public override Drilldown BusinessToData(Drilldown drilldown, BUSDrilldown businessEntity, TContext context, bool NewRecord)
            Drilldown dataEntity = base.BusinessToData(drilldown, businessEntity, context, NewRecord);

            dataEntity.Applet   = businessEntity.Applet;
            dataEntity.AppletId = businessEntity.AppletId;
            dataEntity.DestinationBusinessComponent   = businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponent;
            dataEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentId = businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentId;
            dataEntity.DestinationField        = businessEntity.DestinationField;
            dataEntity.DestinationFieldId      = businessEntity.DestinationFieldId;
            dataEntity.DestinationScreen       = businessEntity.DestinationScreen;
            dataEntity.DestinationScreenId     = businessEntity.DestinationScreenId;
            dataEntity.DestinationScreenItem   = businessEntity.DestinationScreenItem;
            dataEntity.DestinationScreenItemId = businessEntity.DestinationScreenItemId;
            dataEntity.HyperLinkField          = businessEntity.HyperLinkField;
            dataEntity.HyperLinkFieldId        = businessEntity.HyperLinkFieldId;
            dataEntity.SourceField             = businessEntity.SourceField;
            dataEntity.SourceFieldId           = businessEntity.SourceFieldId;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Options for drill down, the concept of inspecting increasingly high resolution data through clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices.
 /// The drilldown feature requires the drilldown.js file to be loaded, found in the modules directory of the download package, or online at
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drilldown">The drilldown options.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Highcharts SetDrilldown(Drilldown drilldown)
     _Drilldown = drilldown;
Example #3
        public ActionResult Drilldown()
            Applet currentApplet = viewInfo.CurrentPopupApplet ?? viewInfo.CurrentApplet;

            currentApplet = context.Applets
                            .Select(a => new
                id      = a.Id,
                name    = a.Name,
                type    = a.Type,
                busComp = new
                    id      = a.BusComp.Id,
                    name    = a.BusComp.Name,
                    routing = a.BusComp.Routing
                drilldowns = a.Drilldowns.Select(d => new
                    id               = d.Id,
                    name             = d.Name,
                    hyperLinkFieldId = d.HyperLinkFieldId,
                    sourceField      = new
                        id   = d.SourceField.Id,
                        name = d.SourceField.Name
                    destinationBusinessComponent = new
                        id      = d.DestinationBusinessComponent.Id,
                        name    = d.DestinationBusinessComponent.Name,
                        routing = d.DestinationBusinessComponent.Routing
                    destinationField = new
                        id   = d.DestinationField.Id,
                        name = d.DestinationField.Name
                    destinationScreenId     = d.DestinationScreenId,
                    destinationScreenItemId = d.DestinationScreenItemId,
                    destinationScreenItem   = new
                        id   = d.DestinationScreenItem.Id,
                        view = new
                            id          = d.DestinationScreenItem.View.Id,
                            busObjectId = d.DestinationScreenItem.View.BusObjectId
                            .Select(a => new Applet
                Id      =,
                Name    =,
                Type    = a.type,
                BusComp = new BusinessComponent
                    Id      =,
                    Name    =,
                    Routing = a.busComp.routing
                Drilldowns = a.drilldowns.Select(d => new Drilldown
                    Id               =,
                    Name             =,
                    HyperLinkFieldId = d.hyperLinkFieldId,
                    SourceField      = new Field
                        Id   =,
                        Name =
                    DestinationBusinessComponent = new BusinessComponent
                        Id      =,
                        Name    =,
                        Routing = d.destinationBusinessComponent.routing
                    DestinationField = new Field
                        Id   =,
                        Name =
                    DestinationScreenId   = d.destinationScreenId,
                    DestinationScreenItem = new ScreenItem
                        Id   =,
                        View = new View
                            Id          =,
                            BusObjectId = d.destinationScreenItem.view.busObjectId
                            .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == currentApplet.Id);
            if (currentApplet != null)
                string controlName;
                Field  field;
                switch (currentApplet.Type)
                case "Tile":
                    controlName = viewInfo.CurrentColumn.Name;
                    field       = viewInfo.CurrentColumn.Field;

                    controlName = viewInfo.CurrentPopupControl?.Name ?? viewInfo.CurrentControl?.Name;
                    field       = viewInfo.CurrentPopupControl?.Field ?? viewInfo.CurrentControl?.Field;
                if (field != null)
                    TBUSFactory BUSFactory = new TBUSFactory();
                    Drilldown   drilldown  = currentApplet.Drilldowns.FirstOrDefault(i => i.HyperLinkFieldId == field.Id);
                    if (drilldown != null && drilldown.DestinationBusinessComponent?.Name != null && drilldown.DestinationField?.Name != null && drilldown.SourceField?.Name != null)
                        // Š¦ŠµŠ»ŠµŠ²Š¾Š¹ эŠŗрŠ°Š½
                        Screen destinationScreen = context.Screens.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == drilldown.DestinationScreenId);
                        if (destinationScreen != null)
                            applicationInfo.CurrentScreen = destinationScreen;

                            // Š¦ŠµŠ»ŠµŠ²Ń‹Š¾Šµ ŠæрŠµŠ“стŠ°Š²Š»ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ
                            View destinationView = context.Views.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == drilldown.DestinationScreenItem.View.Id);
                            if (destinationView != null)
                                applicationInfo.CurrentView = destinationView;

                                // Š˜ŃŃ…Š¾Š“Š½Š¾Šµ ŠæŠ¾Š»Šµ
                                dynamic      sourceRecord   = BUSFactory.GetRecord(null, context, viewInfo, currentApplet.BusComp, "Id", viewInfo.CurrentRecord);
                                PropertyInfo sourceProperty = sourceRecord.GetType().GetProperty(drilldown.SourceField.Name);
                                if (sourceProperty != null)
                                    // ŠžŃ‡ŠøстŠŗŠ° стŠ°Ń€Š¾Š¹ ŠøŠ½Ń„Š¾Ń€Š¼Š°Ń†ŠøŠø Š¾ Š²Ń‹Š±Ń€Š°Š½Š½Ń‹Ń… Š·Š°ŠæŠøсях
                                    if (screenInfo.Screen.Name != destinationScreen.Name)

                                    // Š£ŃŃ‚Š°Š½Š¾Š²ŠŗŠ° тŠµŠŗущŠµŠ¹ Š²Ń‹Š±Ń€Š°Š½Š½Š¾Š¹ Š·Š°ŠæŠøсŠø Š½Š° цŠµŠ»ŠµŠ²Š¾Š¹ Š±ŠøŠ·Š½ŠµŃ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ¾Š½ŠµŠ½Ń‚Šµ
                                    var sourcePropertyValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(sourceRecord);
                                    if (sourcePropertyValue != null)
                                        dynamic destinationRecord = BUSFactory.GetRecord(null, context, viewInfo, drilldown.DestinationBusinessComponent, drilldown.DestinationField.Name, sourcePropertyValue.ToString());
                                        if (destinationRecord != null)
                                            ComponentsRecordsInfo.SetSelectedRecord(drilldown.DestinationBusinessComponent.Name, destinationRecord.Id.ToString());

                                        // Š£ŃŃ‚Š°Š½Š¾Š²ŠŗŠ° тŠµŠŗущŠøх Š²Ń‹Š±Ń€Š°Š½Š½Ń‹Ń… Š·Š°ŠæŠøсŠµŠ¹ Š½Š° Š²ŃŠµŃ… рŠ¾Š“ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŃŠŗŠøх Š±ŠøŠ·Š½ŠµŃ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ¾Š½ŠµŠ½Ń‚Š°Ń… цŠµŠ»ŠµŠ²Š¾Š¹ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ¾Š½ŠµŠ½Ń‚Ń‹
                                        BusinessObject destinationBO = context.BusinessObjects
                                                                       .Include(boc => boc.BusObjectComponents)
                                                                       .ThenInclude(l => l.Link)
                                                                       .ThenInclude(cf => cf.ChildField)
                                                                       .Include(boc => boc.BusObjectComponents)
                                                                       .ThenInclude(l => l.Link)
                                                                       .ThenInclude(pf => pf.ParentField)
                                                                       .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == destinationView.BusObjectId);
                                        BusinessObjectComponent destinationComponent = destinationBO.BusObjectComponents.FirstOrDefault(i => i.BusCompId == drilldown.DestinationBusinessComponent.Id);
                                        dynamic childRecord = destinationRecord;
                                        if (destinationComponent.Link != null)
                                            BusinessComponent parentBusComp = context.BusinessComponents
                                                                              .Select(bc => new
                                                id    = bc.Id,
                                                name  = bc.Name,
                                                table = new
                                                    id   = bc.Table.Id,
                                                    name = bc.Table.Name
                                                                              .Select(bc => new BusinessComponent
                                                Id    =,
                                                Name  =,
                                                Table = new Table
                                                    Id   =,
                                                    Name =
                                                                              .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == destinationComponent.Link.ParentBCId);
                                            BusinessComponent childBusComp = context.BusinessComponents
                                                                             .Select(bc => new { id = bc.Id, name = bc.Name })
                                                                             .Select(bc => new BusinessComponent {
                                                Id =, Name =
                                                                             .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == destinationComponent.Link.ChildBCId);
                                            string childFieldValue = childRecord.GetType().GetProperty(destinationComponent.Link.ChildField.Name).GetValue(childRecord).ToString();
                                            string parentFieldName = destinationComponent.Link.ParentField.Name;
                                            IEnumerable <dynamic> parentRecords = (IEnumerable <dynamic>)(context.GetType().GetProperty(parentBusComp.Table.Name).GetValue(context));
                                            string  searchSpecificationByParent = $"{parentFieldName} = \"{childFieldValue}\"";
                                            dynamic parentRecord = parentRecords.AsQueryable().Where(searchSpecificationByParent).FirstOrDefault();
                                            ComponentsRecordsInfo.SetSearchSpecification(childBusComp.Name, SearchSpecTypes.SearchSpecificationByParent, searchSpecificationByParent);
                                            ComponentsRecordsInfo.SetSelectedRecord(parentBusComp.Name, parentRecord.Id.ToString());
                                            destinationComponent = destinationBO.BusObjectComponents.FirstOrDefault(i => i.BusCompId == destinationComponent.Link.ParentBCId);
                                            childRecord          = parentRecord;

                                        // Š£ŃŃ‚Š°Š½Š¾Š²ŠŗŠ° хŠ»ŠµŠ±Š½Ń‹Ń… ŠŗрŠ¾ŃˆŠµŠŗ
                                        ScreenItem crumb = screenInfo.Screen.ScreenItems.FirstOrDefault(n => n.View != null && n.View.Name == screenInfo.CurrentView.Name);
                                        if (screenInfo.Screen.Name == destinationScreen.Name)
                                            screenInfo.Initialize(screenInfo.Screen.Name, destinationView.Name, context);
                                            screenInfoUI.Initialize(screenInfo, context);
                                            viewInfo.View = destinationView;
                                        viewInfo.ActionType = ActionType.Drilldown;
        public override BUSDrilldown DataToBusiness(Drilldown dataEntity, TContext context)
            // Applet
            BUSDrilldown businessEntity = base.DataToBusiness(dataEntity, context);
            Applet       applet         = context.Applets
                                          .Select(a => new
                id        = a.Id,
                name      = a.Name,
                busCompId = a.BusCompId,
                busComp   = new
                    id     = a.BusComp.Id,
                    name   = a.BusComp.Name,
                    fields = a.BusComp.Fields.Select(f => new
                        id   = f.Id,
                        name = f.Name
                                          .Select(a => new Applet
                Id        =,
                Name      =,
                BusCompId = a.busCompId,
                BusComp   = new BusinessComponent
                    Id     =,
                    Name   =,
                    Fields = a.busComp.fields.Select(f => new Field
                        Id   =,
                        Name =
                                          .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.AppletId);

            businessEntity.Applet   = applet;
            businessEntity.AppletId = applet.Id;

            if (applet.BusComp != null)
                businessEntity.SourceBusinessComponent   = applet.BusComp;
                businessEntity.SourceBusinessComponentId = (Guid)applet.BusCompId;

                // Source and hyperlink fields
                if (applet.BusComp.Fields?.Count > 0)
                    Field sourceField = applet.BusComp.Fields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.SourceFieldId);
                    if (sourceField != null)
                        businessEntity.SourceField     = sourceField;
                        businessEntity.SourceFieldId   = sourceField.Id;
                        businessEntity.SourceFieldName = sourceField.Name;

                    Field hyperLinkField = applet.BusComp.Fields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.HyperLinkFieldId);
                    if (hyperLinkField != null)
                        businessEntity.HyperLinkField     = hyperLinkField;
                        businessEntity.HyperLinkFieldId   = hyperLinkField.Id;
                        businessEntity.HyperLinkFieldName = hyperLinkField.Name;

                // Destination business component and destination field
                BusinessComponent destinationBusinessComponent = context.BusinessComponents
                                                                 .Select(bc => new
                    id     = bc.Id,
                    name   = bc.Name,
                    fields = bc.Fields.Select(f => new
                        id   = f.Id,
                        name = f.Name
                                                                 .Select(bc => new BusinessComponent
                    Id     =,
                    Name   =,
                    Fields = bc.fields.Select(f => new Field
                        Id   =,
                        Name =
                                                                 .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentId);
                if (destinationBusinessComponent != null)
                    businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponent     = destinationBusinessComponent;
                    businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentId   = destinationBusinessComponent.Id;
                    businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentName = destinationBusinessComponent.Name;
                    Field destinationField = destinationBusinessComponent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.DestinationFieldId);
                    if (destinationField != null)
                        businessEntity.DestinationField     = destinationField;
                        businessEntity.DestinationFieldId   = destinationField.Id;
                        businessEntity.DestinationFieldName = destinationField.Name;

                // Destination screen and destination view
                Screen destinationScreen = context.Screens
                                           .Select(s => new
                    id          = s.Id,
                    name        = s.Name,
                    screenItems = s.ScreenItems.Select(si => new
                        id   = si.Id,
                        name = si.Name
                                           .Select(s => new Screen
                    Id          =,
                    Name        =,
                    ScreenItems = s.screenItems.Select(si => new ScreenItem
                        Id   =,
                        Name =
                                           .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.DestinationScreenId);
                if (destinationScreen != null)
                    businessEntity.DestinationScreen     = destinationScreen;
                    businessEntity.DestinationScreenId   = destinationScreen.Id;
                    businessEntity.DestinationScreenName = destinationScreen.Name;

                    ScreenItem destinationScreenItem = destinationScreen.ScreenItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == dataEntity.DestinationScreenItemId);
                    if (destinationScreenItem != null)
                        businessEntity.DestinationScreenItem     = destinationScreenItem;
                        businessEntity.DestinationScreenItemId   = destinationScreenItem.Id;
                        businessEntity.DestinationScreenItemName = destinationScreenItem.Name;

 /// <summary>
 ///     Options for drill down, the concept of inspecting increasingly high resolution data through clicking on chart items
 ///     like columns or pie slices.
 ///     The drilldown feature requires the drilldown.js file to be loaded, found in the modules directory of the download
 ///     package, or online at
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drilldown">The drilldown options.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Highcharts SetDrilldown(Drilldown drilldown)
     _Drilldown = drilldown;
     return this;
        public ActionResult PieWithDrilldown()
            Data data = new Data(new[]
                new SeriesData
                    Y = 55.11,
                    Name = "MSIE versions",
                    Drilldown = "MSIE"
                new SeriesData
                    Y = 21.63,
                    Name = "Firefox versions",
                    Drilldown = "Firefox"
                new SeriesData
                    Y = 11.94,
                    Name = "Chrome versions",
                    Drilldown = "Chrome"
                new SeriesData
                    Y = 7.15,
                    Name = "Safari versions",
                    Drilldown = "Safari"
                new SeriesData
                    Y = 2.14,
                    Name = "Opera versions",
                    Drilldown = "Opera"

            Drilldown drilldown = new Drilldown
                Series = new[]
                    new Series
                        Id = "MSIE",
                        Data = new Data(new object[,] {{"MSIE 6.0", 10.85}, {"MSIE 7.0", 7.35}, {"MSIE 6.0", 10.85}, {"MSIE 8.0", 33.06}, {"MSIE 9.0", 2.81}})
                    new Series
                        Id = "Firefox",
                        Data = new Data(new object[,] {{"Firefox 2.0", 0.20}, {"Firefox 3.0", 0.83}, {"Firefox 3.5", 1.58}, {"Firefox 3.6", 13.12}, {"Firefox 4.0", 5.43}})
                    new Series
                        Id = "Chrome",
                        Data = new Data(new object[,] {{"Chrome 5.0", 0.12}, {"Chrome 6.0", 0.19}, {"Chrome 7.0", 0.12}, {"Chrome 8.0", 0.36}, {"Chrome 9.0", 0.32}, {"Chrome 10.0", 9.91}, {"Chrome 11.0", 0.50}, {"Chrome 12.0", 0.22}})
                    new Series
                        Id = "Safari",
                        Data = new Data(new object[,] {{"Safari 5.0", 4.55}, {"Safari 4.0", 1.42}, {"Safari Win 5.0", 0.23}, {"Safari 4.1", 0.21}, {"Safari/Maxthon", 0.20}, {"Safari 3.1", 0.19}, {"Safari 4.1", 0.14}})
                    new Series
                        Id = "Opera",
                        Data = new Data(new object[,] {{"Opera 9.x", 0.12}, {"Opera 10.x", 0.37}, {"Opera 11.x", 1.65}})

            Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
                .InitChart(new Chart { Type = ChartTypes.Pie })
                .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Browser market share, April, 2011" })
                .SetSubtitle(new Subtitle { Text = "Click the columns to view versions. " })
                .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Type = AxisTypes.Category })
                .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Total percent market share" } })
                .SetLegend(new Legend { Enabled = false })
                .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                    HeaderFormat = "<span style=\"font-size:11px\">{}</span><br>",
                    PointFormat = "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">{}</span>: <b>{point.y:.2f}%</b> of total<br/>"
                .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                    Column = new PlotOptionsColumn
                        BorderWidth = 0,
                        DataLabels = new PlotOptionsColumnDataLabels
                            Enabled = true,
                            Format = "{point.y:.1f}%",
                .SetSeries(new Series
                    Name = "Browser brands",
                    Data = data,
                    PlotOptionsBar = new PlotOptionsBar { ColorByPoint = true }

            return View(chart);
        public override BUSDrilldown UIToBusiness(UIDrilldown UIEntity, TContext context, IViewInfo viewInfo, bool isNewRecord)
            BUSDrilldown businessEntity = base.UIToBusiness(UIEntity, context, viewInfo, isNewRecord);
            Applet       applet         = context.Applets
                                          .Select(a => new
                id        = a.Id,
                name      = a.Name,
                busCompId = a.BusCompId,
                busComp   = new
                    id     = a.BusComp.Id,
                    name   = a.BusComp.Name,
                    fields = a.BusComp.Fields.Select(f => new
                        id   = f.Id,
                        name = f.Name
                drilldowns = a.Drilldowns.Select(drilldown => new
                    id   = drilldown.Id,
                    name = drilldown.Name,
                                          .Select(a => new Applet
                Id        =,
                Name      =,
                BusCompId = a.busCompId,
                BusComp   = new BusinessComponent
                    Id     =,
                    Name   =,
                    Fields = a.busComp.fields.Select(f => new Field
                        Id   =,
                        Name =
                Drilldowns = a.drilldowns.Select(drilldown => new Drilldown
                    Id   =,
                    Name =
                                          .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id.ToString() == ComponentsRecordsInfo.GetSelectedRecord("Applet"));

            if (applet == null)
                businessEntity.ErrorMessage = "First you need create applet.";
            if (applet.BusComp == null)
                businessEntity.ErrorMessage = $"First you need to add a business component to applet \"{applet.Name}\".";
                Drilldown drilldown = applet.Drilldowns?.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.Name);
                if (drilldown != null && drilldown.Id != UIEntity.Id)
                    businessEntity.ErrorMessage = $"Drilldown with this name is already exists in applet \"{applet.Name}\".";
                    businessEntity.Applet   = applet;
                    businessEntity.AppletId = applet.Id;
                    businessEntity.SourceBusinessComponent   = applet.BusComp;
                    businessEntity.SourceBusinessComponentId = (Guid)applet.BusCompId;

                    // Destination screen and screen item
                    Screen destinationScreen = context.Screens
                                               .Select(s => new
                        id          = s.Id,
                        name        = s.Name,
                        screenItems = s.ScreenItems.Select(si => new
                            id   = si.Id,
                            name = si.Name
                                               .Select(s => new Screen
                        Id          =,
                        Name        =,
                        ScreenItems = s.screenItems.Select(si => new ScreenItem
                            Id   =,
                            Name =
                                               .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.DestinationScreenName);

                    if (destinationScreen != null)
                        businessEntity.DestinationScreen     = destinationScreen;
                        businessEntity.DestinationScreenId   = destinationScreen.Id;
                        businessEntity.DestinationScreenName = destinationScreen.Name;

                        ScreenItem destinationScreenItem = destinationScreen.ScreenItems.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.DestinationScreenItemName);
                        if (destinationScreenItem != null)
                            businessEntity.DestinationScreenItem     = destinationScreenItem;
                            businessEntity.DestinationScreenItemId   = destinationScreenItem.Id;
                            businessEntity.DestinationScreenItemName = destinationScreenItem.Name;

                            BusinessComponent destinationBusinessComponent = context.BusinessComponents
                                                                             .Select(bc => new
                                id     = bc.Id,
                                name   = bc.Name,
                                fields = bc.Fields.Select(f => new
                                    id   = f.Id,
                                    name = f.Name
                                                                             .Select(bc => new BusinessComponent
                                Id     =,
                                Name   =,
                                Fields = bc.fields.Select(f => new Field
                                    Id   =,
                                    Name =
                                                                             .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentName);
                            if (destinationBusinessComponent != null)
                                businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponent     = destinationBusinessComponent;
                                businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentId   = destinationBusinessComponent.Id;
                                businessEntity.DestinationBusinessComponentName = destinationBusinessComponent.Name;

                                Field destinationField = destinationBusinessComponent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.DestinationFieldName);
                                if (destinationField != null)
                                    businessEntity.DestinationField     = destinationField;
                                    businessEntity.DestinationFieldId   = destinationField.Id;
                                    businessEntity.DestinationFieldName = destinationField.Name;

                                Field sourceField = applet.BusComp.Fields.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.SourceFieldName);
                                if (sourceField != null)
                                    businessEntity.SourceField     = sourceField;
                                    businessEntity.SourceFieldId   = sourceField.Id;
                                    businessEntity.SourceFieldName = sourceField.Name;

                                Field hyperLinkField = applet.BusComp.Fields.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == UIEntity.HyperLinkFieldName);
                                if (hyperLinkField != null)
                                    businessEntity.HyperLinkField     = hyperLinkField;
                                    businessEntity.HyperLinkFieldId   = hyperLinkField.Id;
                                    businessEntity.HyperLinkFieldName = hyperLinkField.Name;
Example #8
        public ActionResult DonutChart()
            string[] categories = { "MSIE", "Firefox", "Chrome", "Safari", "Opera" };
            Data     data       = new Data(new[]
                new Point
                    Y         = 55.11,
                    Color     = Color.FromName("colors[0]"),
                    Drilldown = new Drilldown
                        Name       = "MSIE versions",
                        Categories = new[] { "MSIE 6.0", "MSIE 7.0", "MSIE 8.0", "MSIE 9.0" },
                        Data       = new Data(new object[] { 10.85, 7.35, 33.06, 2.81 }),
                        Color      = Color.FromName("colors[0]")
                new Point
                    Y         = 21.63,
                    Color     = Color.FromName("colors[1]"),
                    Drilldown = new Drilldown
                        Name       = "Firefox versions",
                        Categories = new[] { "Firefox 2.0", "Firefox 3.0", "Firefox 3.5", "Firefox 3.6", "Firefox 4.0" },
                        Data       = new Data(new object[] { 0.20, 0.83, 1.58, 13.12, 5.43 }),
                        Color      = Color.FromName("colors[1]")
                new Point
                    Y         = 11.94,
                    Color     = Color.FromName("colors[2]"),
                    Drilldown = new Drilldown
                        Name       = "Chrome versions",
                        Categories = new[] { "Chrome 5.0", "Chrome 6.0", "Chrome 7.0", "Chrome 8.0", "Chrome 9.0", "Chrome 10.0", "Chrome 11.0", "Chrome 12.0" },
                        Data       = new Data(new object[] { 0.12, 0.19, 0.12, 0.36, 0.32, 9.91, 0.50, 0.22 }),
                        Color      = Color.FromName("colors[2]")
                new Point
                    Y         = 7.15,
                    Color     = Color.FromName("colors[3]"),
                    Drilldown = new Drilldown
                        Name       = "Safari versions",
                        Categories = new[] { "Safari 5.0", "Safari 4.0", "Safari Win 5.0", "Safari 4.1", "Safari/Maxthon", "Safari 3.1", "Safari 4.1" },
                        Data       = new Data(new object[] { 4.55, 1.42, 0.23, 0.21, 0.20, 0.19, 0.14 }),
                        Color      = Color.FromName("colors[3]")
                new Point
                    Y         = 2.14,
                    Color     = Color.FromName("colors[4]"),
                    Drilldown = new Drilldown
                        Name       = "Opera versions",
                        Categories = new[] { "Opera 9.x", "Opera 10.x", "Opera 11.x" },
                        Data       = new Data(new object[] { 0.12, 0.37, 1.65 }),
                        Color      = Color.FromName("colors[4]")

            List <Point> browserData  = new List <Point>(categories.Length);
            List <Point> versionsData = new List <Point>();

            for (int i = 0; i < categories.Length; i++)
                browserData.Add(new Point {
                    Name = categories[i], Y = data.SeriesData[i].Y, Color = data.SeriesData[i].Color
                for (int j = 0; j < data.SeriesData[i].Drilldown.Categories.Length; j++)
                    Drilldown drilldown = data.SeriesData[i].Drilldown;
                    versionsData.Add(new Point {
                        Name = drilldown.Categories[j], Y = Number.GetNumber(drilldown.Data.ArrayData[j]), Color = drilldown.Color

            Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
                               .InitChart(new Chart {
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Pie
                               .SetTitle(new Title {
                Text = "Browser market share, April, 2011"
                               .SetSubtitle(new Subtitle {
                Text = "Total percent market share"
                               .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions {
                Pie = new PlotOptionsPie {
                    Shadow = false
                               .SetTooltip(new Tooltip {
                Formatter = @"function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y +' %';}"
                               .AddJavascripVariable("colors", "Highcharts.getOptions().colors")
                new Series
                    Name           = "Browsers",
                    Data           = new Data(browserData.ToArray()),
                    PlotOptionsPie = new PlotOptionsPie
                        Size       = new PercentageOrPixel(60, true),
                        DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels
                            Formatter = "function() { return this.y > 5 ? : null; }",
                            Color     = Color.White,
                            Distance  = -30
                new Series
                    Name           = "Versions",
                    Data           = new Data(versionsData.ToArray()),
                    PlotOptionsPie = new PlotOptionsPie
                        InnerSize  = new PercentageOrPixel(60, true),
                        DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels
                            Formatter = "function() { return this.y > 1 ? '<b>'+ +':</b> '+ this.y +'%'  : null; }"
