Example #1
File: Main.cs Project: ptaa32/ARDOP
        private void BasicSetupToolStripMenuItem_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            TNCSetup dlgSetup = new TNCSetup();
            string strFault = "";
            if (dlgSetup.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                ToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = MCB.RadioControl;

                if (StopCodec(ref strFault))
                    if (!StartCodec(ref strFault))
                        Logs.Exception("[BasicSetupDialog] Failure to restart Codec after setup change");
                    Logs.Exception("[BasicSetupDialog] Failure to stop Codec after setup change");
                objMod = null;
                objMod = new EncodeModulate();
Example #2
File: Main.cs Project: ptaa32/ARDOP
        private void Main_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Create subdirectories as required...
            if (Directory.Exists(strExecutionDirectory + "Logs") == false)
                Directory.CreateDirectory(strExecutionDirectory + "Logs");
            if (Directory.Exists(strExecutionDirectory + "Wav") == false)
                Directory.CreateDirectory(strExecutionDirectory + "Wav");
            strWavDirectory = strExecutionDirectory + "Wav\\";
            // Set inital window position and size...
            objIniFile = new INIFile(strExecutionDirectory + "ARDOP_Win TNC.ini");
            objMod = new EncodeModulate();
            // initializes all the leaders etc.
            dttLastSoundCardSample = Now;
            string strFault = "";
            //Dim objPA As New PortAudioVB '  Enable only for testing PortAudio

            if (blnInTestMode)
                ShowTestFormToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;

            // This keeps the size of the graphics panels constant to handle cases where font size (in Control Panel, Display is 125% or 150% and recenters the waterfall panel.
            Drawing.Point dpWaterfallCorner = pnlWaterfall.Location;
            pnlWaterfall.Left = (dpWaterfallCorner.X + pnlWaterfall.Width / 2) - 105;
            pnlWaterfall.Height = 63;
            pnlWaterfall.Width = 210;
            pnlConstellation.Height = 91;
            pnlConstellation.Width = 91;
            Logs.WriteDebug("[ARDOP_Win TNC.Main.Load] Command line =" + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Command().Trim);
            // nothing in command line so use ini values
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Command().Trim))
                // use ini file values for host and port
                Globals.MCB.TCPAddress = Globals.objIniFile.GetString("ARDOP Win", "TCPIP Address", "");
                MCB.TCPPort = objIniFile.GetInteger("ARDOP Win", "TCPIP Port", 8515);
                MCB.HostTCPIP = Convert.ToBoolean(objIniFile.GetString("ARDOP_Win TNC", "HostTCPIP", "True"));
                if (MCB.HostTCPIP)
                    objHI.TCPIPProperties(MCB.TCPAddress, MCB.TCPPort);
                MCB.HostSerial = Convert.ToBoolean(objIniFile.GetString("ARDOP_Win TNC", "HostSerial", "False"));
                MCB.SerCOMPort = objIniFile.GetString("ARDOP Win", "SerialCOMPort", "none");
                MCB.SerBaud = objIniFile.GetInteger("ARDOP Win", "SerialBaud", 19200);
                if (MCB.HostSerial)
                    objHI.SerialProperties(MCB.SerCOMPort, MCB.SerBaud);
                MCB.HostBlueTooth = Convert.ToBoolean(objIniFile.GetString("ARDOP_Win TNC", "HostBlueTooth", "False"));
                MCB.HostPairing = objIniFile.GetString("ARDOP_Win TNC", "Host Pairing", "none");
                if (MCB.HostBlueTooth)
                CloseToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;

                // test command line parameters for validity: "TCPIP TCPIPPort# TCPIPAddress", Serial POrt,   or  "BLUETOOTH BlueToothPairing"
                string[] strCmds = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Command().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "));
                if (strCmds.Length == 3 && (strCmds(0).ToUpper == "TCPIP" & (Information.IsNumeric(strCmds(1).Trim) & (Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(1).Trim) >= 0 & Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(1).Trim) < 65536))))
                    // TCPIP parameters OK so use these in place of ini values
                    MCB.HostTCPIP = true;
                    MCB.HostSerial = false;
                    MCB.HostBlueTooth = false;
                    objHI.TCPIPProperties(strCmds(2).Trim, Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(1).Trim));
                    MCB.TCPPort = Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(1).Trim);
                    MCB.TCPAddress = strCmds(2).Trim;
                else if (strCmds.Length == 3 && (strCmds(0).ToUpper == "SERIAL" & Information.IsNumeric(strCmds(1).Trim) & (Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(1).Trim) >= 9600)))
                    MCB.HostTCPIP = false;
                    MCB.HostSerial = true;
                    MCB.HostBlueTooth = false;
                    objHI.SerialProperties(strCmds(1).Trim.ToUpper, Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(2).Trim));
                    MCB.SerCOMPort = strCmds(1).Trim.ToUpper;
                    MCB.SerBaud = Convert.ToInt32(strCmds(2).Trim);
                    // Preliminay ....may need work for bluetooth
                else if (strCmds.Length == 2 && strCmds(0).ToUpper == "BLUETOOTH")
                    MCB.HostTCPIP = false;
                    MCB.HostSerial = false;
                    MCB.HostBlueTooth = true;
                    MCB.HostPairing = strCmds(1);
                    Logs.Exception("[Main.Load] Syntax error in command line: " + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Command() + "   ... ini file values used.");
                CloseToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;