Example #1
 public PNGText(ExifTag tag, string keyword, string value, bool compressed)
     : base(tag)
     Keyword = keyword;
     mValue = value;
     Compressed = compressed;
Example #2
 private void AddTagToList(ExifTag tag)
     ListViewItem item = listExif.Items.Add(tag.Id.ToString());
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the string representation for the given exif tag.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetTagName(ExifTag tag)
     string name = Enum.GetName(typeof(ExifTag), tag);
     if (name == null)
         return "Unknown";
         return name;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the string representation for the given exif tag including 
 /// IFD section and tag id.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetTagLongName(ExifTag tag)
     string ifdname = Enum.GetName(typeof(IFD), GetTagIFD(tag));
     string name = Enum.GetName(typeof(ExifTag), tag);
     if (name == null)
         name = "Unknown";
     string tagidname = GetTagID(tag).ToString();
     return ifdname + ": " + name + " (" + tagidname + ")";
Example #5
 public PNGInternationalText(ExifTag tag, string keyword, string value, bool compressed, string language, string translatedKeyword)
     : base(tag)
     Keyword = keyword;
     mValue = value;
     Compressed = compressed;
     Language = language;
     TranslatedKeyword = translatedKeyword;
Example #6
	bool MakeExifNode (TreeIter parent, TreeIter iter, ExifData ed, ExifTag tag)
		string val = ed.Lookup (tag);
		if (val == null || val == "")
			return false;

		MakeNode (parent, out iter, ExifUtil.GetTagTitle (tag) + ":", ed.Lookup (tag));
		return true;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets or sets the Exif property with the given key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The Exif tag associated with the Exif property.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ExifProperty this[ExifTag key]
         return Properties[key];
         Properties[key] = value;
    public static string GetDescription(ExifTag tag, object value)
      ExifTagDescriptionAttribute[] attributes = TypeHelper.GetCustomAttributes<ExifTagDescriptionAttribute>(tag);

      if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
        return null;

      foreach (ExifTagDescriptionAttribute attribute in attributes)
        if (Equals(attribute._value, value))
          return attribute._description;

      return null;
Example #9
 public ExifTag GetExifData(string filename)
   Metadata fileMetadata = GetExifMetadata(filename);
   ExifTag newTags = new ExifTag();
   newTags.CameraModel = fileMetadata.CameraModel.DisplayValue;
   newTags.EquipmentMake = fileMetadata.EquipmentMake.DisplayValue;
   newTags.Date = fileMetadata.DatePictureTaken.DisplayValue;
   newTags.ExposureCompensation = fileMetadata.ExposureCompensation.DisplayValue;
   newTags.ExposureTime = fileMetadata.ExposureTime.DisplayValue;
   newTags.Flash = fileMetadata.Flash.DisplayValue;
   newTags.Fstop = fileMetadata.Fstop.DisplayValue;
   newTags.ImgDimensions = fileMetadata.ImageDimensions.DisplayValue;
   newTags.MeteringMod = fileMetadata.MeteringMode.DisplayValue;
   newTags.Resolutions = fileMetadata.Resolution.DisplayValue;
   newTags.ShutterSpeed = fileMetadata.ShutterSpeed.DisplayValue;
   newTags.ViewComment = fileMetadata.ViewerComments.DisplayValue;
   return newTags;
Example #10
 public GPSTimeStamp(ExifTag tag, MathEx.UFraction32[] value)
     : base(tag, value)
Example #11
 public GPSLatitudeLongitude(ExifTag tag, MathEx.UFraction32[] value)
     : base(tag, value)
Example #12
 public ExifRectangularSubjectArea(ExifTag tag, ushort[] value)
     : base(tag, value)
 public ExifByteArray(ExifTag tag, byte[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
 public ExifSIntArray(ExifTag tag, int[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
 public ExifURational(ExifTag tag, MathEx.UFraction32 value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #16
 public ExifSRational(ExifTag tag, int numerator, int denominator)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = new MathEx.Fraction32(numerator, denominator);
Example #17
 public ExifSIntArray(ExifTag tag, int[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #18
 public ExifSInt(ExifTag tag, int value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #19
 public ExifUndefined(ExifTag tag, byte[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #20
 public ExifURational(ExifTag tag, MathEx.UFraction32 value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #21
 public ExifUShortArray(ExifTag tag, ushort[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #22
 public ExifUShort(ExifTag tag, ushort value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
 public ExifUShort(ExifTag tag, ushort value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #24
 public ExifSRationalArray(ExifTag tag, MathEx.Fraction32[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
 public ExifUndefined(ExifTag tag, byte[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #26
 public ExifByte(ExifTag tag, byte value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
 public ExifByte(ExifTag tag, byte value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="ExifValue"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="ExifValue"/>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">
        /// Thrown if the tag is not supported.
        /// </exception>
        internal static ExifValue Create(ExifTag tag, object value)
            Guard.IsFalse(tag == ExifTag.Unknown, nameof(tag), "Invalid Tag");

            switch (tag)
            case ExifTag.ImageDescription:
            case ExifTag.Make:
            case ExifTag.Model:
            case ExifTag.Software:
            case ExifTag.DateTime:
            case ExifTag.Artist:
            case ExifTag.HostComputer:
            case ExifTag.Copyright:
            case ExifTag.DocumentName:
            case ExifTag.PageName:
            case ExifTag.InkNames:
            case ExifTag.TargetPrinter:
            case ExifTag.ImageID:
            case ExifTag.MDLabName:
            case ExifTag.MDSampleInfo:
            case ExifTag.MDPrepDate:
            case ExifTag.MDPrepTime:
            case ExifTag.MDFileUnits:
            case ExifTag.SEMInfo:
            case ExifTag.SpectralSensitivity:
            case ExifTag.DateTimeOriginal:
            case ExifTag.DateTimeDigitized:
            case ExifTag.SubsecTime:
            case ExifTag.SubsecTimeOriginal:
            case ExifTag.SubsecTimeDigitized:
            case ExifTag.FaxSubaddress:
            case ExifTag.OffsetTime:
            case ExifTag.OffsetTimeOriginal:
            case ExifTag.OffsetTimeDigitized:
            case ExifTag.SecurityClassification:
            case ExifTag.ImageHistory:
            case ExifTag.ImageUniqueID:
            case ExifTag.OwnerName:
            case ExifTag.SerialNumber:
            case ExifTag.LensMake:
            case ExifTag.LensModel:
            case ExifTag.LensSerialNumber:
            case ExifTag.GDALMetadata:
            case ExifTag.GDALNoData:
            case ExifTag.GPSLatitudeRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSLongitudeRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSSatellites:
            case ExifTag.GPSStatus:
            case ExifTag.GPSMeasureMode:
            case ExifTag.GPSSpeedRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSTrackRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSImgDirectionRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSMapDatum:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestLatitudeRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestLongitudeRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestBearingRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestDistanceRef:
            case ExifTag.GPSDateStamp:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Ascii, value, true));

            case ExifTag.ClipPath:
            case ExifTag.VersionYear:
            case ExifTag.XMP:
            case ExifTag.CFAPattern2:
            case ExifTag.TIFFEPStandardID:
            case ExifTag.XPTitle:
            case ExifTag.XPComment:
            case ExifTag.XPAuthor:
            case ExifTag.XPKeywords:
            case ExifTag.XPSubject:
            case ExifTag.GPSVersionID:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Byte, value, true));

            case ExifTag.FaxProfile:
            case ExifTag.ModeNumber:
            case ExifTag.GPSAltitudeRef:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Byte, value, false));

            case ExifTag.FreeOffsets:
            case ExifTag.FreeByteCounts:
            case ExifTag.ColorResponseUnit:
            case ExifTag.TileOffsets:
            case ExifTag.SMinSampleValue:
            case ExifTag.SMaxSampleValue:
            case ExifTag.JPEGQTables:
            case ExifTag.JPEGDCTables:
            case ExifTag.JPEGACTables:
            case ExifTag.StripRowCounts:
            case ExifTag.IntergraphRegisters:
            case ExifTag.TimeZoneOffset:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Long, value, true));

            case ExifTag.SubfileType:
            case ExifTag.SubIFDOffset:
            case ExifTag.GPSIFDOffset:
            case ExifTag.T4Options:
            case ExifTag.T6Options:
            case ExifTag.XClipPathUnits:
            case ExifTag.YClipPathUnits:
            case ExifTag.ProfileType:
            case ExifTag.CodingMethods:
            case ExifTag.T82ptions:
            case ExifTag.JPEGInterchangeFormat:
            case ExifTag.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength:
            case ExifTag.MDFileTag:
            case ExifTag.StandardOutputSensitivity:
            case ExifTag.RecommendedExposureIndex:
            case ExifTag.ISOSpeed:
            case ExifTag.ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy:
            case ExifTag.ISOSpeedLatitudezzz:
            case ExifTag.FaxRecvParams:
            case ExifTag.FaxRecvTime:
            case ExifTag.ImageNumber:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Long, value, false));

            case ExifTag.WhitePoint:
            case ExifTag.PrimaryChromaticities:
            case ExifTag.YCbCrCoefficients:
            case ExifTag.ReferenceBlackWhite:
            case ExifTag.PixelScale:
            case ExifTag.IntergraphMatrix:
            case ExifTag.ModelTiePoint:
            case ExifTag.ModelTransform:
            case ExifTag.GPSLatitude:
            case ExifTag.GPSLongitude:
            case ExifTag.GPSTimestamp:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestLatitude:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestLongitude:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Rational, value, true));

            case ExifTag.XPosition:
            case ExifTag.YPosition:
            case ExifTag.XResolution:
            case ExifTag.YResolution:
            case ExifTag.BatteryLevel:
            case ExifTag.ExposureTime:
            case ExifTag.FNumber:
            case ExifTag.MDScalePixel:
            case ExifTag.CompressedBitsPerPixel:
            case ExifTag.ApertureValue:
            case ExifTag.MaxApertureValue:
            case ExifTag.SubjectDistance:
            case ExifTag.FocalLength:
            case ExifTag.FlashEnergy2:
            case ExifTag.FocalPlaneXResolution2:
            case ExifTag.FocalPlaneYResolution2:
            case ExifTag.ExposureIndex2:
            case ExifTag.Humidity:
            case ExifTag.Pressure:
            case ExifTag.Acceleration:
            case ExifTag.FlashEnergy:
            case ExifTag.FocalPlaneXResolution:
            case ExifTag.FocalPlaneYResolution:
            case ExifTag.ExposureIndex:
            case ExifTag.DigitalZoomRatio:
            case ExifTag.LensInfo:
            case ExifTag.GPSAltitude:
            case ExifTag.GPSDOP:
            case ExifTag.GPSSpeed:
            case ExifTag.GPSTrack:
            case ExifTag.GPSImgDirection:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestBearing:
            case ExifTag.GPSDestDistance:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Rational, value, false));

            case ExifTag.BitsPerSample:
            case ExifTag.MinSampleValue:
            case ExifTag.MaxSampleValue:
            case ExifTag.GrayResponseCurve:
            case ExifTag.ColorMap:
            case ExifTag.ExtraSamples:
            case ExifTag.PageNumber:
            case ExifTag.TransferFunction:
            case ExifTag.Predictor:
            case ExifTag.HalftoneHints:
            case ExifTag.SampleFormat:
            case ExifTag.TransferRange:
            case ExifTag.DefaultImageColor:
            case ExifTag.JPEGLosslessPredictors:
            case ExifTag.JPEGPointTransforms:
            case ExifTag.YCbCrSubsampling:
            case ExifTag.CFARepeatPatternDim:
            case ExifTag.IntergraphPacketData:
            case ExifTag.ISOSpeedRatings:
            case ExifTag.SubjectArea:
            case ExifTag.SubjectLocation:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Short, value, true));

            case ExifTag.OldSubfileType:
            case ExifTag.Compression:
            case ExifTag.PhotometricInterpretation:
            case ExifTag.Thresholding:
            case ExifTag.CellWidth:
            case ExifTag.CellLength:
            case ExifTag.FillOrder:
            case ExifTag.Orientation:
            case ExifTag.SamplesPerPixel:
            case ExifTag.PlanarConfiguration:
            case ExifTag.GrayResponseUnit:
            case ExifTag.ResolutionUnit:
            case ExifTag.CleanFaxData:
            case ExifTag.InkSet:
            case ExifTag.NumberOfInks:
            case ExifTag.DotRange:
            case ExifTag.Indexed:
            case ExifTag.OPIProxy:
            case ExifTag.JPEGProc:
            case ExifTag.JPEGRestartInterval:
            case ExifTag.YCbCrPositioning:
            case ExifTag.Rating:
            case ExifTag.RatingPercent:
            case ExifTag.ExposureProgram:
            case ExifTag.Interlace:
            case ExifTag.SelfTimerMode:
            case ExifTag.SensitivityType:
            case ExifTag.MeteringMode:
            case ExifTag.LightSource:
            case ExifTag.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit2:
            case ExifTag.SensingMethod2:
            case ExifTag.Flash:
            case ExifTag.ColorSpace:
            case ExifTag.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit:
            case ExifTag.SensingMethod:
            case ExifTag.CustomRendered:
            case ExifTag.ExposureMode:
            case ExifTag.WhiteBalance:
            case ExifTag.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm:
            case ExifTag.SceneCaptureType:
            case ExifTag.GainControl:
            case ExifTag.Contrast:
            case ExifTag.Saturation:
            case ExifTag.Sharpness:
            case ExifTag.SubjectDistanceRange:
            case ExifTag.GPSDifferential:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Short, value, false));

            case ExifTag.Decode:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.SignedRational, value, true));

            case ExifTag.ShutterSpeedValue:
            case ExifTag.BrightnessValue:
            case ExifTag.ExposureBiasValue:
            case ExifTag.AmbientTemperature:
            case ExifTag.WaterDepth:
            case ExifTag.CameraElevationAngle:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.SignedRational, value, false));

            case ExifTag.JPEGTables:
            case ExifTag.OECF:
            case ExifTag.ExifVersion:
            case ExifTag.ComponentsConfiguration:
            case ExifTag.MakerNote:
            case ExifTag.UserComment:
            case ExifTag.FlashpixVersion:
            case ExifTag.SpatialFrequencyResponse:
            case ExifTag.SpatialFrequencyResponse2:
            case ExifTag.Noise:
            case ExifTag.CFAPattern:
            case ExifTag.DeviceSettingDescription:
            case ExifTag.ImageSourceData:
            case ExifTag.GPSProcessingMethod:
            case ExifTag.GPSAreaInformation:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Undefined, value, true));

            case ExifTag.FileSource:
            case ExifTag.SceneType:
                return(new ExifValue(tag, ExifDataType.Undefined, value, false));

            case ExifTag.StripOffsets:
            case ExifTag.TileByteCounts:
            case ExifTag.ImageLayer:
                return(CreateNumber(tag, value, true));

            case ExifTag.ImageWidth:
            case ExifTag.ImageLength:
            case ExifTag.TileWidth:
            case ExifTag.TileLength:
            case ExifTag.BadFaxLines:
            case ExifTag.ConsecutiveBadFaxLines:
            case ExifTag.PixelXDimension:
            case ExifTag.PixelYDimension:
                return(CreateNumber(tag, value, false));

                throw new NotSupportedException();
		public Boolean RemoveValue(ExifTag tag)
			object result;
				result = _Instance.CallMethod("RemoveValue", new Type[] {Types.ExifTag}, tag);
			catch (Exception ex)
				throw ExceptionHelper.Create(ex);
			return (Boolean)result;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an ExifProperty from the given interoperability parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag id of the exif property.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type id of the exif property.</param>
        /// <param name="count">Byte or component count.</param>
        /// <param name="value">Field data as an array of bytes.</param>
        /// <param name="byteOrder">Byte order of value.</param>
        /// <param name="ifd">IFD section containing this propery.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The encoding to be used for text metadata when the source encoding is unknown.</param>
        /// <returns>an ExifProperty initialized from the interoperability parameters.</returns>
        public static ExifProperty Get(ushort tag, ushort type, uint count, byte[] value, BitConverterEx.ByteOrder byteOrder, IFD ifd, Encoding encoding)
            BitConverterEx conv = new BitConverterEx(byteOrder, BitConverterEx.SystemByteOrder);
            // Find the exif tag corresponding to given tag id
            ExifTag etag = ExifTagFactory.GetExifTag(ifd, tag);

            if (ifd == IFD.Zeroth)
                if (tag == 0x103) // Compression
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Compression>(ExifTag.Compression, (Compression)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x106) // PhotometricInterpretation
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <PhotometricInterpretation>(ExifTag.PhotometricInterpretation, (PhotometricInterpretation)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x112) // Orientation
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Orientation>(ExifTag.Orientation, (Orientation)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x11c) // PlanarConfiguration
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <PlanarConfiguration>(ExifTag.PlanarConfiguration, (PlanarConfiguration)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x213) // YCbCrPositioning
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <YCbCrPositioning>(ExifTag.YCbCrPositioning, (YCbCrPositioning)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x128) // ResolutionUnit
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <ResolutionUnit>(ExifTag.ResolutionUnit, (ResolutionUnit)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x132) // DateTime
                    return(new ExifDateTime(ExifTag.DateTime, ExifBitConverter.ToDateTime(value)));
                else if (tag == 0x9c9b || tag == 0x9c9c ||  // Windows tags
                         tag == 0x9c9d || tag == 0x9c9e || tag == 0x9c9f)
                    return(new WindowsByteString(etag, Encoding.Unicode.GetString(value).TrimEnd('\0')));
            else if (ifd == IFD.EXIF)
                if (tag == 0x9000) // ExifVersion
                    return(new ExifVersion(ExifTag.ExifVersion, ExifBitConverter.ToAscii(value, Encoding.ASCII)));
                else if (tag == 0xa000) // FlashpixVersion
                    return(new ExifVersion(ExifTag.FlashpixVersion, ExifBitConverter.ToAscii(value, Encoding.ASCII)));
                else if (tag == 0xa001) // ColorSpace
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <ColorSpace>(ExifTag.ColorSpace, (ColorSpace)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x9286) // UserComment
                    // Default to ASCII
                    Encoding enc = Encoding.ASCII;
                    bool     hasenc;
                    if (value.Length < 8)
                        hasenc = false;
                        hasenc = true;
                        string encstr = enc.GetString(value, 0, 8);
                        if (string.Compare(encstr, "ASCII\0\0\0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            enc = Encoding.ASCII;
                        else if (string.Compare(encstr, "JIS\0\0\0\0\0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990)");
                        else if (string.Compare(encstr, "Unicode\0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            enc = Encoding.Unicode;
                            hasenc = false;

                    string val = (hasenc ? enc.GetString(value, 8, value.Length - 8) : enc.GetString(value)).Trim('\0');

                    return(new ExifEncodedString(ExifTag.UserComment, val, enc));
                else if (tag == 0x9003) // DateTimeOriginal
                    return(new ExifDateTime(ExifTag.DateTimeOriginal, ExifBitConverter.ToDateTime(value)));
                else if (tag == 0x9004) // DateTimeDigitized
                    return(new ExifDateTime(ExifTag.DateTimeDigitized, ExifBitConverter.ToDateTime(value)));
                else if (tag == 0x8822) // ExposureProgram
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <ExposureProgram>(ExifTag.ExposureProgram, (ExposureProgram)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x9207) // MeteringMode
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <MeteringMode>(ExifTag.MeteringMode, (MeteringMode)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x9208) // LightSource
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <LightSource>(ExifTag.LightSource, (LightSource)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x9209) // Flash
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Flash>(ExifTag.Flash, (Flash)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0x9214) // SubjectArea
                    if (count == 3)
                        return(new ExifCircularSubjectArea(ExifTag.SubjectArea, ExifBitConverter.ToUShortArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                    else if (count == 4)
                        return(new ExifRectangularSubjectArea(ExifTag.SubjectArea, ExifBitConverter.ToUShortArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                    else // count == 2
                        return(new ExifPointSubjectArea(ExifTag.SubjectArea, ExifBitConverter.ToUShortArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 0xa210) // FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <ResolutionUnit>(ExifTag.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit, (ResolutionUnit)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa214) // SubjectLocation
                    return(new ExifPointSubjectArea(ExifTag.SubjectLocation, ExifBitConverter.ToUShortArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 0xa217) // SensingMethod
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <SensingMethod>(ExifTag.SensingMethod, (SensingMethod)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa300) // FileSource
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <FileSource>(ExifTag.FileSource, (FileSource)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa301) // SceneType
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <SceneType>(ExifTag.SceneType, (SceneType)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa401) // CustomRendered
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <CustomRendered>(ExifTag.CustomRendered, (CustomRendered)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa402) // ExposureMode
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <ExposureMode>(ExifTag.ExposureMode, (ExposureMode)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa403) // WhiteBalance
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <WhiteBalance>(ExifTag.WhiteBalance, (WhiteBalance)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa406) // SceneCaptureType
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <SceneCaptureType>(ExifTag.SceneCaptureType, (SceneCaptureType)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa407) // GainControl
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GainControl>(ExifTag.GainControl, (GainControl)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa408) // Contrast
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Contrast>(ExifTag.Contrast, (Contrast)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa409) // Saturation
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Saturation>(ExifTag.Saturation, (Saturation)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa40a) // Sharpness
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Sharpness>(ExifTag.Sharpness, (Sharpness)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa40c) // SubjectDistanceRange
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <SubjectDistanceRange>(ExifTag.SubjectDistanceRange, (SubjectDistanceRange)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0), true));
                else if (tag == 0xa432) // LensSpecification
                    return(new LensSpecification(ExifTag.LensSpecification, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
            else if (ifd == IFD.GPS)
                if (tag == 0) // GPSVersionID
                    return(new VersionID(ExifTag.GPSVersionID, value));
                else if (tag == 1) // GPSLatitudeRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSLatitudeRef>(ExifTag.GPSLatitudeRef, (GPSLatitudeRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 2) // GPSLatitude
                    return(new GPSLatitudeLongitude(ExifTag.GPSLatitude, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 3) // GPSLongitudeRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSLongitudeRef>(ExifTag.GPSLongitudeRef, (GPSLongitudeRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 4) // GPSLongitude
                    return(new GPSLatitudeLongitude(ExifTag.GPSLongitude, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 5) // GPSAltitudeRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSAltitudeRef>(ExifTag.GPSAltitudeRef, (GPSAltitudeRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 7) // GPSTimeStamp
                    return(new GPSTimeStamp(ExifTag.GPSTimeStamp, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 9) // GPSStatus
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSStatus>(ExifTag.GPSStatus, (GPSStatus)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 10) // GPSMeasureMode
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSMeasureMode>(ExifTag.GPSMeasureMode, (GPSMeasureMode)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 12) // GPSSpeedRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSSpeedRef>(ExifTag.GPSSpeedRef, (GPSSpeedRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 14) // GPSTrackRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSDirectionRef>(ExifTag.GPSTrackRef, (GPSDirectionRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 16) // GPSImgDirectionRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSDirectionRef>(ExifTag.GPSImgDirectionRef, (GPSDirectionRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 19) // GPSDestLatitudeRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSLatitudeRef>(ExifTag.GPSDestLatitudeRef, (GPSLatitudeRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 20) // GPSDestLatitude
                    return(new GPSLatitudeLongitude(ExifTag.GPSDestLatitude, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 21) // GPSDestLongitudeRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSLongitudeRef>(ExifTag.GPSDestLongitudeRef, (GPSLongitudeRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 22) // GPSDestLongitude
                    return(new GPSLatitudeLongitude(ExifTag.GPSDestLongitude, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                else if (tag == 23) // GPSDestBearingRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSDirectionRef>(ExifTag.GPSDestBearingRef, (GPSDirectionRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 25) // GPSDestDistanceRef
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSDistanceRef>(ExifTag.GPSDestDistanceRef, (GPSDistanceRef)value[0]));
                else if (tag == 29) // GPSDateStamp
                    return(new ExifDate(ExifTag.GPSDateStamp, ExifBitConverter.ToDateTime(value, false)));
                else if (tag == 30) // GPSDifferential
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <GPSDifferential>(ExifTag.GPSDifferential, (GPSDifferential)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
            else if (ifd == IFD.Interop)
                if (tag == 1) // InteroperabilityIndex
                    return(new ExifAscii(ExifTag.InteroperabilityIndex, ExifBitConverter.ToAscii(value, Encoding.ASCII), Encoding.ASCII));
                else if (tag == 2) // InteroperabilityVersion
                    return(new ExifVersion(ExifTag.InteroperabilityVersion, ExifBitConverter.ToAscii(value, Encoding.ASCII)));
            else if (ifd == IFD.First)
                if (tag == 0x103) // Compression
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Compression>(ExifTag.ThumbnailCompression, (Compression)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x106) // PhotometricInterpretation
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <PhotometricInterpretation>(ExifTag.ThumbnailPhotometricInterpretation, (PhotometricInterpretation)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x112) // Orientation
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <Orientation>(ExifTag.ThumbnailOrientation, (Orientation)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x11c) // PlanarConfiguration
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <PlanarConfiguration>(ExifTag.ThumbnailPlanarConfiguration, (PlanarConfiguration)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x213) // YCbCrPositioning
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <YCbCrPositioning>(ExifTag.ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning, (YCbCrPositioning)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x128) // ResolutionUnit
                    return(new ExifEnumProperty <ResolutionUnit>(ExifTag.ThumbnailResolutionUnit, (ResolutionUnit)conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                else if (tag == 0x132) // DateTime
                    return(new ExifDateTime(ExifTag.ThumbnailDateTime, ExifBitConverter.ToDateTime(value)));

            if (type == 1) // 1 = BYTE An 8-bit unsigned integer.
                if (count == 1)
                    return(new ExifByte(etag, value[0]));
                    return(new ExifByteArray(etag, value));
            else if (type == 2) // 2 = ASCII An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code.
                return(new ExifAscii(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToAscii(value, encoding), encoding));
            else if (type == 3) // 3 = SHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer.
                if (count == 1)
                    return(new ExifUShort(etag, conv.ToUInt16(value, 0)));
                    return(new ExifUShortArray(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToUShortArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
            else if (type == 4) // 4 = LONG A 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.
                if (count == 1)
                    return(new ExifUInt(etag, conv.ToUInt32(value, 0)));
                    return(new ExifUIntArray(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToUIntArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
            else if (type == 5) // 5 = RATIONAL Two LONGs. The first LONG is the numerator and the second LONG expresses the denominator.
                if (count == 1)
                    return(new ExifURational(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToURational(value, byteOrder)));
                    return(new ExifURationalArray(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToURationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
            else if (type == 7) // 7 = UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition.
                return(new ExifUndefined(etag, value));
            else if (type == 9) // 9 = SLONG A 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer (2's complement notation).
                if (count == 1)
                    return(new ExifSInt(etag, conv.ToInt32(value, 0)));
                    return(new ExifSIntArray(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToSIntArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
            else if (type == 10) // 10 = SRATIONAL Two SLONGs. The first SLONG is the numerator and the second SLONG is the denominator.
                if (count == 1)
                    return(new ExifSRational(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToSRational(value, byteOrder)));
                    return(new ExifSRationalArray(etag, ExifBitConverter.ToSRationalArray(value, (int)count, byteOrder)));
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown property type.");
Example #31
 public ExifEnumProperty(ExifTag tag, T value)
     : this(tag, value, false)
Example #32
	public static string GetTagTitle (ExifTag tag)
		return "";
Example #33
 public ExifRectangularSubjectArea(ExifTag tag, ushort x, ushort y, ushort w, ushort h)
     : base(tag, new ushort[] { x, y, w, h })
Example #34
	internal static extern IntPtr exif_content_get_entry (_ExifContent *ptr, ExifTag tag);
Example #35
 public GPSLatitudeLongitude(ExifTag tag, float d, float m, float s)
     : base(tag, new MathEx.UFraction32[] { new MathEx.UFraction32(d), new MathEx.UFraction32(m), new MathEx.UFraction32(s) })
Example #36
	public string Lookup (ExifTag tag)
		if (values == null)
			Assemble ();
		return (string) values [tag];
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets or sets the Exif property with the given key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The Exif tag associated with the Exif property.</param>
 public ExifProperty this[ExifTag key] {
     get { return(Properties[key]); }
     set { Properties[key] = value; }
Example #38
 public ExifByteArray(ExifTag tag, byte[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #39
	public static string GetTagDescription (ExifTag tag)
		return "";
Example #40
 public ExifByteArray(ExifTag tag, byte[] value)
     : base(tag) =>
Example #41
	public string Lookup (ExifTag tag) { return null; }
Example #42
 public ExifProperty(ExifTag tag)
     mTag = tag;
     mIFD = ExifTagFactory.GetTagIFD(tag);
Example #43
	unsafe internal _ExifEntry * Search (ExifTag tag)
		return null;
Example #44
 public ExifAscii(ExifTag tag, string value, Encoding encoding)
     : base(tag)
     mValue   = value;
     Encoding = encoding;
 public ExifAscii(ExifTag tag, string value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #46
 public ExifByte(ExifTag tag, byte value)
     : base(tag) =>
 public ExifUShortArray(ExifTag tag, ushort[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #48
 public ExifEncodedString(ExifTag tag, string value, Encoding encoding)
     : base(tag)
     mValue    = value;
     mEncoding = encoding;
 public ExifProperty(ExifTag tag)
     mTag = tag;
     mIFD = ExifTagFactory.GetTagIFD(tag);
Example #50
 public ExifDate(ExifTag tag, DateTime value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
 public ExifSInt(ExifTag tag, int value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #52
 public VersionID(ExifTag tag, byte[] value)
     : base(tag, value)
 public ExifSRational(ExifTag tag, int numerator, int denominator)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = new MathEx.Fraction32(numerator, denominator);
Example #54
 public ExifEnumProperty(ExifTag tag, T value, bool isbitfield)
     : base(tag)
     mValue      = value;
     mIsBitField = isbitfield;
 public ExifSRationalArray(ExifTag tag, MathEx.Fraction32[] value)
     : base(tag)
     mValue = value;
Example #56
 public ExifPointSubjectArea(ExifTag tag, ushort[] value)
     : base(tag, value)
		public ExifValue GetValue(ExifTag tag)
			object result;
				result = _Instance.CallMethod("GetValue", new Type[] {Types.ExifTag}, tag);
			catch (Exception ex)
				throw ExceptionHelper.Create(ex);
			return (result == null ? null : new ExifValue(result));
Example #58
 public ExifPointSubjectArea(ExifTag tag, ushort x, ushort y)
     : base(tag, new ushort[] { x, y })
		public void SetValue(ExifTag tag, Object value)
				_Instance.CallMethod("SetValue", new Type[] {Types.ExifTag, typeof(Object)}, tag, GraphicsMagick.ExifProfile.GetInstance(value));
			catch (Exception ex)
				throw ExceptionHelper.Create(ex);
Example #60
 public ExifCircularSubjectArea(ExifTag tag, ushort x, ushort y, ushort d)
     : base(tag, new ushort[] { x, y, d })