Example #1
        //, Type dateType)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Table by a given "Sorted Measure List" with one date time column and one column for each inverter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kwhTable">Creates google data table compatible conent</param>
        /// <param name="yMode">Use Euro or kwh as y-axis</param>
        /// <param name="xMode">type of x-axis</param>
        /// <returns>Google DataTable content</returns>
        public string BuildGoogleDataTable(SortedKwhTable kwhTable, E_EurKwh yMode, E_TimeMode xMode)
            //create datatable and add time column
            System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("Zeit", typeof(string)).Caption = "Zeit";

            //add one column for each inverter ID
            foreach (var inverterInfo in kwhTable.KnownInverters)
                string caption = GetRowName(inverterInfo.Value);
                dt.Columns.Add(caption, typeof(System.Double)).Caption = caption;

            //Add the data
            foreach (var row in kwhTable.Rows.Values)
                //create a new row and add the time first (key)
                var rowToAdd = dt.NewRow();
                rowToAdd[0] = GetTimeCaption(row.Index, xMode);

                //add the values foreach inverter
                foreach (var measure in row.kwhValues)
                    rowToAdd[GetRowName(measure.PublicInverterId)] = measure.Value * GetPerEuroFactor(yMode, measure.PublicInverterId);

                //add the new row to the datatable

            GoogleDataTable gdt = new Bortosky.Google.Visualization.GoogleDataTable(dt);
            return gdt.GetJson();
Example #2
 public JsonResult DecadeData(int plantId, E_EurKwh yMode)
     string googleTableContent = _dataProvider.GoogleDataTableContent(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1),
                                                       new DateTime(2020, 1, 1),
                                                       plantId, yMode, E_TimeMode.year);
       return Json(new
     tableContent = googleTableContent
       , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Example #3
        //DatatableConverter dtConverter = new DatatableConverter();
        internal string GoogleDataTableContent(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int plantId,
                                E_EurKwh yMode, E_TimeMode xMode)
            //Get kwhdays from database
              var dailyResult = _kwhRepository.GetDayKwhByDateRange(startDate, endDate, plantId);

              //Fill up the month for the chart data
              var kwhTable = KwhCalculator.SummarizeKwh(dailyResult, startDate, endDate,
                                               xMode, true);

              // calculate roi if neccesary and convert to Google Data Table
              return GenerateGoogleDataTableContent(plantId, yMode, kwhTable, xMode);
Example #4
        private string GenerateGoogleDataTableContent(int plantId, E_EurKwh yMode,
                                                SortedKwhTable kwhTable, E_TimeMode xMode)
            DatatableConverter dtConverter = new DatatableConverter();

              //include money per kwh mapping if neccessary
              if (yMode == E_EurKwh.money)
            IncludeEuroPerKwhMapping(plantId, dtConverter);

              //create google data table content string
              return dtConverter.BuildGoogleDataTable(kwhTable, yMode, xMode);
Example #5
 private double GetPerEuroFactor(E_EurKwh yMode, int inverterID)
     switch (yMode)
         case E_EurKwh.money:
             return _euroPerKwH[inverterID];
         case E_EurKwh.kwh:
             return 1;
         case E_EurKwh.watts:
             return 1;
             throw new ApplicationException();
Example #6
        public JsonResult MonthData(int plantId, int month, int year, E_EurKwh yMode)
            var startDate = Utils.FirstDayOfMonth(month, year);
              var endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1);
              string googleTableContent = _dataProvider.GoogleDataTableContent(startDate, endDate,
                                                            plantId, yMode, E_TimeMode.day);

              return Json(new
            tableContent = googleTableContent,
            monthName = Utils.GetMonthName(month),
            year = year
              , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Example #7
 public JsonResult YearData(int plantId, int year, E_EurKwh yMode)
     string googleTableContent = _dataProvider.GoogleDataTableContent(Utils.FirstDayOfYear(year),
                                                       Utils.FirstDayOfYear(year + 1),
                                                       plantId, yMode, E_TimeMode.month);
       return Json(new
     tableContent = googleTableContent
       , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);