Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 检查报告是否全部生成
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tigerPath"></param>
        /// <param name="formId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result CheckReportIsAll(string tigerPath, long formId)
            return(RunFun(logPath =>
                tigerPath = ToolFile.GetAbsolutelyPath(tigerPath);

                List <FileInfo> list = new DirectoryInfo(tigerPath).GetFiles().ToList();

                DataRow dr = GetFormInfo(formId);

                DataTable dt = DbContent.GetTable(string.Format(GetObservedList(), dr["CompanyID"] + "", dr["FormApplicationID"] + ""));

                WriteLog(logPath, "共" + dt.Rows.Count + "人");

                foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
                    string name = item["FullName"] + "_" + item["EntryID"];
                    if (!list.Exists(c => c.Name.Contains(name)))
                        WriteLog(logPath, name);
                return Res;
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建报告
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tigerPath">目标路径</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result CreatReport(string tigerPath)
            return(RunFun(logpath =>
                tigerPath = ToolFile.GetAbsolutelyPath(tigerPath);

                string modthPath = ToolFile.GetUpIndex(base.ModelPath, 1) + "Custom\\宝龙-满意度版块PDF的副本.rdl";

                string sqlStr = @"
                     Select distinct r.FormReportItemID,c.Text
                    From AskForm_FormReportItemParam r 
                    INNER JOIN AskForm_Choice c ON c.ChoiceID = r.[Value]
	                    r.CompanyID=@CompanyID And r.FormApplicationID =@FormApplicationID
                      And r.IsDeleted=0";

                DataTable dt = DbContent.GetTable(GetSqlParam() + sqlStr);

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    ReportParameterCollection reportParameters = new ReportParameterCollection
                        new ReportParameter("CompanyID", @CompanyID),
                        new ReportParameter("FormApplicationID", FormApplicationID),
                        new ReportParameter("FormID", FormID),
                        new ReportParameter("MinValue", "0"),
                        new ReportParameter("ReportTitle", "板块报告"),
                        new ReportParameter("FormReportItemID", dr["FormReportItemID"] + "")

                    ToolReport.GenerateLocalReport(modthPath, tigerPath, dr["Text"] + ".pdf", reportParameters, true);
                return Res;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 返回信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataRow GetEntryInfo(string entryId)
                        SELECT ct.* 
                        INTO #dt
                        FROM AskForm_EntryContent ct
                            INNER JOIN AskForm_Entry et ON et.EntryID = ct.EntryID AND et.IsDeleted = 0
                        WHERE ct.EntryID = {0}

                        SELECT distinct FieldID ,FieldTitle ,FieldName ,Position
                        INTO #Fie
                        FROM #dt
                        ORDER BY Position

                        DECLARE @sql nvarchar(2000) = ' SELECT t.EntryID,Min(t.CreatedDate)  AS ''CreatedDate'' '
                        DECLARE @FieldID nvarchar(200)
                        DECLARE @Name nvarchar(200)

                        WHILE EXISTS(SELECT *
                        FROM #Fie)
                            SELECT @FieldID= FieldID ,@Name= FieldName
                            FROM #Fie;
                            SET @sql +=',(SELECT [Value] FROM #dt WHERE EntryID = t.EntryID AND FieldID = '+@FieldID+' ) AS '''+@Name+''' '
                            DELETE FROM #Fie WHERE FieldID=@FieldID AND FieldName = @Name;

                        SET @sql +='FROM #dt t GROUP BY t.EntryID,t.CreatedDate ORDER BY t.CreatedDate'

                        exec sp_executesql @sql

                        DROP TABLE #dt,#Fie", entryId)).Rows[0]);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成报告
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelPath">报告模板</param>
        /// <param name="tigerPath">生成地址</param>
        /// <param name="formId">问卷编号</param>
        /// <param name="entryId">被评估人编号</param>
        /// <param name="suffix">报告格式</param>
        /// <param name="maxLength">最多生成报告数,0为不限制</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result CreateReport(string modelPath, string tigerPath, long formId, long entryId, string suffix, int maxLength)
            return(RunFun(logPath =>
                tigerPath = ToolFile.GetAbsolutelyPath(tigerPath);

                modelPath = base.ModelPath + modelPath;

                DataRow dr = GetFormInfo(formId);

                if (entryId > 0)
                    ReportParameterCollection col = new ReportParameterCollection
                        new ReportParameter("CompanyID", dr["CompanyID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("FormApplicationID", dr["FormApplicationID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("FormID", dr["FormID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("ObservedID", entryId + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("EntryID", entryId + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("MinValue", "1")

                    col = ToolReport.BindPara(modelPath, col);

                    ToolReport.GenerateLocalReport(modelPath, tigerPath, entryId + "." + suffix, col, false);
                    DataTable dt = DbContent.GetTable(string.Format(GetObservedList(), dr["CompanyID"] + "", dr["FormApplicationID"] + ""));

                    int con = 0;

                    foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
                        if (maxLength > 0 && con >= maxLength)

                        ReportParameterCollection col = new ReportParameterCollection
                            new ReportParameter("CompanyID", dr["CompanyID"] + ""),
                            new ReportParameter("FormApplicationID", dr["FormApplicationID"] + ""),
                            new ReportParameter("FormID", dr["FormID"] + ""),
                            new ReportParameter("ObservedID", item["EntryID"] + ""),
                            new ReportParameter("EntryID", item["EntryID"] + ""),
                            new ReportParameter("MinValue", "1")

                        col = ToolReport.BindPara(modelPath, col);
                        WriteLog(logPath, dt.Rows.IndexOf(item) + "\t" + item["FullName"] + "_" + item["EntryID"]);
                        ToolReport.GenerateLocalReport(modelPath, tigerPath, item["FullName"] + "_" + item["EntryID"] + "." + suffix, col, false);
                return Res;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成团队报告
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelPath">报告模板</param>
        /// <param name="tigerPath">生成地址</param>
        /// <param name="formId">问卷编号</param>
        /// <param name="suffix">报告格式</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result CreateTeamReport(string modelPath, string tigerPath, long formId, string suffix)
            return(RunFun(logPath =>
                tigerPath = ToolFile.GetAbsolutelyPath(tigerPath);

                modelPath = base.ModelPath + modelPath;

                string sqlFilter = $"SELECT * FROM AskForm_FormFilter  ff WHERE ff.FormID = {formId} AND ff.Name LIKE '%FieldFilter%' AND ff.IsDeleted = 0";

                DataTable dtFilter = DbContent.GetTable(sqlFilter);

                // 循环过滤条件
                foreach (DataRow filter in dtFilter.Rows)
                    ReportParameterCollection col = new ReportParameterCollection
                        new ReportParameter("CompanyID", filter["CompanyID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("FormApplicationID", filter["FormApplicationID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("FormID", filter["FormID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("FormFilterID", filter["FormFilterID"] + ""),
                        new ReportParameter("MinValue", "1")

                    col = ToolReport.BindPara(modelPath, col);

                    // 获取过滤字段
                    string sqlField = $"SELECT f.FieldID,f.Title,fff.Content FROM AskForm_FormFilterField fff INNER JOIN AskForm_Field f ON f.FieldID = fff.FieldID WHERE FormFilterID = {filter["FormFilterID"]} AND fff.IsDeleted = 0";
                    DataTable dtField = DbContent.GetTable(sqlField);

                    // 循环字段
                    foreach (DataRow field in dtField.Rows)
                        string sqlContent = $"SELECT distinct [Value] FROM AskForm_EntryText et WHERE et.FieldID = {field["FieldID"]} AND et.IsDeleted = 0";
                        DataTable dtContent = DbContent.GetTable(sqlContent);

                        // 循环内容
                        foreach (DataRow content in dtContent.Rows)
                            // 修改内容
                            string sqlUpFilterField = $"UPDATE AskForm_FormFilterField SET Content='{content["Value"]}' WHERE FormFilterID = {filter["FormFilterID"]} AND FieldID ={field["FieldID"]} ";

                            WriteLog(logPath, "修改【" + field["Title"] + "】为【" + content["Value"] + "】," + DbContent.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpFilterField));
                            ToolReport.GenerateLocalReport(modelPath, tigerPath, field["Title"] + "_" + content["Value"] + "." + suffix, col, false);
                return Res;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成部门报告
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dsfd">dzhg</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result GeneratingReports()
            string modelFileName = "满意度-药明.rdl";
            string modelPath     = Path.Combine(ModelPath, modelFileName);

            return(RunFun((logPath) =>
                WriteLog(logPath, "开始生成报告");
                //绑定 CompanyID,FormApplicationID,FormID
                ReportParameterCollection col = ToolReport.BindPara(modelPath, Convert.ToInt32(FormID), false);

                string prefix = GetSqlParam();
                DataTable buList = DbContent.GetTable(prefix + BUListSQL);

                foreach (DataRow buRow in buList.Rows)
                    string bu = buRow.ItemArray[0].ToString();
                    WriteLog(logPath, $"当前BU:{bu}");
                    long time = Watch(() =>
                        string departmentListSQL = DepartmentListSQL.Replace("{BU}", $"'{bu}'");
                        DataTable departmentList = DbContent.GetTable(prefix + departmentListSQL);
                        foreach (DataRow departmentRow in departmentList.Rows)
                            string department = departmentRow.ItemArray[0].ToString();
                            WriteLog(logPath, $"当前Department:{department}");
                            //绑定 BU,Department参数
                            col.Add(new ReportParameter("BU", bu));
                            col.Add(new ReportParameter("Department", department));

                            // 绑定默认参数
                            col = ToolReport.BindPara(modelPath, col);

                            ToolReport.GenerateLocalReport(modelPath, Path.Combine(DataStarPath, bu) + "\\", $"Biologics-满意度-{department}.pdf", col, true);
                            WriteLog(logPath, $"Biologics-满意度-{department}.pdf 报告生成完毕");
                WriteLog(logPath, "报告生成完毕");

                return Res;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据FormID,返回参数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected BaseFun GetParam(long formID)
            string sqlStr = string.Format("SELECT CompanyID,FormApplicationID,FormID FROM AskForm_Form WHERE FormID = {0} AND IsDeleted = 0", formID);

            DataTable dt = DbContent.GetTable(sqlStr);

            if (dt.Rows.Count >= 1)
                BaseFun bf = new BaseFun(null);

                bf.CompanyID         = dt.Rows[0]["CompanyID"] + "";
                bf.FormApplicationID = dt.Rows[0]["FormApplicationID"] + "";
                bf.FormID            = dt.Rows[0]["FormID"] + "";
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 报告数据导入数据库
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dirPath"></param>
        /// <param name="formId"></param>
        /// <param name="reportId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result AddReportItem(string dirPath = "D:\\Shared\\弘阳报告", long formId = 8374570001, long reportId = 15581150001)
            return(RunFun(logpath =>
                string path = "\\Survey\\ExportReports\\";// 根目录
                // 获取表单GUID并拼接路径
                string sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM AskForm_Form WHERE FormID = " + formId;
                DataTable dt = DbContent.GetTable(sqlStr);
                string companyId = "";
                string appId = "";

                if (dt.HasItems(c => c.Columns.Contains("FormGuid")))
                    path += dt.Rows[0]["FormGuid"] + "\\" + reportId + "\\";
                    companyId = dt.Rows[0]["CompanyID"] + "";
                    appId = dt.Rows[0]["FormApplicationID"] + "";
                    return Res;
                // 获取文件夹下所有文件
                if (Directory.Exists(dirPath))
                    string[] pdfArr = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath);

                    foreach (var pdf in pdfArr)
                        string fileName = ToolFile.GetFileName(pdf, false);
                        string name = ToolFile.GetFileName(pdf);

                        sqlStr = string.Format(@"INSERT AskForm_FormReportItem SELECT {0},{1},'{2}','','{3}',0,{4},{5},{6},0,GETDATE(),GETDATE()"
                                               , reportId, ToolString.GetRandomStr(12, 6), name, path + fileName, companyId, appId, formId);
                        WriteLog(logpath, sqlStr);
                return Res;
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// 返回信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="formId">表单ID</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DataRow GetFormInfo(long formId)
     return(DbContent.GetTable(string.Format("SELECT * FROM AskForm_Form WHERE FormID = '{0}'; ", formId)).Rows[0]);