public GraphEdge(BinaryReader reader)
     m_type = Factory.ObjectType.GraphEdge;
       m_from = null;
       m_to = null;
       m_loop = reader.ReadBoolean();
Example #2
 public Graph()
     m_roots = new ArrayList();
       m_leafs = new ArrayList();
       m_parent = null;
       m_type = Factory.ObjectType.Graph;
 public GraphEdge(GraphNode from, GraphNode to)
     m_type = Factory.ObjectType.GraphEdge;
       m_from = from;
       m_to = to;
       if (to.Successors.Count > 0 && to.getRoot() == from.getRoot())
     m_loop = true;
     m_loop = false;
Example #4
        public Settings(BinaryReader reader) : this((RoomGraph)null)
            m_type = Factory.ObjectType.Settings;
            bool start_room_saved = reader.ReadBoolean();

            if (start_room_saved)
                m_startroomindex = reader.ReadInt32();
 public Settings(BinaryReader reader)
     : this((RoomGraph)null)
     m_type = Factory.ObjectType.Settings;
       bool start_room_saved = reader.ReadBoolean();
       if (start_room_saved)
     m_startroomindex = reader.ReadInt32();
 public GraphNode()
     m_location = new Point(0,0);
       m_size = new Point(0,0);
       m_succs = new ArrayList();
       m_preds = new ArrayList();
       m_properties = new ArrayList();
       m_type = Factory.ObjectType.GraphNode;
       m_name = "Node";
       m_lower_graph = null;
Example #7
        public Settings(RoomGraph graph)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            m_graph          = graph;
            m_startroom      = null;
            m_type           = Factory.ObjectType.Settings;
            m_startroomindex = -1;
        public Settings(RoomGraph graph)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            m_graph = graph;
              m_startroom = null;
              m_type = Factory.ObjectType.Settings;
              m_startroomindex = -1;
 public GraphNode(BinaryReader reader)
     : this()
     m_location.X = reader.ReadInt32();
       m_location.Y = reader.ReadInt32();
       m_size.X = reader.ReadInt32();
       m_size.Y = reader.ReadInt32();
       m_name = reader.ReadString();
       m_type = Factory.ObjectType.GraphNode;
       int count = reader.ReadInt32();
       for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i){
     m_properties.Add(new ObjProperty(reader));
       bool subgraph = reader.ReadBoolean();
       if (subgraph){
     //load subgraph
     //attention: currently, the parent member cannot be restored.
     //It is re-set when needed by the GraphFrom
     m_lower_graph = (Graph)Factory.makeObject(reader);
Example #10
        public Graph(BinaryReader reader)
            : this()
            m_type = Factory.ObjectType.Graph;
              ArrayList tmpnodes = new ArrayList();
              int count = reader.ReadInt32();
              for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            GraphNode node = (GraphNode)Factory.makeObject(reader);

              count = reader.ReadInt32();
              for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            GraphEdge edge = (GraphEdge)Factory.makeObject(reader);
            int from = reader.ReadInt32();
            int to = reader.ReadInt32();
            edge.From = (GraphNode)tmpnodes[from];
            edge.To = (GraphNode)tmpnodes[to];