// Warning - will not work - see comment above ProblemFour method invokation in Main()
        public static void Main()
            var mongoHandler = new MongoDbHandler();
            var sqlHandler = new SqlServerHandler();
            var mySqlHandler = new MySqlHandler();
            var pdfHandler = new PdfHandler();
            var xmlToSql = new XmlToSqlServerLoader();
            var excellHandler = new ExcellHandler();
            var mongoToSql = new MongoToSqlServerLoader();
            var zipExtractor = new ZipExtractor();
            var jsonHandler = new JsonHandler();
            var sqliteHandler = new SqliteHandler();
            var xmlHandler = new XmlHandler();

            if (!Directory.Exists(OutputDirectory))

            //// Mongolab.com credentials - Username: TeamXenon , Passsword: xenon123

            ProblemOne(mongoHandler, mongoToSql, zipExtractor, excellHandler);



            //// NOTE!!! - you need to go to CarParts.Data.MySql project and in its App.config file
            //// you should change the password in the connectionString tag with which you connect to your localhost instance of the MySQL Workbench server.
            ProblemFour(sqlHandler, mySqlHandler, jsonHandler);

            ProblemFive(mongoHandler, xmlToSql);

            ProblemSix(excellHandler, sqlHandler, sqliteHandler, mySqlHandler);
        private static void ProblemOne(MongoDbHandler mongoHandler, MongoToSqlServerLoader mongoToSql, ZipExtractor extractor, ExcellHandler excellHandler)
            /*// populating database in mongolab with some useless testing data
                new mongodataseeder().seed(mongohandler);
            catch (exception ex)
                console.writeline("just in case you uncomment and try to populate the cloud database with existing id's and it throws :)");

            Console.WriteLine("successsfully added all in a sql database");

            Console.WriteLine("Files extracted successfully.");

            Console.WriteLine("successfully added sales table from excell files.");
        private static void ProblemSix(ExcellHandler excellHandler, SqlServerHandler sqlHandler, SqliteHandler sqliteHandler, MySqlHandler mySqlHandler)
            var reports = mySqlHandler.ReadReports();
            var taxes = sqliteHandler.ReadTaxes();

            excellHandler.GenerateExcellFile(reports, taxes, "VendorsFinancialReport.xlsx");
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully generated excell file to ");