Example #1
        private RoAssembly LoadFromStreamCore(Stream peStream)
            PEReader peReader          = new PEReader(peStream);
            PEReader peReaderToDispose = peReader; // Ensure peReader is disposed immediately if we throw an exception before we're done.

                if (!peReader.HasMetadata)
                    throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.NoMetadataInPeImage);

                string           location    = (peStream is FileStream fs) ? (fs.Name ?? string.Empty) : string.Empty;
                MetadataReader   reader      = peReader.GetMetadataReader();
                RoAssembly       newAssembly = new EcmaAssembly(this, peReader, reader, location);
                AssemblyNameData defNameData = newAssembly.GetAssemblyNameDataNoCopy();
                byte[]           pkt         = defNameData.PublicKeyToken ?? Array.Empty <byte>();
                if (pkt.Length == 0 && defNameData.PublicKey != null && defNameData.PublicKey.Length != 0)
                    pkt = defNameData.PublicKey.ComputePublicKeyToken();
                RoAssemblyName defName = new RoAssemblyName(defNameData.Name, defNameData.Version, defNameData.CultureName, pkt);
                Guid           mvid    = newAssembly.ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId;

                LoadedAssemblyEntry candidate = new LoadedAssemblyEntry(newAssembly, mvid);
                LoadedAssemblyEntry winner    = _loadedAssemblies.GetOrAdd(defName, candidate);
                if (winner.Assembly == newAssembly)
                    // We won the race.
                    peReaderToDispose = null;
                    return(_binds.GetOrAdd(defName, winner.Assembly));

                    // What if we lost the race to bind the defName in the _binds list? Should we ignore it and return the newly created assembly
                    // (like Assembly.LoadModule()) does or return the prior assembly (like we do if we lose the race to commit into _loadedAssemblies?)
                    // There's no perfect answer here. Fundamentally, the dilemma comes about because our apis don't lets apps properly separate
                    // the act of creating an Assembly object from the act of committing the TypeLoader to bind to it.
                    // We will choose to return the prior winner so that the api is consistent with itself. This is how other LoadFrom()
                    // apis work and they're used a lot more than LoadModule().
                    // We lost the race but check for a MVID mismatch.
                    if (mvid != winner.Mvid)
                        throw new FileLoadException(SR.Format(SR.FileLoadDuplicateAssemblies, defName));

        private RoAssembly LoadFromStreamCore(Stream peStream)
            PEReader peReader          = new PEReader(peStream);
            PEReader?peReaderToDispose = peReader;  // Ensure peReader is disposed immediately if we throw an exception before we're done.

                if (!peReader.HasMetadata)
                    throw new BadImageFormatException(SR.NoMetadataInPeImage);

                string           location    = (peStream is FileStream fs) ? (fs.Name ?? string.Empty) : string.Empty;
                MetadataReader   reader      = peReader.GetMetadataReader();
                RoAssembly       candidate   = new EcmaAssembly(this, peReader, reader, location);
                AssemblyNameData defNameData = candidate.GetAssemblyNameDataNoCopy();
                byte[]           pkt         = defNameData.PublicKeyToken ?? Array.Empty <byte>();
                if (pkt.Length == 0 && defNameData.PublicKey != null && defNameData.PublicKey.Length != 0)
                    pkt = defNameData.PublicKey.ComputePublicKeyToken() !;
                RoAssemblyName defName = new RoAssemblyName(defNameData.Name, defNameData.Version, defNameData.CultureName, pkt, defNameData.Flags);

                RoAssembly winner = _loadedAssemblies.GetOrAdd(defName, candidate);
                if (winner == candidate)
                    // We won the race.
                    peReaderToDispose = null;

                    // We do not add to the _binds list because the binding list is only for assemblies that have been resolved through
                    // the Resolve method. This allows the resolver to have complete control over selecting the appropriate assembly
                    // based on Version, CultureName and PublicKeyToken.

                    // We lost the race but check for a Mvid mismatch.
                    if (candidate.ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId != winner.ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId)
                        throw new FileLoadException(SR.Format(SR.FileLoadDuplicateAssemblies, defName));
