Example #1
        // effects: Ensures that there is a relationship mapped into the C-space for some cell in m_cellGroup. Else
        // adds an error to errorLog
        private void GuaranteeMappedRelationshipForForeignKey(
            QueryRewriter childRewriter, QueryRewriter parentRewriter,
            IEnumerable <Cell> cells,
            ErrorLog errorLog, ConfigViewGenerator config)
            var childContext  = childRewriter.ViewgenContext;
            var parentContext = parentRewriter.ViewgenContext;

            // Find a cell where this foreign key is mapped as a relationship
            var prefix           = new MemberPath(ChildTable);
            var primaryKey       = ExtentKey.GetPrimaryKeyForEntityType(prefix, ChildTable.ElementType);
            var primaryKeyFields = primaryKey.KeyFields;
            var foundCell        = false;

            var foundValidParentColumnsForForeignKey = false; //we need to find only one, don't error on any one check being false
            List <ErrorLog.Record> errorListForInvalidParentColumnsForForeignKey = null;

            foreach (var cell in cells)
                if (cell.SQuery.Extent.Equals(ChildTable) == false)

                // The childtable is mapped to a relationship in the C-space in cell
                // Check that all the columns of the foreign key and the primary key in the child table are mapped to some
                // property in the C-space

                var parentEnd = GetRelationEndForColumns(cell, ChildColumns);
                if (parentEnd != null &&
                    CheckParentColumnsForForeignKey(cell, cells, parentEnd, ref errorListForInvalidParentColumnsForForeignKey) == false)
                    // Not an error unless we find no valid case
                    foundValidParentColumnsForForeignKey = true;

                var childEnd = GetRelationEndForColumns(cell, primaryKeyFields);
                    childEnd == null || parentEnd != childEnd,
                    "Ends are same => PKey and child columns are same - code should gone to other method");
                // Note: If both of them are not-null, they are mapped to the
                // same association set -- since we checked that particular cell

                if (childEnd != null &&
                    parentEnd != null &&
                    FindEntitySetForColumnsMappedToEntityKeys(cells, primaryKeyFields).Count > 0)
                    foundCell = true;
                    CheckConstraintWhenParentChildMapped(cell, errorLog, parentEnd, config);
                    break; // Done processing for the foreign key - either it was mapped correctly or it was not
                else if (parentEnd != null)
                    // At this point, we know cell corresponds to an association set
                    var assocSet = (AssociationSet)cell.CQuery.Extent;
                    foundCell = CheckConstraintWhenOnlyParentMapped(assocSet, parentEnd, childRewriter, parentRewriter);
                    if (foundCell)

            //CheckParentColumnsForForeignKey has returned no matches, Error.
            if (!foundValidParentColumnsForForeignKey)
                    errorListForInvalidParentColumnsForForeignKey != null && errorListForInvalidParentColumnsForForeignKey.Count > 0);
                foreach (var errorRecord in errorListForInvalidParentColumnsForForeignKey)

            if (foundCell == false)
                // No cell found -- Declare error
                var message = Strings.ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Missing_Relationship_Mapping(ToUserString());

                IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper> parentWrappers = GetWrappersFromContext(parentContext, ParentTable);
                IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper> childWrappers  = GetWrappersFromContext(childContext, ChildTable);
                var bothExtentWrappers =
                    new Set <LeftCellWrapper>(parentWrappers);
                var record = new ErrorLog.Record(
                    ViewGenErrorCode.ForeignKeyMissingRelationshipMapping, message, bothExtentWrappers, String.Empty);
Example #2
        // requires: all columns in constraint.ParentColumns and
        // constraint.ChildColumns must have been mapped in some cell in m_cellGroup
        // effects: Given the foreign key constraint, checks if the
        // constraint.ChildColumns are mapped to the constraint.ParentColumns
        // in m_cellGroup in the right oder. If not, adds an error to m_errorLog and returns
        // false. Else returns true
        private bool CheckForeignKeyColumnOrder(Set <Cell> cells, ErrorLog errorLog)
            // Go through every cell and find the cells that are relevant to
            // parent and those that are relevant to child
            // Then for each cell pair (parent, child) make sure that the
            // projected foreign keys columns in C-space are aligned

            var parentCells = new List <Cell>();
            var childCells  = new List <Cell>();

            foreach (var cell in cells)
                if (cell.SQuery.Extent.Equals(ChildTable))

                if (cell.SQuery.Extent.Equals(ParentTable))

            // Make sure that all child cells and parent cells align on
            // the columns, i.e., for each DISTINCT pair C and P, get the columns
            // on the S-side. Then get the corresponding fields on the
            // C-side. The fields on the C-side should match

            var foundParentCell = false;
            var foundChildCell  = false;

            foreach (var childCell in childCells)
                var allChildSlotNums = GetSlotNumsForColumns(childCell, ChildColumns);

                if (allChildSlotNums.Count == 0)
                    // slots in present in S-side, ignore

                List <MemberPath> childPaths  = null;
                List <MemberPath> parentPaths = null;
                Cell errorParentCell          = null;

                foreach (var childSlotNums in allChildSlotNums)
                    foundChildCell = true;

                    // Get the fields on the C-side
                    childPaths = new List <MemberPath>(childSlotNums.Count);
                    foreach (var childSlotNum in childSlotNums)
                        // Initial slots only have JoinTreeSlots
                        var childSlot = (MemberProjectedSlot)childCell.CQuery.ProjectedSlotAt(childSlotNum);
                        Debug.Assert(childSlot != null);

                    foreach (var parentCell in parentCells)
                        var allParentSlotNums = GetSlotNumsForColumns(parentCell, ParentColumns);
                        if (allParentSlotNums.Count == 0)
                            // * Parent and child cell are the same - we do not
                            // need to check since we want to check the foreign
                            // key constraint mapping across cells
                            // * Some slots not in present in S-side, ignore
                        foreach (var parentSlotNums in allParentSlotNums)
                            foundParentCell = true;

                            parentPaths = new List <MemberPath>(parentSlotNums.Count);
                            foreach (var parentSlotNum in parentSlotNums)
                                var parentSlot = (MemberProjectedSlot)parentCell.CQuery.ProjectedSlotAt(parentSlotNum);
                                Debug.Assert(parentSlot != null);

                            // Make sure that the last member of each of these is the same
                            // or the paths are essentially equivalent via referential constraints
                            // We need to check that the last member is essentially the same because it could
                            // be a regular scenario where aid is mapped to PersonAddress and Address - there
                            // is no ref constraint. So when projected into C-Space, we will get Address.aid
                            // and PersonAddress.Address.aid
                            if (childPaths.Count
                                == parentPaths.Count)
                                var notAllPathsMatched = false;
                                for (var i = 0; i < childPaths.Count && !notAllPathsMatched; i++)
                                    var parentPath = parentPaths[i];
                                    var childPath  = childPaths[i];

                                    if (!parentPath.LeafEdmMember.Equals(childPath.LeafEdmMember)) //Child path did not match
                                        if (parentPath.IsEquivalentViaRefConstraint(childPath))
                                            //Specifying the referential constraint once in the C space should be enough.
                                            //This is the only way possible today.
                                            //We might be able to derive more knowledge by using boolean logic
                                            notAllPathsMatched = true;

                                if (!notAllPathsMatched)
                                    return(true); //all childPaths matched parentPaths
                                    //If not this one, some other Parent Cell may match.
                                    errorParentCell = parentCell;
                    } //foreach parentCell

                //If execution is at this point, no parent cell's end has matched (otherwise it would have returned true)

                Debug.Assert(childPaths != null, "child paths should be set");
                Debug.Assert(parentPaths != null, "parent paths should be set");
                Debug.Assert(errorParentCell != null, "errorParentCell should be set");

                var message = Strings.ViewGen_Foreign_Key_ColumnOrder_Incorrect(
                    MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString(ChildColumns, false),
                    MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString(childPaths, false),
                    MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString(ParentColumns, false),
                    MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString(parentPaths, false),
                var record = new ErrorLog.Record(
                    ViewGenErrorCode.ForeignKeyColumnOrderIncorrect, message, new[] { errorParentCell, childCell }, String.Empty);
            Debug.Assert(foundParentCell, "Some cell that mapped the parent's key must be present!");
                foundChildCell == true, "Some cell that mapped the child's foreign key must be present according to the requires clause!");
Example #3
        // effects: Checks that this foreign key constraints for all the
        // tables are being ensured on the C-side as well. If not, adds
        // errors to the errorLog
        internal void CheckConstraint(
            Set <Cell> cells, QueryRewriter childRewriter, QueryRewriter parentRewriter,
            ErrorLog errorLog, ConfigViewGenerator config)
            if (IsConstraintRelevantForCells(cells) == false)
                // if the constraint does not deal with any cell in this group, ignore it

            if (config.IsNormalTracing)
                Trace.Write("Checking: ");

            if (childRewriter == null &&
                parentRewriter == null)
                // Neither table is mapped - so we are fine

            // If the child table has not been mapped, we used to say that we
            // are fine. However, if we have SPerson(pid) and SAddress(aid,
            // pid), where pid is an FK into SPerson, we are in trouble if
            // SAddress is not mapped - SPerson could get deleted. So we
            // check for it as well
            // if the parent table is not mapped, we also have a problem

            if (childRewriter == null)
                var message = Strings.ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Missing_Table_Mapping(
                    ToUserString(), ChildTable.Name);
                // Get the cells from the parent table
                var record = new ErrorLog.Record(
                    ViewGenErrorCode.ForeignKeyMissingTableMapping, message, parentRewriter.UsedCells, String.Empty);

            if (parentRewriter == null)
                var message = Strings.ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Missing_Table_Mapping(
                    ToUserString(), ParentTable.Name);
                // Get the cells from the child table
                var record = new ErrorLog.Record(
                    ViewGenErrorCode.ForeignKeyMissingTableMapping, message, childRewriter.UsedCells, String.Empty);

            // Note: we do not check if the parent columns correspond to the
            // table's keys - metadata checks for that

            //First check if the FK is covered by Foreign Key Association
            //If we find this, we don't need to check for independent associations. If user maps the Fk to both FK and independent associations,
            //the regular round tripping validation will catch the error.
            if (CheckIfConstraintMappedToForeignKeyAssociation(childRewriter, cells))

            // Check if the foreign key in the child table corresponds to the primary key, i.e., if
            // the foreign key (e.g., pid, pid2) is a superset of the actual key members (e.g., pid), it means
            // that the foreign key is also the primary key for this table -- so we can propagate the queries up to C-Space
            // rather than doing the cell check

            var initialErrorLogSize = errorLog.Count;

            if (IsForeignKeySuperSetOfPrimaryKeyInChildTable())
                GuaranteeForeignKeyConstraintInCSpace(childRewriter, parentRewriter, errorLog);
                GuaranteeMappedRelationshipForForeignKey(childRewriter, parentRewriter, cells, errorLog, config);

            if (initialErrorLogSize == errorLog.Count)
                // Check if the order of columns in foreign key corresponds to the
                // mappings in m_cellGroup, e.g., if <pid1, pid2> in SAddress is
                // a foreign key into <pid1, pid2> of the SPerson table, make
                // sure that this order is preserved through the mappings in m_cellGroup
                CheckForeignKeyColumnOrder(cells, errorLog);
Example #4
        // effects: Given a container, ensures that all entity/association
        // sets in container on the C-side have been mapped
        private static ErrorLog EnsureAllCSpaceContainerSetsAreMapped(
            IEnumerable <Cell> cells,
            EntityContainerMapping containerMapping)
            var             mappedExtents = new Set <EntitySetBase>();
            EntityContainer container     = null;

            // Determine the container and name of the file while determining
            // the set of mapped extents in the cells
            foreach (var cell in cells)
                // All cells are from the same container
                container = cell.CQuery.Extent.EntityContainer;
            Debug.Assert(container != null);

            var missingExtents = new List <EntitySetBase>();

            // Go through all the extents in the container and determine
            // extents that are missing
            foreach (var extent in container.BaseEntitySets)
                if (mappedExtents.Contains(extent) == false &&
                    var associationSet = extent as AssociationSet;
                    if (associationSet == null ||
            var errorLog = new ErrorLog();

            // If any extent is not mapped, add an error
            if (missingExtents.Count > 0)
                var extentBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                var isFirst       = true;
                foreach (var extent in missingExtents)
                    if (isFirst == false)
                        extentBuilder.Append(", ");
                    isFirst = false;
                var message = Strings.ViewGen_Missing_Set_Mapping(extentBuilder);
                // Find the cell with smallest line number - so that we can
                // point to the beginning of the file
                var  lowestLineNum = -1;
                Cell smallestCell  = null;
                foreach (var cell in cells)
                    if (lowestLineNum == -1 ||
                        cell.CellLabel.StartLineNumber < lowestLineNum)
                        smallestCell  = cell;
                        lowestLineNum = cell.CellLabel.StartLineNumber;
                Debug.Assert(smallestCell != null && lowestLineNum >= 0);
                var edmSchemaError = new EdmSchemaError(
                    message, (int)ViewGenErrorCode.MissingExtentMapping,
                    EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, containerMapping.SourceLocation, containerMapping.StartLineNumber,
                    containerMapping.StartLinePosition, null);
                var record = new ErrorLog.Record(edmSchemaError);
        private bool CheckForeignKeyColumnOrder(Set <Cell> cells, ErrorLog errorLog)
            List <Cell> cellList1 = new List <Cell>();
            List <Cell> cellList2 = new List <Cell>();

            foreach (Cell cell in cells)
                if (cell.SQuery.Extent.Equals((object)this.ChildTable))
                if (cell.SQuery.Extent.Equals((object)this.ParentTable))
            foreach (Cell cell1 in cellList2)
                List <List <int> > slotNumsForColumns1 = ForeignConstraint.GetSlotNumsForColumns(cell1, this.ChildColumns);
                if (slotNumsForColumns1.Count != 0)
                    List <MemberPath> memberPathList1 = (List <MemberPath>)null;
                    List <MemberPath> memberPathList2 = (List <MemberPath>)null;
                    Cell cell2 = (Cell)null;
                    foreach (List <int> intList1 in slotNumsForColumns1)
                        memberPathList1 = new List <MemberPath>(intList1.Count);
                        foreach (int slotNum in intList1)
                            MemberProjectedSlot memberProjectedSlot = (MemberProjectedSlot)cell1.CQuery.ProjectedSlotAt(slotNum);
                        foreach (Cell cell3 in cellList1)
                            List <List <int> > slotNumsForColumns2 = ForeignConstraint.GetSlotNumsForColumns(cell3, this.ParentColumns);
                            if (slotNumsForColumns2.Count != 0)
                                foreach (List <int> intList2 in slotNumsForColumns2)
                                    memberPathList2 = new List <MemberPath>(intList2.Count);
                                    foreach (int slotNum in intList2)
                                        MemberProjectedSlot memberProjectedSlot = (MemberProjectedSlot)cell3.CQuery.ProjectedSlotAt(slotNum);
                                    if (memberPathList1.Count == memberPathList2.Count)
                                        bool flag = false;
                                        for (int index = 0; index < memberPathList1.Count && !flag; ++index)
                                            MemberPath memberPath = memberPathList2[index];
                                            MemberPath path1      = memberPathList1[index];
                                            if (!memberPath.LeafEdmMember.Equals((object)path1.LeafEdmMember))
                                                if (memberPath.IsEquivalentViaRefConstraint(path1))
                                                flag = true;
                                        if (!flag)
                                        cell2 = cell3;
                    ErrorLog.Record record = new ErrorLog.Record(ViewGenErrorCode.ForeignKeyColumnOrderIncorrect, Strings.ViewGen_Foreign_Key_ColumnOrder_Incorrect((object)this.ToUserString(), (object)MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString(this.ChildColumns, false), (object)this.ChildTable.Name, (object)MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString((IEnumerable <MemberPath>)memberPathList1, false), (object)cell1.CQuery.Extent.Name, (object)MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString(this.ParentColumns, false), (object)this.ParentTable.Name, (object)MemberPath.PropertiesToUserString((IEnumerable <MemberPath>)memberPathList2, false), (object)cell2.CQuery.Extent.Name), (IEnumerable <Cell>) new Cell[2]
                    }, string.Empty);
        private void GuaranteeMappedRelationshipForForeignKey(
            QueryRewriter childRewriter,
            QueryRewriter parentRewriter,
            IEnumerable <Cell> cells,
            ErrorLog errorLog,
            ConfigViewGenerator config)
            ViewgenContext           viewgenContext1 = childRewriter.ViewgenContext;
            ViewgenContext           viewgenContext2 = parentRewriter.ViewgenContext;
            IEnumerable <MemberPath> keyFields       = ExtentKey.GetPrimaryKeyForEntityType(new MemberPath((EntitySetBase)this.ChildTable), this.ChildTable.ElementType).KeyFields;
            bool flag1 = false;
            bool flag2 = false;
            List <ErrorLog.Record> errorList = (List <ErrorLog.Record>)null;

            foreach (Cell cell in cells)
                if (cell.SQuery.Extent.Equals((object)this.ChildTable))
                    AssociationEndMember relationEndForColumns = ForeignConstraint.GetRelationEndForColumns(cell, this.ChildColumns);
                    if (relationEndForColumns == null || this.CheckParentColumnsForForeignKey(cell, cells, relationEndForColumns, ref errorList))
                        flag2 = true;
                        if (ForeignConstraint.GetRelationEndForColumns(cell, keyFields) != null && relationEndForColumns != null && ForeignConstraint.FindEntitySetForColumnsMappedToEntityKeys(cells, keyFields).Count > 0)
                            flag1 = true;
                            this.CheckConstraintWhenParentChildMapped(cell, errorLog, relationEndForColumns, config);
                        if (relationEndForColumns != null)
                            AssociationSet extent = (AssociationSet)cell.CQuery.Extent;
                            MetadataHelper.GetEntitySetAtEnd(extent, relationEndForColumns);
                            flag1 = ForeignConstraint.CheckConstraintWhenOnlyParentMapped(extent, relationEndForColumns, childRewriter, parentRewriter);
                            if (flag1)
            if (!flag2)
                foreach (ErrorLog.Record record in errorList)
                if (flag1)
                string message = Strings.ViewGen_Foreign_Key_Missing_Relationship_Mapping((object)this.ToUserString());
                IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper> wrappersFromContext1 = (IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper>)ForeignConstraint.GetWrappersFromContext(viewgenContext2, (EntitySetBase)this.ParentTable);
                IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper> wrappersFromContext2 = (IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper>)ForeignConstraint.GetWrappersFromContext(viewgenContext1, (EntitySetBase)this.ChildTable);
                Set <LeftCellWrapper>         set = new Set <LeftCellWrapper>(wrappersFromContext1);
                ErrorLog.Record record = new ErrorLog.Record(ViewGenErrorCode.ForeignKeyMissingRelationshipMapping, message, (IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper>)set, string.Empty);
 private void EnsureConfigurationIsFullyMapped(
     MemberPath currentPath,
     BoolExpression currentWhereClause,
     HashSet <FragmentQuery> outputUsedViews,
     ErrorLog errorLog)
     foreach (Constant domainValue in this.GetDomain(currentPath))
         if (domainValue != Constant.Undefined)
             BoolExpression       memberCondition = this.CreateMemberCondition(currentPath, domainValue);
             BoolExpression       and             = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(currentWhereClause, memberCondition);
             Tile <FragmentQuery> rewriting;
             if (!this.FindRewritingAndUsedViews((IEnumerable <MemberPath>) this._keyAttributes, and, outputUsedViews, out rewriting))
                 if (!ErrorPatternMatcher.FindMappingErrors(this._context, this._domainMap, this._errorLog))
                     StringBuilder  builder   = new StringBuilder();
                     string         str       = StringUtil.FormatInvariant("{0}", (object)this._extentPath);
                     BoolExpression condition = rewriting.Query.Condition;
                     if (condition.RepresentsAllTypeConditions)
                         string viewGenExtent = Strings.ViewGen_Extent;
                         builder.AppendLine(Strings.ViewGen_Cannot_Recover_Types((object)viewGenExtent, (object)str));
                         string viewGenEntities = Strings.ViewGen_Entities;
                         builder.AppendLine(Strings.ViewGen_Cannot_Disambiguate_MultiConstant((object)viewGenEntities, (object)str));
                     RewritingValidator.EntityConfigurationToUserString(condition, builder);
                     ErrorLog.Record record = new ErrorLog.Record(ViewGenErrorCode.AmbiguousMultiConstants, builder.ToString(), (IEnumerable <LeftCellWrapper>) this._context.AllWrappersForExtent, string.Empty);
                 TypeConstant typeConstant = domainValue as TypeConstant;
                 if (typeConstant != null)
                     EdmType                  edmType = typeConstant.EdmType;
                     List <MemberPath>        list    = QueryRewriter.GetNonConditionalScalarMembers(edmType, currentPath, this._domainMap).Union <MemberPath>(QueryRewriter.GetNonConditionalComplexMembers(edmType, currentPath, this._domainMap)).ToList <MemberPath>();
                     IEnumerable <MemberPath> notCoveredAttributes;
                     if (list.Count > 0 && !this.FindRewritingAndUsedViews((IEnumerable <MemberPath>)list, and, outputUsedViews, out rewriting, out notCoveredAttributes))
                         List <MemberPath> memberPathList = new List <MemberPath>(list.Where <MemberPath>((Func <MemberPath, bool>)(a => !a.IsPartOfKey)));
                         this.AddUnrecoverableAttributesError(notCoveredAttributes, memberCondition, errorLog);
                         foreach (MemberPath conditionalComplexMember in QueryRewriter.GetConditionalComplexMembers(edmType, currentPath, this._domainMap))
                             this.EnsureConfigurationIsFullyMapped(conditionalComplexMember, and, outputUsedViews, errorLog);
                         foreach (MemberPath conditionalScalarMember in QueryRewriter.GetConditionalScalarMembers(edmType, currentPath, this._domainMap))
                             this.EnsureConfigurationIsFullyMapped(conditionalScalarMember, and, outputUsedViews, errorLog);