriteBatch.DrawString(d.font, d.text, p.position, d.textColor);
Example #7
 public void OnEnable()
     fade = FindObjectOfType <FadeComponent>();