protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (userinfo.ProvinceId != 11) { Server.Transfer("zhineng3.spx"); } //latestZhuanKeYear = provinceConfig.LatestZhuanKeYear ProvincePiCiId = Basic.RequestHelper.GetQueryInt("pcid", 0); if (ProvincePiCiId > 0) { //省份批次实体对象 provincePiCi = DAL.ProvincePiCi.ProvincePiCiEntityGet(ProvincePiCiId); //获取该批次下应该使用的总分和位次等信息 switch (provincePiCi.PiCi) { case 1: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen1; break; case 2: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen2; break; case 3: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen3; break; default: break; } if (ZongFen == 0) { Basic.MsgHelper.AlertUrlMsg("请首先设置自己的考试成绩!", "/Persional/ChengJiEdit2.aspx"); //跳转到成绩输入页面 } else { intZhiYuanCount = provincePiCi.MajorCount; infoProvinceWeiCi = DAL.ProvinceWeiCi.ProvinceWeiCiEntityGetByFenShu(ZongFen, provinceConfig.LatestProvinceWeiCiYear, 11, userinfo.KeLei, (provincePiCi.PiCi == 0 ? 1 : provincePiCi.PiCi));// //志愿相关信息 dtProvinceZhiYuan = DAL.ProvinceZhiYuan.ProvinceZhiYuanList("IsPause = 0 AND ProvincePcId = " + ProvincePiCiId + " ORDER BY ShowOrder ASC"); } } else { Response.Redirect("zhineng1.aspx"); } BindSchoolList(); }
public int intZhiYuanCount = 0;//每个志愿允许填报的专业的个数 //public int latestZhuanKeYear = 2013; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (userinfo.ProvinceId == 11) { //浙江 Server.Transfer("zhineng3_ZheJiang.aspx"); } //latestZhuanKeYear = provinceConfig.LatestZhuanKeYear ProvincePiCiId = Basic.RequestHelper.GetQueryInt("pcid", 0); if (ProvincePiCiId > 0) { //省份批次实体对象 provincePiCi = DAL.ProvincePiCi.ProvincePiCiEntityGet(ProvincePiCiId); intZhiYuanCount = provincePiCi.MajorCount; //志愿相关信息 dtProvinceZhiYuan = DAL.ProvinceZhiYuan.ProvinceZhiYuanList("IsPause = 0 AND ProvincePcId = " + ProvincePiCiId + " ORDER BY ShowOrder ASC"); } else { Response.Redirect("zhineng1.aspx"); } BindSchoolList(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (userinfo.ProvinceId == 11) { //浙江 Server.Transfer("zhineng2_ZheJiang.aspx"); } ProvincePiCiId = Basic.RequestHelper.GetQueryInt("pcid", 0); if (ProvincePiCiId > 0) { provincePiCi = DAL.ProvincePiCi.ProvincePiCiEntityGet(ProvincePiCiId); } //志愿相关信息 dtProvinceZhiYuan = DAL.ProvinceZhiYuan.ProvinceZhiYuanList("IsPause = 0 AND ProvincePcId = " + ProvincePiCiId + " ORDER BY ShowOrder ASC"); if (dtProvinceZhiYuan != null && dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows.Count > 0) { intZhiYuanCount = dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < intZhiYuanCount; i++) { ltlZhiYuanList.Text += "<tr><td>" + GetZhiYuanMing(i) + "</td><td></td><td></td><td>" + GetSuggestion(i) + "</td></tr>"; } } else { Response.Redirect("zhineng1.aspx"); } string strSuggestion = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows.Count; i++) { strSuggestion += "<p><strong>" + dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows[i]["ZhiYuanMing"].ToString() + "</strong>" + dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows[i]["Suggestion"].ToString() + "</p>"; } lit_Suggestion.Text = strSuggestion; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (userinfo.ProvinceId != 11) { Server.Transfer("zhineng2.spx"); } ProvincePiCiId = Basic.RequestHelper.GetQueryInt("pcid", 0); if (ProvincePiCiId > 0) { provincePiCi = DAL.ProvincePiCi.ProvincePiCiEntityGet(ProvincePiCiId); } //获取该批次下应该使用的总分和位次等信息 switch (provincePiCi.PiCi) { case 0: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen1; break; case 1: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen1; break; case 2: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen2; break; case 4: ZongFen = history_zhejiang.ZongFen3; break; default: break; } if (ZongFen == 0) { Basic.MsgHelper.AlertUrlMsg("请首先设置自己的考试成绩!", "/Persional/ChengJiEdit2.aspx"); //跳转到成绩输入页面 } else { infoProvinceWeiCi = DAL.ProvinceWeiCi.ProvinceWeiCiEntityGetByFenShu(ZongFen, provinceConfig.LatestProvinceWeiCiYear, 11, userinfo.KeLei, (provincePiCi.PiCi == 0 ? 1 : provincePiCi.PiCi));// //志愿相关信息 dtProvinceZhiYuan = DAL.ProvinceZhiYuan.ProvinceZhiYuanList("IsPause = 0 AND ProvincePcId = " + ProvincePiCiId + " ORDER BY ShowOrder ASC"); if (dtProvinceZhiYuan != null && dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows.Count > 0) { intZhiYuanCount = dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < intZhiYuanCount; i++) { ltlZhiYuanList.Text += "<tr><td>" + GetZhiYuanMing(i) + "</td><td></td><td></td><td>" + GetSuggestion(i) + "</td></tr>"; } } else { Response.Redirect("zhineng1.aspx"); } string strSuggestion = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows.Count; i++) { strSuggestion += "<p><strong>" + dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows[i]["ZhiYuanMing"].ToString() + "</strong>" + dtProvinceZhiYuan.Rows[i]["Suggestion"].ToString() + "</p>"; } lit_Suggestion.Text = strSuggestion; } }