Example #1
 //Checks to see if a key is present based on the passed-in value
 public virtual bool ItemContainsKey(string key, ExpandoObject item)
     var dc = ItemAsDictionary(item);
     return dc.ContainsKey(key);
Example #2
 public void AddDup()
     IDictionary<string, object> eo = new ExpandoObject();
     eo.Add("The test key to add.", "value");
     var ae = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>("key", () => eo.Add("The test key to add.", "value"));
     Assert.Contains("The test key to add.", ae.Message);
Example #3
 public void PropertyNotify()
     var eo = new ExpandoObject();
     IDictionary<string, object> dict = eo;
     INotifyPropertyChanged note = eo;
     int changeCount = 0;
     string lastKey = null;
     note.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) =>
         Assert.Same(eo, sender);
         lastKey = args.PropertyName;
     Assert.Equal(0, changeCount);
     dict.Add("X", 1);
     Assert.Equal(1, changeCount);
     Assert.Equal(lastKey, "X");
     dict["Y"] = 2;
     Assert.Equal(2, changeCount);
     Assert.Equal(lastKey, "Y");
     object boxed = 0;
     dict["Z"] = boxed;
     Assert.Equal(3, changeCount);
     Assert.Equal("Z", lastKey);
     dict["Z"] = boxed; // exact same object.
     Assert.Equal(3, changeCount);
     dict["Z"] = 0; // same value but different instance.
     Assert.Equal(4, changeCount);
     dict.Remove("Not there");
     Assert.Equal(4, changeCount);
     Assert.Equal(5, changeCount);
     Assert.Equal(7, changeCount); // trigger for each key.
Example #4
 public static dynamic RecordToExpando(this IDataReader rdr)
     dynamic e = new ExpandoObject();
     var d = e as IDictionary<string, object>;
     for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++)
         d.Add(rdr.GetName(i), DBNull.Value.Equals(rdr[i]) ? null : rdr[i]);
     return e;
Example #5
    public void Default()
        dynamic project = new ExpandoObject();
        project.Name = "Shake";
        project.Desc = "simple build tool";
        project.Like = "Rake";

        Console.WriteLine("{0} is a {1}, inspired by {2}.", project.Name, project.Desc, project.Like);
Example #6
    void OnConnected(DataEventArgs data)
        Log("Connected successfully");

        // trying to send request
        ExpandoObject parameters = new ExpandoObject();
        parameters["name"] = "testname";
        parameters["password"] = "";
        mClient.SendRequest("user.login", parameters);
Example #7
 public void DeleteAndReInsert()
     IDictionary<string, object> eo = new ExpandoObject();
     eo.Add("key", 1);
     Assert.Equal(Enumerable.Repeat(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key", 1), 1), eo);
     eo.Add("key", 2);
     Assert.Equal(Enumerable.Repeat(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key", 2), 1), eo);
Example #8
 public void DictionaryMatchesProperties()
     dynamic eo = new ExpandoObject();
     IDictionary<string, object> dict = eo;
     eo.X = 1;
     eo.Y = 2;
     Assert.Equal(2, dict.Count);
     Assert.Equal(1, dict["X"]);
     Assert.Equal(2, dict["Y"]);
Example #9
 public void DispatchEvent(Delegate handler, string text)
     if (text != null && text != "")
         ExpandoObject data = new ExpandoObject();
         data["text"] = text;
         DispatchEvent(handler, data);
        public void ShouldBeAbleToAddNewMethodByAssigningADelegateToAPropertySetter()
            var target = new DynamicObject();
            dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(target);

            Func<int, int, int> addition = (a, b) => a + b;
            expando.Add = addition;

            var result = expando.Add(2, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, result);
        public void ShouldBeAbleToImplicitlyCastAnExpandoObjectToADuckTypeIfExpandoLooksLikeDuckType()
            var mock = new MockClass();
            var target = new DynamicObject(mock);
            dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(target);

            ITest test = expando;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, mock.CallCount);
Example #12
 public void DispatchEvent(Delegate handler, ExpandoObject data = null)
     Delegate event_handler = handler;  // local variable for thread safety
     if (event_handler != null)
         //event_handler.DynamicInvoke(new DataEventArgs(data));
         foreach (var h in event_handler.GetInvocationList())
             h.DynamicInvoke(new DataEventArgs(data));
        public void ShouldOnlyExecuteReplacementMethodAfterReplacingExpandoMethod()
            var target = new DynamicObject();
            dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(target);

            Func<int, int, int> addition = (a, b) => a + b;
            Func<int, int, int> subtraction = (a, b) => a - b;

            expando.Operation = addition;
            expando.Operation = subtraction;
            int result = expando.Operation(2, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result);            
Example #14
    public List<dynamic> GetData(DataTable dt)
        List<dynamic> bendinamigim = new List<dynamic>();

            foreach (var item in dt.AsEnumerable())
                IDictionary<string, object> dn = new ExpandoObject();

                foreach (var column in dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()) dn[column.ColumnName] = item[column];


            return bendinamigim;
        public void ShouldBeAbleToCallCovariantPropertySetterOnExpandoObject()
            var expectedValue = 12345;
            Func<object[], object> setterBody = args =>
                var value = args[0];
                Assert.AreEqual(value, expectedValue);
                return null;

            var target = new DynamicObject();
            target.AddMethod("set_TargetProperty", setterBody, typeof(void), typeof(object));

            dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(target);
            expando.TargetProperty = expectedValue;
Example #16
    public void TestDynamic()
        dynamic d = new ExpandoObject();
        d.DynProp = "Hello Dynamic!\n";

        dynamic msb = new MsBuildTask("dummy.sln");
        msb.Properties.Configuration = "Release";
        msb.Properties.WarningLevel = 0;
        msb.Properties.OutPUtPaTh = @"c:\build";
        // msb.Build();


Example #17
        public void Indexer()
            // Deliberately using keys that the C# syntax won't use, to check they're covered too.
            var boxedInts = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => (object)i).ToArray();
            IDictionary<string, object> eo = new ExpandoObject();
            foreach (var boxed in boxedInts)
                eo[boxed.ToString()] = boxed;

            Assert.Equal(10, eo.Count);
            foreach (var boxed in boxedInts)
                Assert.Same(boxed, eo[boxed.ToString()]);

            var knfe = Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(() => eo["A string that's a key"]);
            Assert.Contains("A string that's a key", knfe.Message);

            Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(() => eo[null]);
            Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("key", () => eo[null] = 0);
            // Can overwrite
            eo["1"] = 1;
Example #18
        public void DispatchEvent(string event_name, ExpandoObject data)
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/198543/how-do-i-raise-an-event-via-reflection-in-net-c

            //EventInfo event_info = this.GetType().GetEvent(event_name);
            //Type t = this.GetType();
            //FieldInfo[] f = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            FieldInfo field = this.GetType().GetField(event_name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            if (field != null)
                var event_delegate = (MulticastDelegate)field.GetValue(this);
                if (event_delegate != null)
                    foreach (var handler in event_delegate.GetInvocationList())
                        handler.DynamicInvoke(new DataEventArgs(data)); // .Method.Invoke(handler.Target, new object[] { this, new DataEventArgs(data) });
Example #19
 public void InitialState()
     IDictionary<string, object> eo = new ExpandoObject();
     Assert.Equal(0, eo.Count);
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// This will return an Expando as a Dictionary
 /// </summary>
 public virtual IDictionary<string, object> ItemAsDictionary(ExpandoObject item)
     return (IDictionary<string, object>)item;
Example #21
 public void KeyCollection()
     IDictionary<string, object> dict = new ExpandoObject();
     dict["X"] = 1;
     dict["Z"] = 3;
     dict["Y"] = 2;
     var keys = dict.Keys;
     Assert.Equal(2, keys.Count);
     Assert.Equal(new[] {"X", "Y"}, keys.OrderBy(k => k)); // OrderBy because order is not guaranteed.
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => keys.Add("Z"));
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => keys.Clear());
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => keys.Remove("X"));
     string[] array = new string[3];
     keys.CopyTo(array, 1);
     Array.Sort(array); // Because order is not guaranteed.
     Assert.Equal(new[] {null, "X", "Y"}, array);
     var keysEnumerated = new List<object>();
     foreach (var key in (IEnumerable)keys) // going through non-generic to test delegation to generic
     Assert.Equal(new[] {"X", "Y"}, keysEnumerated.OrderBy(k => k));
     using (var en = keys.GetEnumerator())
         dict["Z"] = 3;
         Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => en.MoveNext());
Example #22
 public void ValueCollection()
     IDictionary<string, object> dict = new ExpandoObject();
     dict["X"] = 1;
     dict["Z"] = 3;
     dict["Y"] = 2;
     var values = dict.Values;
     Assert.Equal(2, values.Count);
     Assert.Equal(new object[] {1, 2}, values.OrderBy(k => k)); // OrderBy because order is not guaranteed.
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => values.Add(3));
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => values.Clear());
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => values.Remove(1));
     object[] array = new object[3];
     values.CopyTo(array, 1);
     Array.Sort(array); // Because order is not guaranteed.
     Assert.Equal(new object[] {null, 1, 2}, array);
     var valuesEnumerated = new List<object>();
     foreach (var value in (IEnumerable)values) // going through non-generic to test delegation to generic
     Assert.Equal(new object[] {1, 2}, valuesEnumerated.OrderBy(k => k));
     using (var en = values.GetEnumerator())
         dict["Z"] = 3;
         Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => en.MoveNext());
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the index at which the value should be stored for the specified name,
 /// the method is only used in the case-insensitive case.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">the name of the member</param>
 /// <param name="obj">The ExpandoObject associated with the class
 /// that is used to check if a member has been deleted.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// the exact match if there is one
 /// if there is exactly one member with case insensitive match, return it
 /// otherwise we throw AmbiguousMatchException.
 /// </returns>
 private int GetValueIndexCaseInsensitive(string name, ExpandoObject obj) {
     int caseInsensitiveMatch = ExpandoObject.NoMatch; //the location of the case-insensitive matching member
     lock (obj.LockObject) {
         for (int i = _keys.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             if (string.Equals(
                 StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                 //if the matching member is deleted, continue searching
                 if (!obj.IsDeletedMember(i)) {
                     if (caseInsensitiveMatch == ExpandoObject.NoMatch) {
                         caseInsensitiveMatch = i;
                     } else {
                         //Ambigous match, stop searching
                         return ExpandoObject.AmbiguousMatchFound;
     //There is exactly one member with case insensitive match.
     return caseInsensitiveMatch;
Example #24
        dynamic GetHours(DateTime start, DateTime end, DateTime current, dynamic constants)
            dynamic archive = new ExpandoObject();

            archive.success   = true;
            archive.error     = string.Empty;
            archive.errorcode = DeviceError.NO_ERROR;
            var recs = new List <dynamic>();

            int maxProfiles = ((string)constants.aType).Contains("СЭТ-4ТМ.03М") ? 3 : 2;

            dynamic arr = GetArray(maxProfiles);

            if (!arr.success)

            log(string.Format("Наиболее подходящий массив профилей мощности с номером:{0} и периодом интегрирования:{1} минут.", arr.select, arr.TimeInterval));

             *  Как сейчас?
             *  Поиск подходящего профиля мощности - 30 или 60 минут
             *  Для каждой даты:
             *      Поиск адреса по дате
             *      Ожидание
             *      Запрос по адресу одной записи
             *  Конец
             * Надо
             *  Для каждой даты
             *      Если адрес неизвестен
             *          Поиск адреса по дате
             *          Ожидание
             *      Конец
             *      Запрос по адресу трёх записей
             *  Конец

            if (arr.select < maxProfiles)
                //  Расширенное чтение текущего указателя массива профиля мощности
                var requestCurrent = MakeRequestParameters(0x04, new byte[] { arr.select });
                var rspCurrent     = Send(requestCurrent);
                if (!rspCurrent.success)

                var dtCurrent = dtCurrentMemory(rspCurrent.Body, 0);
                //                        OnSendMessage(string.Format(" Время начала текущего среза: {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}", dtCurrent));
                uint currAddr = Helper.ToUInt16(rspCurrent.Body, 5);
                byte addrHigh = rspCurrent.Body[5];
                byte addrLow  = rspCurrent.Body[6];
                //                        OnSendMessage(string.Format(" Адрес текущего среза:{0:X} и {1:X} => {2:X}",  addrHigh,addrLow,currAddr));

                //Ограничение на одновременное считывание часовых данных - устанавливаем 10 суток * 24 = 240 часов
                int countMax = 240;
                //Считывание профилей мощности

                var    step       = 1;
                UInt16 addrMemory = 0;

                for (var date0 = start.Date.AddHours(start.Hour); date0 < end; date0 = date0.AddHours(step))
                    step = 0;

                    if (cancel())
                        archive.success   = false;
                        archive.errorcode = DeviceError.NO_ERROR;
                        archive.error     = "опрос отменен";

                    if (date0 >= current)
                        log(string.Format("данные за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} еще не собраны", date0));

                    if (date0 >= dtCurrent)
                        log(string.Format("данные за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} еще не собраны", date0));

                    if (countMax == 0)
                        log(string.Format("Прерывание опроса по причине превышения числа одновременно считываемых данных. Последнее прочитанное за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}. Считано {1} значений", date0, 240 - countMax));


                    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (_j != null)
                            var date = date0.AddHours(i);
                            if (isInJournal(date))
                                log(string.Format("Данных за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} нет по причине выключения счетчика ", date));
                                // !!!

                    var readCount = (byte)(arr.TimeInterval == 30 ? 0x18 : 0x10);

                    //log(string.Format("чтение часовых данных за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} ", date));

                    byte[] aMemory = new byte[] { 0x02, 0x03, 0x08, 0x09 };

                    if (addrMemory == 0)
                        step = 1;
                        //  Поиск адреса заголовка массива профиля мощности
                        var request        = MakeRequestOnWriteParameters(0x28, new byte[] { arr.select, 0xFF, 0xFF, Helper.IntToBinDec(date0.Hour), Helper.IntToBinDec(date0.Day), Helper.IntToBinDec(date0.Month), Helper.IntToBinDec(date0.Year - 2000), 0xFF, arr.TimeInterval });
                        var rspAddrRequest = Send(request);
                        if (!rspAddrRequest.success)

                        dynamic rspAddress;

                        var inProcess = true;
                            rspAddress = Send(MakeRequestParameters(0x18, new byte[] { 0x00 })); //  Чтение слова состояния задачи поиска адреса заголовка массива профиля
                            if (!rspAddress.success)

                            if (rspAddress.Body[0] == 0)
                                inProcess = false;
                            else if (rspAddress.Body[0] > 1)
                                rspAddress.errorcode = DeviceError.DEVICE_EXCEPTION;
                                rspAddress.success   = false;
                                switch ((byte)rspAddress.Body[0])
                                case 0x2:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Запрошенный заголовок не найден";

                                case 0x3:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Внутренняя аппаратная ошибка счетчика. Не отвечает память указателя поиска";

                                case 0x4:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Внутренняя логическая ошибка счетчика. Ошибка контрольной суммы указателя поиска";

                                case 0x5:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Внутренняя логическая ошибка счетчика. Ошибка контрольной суммы дескриптора поиска";

                                case 0x6:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Внутренняя аппаратная ошибка счетчика. Не отвечает память массива профиля";

                                case 0x7:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Внутренняя логическая ошибка счетчика. Ошибка контрольной суммы заголовка в массиве профиля";

                                case 0x8:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Внутренняя логическая ошибка счетчика. Заголовок находится по адресу, где должна быть запись среза";

                                case 0x9:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Недопустимый номер массива поиска";

                                case 0xA:
                                    rspAddress.error = "Недопустимое время интегрирования профиля мощности в дескрипторе запроса (не соответствует времени интегрирования счетчика)";

                                    rspAddress.error = string.Format("Неизвестная ошибка {0:X}h", rspAddress.Body[0]);
                                inProcess = false;
                        }while (inProcess);

                        if (!rspAddress.success)
                            log(string.Format("Ошибка.Данные за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} не найдены в профилях мощности счетчика.", date0));
                            if (isInJournal(date0))
                                log(string.Format("Данных за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} нет по причине выключения счетчика ", date0));
                            addrMemory = (UInt16)(((UInt16)rspAddress.Body[3] << 8) | rspAddress.Body[4]);
                    // Расширенный запрос на чтение информации по физическим адресам физиче-ской памяти
                    var rsp = Send(MakeRequestProfiles(0x00, aMemory[arr.select + 1], (byte)(addrMemory >> 8), (byte)(addrMemory & 0xFF), (byte)(readCount * 3)));
                    //var rsp = ReadProfiles(arr.select, date, readCount, arr.TimeInterval);
                    if (rsp.success)
                        //  DateTime dateReaded0 = dtfromCounter(rsp.Body, 1);
                        DateTime dateReadedi = dtfromCounter(rsp.Body, 1);
                        int      count       = 0;

                        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            //var dateReaded = dateReaded0.AddHours(i);

                            var dateReaded = dtfromCounter(rsp.Body, (byte)(1 + i * (8 + 8 * 60 / arr.TimeInterval)));

                            var date = date0.AddHours(i);

                            if (date >= current)

                            if (date >= dtCurrent)
                            log($"dateReaded:{dateReaded}   date:{ date}");
                            if (dateReaded == date)
                                var currec = new List <dynamic>();
                                //стр 109
                                if (arr.TimeInterval == 30)
                                    var offset = i * 0x18;
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("P+", (PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 9, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval) + PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 17, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval)) / 2.0, "кВт", date));
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("P-", (PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 11, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval) + PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 19, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval)) / 2.0, "кВт", date));
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("Q+", (PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 13, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval) + PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 21, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval)) / 2.0, "кВт", date));
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("Q-", (PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 15, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval) + PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 23, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval)) / 2.0, "кВт", date));
                                    var offset = i * 0x10;
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("P+", PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 9, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval), "кВт", date));
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("P-", PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 11, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval), "кВт", date));
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("Q+", PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 13, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval), "кВт", date));
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("Q-", PQ(rsp.Body, offset + 15, constants.constA, arr.TimeInterval), "кВт", date));

                                currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("Статус", 0, "", date));

                                log(string.Format("часовые данные за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} P+={1:0.000} P-={2:0.000} Q+={3:0.000} Q-={4:0.000}", date, currec[0].d1, currec[1].d1, currec[2].d1, currec[3].d1));
                                log(string.Format("Ошибка.Прочитаны данные за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} вместо ожидаемых за {1:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}", dateReaded, date));
                                if (isInJournal(date))
                                    log(string.Format("Данных за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} нет по причине выключения счетчика ", date));

                                    var currec = new List <dynamic>();
                                    currec.Add(MakeHourRecord("Статус", 1, "", date));


                        if (count > 0)
                            step = count;
                        log(string.Format("Ошибка.Данные за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}  не найдены в профилях мощности счетчика.", date0));
                        if (isInJournal(date0))
                            log(string.Format("Данных за {0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} нет по причине выключения счетчика ", date0));

                    if (step == 0)
                        addrMemory = 0;
                        addrMemory += (UInt16)(step * readCount);

            //log(string.Format("Часовые Q+ ({0}):", hours.Count));
            //foreach (var data in hours)
            //    if (data.s1 == "Q+")
            //    {
            //        log(string.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} {1} = {2} {3}", data.date, data.s1, data.d1, data.s2));
            //    }

            archive.records = recs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the log event to various JSON fields that are to be shown in Loggly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingEvent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string PreParse(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
            //formating base logging info
            dynamic _loggingInfo = new ExpandoObject();

            _loggingInfo.timestamp  = loggingEvent.TimeStamp.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-ddTHH\:mm\:ss.fffzzz");
            _loggingInfo.level      = loggingEvent.Level.DisplayName;
            _loggingInfo.hostName   = Environment.MachineName;
            _loggingInfo.process    = _currentProcess.ProcessName;
            _loggingInfo.threadName = loggingEvent.ThreadName;
            _loggingInfo.loggerName = loggingEvent.LoggerName;

            //handling messages
            object _loggedObject = null;
            string _message      = GetMessageAndObjectInfo(loggingEvent, out _loggedObject);

            if (_message != string.Empty)
                _loggingInfo.message = _message;

            //handling exceptions
            dynamic _exceptionInfo = GetExceptionInfo(loggingEvent);

            if (_exceptionInfo != null)
                _loggingInfo.exception = _exceptionInfo;

            //handling threadcontext properties
            string[] _threadContextProperties = ThreadContext.Properties.GetKeys();
            if (_threadContextProperties != null && _threadContextProperties.Any())
                var p = _loggingInfo as IDictionary <string, object>;
                foreach (string key in _threadContextProperties)
                    if ((ThreadContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired) != null &&
                        (ThreadContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired).GetFixedObject() != null)
                        p[key] = (ThreadContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired).GetFixedObject();
                        p[key] = ThreadContext.Properties[key].ToString();

            //handling logicalthreadcontext properties
            if (this._config.LogicalThreadContextKeys != null)
                var      ltp = _loggingInfo as IDictionary <string, object>;
                string[] _LogicalThreadContextProperties = this._config.LogicalThreadContextKeys.Split(',');
                foreach (string key in _LogicalThreadContextProperties)
                    if (LogicalThreadContext.Properties[key] != null)
                        if ((LogicalThreadContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired) != null &&
                            (LogicalThreadContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired).GetFixedObject() != null)
                            ltp[key] = (LogicalThreadContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired).GetFixedObject();
                            ltp[key] = LogicalThreadContext.Properties[key].ToString();

            //handling globalcontext properties
            if (this._config.GlobalContextKeys != null)
                var      gcp = _loggingInfo as IDictionary <string, object>;
                string[] _globalContextProperties = this._config.GlobalContextKeys.Split(',');
                foreach (string key in _globalContextProperties)
                    if (GlobalContext.Properties[key] != null)
                        if ((GlobalContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired) != null &&
                            (GlobalContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired).GetFixedObject() != null)
                            gcp[key] = (GlobalContext.Properties[key] as IFixingRequired).GetFixedObject();
                            gcp[key] = GlobalContext.Properties[key].ToString();

            string jsonMessage = string.Empty;

            if (TryGetParsedJsonFromLog(_loggingInfo, _loggedObject, out jsonMessage))
                //converting event info to Json string
                                                   new JsonSerializerSettings()
                    ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
        private CreateJobApplicationResponse CreateJobApplication(
            SocialMediaProcessedResponse result,
            JobDetailsModel jobDetails,
            ApplicantInfo applicantInfo,
            string overrideEmail)
            // Gather Attachments
            Guid identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            JobApplicationAttachmentUploadItem uploadItem = new JobApplicationAttachmentUploadItem()
                Id               = identifier.ToString(),
                AttachmentType   = JobApplicationAttachmentType.Resume,
                FileName         = result.FileName,
                FileStream       = result.FileStream,
                PathToAttachment = identifier.ToString() + "_" + result.FileName,
                Status           = "Ready"

            // End code for fetch job details
            Log.Write("overrideEmail uploadItem object created", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);
            List <JobApplicationAttachmentUploadItem> attachments = new List <JobApplicationAttachmentUploadItem>();

            Log.Write("overrideEmail uploadItem attachment added", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);
            string resumeAttachmentPath = JobApplicationAttachmentUploadItem.GetAttachmentPath(attachments, JobApplicationAttachmentType.Resume);

            Log.Write("After resume GetAttachmentPath", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);
            string coverletterAttachmentPath = JobApplicationAttachmentUploadItem.GetAttachmentPath(attachments, JobApplicationAttachmentType.Coverletter);

            Log.Write("After cover letter GetAttachmentPath", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);

            string htmlEmailContent           = this.GetEmailHtmlContent(this.EmailTemplateId);
            string htmlEmailSubject           = this.GetEmailSubject(this.EmailTemplateId);
            string htmlAdvertiserEmailContent = this.GetEmailHtmlContent(this.AdvertiserEmailTemplateId);
            string htmlAdvertiserEmailSubject = this.GetEmailSubject(this.AdvertiserEmailTemplateId);

            Log.Write("After GetHtmlEmailContent", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);
            // Email notification settings

            List <dynamic> emailAttachments = new List <dynamic>();

            foreach (var item in attachments)
                dynamic emailAttachment = new ExpandoObject();
                emailAttachment.FileStream = item.FileStream;
                emailAttachment.FileName   = item.FileName;

            EmailNotificationSettings advertiserEmailNotificationSettings = (this.AdvertiserEmailTemplateId != null) ?
                new JobApplicationEmailTemplateModel()
                FromFirstName = result.FirstName,
                FromLastName  = result.LastName,
                FromEmail     = overrideEmail,
                ToFirstName   = jobDetails.ContactDetails.GetFirstName(),
                ToLastName    = jobDetails.ContactDetails.GetLastName(),
                ToEmail       = jobDetails.ApplicationEmail,
                Subject       = SitefinityHelper.GetCurrentSiteEmailTemplateTitle(this.AdvertiserEmailTemplateId),
                HtmlContent   = SitefinityHelper.GetCurrentSiteEmailTemplateHtmlContent(this.AdvertiserEmailTemplateId),
                Attachments   = emailAttachments
            }) : null;

            EmailNotificationSettings emailNotificationSettings = (this.EmailTemplateId != null) ?
                new JobApplicationEmailTemplateModel()
                FromFirstName = this.EmailTemplateSenderName,
                FromLastName  = null,
                FromEmail     = this.EmailTemplateSenderEmailAddress,
                ToFirstName   = SitefinityHelper.GetUserFirstNameById(SitefinityHelper.GetUserByEmail(overrideEmail).Id),
                ToLastName    = null,
                ToEmail       = overrideEmail,
                Subject       = SitefinityHelper.GetCurrentSiteEmailTemplateTitle(this.EmailTemplateId),
                HtmlContent   = SitefinityHelper.GetCurrentSiteEmailTemplateHtmlContent(this.EmailTemplateId),
                Attachments   = null
            }) : null;

            EmailNotificationSettings registrationNotificationsSettings = (applicantInfo.IsNewUser && this.RegistrationEmailTemplateId != null) ?
                new JobApplicationEmailTemplateModel()
                FromFirstName = this.EmailTemplateSenderName,
                FromLastName  = null,
                FromEmail     = this.EmailTemplateSenderEmailAddress,
                ToFirstName   = applicantInfo.FirstName,
                ToLastName    = null,
                ToEmail       = applicantInfo.Email,
                Subject       = SitefinityHelper.GetCurrentSiteEmailTemplateTitle(this.RegistrationEmailTemplateId),
                HtmlContent   = SitefinityHelper.GetCurrentSiteEmailTemplateHtmlContent(this.RegistrationEmailTemplateId),
                Attachments   = null
            }) : null;

            Log.Write("emailNotificationSettings after: ", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);

            Log.Write("BL response before: ", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);

            //Create Application
            var response = _blConnector.MemberCreateJobApplication(
                new JXTNext_MemberApplicationRequest
                ApplyResourceID               = result.JobId.Value,
                MemberID                      = 2,
                ResumePath                    = resumeAttachmentPath,
                CoverletterPath               = coverletterAttachmentPath,
                EmailNotification             = emailNotificationSettings,
                AdvertiserEmailNotification   = advertiserEmailNotificationSettings,
                AdvertiserName                = jobDetails.ContactDetails,
                CompanyName                   = jobDetails.CompanyName,
                UrlReferral                   = result.UrlReferral,
                RegistrationEmailNotification = registrationNotificationsSettings

            Log.Write("BL response after: ", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);

            var createJobApplicationResponse = new CreateJobApplicationResponse {
                MemberApplicationResponse = response

            if (response.Success && response.ApplicationID.HasValue)
                Log.Write("BL response in: ", ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);
                var hasFailedUpload = _jobApplicationService.UploadFiles(attachments);
                Log.Write("file upload is : " + hasFailedUpload, ConfigurationPolicy.ErrorLog);
                if (hasFailedUpload)
                    createJobApplicationResponse.FilesUploaded = false;
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Status        = JobApplicationStatus.Technical_Issue; // Unable to attach files
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Message       = "Unable to attach files to application";
                    createJobApplicationResponse.FilesUploaded = true;
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Status        = JobApplicationStatus.Applied_Successful;
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Message       = "Your application was successfully processed.";
                if (response.Errors.FirstOrDefault().ToLower().Contains("already exists"))
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Status  = JobApplicationStatus.Already_Applied;
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Message = "You have already applied to this job.";
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Status  = JobApplicationStatus.Technical_Issue;
                    createJobApplicationResponse.Message = response.Errors.FirstOrDefault();

Example #27
 public ExpandoTypeDescriptor(ExpandoObject expando)
     _expando = expando;
        internal string GetTextBody(EmailType emailType, BookingModel bookingModel)
            var sb = new StringBuilder(File.ReadAllText($"EmailTemplate/Text/{emailType}.txt"));

            dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();

            var dictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)expando;

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(BookingModel)))
                    if (property.PropertyType != typeof(List <string>))
                        dictionary.Add(property.Name, Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(bookingModel)));
                catch (Exception ex)

            expando.ReaderTicket           = bookingModel.ReaderTicket < 0 ? $"T{bookingModel.ReaderTicket*-1}" : $"{bookingModel.ReaderTicket}";
            expando.HomeURL                = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HomeURL");
            expando.ReturnURL              = $"{expando.HomeURL}/return-to-booking";
            expando.VisitType              = bookingModel.BookingType == BookingTypes.StandardOrderVisit ? "Standard visit" : "Bulk order visit";
            expando.Name                   = $"{bookingModel.FirstName} {bookingModel.LastName}";
            expando.VisitStartDateDisplay  = bookingModel.VisitStartDate.ToShortDateString();
            expando.AdditionalRequirements = bookingModel.AdditionalRequirements ?? "None entered.";
            expando.Phone                  = bookingModel.Phone ?? "None entered.";

            if (bookingModel.BookingType == BookingTypes.StandardOrderVisit)
                expando.ReadingRoom = bookingModel.SeatType == SeatTypes.StdRRSeat ? "Document reading room" : "Map and large document reading room";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kv in dictionary)
                sb = sb.Replace("{" + kv.Key + "}", (kv.Value != null ? kv.Value.ToString() : string.Empty));

            if (emailType == EmailType.BookingConfirmation || emailType == EmailType.DSDBookingConfirmation || emailType == EmailType.ValidOrderReminder)
                var orderDocuments = new StringBuilder();
                var documentCount  = 0;
                foreach (var document in bookingModel.OrderDocuments.Where(d => !d.IsReserve).ToList())
                    documentCount += 1;
                    if (emailType == EmailType.DSDBookingConfirmation)
                        orderDocuments.AppendFormat("Document {0}: {1}", documentCount, document.DocumentReference);
                        orderDocuments.AppendFormat("Document {0}: {1}: {2}", documentCount, document.DocumentReference, document.Description);
                var reserveDocumentCount = 0;
                foreach (var document in bookingModel.OrderDocuments.Where(d => d.IsReserve).ToList())
                    reserveDocumentCount += 1;
                    if (emailType == EmailType.DSDBookingConfirmation)
                        orderDocuments.AppendFormat("Reserve document {0}: {1}", reserveDocumentCount, document.DocumentReference);
                        orderDocuments.AppendFormat("Reserve document {0}: {1}: {2}", reserveDocumentCount, document.DocumentReference, document.Description);

                sb = sb.Replace("{Order-Documents}", orderDocuments.ToString());

Example #29
        private IDictionary <string, PayloadSchema> LoadPayloads()
            if (_options.Modules is null)
                return(new Dictionary <string, PayloadSchema>());

            var payloads    = new Dictionary <string, PayloadSchema>();
            var modulesPath = _options.ModulesPath;

            modulesPath = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modulesPath)
                ? string.Empty
                : (modulesPath.EndsWith("/") ? modulesPath : $"{modulesPath}/");

            foreach (var module in _options.Modules)
                foreach (var route in module.Value.Routes)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(route.Payload))

                    var payloadsFolder = _options.PayloadsFolder;
                    var fullPath       = $"{modulesPath}{module.Value.Name}/{payloadsFolder}/{route.Payload}";
                    var fullJsonPath   = fullPath.EndsWith(".json") ? fullPath : $"{fullPath}.json";
                    if (!File.Exists(fullJsonPath))

                    var schemaPath     = $"{modulesPath}{module.Value.Name}/{payloadsFolder}/{route.Schema}";
                    var fullSchemaPath = schemaPath.EndsWith(".json") ? schemaPath : $"{schemaPath}.json";
                    var schema         = string.Empty;
                    if (File.Exists(fullSchemaPath))
                        schema = File.ReadAllText(fullSchemaPath);

                    var     json          = File.ReadAllText(fullJsonPath);
                    dynamic expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
                    JsonConvert.PopulateObject(json, expandoObject);
                    var upstream = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(route.Upstream) ? string.Empty : route.Upstream;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(module.Value.Path))
                        var modulePath = module.Value.Path.EndsWith("/") ? module.Value.Path : $"{module.Value.Path}/";
                        if (upstream.StartsWith("/"))
                            upstream = upstream.Substring(1, upstream.Length - 1);

                        if (upstream.EndsWith("/"))
                            upstream = upstream.Substring(0, upstream.Length - 1);

                        upstream = $"{modulePath}{upstream}";

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(upstream))
                        upstream = "/";

                    payloads.Add(GetKey(route.Method, upstream), new PayloadSchema(expandoObject, schema));

Example #30
            private dynamic BuildPagedResult(string sql = "", string primaryKeyField = "", string where = "", string orderBy = "", string columns = "*", int pageSize = 20, int currentPage = 1, params object[] args)
                dynamic result = new ExpandoObject();
                var countSQL = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                    countSQL = string.Format("SELECT COUNT({0}) FROM ({1}) AS PagedTable", primaryKeyField, sql);
                    countSQL = string.Format("SELECT COUNT({0}) FROM {1}", PrimaryKeyField, TableName);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy))
                    orderBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryKeyField) ? PrimaryKeyField : primaryKeyField;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                    if (!where.Trim().StartsWith("where", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        where = " WHERE " + where;

                var query = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                    query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY {2}) AS Row, {0} FROM ({3}) AS PagedTable {4}) AS Paged ", columns, pageSize, orderBy, sql, where);
                    query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY {2}) AS Row, {0} FROM {3} {4}) AS Paged ", columns, pageSize, orderBy, TableName, where);

                var pageStart = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize;
                query += string.Format(" WHERE Row > {0} AND Row <={1}", pageStart, (pageStart + pageSize));
                countSQL += where;
                result.TotalRecords = Scalar(countSQL, args);
                result.TotalPages = result.TotalRecords / pageSize;
                if (result.TotalRecords % pageSize > 0)
                    result.TotalPages += 1;
                result.Items = Query(string.Format(query, columns, TableName), args);
                return result;
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Expando from a Form POST - white listed against the columns in the DB
 /// </summary>
 public dynamic CreateFrom(NameValueCollection coll)
     dynamic result = new ExpandoObject();
     var dc = (IDictionary<string, object>)result;
     var schema = Schema;
     //loop the collection, setting only what's in the Schema
     foreach (var item in coll.Keys)
         var exists = schema.Any(x => x.COLUMN_NAME.ToLower() == item.ToString().ToLower());
         if (exists)
             var key = item.ToString();
             var val = coll[key];
             dc.Add(key, val);
     return result;
Example #32
        protected void SerializeStruct(ExpandoObject obj)

            foreach (string key in obj.GetDynamicMemberNames())

Example #33
        private void btnMoveRight_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (currentSelectedProduct != null && !allProductList.Contains(currentSelectedProduct))
                    OptionProduct optionToMove = new OptionProduct(selectedOptionGuid, currentSelectedProduct.GUID);


                    lvAllProducts.ItemsSource = null;
                    List <ExpandoObject> productListViewAll = new List <ExpandoObject>();
                    foreach (Product product in allProductList)
                        if (!productList.Contains(product))
                            dynamic javascript = new ExpandoObject();
                            javascript.Name    = product.Name;
                            javascript.InStock = product.InStock ? "Yes" : "No";
                            javascript.Guid    = product.GUID;
                    lvAllProducts.ItemsSource = productListViewAll;

                    lvOptionProducts.ItemsSource = null;
                    List <ExpandoObject> productListView = new List <ExpandoObject>();
                    foreach (Product product in productList)
                        dynamic javascript = new ExpandoObject();
                        javascript.Name    = product.Name;
                        javascript.InStock = product.InStock ? "Yes" : "No";
                        javascript.Guid    = product.GUID;

                    lvOptionProducts.ItemsSource = productListView;
                    if (productList.Count != 0)
                        lvOptionProducts.SelectedIndex = 0;
                        currentSelectedProduct         = productList.ElementAt(0);

                    EventBus.EventBus.Instance.PostEvent(new CustomEvent("OptionInserted"));

                    // do SQL query on specificProduct;
                catch (InvalidOperationException exception)
                    ErrorHandler.ErrorHandle error = ErrorHandler.ErrorHandle.getInstance();
                    error.handle(exception, false, true);
        public void Handle(IEnumerable <Domain.Entities.DataRecord> records, Guid userId)
            //var userId = StructureGraph.Instance.GetRootUser();

            //группируем по объектам
            var objGroups = records.GroupBy(r => r.ObjectId);

            foreach (var objGroup in objGroups)
                var cache = CacheRepository.Instance.GetCache(objGroup.Key);
                if (cache == null)
                    cache = new ExpandoObject();
                var dcache = cache as IDictionary <string, object>;

                //группируем по типам
                var typeGroups = objGroup.GroupBy(r => r.Type);
                foreach (var typeGroup in typeGroups)
                    if (typeGroup.Key != "LogMessage")
                    foreach (var record in typeGroup)
                        switch (typeGroup.Key)
                        case "Day":
                            record.Date = record.Date.Date;
                            dynamic dayCurrent = null;
                            if (dcache.ContainsKey("dayCurrent"))
                                dayCurrent = cache.dayCurrent;

                            dynamic dayPreview = null;
                            if (dcache.ContainsKey("dayPreview"))
                                dayPreview = cache.dayPreview;

                            //DateTime dt = ((DateTime)dayCurrent.date).ToLocalTime();
                            //long ticks = dt.Date.Ticks;

                            if (dayCurrent == null || record.Date > dayCurrent.date.ToLocalTime().Date)
                                dayPreview         = dayCurrent;
                                dayCurrent         = new ExpandoObject();
                                dayCurrent.date    = record.Date;
                                dayCurrent.records = new List <dynamic>()
                                cache.Day = new List <dynamic>();

                            if (dayPreview != null && record.Date < dayPreview.date)

                            if (dayCurrent != null && dayCurrent.date == record.Date)
                                var duplicate = (dayCurrent.records as IEnumerable <dynamic>).FirstOrDefault(r => r.s1 == record.S1);
                                if (duplicate != null)


                            if (dayPreview != null && dayPreview.date == record.Date)
                                var duplicate = (dayPreview.records as IEnumerable <dynamic>).FirstOrDefault(r => r.s1 == record.S1);
                                if (duplicate != null)

                            cache.dayCurrent = dayCurrent;
                            cache.dayPreview = dayPreview;

                            var parameters = CacheRepository.Instance.GetParameters(record.ObjectId);

                            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                                var rec = (dayCurrent.records as IEnumerable <dynamic>).FirstOrDefault(r => r.s1 == (string)parameter.name);
                                if (rec == null)

                                var dparameter = parameter as IDictionary <string, object>;
                                if (!dparameter.ContainsKey("tag"))

                                dynamic day = new ExpandoObject();

                                var calc = "normal";
                                if (dparameter.ContainsKey("calc"))
                                    calc = (string)parameter.calc;

                                if (calc == "total")
                                    if (dayPreview == null)
                                    var recPrv = (dayPreview.records as IEnumerable <dynamic>).FirstOrDefault(r => r.s1 == rec.s1);
                                    if (recPrv == null)
                                    day.d1 = rec.d1 - recPrv.d1;
                                    day.d1 = rec.d1;

                                day.s1   = parameter.tag;
                                day.s2   = rec.s2;
                                day.date = rec.date;

                                var duplicates = (cache.Day as IEnumerable <dynamic>).Where(r => r.s1 == day.s1).ToArray();
                                foreach (var dublicate in duplicates)

                        case "Current":
                            if (!dcache.ContainsKey("Current") || !(cache.Current is List <dynamic>))
                                cache.Current = new List <dynamic>();
                            var dates = (cache.Current as IEnumerable <dynamic>).Select(d => (DateTime)d.date).Distinct().OrderBy(d => d);
                            if (dates.Count() > 1)
                                var border = dates.ElementAt(1);
                                cache.Current = (cache.Current as IEnumerable <dynamic>).Where(r => r.date > border).ToArray();


                        case "Constant":
                            if (!dcache.ContainsKey("Constant") || !(cache.Constant is List <dynamic>))
                                cache.Constant = new List <dynamic>();
                            var drec = record.ToDynamic();
                            if (!(cache.Constant as List <dynamic>).Any(c => c.s1 == drec.s1))


                        case "Abnormal":
                            if (!dcache.ContainsKey("Abnormal") || !(cache.Abnormal is List <dynamic>))
                                cache.Abnormal = new List <dynamic>();
                            var dates = (cache.Abnormal as IEnumerable <dynamic>).Select(d => (DateTime)d.date).Distinct().OrderBy(d => d);
                            if (dates.Count() > ABNORMAL_LIMIT)
                                var border = dates.ElementAt(ABNORMAL_LIMIT);
                                cache.Abnormal = (cache.Abnormal as IEnumerable <dynamic>).Where(r => r.date > border).ToArray();

                        case "MatrixSignal":
                            if (!dcache.ContainsKey("Signal"))
                                cache.Signal = new ExpandoObject();
                            cache.Signal.date  = record.Date;
                            cache.Signal.value = record.D1;
                            //related tube?


                CacheRepository.Instance.SaveCache(objGroup.Key, cache);
        /// <summary>
        /// IDataReader转换为T集合的集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">泛型类型</typeparam>
        /// <param name="this">IDataReader数据源</param>
        /// <returns>T类型集合的集合</returns>
        public static List <List <T> > ToLists <T>(this IDataReader @this)
            var result = new List <List <T> >();

            if (@this?.IsClosed == false)
                using (@this)
                    var type = typeof(T);
                        #region IDictionary
                        if (type.IsDictionaryType())
                            var list = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                            while (@this.Read())
                                var dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                for (var i = 0; i < @this.FieldCount; i++)
                                    dic[@this.GetName(i)] = @this.GetValue(i);
                            if (!type.AssignableTo(typeof(Dictionary <,>)))
                                result.Add(list.Select(o => o as IDictionary <string, object>).ToList() as List <T>);
                                result.Add(list as List <T>);

                        #region Class T
                        else if (type.IsClass && !type.IsDynamicOrObjectType() && !type.IsStringType())
                            var list   = new List <T>();
                            var fields = new List <string>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < @this.FieldCount; i++)
                            while (@this.Read())
                                var instance = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();
                                var props    = instance.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                                foreach (var p in props)
                                    if (!p.CanWrite)
                                    var field = fields.Where(o => o.EqualIgnoreCase(p.Name)).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (!field.IsNullOrEmpty() && !@this[field].IsNull())
                                        p.SetValue(instance, @this[field].ToSafeValue(p.PropertyType), null);

                        #region dynamic
                            var list = new List <dynamic>();
                            while (@this.Read())
                                var row = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary <string, object>;
                                for (var i = 0; i < @this.FieldCount; i++)
                                    row.Add(@this.GetName(i), @this.GetValue(i));
                            var item = list as List <T>;
                            if (item == null && (type.IsStringType() || type.IsValueType()))
                                item = list.Select(o => (T)(o as IDictionary <string, object>).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
                    } while (@this.NextResult());
Example #36
        public Tuple <bool, List <object> > UploadValidate(List <UnitViewModel> Data, List <KeyValuePair <string, StringValues> > Body)
            List <object> ErrorList = new List <object>();
            string        ErrorMessage;
            bool          Valid    = true;
            Division      division = null;

            foreach (UnitViewModel unitVM in Data)
                ErrorMessage = "";

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(unitVM.Code))
                    ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Kode tidak boleh kosong, ");
                else if (Data.Any(d => d != unitVM && d.Code.Equals(unitVM.Code)))
                    ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Kode tidak boleh duplikat, ");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(unitVM.Name))
                    ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Nama tidak boleh kosong, ");
                else if (Data.Any(d => d != unitVM && d.Name.Equals(unitVM.Name)))
                    ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Nama tidak boleh duplikat, ");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(unitVM.Division.Name))
                    ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Divisi tidak boleh kosong, ");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                    /* Service Validation */
                    division = this.DbContext.Set <Division>().FirstOrDefault(d => d._IsDeleted.Equals(false) && d.Name.Equals(unitVM.Division.Name));

                    if (this.DbSet.Any(d => d._IsDeleted.Equals(false) && d.Code.Equals(unitVM.Code)))
                        ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Kode tidak boleh duplikat, ");

                    if (this.DbSet.Any(d => d._IsDeleted.Equals(false) && d.Name.Equals(unitVM.Name)))
                        ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Nama tidak boleh duplikat, ");

                    if (division == null)
                        ErrorMessage = string.Concat(ErrorMessage, "Divisi tidak terdaftar di Master Divisi, ");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                    unitVM.Division.Id   = division.Id;
                    unitVM.Division.Code = division.Code;
                    ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage.Remove(ErrorMessage.Length - 2);
                    var Error = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary <string, object>;

                    Error.Add("Kode Unit", unitVM.Code);
                    Error.Add("Divisi", unitVM.Name);
                    Error.Add("Nama", unitVM.Name);
                    Error.Add("Deskripsi", unitVM.Description);
                    Error.Add("Error", ErrorMessage);


            if (ErrorList.Count > 0)
                Valid = false;

            return(Tuple.Create(Valid, ErrorList));
Example #37
        public object Unserialize()
            switch ((int)mString[mPosition++])
                case 110:  // 'n'
                    return null;

                case 116:  // 't'
                    return true;

                case 102:  // 'f'
                    return false;

                case 122:  // 'z'
                    return 0;

                case 105:  // 'i'
                    return ReadDigits();

                case 100:  // 'd'
                    int p1 = mPosition;
                        int c = mString[mPosition];
                        if ((c >= 43 && c < 58) || c == 101 || c == 69)
                    return Convert.ToSingle(mString.Substring(p1,mPosition - p1));

                case 121:  // 'y'
                    int len = ReadDigits();
                    if (mString[mPosition++] != ':' || mString.Length - mPosition < len)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid string length");
                    string s = mString.Substring(mPosition, len);
                    mPosition += len;
                    s = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(s);
                    return s;

                case 107:  // 'k'
                    return float.NaN;
                case 109:  // 'm'
                    return float.NegativeInfinity;;
                case 112:  // 'p'
                    return float.PositiveInfinity;

                case 97:  // 'a'
                    ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
                        int c2 = mString[mPosition];
                        if (c2 == 104)
                        if (c2 == 117)
                            int n = ReadDigits();
                            a[a.Count + n - 1] = null;
                    return a;

                case 111:  // 'o'
                    ExpandoObject o = new ExpandoObject();
                    UnserializeObject(ref o);
                    return o;

                case 114:  // 'r'
                    int n2 = ReadDigits();
                    if (n2 < 0 || n2 >= mCache.Count)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid reference");
                    return mCache[n2];

                case 82:  // 'R'
                    int n3 = ReadDigits();
                    if (n3 < 0 || n3 >= mStringsCache.Count)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid string reference");
                    return mStringsCache[n3];

                case 120:  // 'x'
                    throw (Exception) Unserialize();

                case 99:  // 'c'
            //					string name  = this.Unserialize();
            //					var cl : Class = this.resolver.resolveClass(name);
            //					if(cl == null) throw "Class not found " + name;
            //					var o2 : * = Type.createEmptyInstance(cl);
            //					this.cache.push(o2);
            //					this.unserializeObject(o2);
            //					return o2;

                case 119:  // 'w'
            //					string name2 = Unserialize();
            //					var edecl : Class = this.resolver.resolveEnum(name2);
            //					if(edecl == null) throw "Enum not found " + name2;
            //					return this.unserializeEnum(edecl,this.unserialize());

                case 106:  // 'j'
            //					var name3 : String = this.unserialize();
            //					var edecl2 : Class = this.resolver.resolveEnum(name3);
            //					if(edecl2 == null) throw "Enum not found " + name3;
            //					this.pos++;
            //					var index : int = this.readDigits();
            //					var tag : String = Type.getEnumConstructs(edecl2)[index];
            //					if(tag == null) throw "Unknown enum index " + name3 + "@" + index;
            //					return this.unserializeEnum(edecl2,tag);

                case 108:  // 'l'
                    ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
                    while (mString[mPosition] != 104)
                    return l;

                case 98:  // 'b'
                    Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
                    while(mString[mPosition] != 104)   // 'h' = 104
                        string s2 = (string)Unserialize();
                        h[s2] = Unserialize();
                    return h;

                case 113:  // 'q'
                    Hashtable h2 = new Hashtable();
                    int c3 = mString[mPosition++];
                    while (c3 == 58)  // ':'
                        int i = ReadDigits();
                        h2[i] = Unserialize();
                        c3 = mString[mPosition++];
                    if (c3 != 104)  // 'h'
                        throw new Exception("Invalid IntHash format");
                    return h2;

                case 118:  // 'v'
                    DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(mString.Substring(mPosition,19));
                    mPosition += 19;
                    return d;

                case 115:  // 's' -  base64 encoded bytes
                    int len2 = ReadDigits();
                    if (mString[mPosition++] != ':' || mString.Length - mPosition < len2)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid bytes length");

                    byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(mString.Substring(mPosition, len2));
                    mPosition += len2;
                    return bytes;

            //				default:
            //					break;

            throw new Exception("Invalid char " + mString[mPosition] + " at position " + mPosition);
Example #38
File: client.cs Project: abhiss/sth
 void OnPlayerKilled(int killerServerIndex, ExpandoObject info)
     Debug.WriteLine($"killer: {killerServerIndex}");
     TriggerServerEvent("sth:sendserverkillerserverindex", killerServerIndex);
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Save content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The edit model</param>
        public async Task SaveAsync(ContentEditModel model)
            var contentType = App.ContentTypes.GetById(model.TypeId);

            if (contentType != null)
                if (model.Id == Guid.Empty)
                    model.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                var content = await _api.Content.GetByIdAsync(model.Id, model.LanguageId);

                if (content == null)
                    content = await _factory.CreateAsync <DynamicContent>(contentType);

                    content.Id = model.Id;

                content.TypeId       = model.TypeId;
                content.Title        = model.Title;
                content.Excerpt      = model.Excerpt;
                content.PrimaryImage = model.PrimaryImage;

                // Save regions
                foreach (var region in contentType.Regions)
                    var modelRegion = model.Regions
                                      .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Meta.Id == region.Id);

                    if (region.Collection)
                        var listRegion = (IRegionList)((IDictionary <string, object>)content.Regions)[region.Id];


                        foreach (var item in modelRegion.Items)
                            if (region.Fields.Count == 1)
                                var postRegion = new ExpandoObject();

                                foreach (var field in region.Fields)
                                    var modelField = item.Fields
                                                     .FirstOrDefault(f => f.Meta.Id == field.Id);
                                    ((IDictionary <string, object>)postRegion)[field.Id] = modelField.Model;
                        var postRegion = ((IDictionary <string, object>)content.Regions)[region.Id];

                        if (region.Fields.Count == 1)
                            ((IDictionary <string, object>)content.Regions)[region.Id] =
                            foreach (var field in region.Fields)
                                var modelField = modelRegion.Items[0].Fields
                                                 .FirstOrDefault(f => f.Meta.Id == field.Id);
                                ((IDictionary <string, object>)postRegion)[field.Id] = modelField.Model;

                // Save content
                await _api.Content.SaveAsync(content, model.LanguageId);
                throw new ValidationException("Invalid Content Type.");
Example #40
        //Checks to see if a key is present based on the passed-in value
        public virtual bool ItemContainsKey(string key, ExpandoObject item)
            var dc = ItemAsDictionary(item);

Example #41
        public static void OtherInterestingFeatures()
            MethodSignatures(3, 1, 3, "Some", "Extra", "Strings");
            MethodSignatures(3, another: 3); // explicitly set a parameter, skipping optional ones

            int maxCount = 0, count; // ref params must have value

            MethodSignatures(ref maxCount, out count);

            // EXTENSION METHODS
            int i = 3;

            i.Print(); // Defined below

            // NULLABLE TYPES - great for database interaction / return values
            // any value type (i.e. not a class) can be made nullable by suffixing a ?
            // <type>? <var name> = <value>
            int?nullable = null;  // short hand for Nullable<int>

            Console.WriteLine("Nullable variable: " + nullable);
            bool hasValue = nullable.HasValue; // true if not null

            // ?? is syntactic sugar for specifying default value (coalesce)
            // in case variable is null
            int notNullable = nullable ?? 0; // 0

            // ?. is an operator for null-propagation - a shorthand way of checking for null
            nullable?.Print(); // Use the Print() extension method if nullable isn't null

            // IMPLICITLY TYPED VARIABLES - you can let the compiler work out what the type is:
            var magic = "magic is a string, at compile time, so you still get type safety";
            // magic = 9; will not work as magic is a string, not an int

            // GENERICS
            var phonebook = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Sarah", "212 555 5555" } // Add some entries to the phone book

            // Calling SETDEFAULT defined as a generic above
            Console.WriteLine(SetDefault <string, string>(phonebook, "Shaun", "No Phone")); // No Phone
            // nb, you don't need to specify the TKey and TValue since they can be
            // derived implicitly
            Console.WriteLine(SetDefault(phonebook, "Sarah", "No Phone")); // 212 555 5555

            // LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS - allow you to write code in line
            Func <int, int> square = (x) => x * x; // Last T item is the return value

            Console.WriteLine(square(3));          // 9

            // ERROR HANDLING - coping with an uncertain world
                var funBike = PennyFarthing.CreateWithGears(6);

                // will no longer execute because CreateWithGears throws an exception
                string some = "";
                if (true)
                    some = null;
                some.ToLower(); // throws a NullReferenceException
            catch (NotSupportedException)
                Console.WriteLine("Not so much fun now!");
            catch (Exception ex) // catch all other exceptions
                throw new ApplicationException("It hit the fan", ex);
                // throw; // A rethrow that preserves the callstack
            // catch { } // catch-all without capturing the Exception
                // executes after try or catch

            // DISPOSABLE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - let you handle unmanaged resources easily.
            // Most of objects that access unmanaged resources (file handle, device contexts, etc.)
            // implement the IDisposable interface. The using statement takes care of
            // cleaning those IDisposable objects for you.
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("log.txt"))
                writer.WriteLine("Nothing suspicious here");
                // At the end of scope, resources will be released.
                // Even if an exception is thrown.

            // https://devblogs.microsoft.com/csharpfaq/parallel-programming-in-net-framework-4-getting-started/

            var words = new List <string> {
                "dog", "cat", "horse", "pony"

                             new ParallelOptions()
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4
                             word =>

            // Running this will produce different outputs
            // since each thread finishes at different times.
            // Some example outputs are:
            // cat dog horse pony
            // dog horse pony cat

            // DYNAMIC OBJECTS (great for working with other languages)
            dynamic student = new ExpandoObject();

            student.FirstName = "First Name"; // No need to define class first!

            // You can even add methods (returns a string, and takes in a string)
            student.Introduce = new Func <string, string>(
                (introduceTo) => string.Format("Hey {0}, this is {1}", student.FirstName, introduceTo));

            // IQUERYABLE<T> - almost all collections implement this, which gives you a lot of
            // very useful Map / Filter / Reduce style methods
            var bikes = new List <Bicycle>();

            bikes.Sort();                                           // Sorts the array
            bikes.Sort((b1, b2) => b1.Wheels.CompareTo(b2.Wheels)); // Sorts based on wheels
            var result = bikes
                         .Where(b => b.Wheels > 3)                  // Filters - chainable (returns IQueryable of previous type)
                         .Where(b => b.IsBroken && b.HasTassles)
                         .Select(b => b.ToString());                // Map - we only this selects, so result is a IQueryable<string>

            var sum = bikes.Sum(b => b.Wheels);                     // Reduce - sums all the wheels in the collection

            // Create a list of IMPLICIT objects based on some parameters of the bike
            var bikeSummaries = bikes.Select(b => new { Name = b.Name, IsAwesome = !b.IsBroken && b.HasTassles });

            // Hard to show here, but you get type ahead completion since the compiler can implicitly work
            // out the types above!
            foreach (var bikeSummary in bikeSummaries.Where(b => b.IsAwesome))

            // ASPARALLEL
            // And this is where things get wicked - combine linq and parallel operations
            var threeWheelers = bikes.AsParallel().Where(b => b.Wheels == 3).Select(b => b.Name);
            // this will happen in parallel! Threads will automagically be spun up and the
            // results divvied amongst them! Amazing for large datasets when you have lots of
            // cores

            // LINQ - maps a store to IQueryable<T> objects, with delayed execution
            // e.g. LinqToSql - maps to a database, LinqToXml maps to an xml document
            var db = new BikeRepository();

            // execution is delayed, which is great when querying a database
            var filter = db.Bikes.Where(b => b.HasTassles); // no query run

            if (42 > 6)                                     // You can keep adding filters, even conditionally - great for "advanced search" functionality
                filter = filter.Where(b => b.IsBroken);     // no query run
            var query = filter
                        .OrderBy(b => b.Wheels)
                        .ThenBy(b => b.Name)
                        .Select(b => b.Name); // still no query run

            // Now the query runs, but opens a reader, so only populates as you iterate through
            foreach (string bike in query)
Example #42
        //  Расширенное чтение времени интегрирования мощности для массива профиля
        dynamic GetArray(int maxProfile)
            dynamic answer = new ExpandoObject();

            answer.success   = true;
            answer.error     = string.Empty;
            answer.errorcode = DeviceError.NO_ERROR;
            answer.select    = maxProfile; //нет такого массива профиля
            //  Расширенное чтение времени интегрирования мощности для массива профиля

            byte[] aTimeInterval = new byte[maxProfile];

            byte maxN  = 0;
            byte maxTI = 0;

            for (byte nArray = 0; nArray < maxProfile; nArray++)
                var rsp = Send(MakeRequestParameters(0x06, new byte[] { nArray }));
                if (!rsp.success)
                aTimeInterval[nArray] = rsp.Body[1];
                if (aTimeInterval[nArray] <= 60 && aTimeInterval[nArray] > maxTI)
                    maxN  = nArray;
                    maxTI = aTimeInterval[nArray];

            //выбираем массив профилей не большее часа и менее отличаюшейся от часа

            /*for (byte nArray = 0; nArray < maxProfile; nArray++)
             *  if (aTimeInterval[nArray] <= 60)
             *  {
             *      answer.select = nArray;
             *      answer.TimeInterval = aTimeInterval[answer.select];
             *  }*/
            if (maxTI > 0)
                answer.select       = maxN;
                answer.TimeInterval = maxTI;

            if (answer.select >= maxProfile)
            //    byte minTime = (byte)(60 - aTimeInterval[answer.select]);
            //    for (byte nArray = 0; nArray < maxProfile; nArray++)
            //    {
            //        if ((minTime > aTimeInterval[nArray]) && (aTimeInterval[nArray] <= 60))
            //        {
            //            answer.select = nArray;
            //            minTime = (byte)(60 - aTimeInterval[answer.select]);
            //            answer.TimeInterval = aTimeInterval[answer.select];
            //        }
            //    }
                answer.success   = false;
                answer.error     = string.Format("Нет профилей мощности с периодои интегрирования менее или равно 60 минут. Чтение часовых профилей невозможно.");
                answer.errorcode = DeviceError.NO_ERROR;
Example #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Turns the object into an ExpandoObject
 /// </summary>
 public static dynamic ToExpando(this object o)
     var result = new ExpandoObject();
     var d = result as IDictionary<string, object>; //work with the Expando as a Dictionary
     if (o.GetType() == typeof(ExpandoObject)) return o; //shouldn't have to... but just in case
     if (o.GetType() == typeof(NameValueCollection) || o.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(NameValueCollection)))
         var nv = (NameValueCollection)o;
         nv.Cast<string>().Select(key => new KeyValuePair<string, object>(key, nv[key])).ToList().ForEach(i => d.Add(i));
         var props = o.GetType().GetProperties();
         foreach (var item in props)
             d.Add(item.Name, item.GetValue(o, null));
     return result;
Example #44
 protected void UnserializeObject(ref ExpandoObject o)
         if (mPosition >= mString.Length)
             throw new Exception("Invalid object");
         if (mString[mPosition] == 'g')
         string k = (string)Unserialize();
         //if (! k is string)
         //	throw "Invalid object key";
         object v = Unserialize();
         o[k] = v;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the index at which the value should be stored for the specified name.
 /// </summary>
 internal int GetValueIndex(string name, bool caseInsensitive, ExpandoObject obj) {
     if (caseInsensitive) {
         return GetValueIndexCaseInsensitive(name, obj);
     } else {
         return GetValueIndexCaseSensitive(name);
Example #46
 /// <summary>
 /// This will return an Expando as a Dictionary
 /// </summary>
 public virtual IDictionary <string, object> ItemAsDictionary(ExpandoObject item)
     return((IDictionary <string, object>)item);
        public static ExpandoObject ShapeData <TSource>(this TSource source,
                                                        string fields)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            var dataShapedObject = new ExpandoObject();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fields))
                // all public properties should be in the ExpandoObject
                var propertyInfos = typeof(TSource)
                                    .GetProperties(BindingFlags.IgnoreCase |
                                                   BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                    // get the value of the property on the source object
                    var propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(source);

                    // add the field to the ExpandoObject
                    ((IDictionary <string, object>)dataShapedObject)
                    .Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyValue);


            // the field are separated by ",", so we split it.
            var fieldsAfterSplit = fields.Split(',');

            foreach (var field in fieldsAfterSplit)
                // trim each field, as it might contain leading
                // or trailing spaces. Can't trim the var in foreach,
                // so use another var.
                var propertyName = field.Trim();

                // use reflection to get the property on the source object
                // we need to include public and instance, b/c specifying a
                // binding flag overwrites the already-existing binding flags.
                var propertyInfo = typeof(TSource)
                                                BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                if (propertyInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Property {propertyName} wasn't found " +
                                        $"on {typeof(TSource)}");

                // get the value of the property on the source object
                var propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(source);

                // add the field to the ExpandoObject
                ((IDictionary <string, object>)dataShapedObject)
                .Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyValue);

            // return the list