Example #1
        protected void InitCommonData(int slot, SignalSource signalSource, DataMapping data)
            this.InUse        = data.GetFlag(_InUse, true);
            this.RecordIndex  = slot;
            this.RecordOrder  = slot;
            this.SignalSource = signalSource;
            this.OldProgramNr = (short)data.GetWord(_ProgramNr);
            this.Name         = data.GetString(_Name, data.Settings.GetInt("lenName"));
            this.Favorites    = this.ParseRawFavorites();
            this.Lock         = data.GetFlag(_Lock);
            int hiddenPrimary = data.GetByte(_Hidden);

            if (hiddenPrimary == 255)
                this.Hidden = data.GetByte(_HiddenAlt) != 0;
                this.Hidden = hiddenPrimary != 0;
            this.Skip      = data.GetFlag(_Skip);
            this.Encrypted = data.GetFlag(_Encrypted);
            this.IsDeleted = data.GetFlag(_Deleted, false) || !data.GetFlag(_IsActive, true);
            this.AddDebug(data.Data, data.BaseOffset + 25, 3);
Example #2
        private void ParseNames()
            mapping.SetDataPtr(this.rawData, this.baseOffset);
            DvbStringDecoder dec = new DvbStringDecoder(mapping.DefaultEncoding);
            string           longName, shortName;

            dec.GetChannelNames(this.rawData, this.baseOffset + mapping.GetOffsets(_Name)[0], mapping.GetByte(_NameLength),
                                out longName, out shortName);
            this.Name      = longName;
            this.ShortName = shortName;
Example #3
        public LnbConfig(DataMapping mapping, DataRoot dataRoot)
            this.Id = mapping.GetByte("SettingId");
            if (this.Id == 0)
            int satIndex = mapping.GetByte("SatIndex");

            this.Satellite = dataRoot.Satellites[satIndex];
Example #4
        private void LoadDvbCT(ChannelList list, string path, string mappingName)
            if (!ReadAndValidateChannellibFile(path, out var data, out var recordSize, out var recordCount))

            var mapping = new DataMapping(this.ini.GetSection(mappingName));

            mapping.SetDataPtr(data, chanLstBin.VersionMajor <= 11 ? 20 : 12);

            for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++, mapping.BaseOffset += recordSize)
                var progNr = mapping.GetWord("offProgNr");

                var offChannelName = mapping.BaseOffset + mapping.GetConst("offName", 0);
                var lenName        = mapping.GetConst("lenName", 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < lenName; j += 2)
                    if (data[offChannelName + j] == 0)
                        lenName = j;
                string channelName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offChannelName, lenName);

                if (chanLstBin.VersionMajor <= 11)
                    var checksum = mapping.GetDword("offChecksum");
                    mapping.SetDword("offChecksum", 0);
                    var crc = FaultyCrc32(data, mapping.BaseOffset + mapping.GetConst("offChecksum", 0), recordSize);
                    if (crc != checksum)
                        throw new FileLoadException($"Invalid CRC in record {i} in {path}");

                var ch = new Channel(list.SignalSource, i, progNr, channelName);
                ch.Id                = mapping.GetWord("offId"); // only relevant for ChannelMap45
                ch.FreqInMhz         = (decimal)mapping.GetWord("offFreqTimes16") / 16;
                ch.OriginalNetworkId = mapping.GetWord("offOnid");
                ch.TransportStreamId = mapping.GetWord("offTsid");
                ch.ServiceId         = mapping.GetWord("offSid");
                ch.SymbolRate        = (int)mapping.GetDword("offSymbolRate") / 1000;
                ch.Lock              = mapping.GetByte("offLocked") != 0;
                ch.Favorites         = mapping.GetByte("offIsFav") != 0 ? Favorites.A : 0;
                if (ch.Favorites != 0)
                    ch.OldFavIndex[0] = ch.OldProgramNr;
                this.DataRoot.AddChannel(list, ch);
Example #5
        private Favorites ParseRawFavorites()
            var offsets = mapping.GetOffsets(_Favorites);

            if (offsets.Length == 1) // series B,C

            // series D,E,F
            byte fav      = 0;
            byte mask     = 0x01;
            int  favIndex = 0;

            foreach (int off in offsets)
                int favValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(this.rawData, baseOffset + off);
                if (sortedFavorites == FavoritesIndexMode.Boolean && favValue != 0)
                    fav |= mask;
                else if (sortedFavorites != FavoritesIndexMode.Boolean && favValue != -1)
                    fav |= mask;
                if (sortedFavorites == FavoritesIndexMode.IndividuallySorted)
                    this.FavIndex[favIndex] = favValue;
                mask <<= 1;
Example #6
        public DigitalChannel(int slot, SignalSource signalSource, DataMapping data,
                              IDictionary <int, decimal> transpFreq, FavoritesIndexMode sortedFavorites, IDictionary <int, string> providerNames) :
            base(data, sortedFavorites)
            this.InitCommonData(slot, (SignalSource)((int)signalSource & ~(int)(SignalSource.TvAndRadio)), data);

            if (!this.InUse || this.OldProgramNr == 0)

            this.InitDvbData(data, providerNames);

            int     transp = data.GetByte(_ChannelOrTransponder);
            decimal freq   = transpFreq.TryGet(transp);

            if (freq == 0)
                if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Antenna) != 0)
                    freq = transp * 8 + 306;
                else if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Cable) != 0)
                    freq = transp * 8 + 106;

            this.ChannelOrTransponder = transp.ToString();
            this.FreqInMhz            = freq;
Example #7
        public void TestByte()
            DataMapping mapping = new DataMapping();

            byte[] data = new byte[12];
            for (byte i = byte.MinValue; i < byte.MaxValue; i++)
                Array.Clear(data, 0, 12);
                mapping.Data = data;
                mapping.SetByte(0, i);
                Assert.AreEqual(i, mapping.GetByte(0));

            Array.Clear(data, 0, 12);
            mapping.Data = data;
            mapping.SetByte(0, byte.MaxValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(byte.MaxValue, mapping.GetByte(0));
Example #8
         * offFavorites2 = 134
         * offAudioPid2 = 182

        public DtvChannel(int slot, DataMapping data) : base(data)
            var signalSource = SignalSource.Digital;

            signalSource |= data.GetByte(_SignalSource) == 1 ? SignalSource.Antenna : SignalSource.Cable;
            this.InitCommonData(slot, signalSource, data);

            int channel = data.GetByte(_ChannelOrTransponder);

            this.ChannelOrTransponder = channel.ToString("d2");
// ReSharper disable PossibleLossOfFraction
            this.FreqInMhz = (data.GetDword(_FrequencyLong) + 10) / 1000;
// ReSharper restore PossibleLossOfFraction
            if (this.FreqInMhz == 0)
                this.FreqInMhz = LookupData.Instance.GetDvbtFrequency(channel);
Example #9
 protected void InitDvbData(DataMapping data)
     this.ServiceId = data.GetWord(_ServiceId);
     //this.PcrPid = data.GetWord(_PcrPid);
     this.VideoPid          = data.GetWord(_VideoPid);
     this.AudioPid          = data.GetWord(_AudioPid);
     this.OriginalNetworkId = data.GetWord(_OriginalNetworkId);
     this.TransportStreamId = data.GetWord(_TransportStreamId);
     this.ServiceType       = data.GetByte(_ServiceType);
     this.ProgramNrPreset   = data.GetWord(_ProgramNrPreset);
Example #10
        private void InsertChannelData(DbCommand cmd, int listId)

            DvbStringDecoder decoder     = new DvbStringDecoder(this.DefaultEncoding);
            DataMapping      dvbsMapping = this.dvbsMappings.GetMapping(this.dvbsBlockSize);

            dvbsMapping.SetDataPtr(this.fileContent, this.dvbsBlockOffset + this.satConfig.ChannelListOffset);
            for (int slot = 0; slot < this.dvbsChannelCount; slot++)
                cmd.Parameters["@listid"].Value   = listId;
                cmd.Parameters["@slot"].Value     = slot;
                cmd.Parameters["@seq"].Value      = DBNull.Value;
                cmd.Parameters["@isdel"].Value    = dvbsMapping.GetFlag("InUse") ? 0 : 1;
                cmd.Parameters["@progmask"].Value = dvbsMapping.GetWord("offProgramNr");
                cmd.Parameters["@prognr"].Value   = dvbsMapping.GetWord("offProgramNr") & 0x3FFF;
                cmd.Parameters["@progfix"].Value  = dvbsMapping.GetWord("offProgramNrPreset");
                int    absNameOffset = dvbsMapping.BaseOffset + dvbsMapping.GetOffsets("offName")[0];
                string longName, shortName;
                decoder.GetChannelNames(fileContent, absNameOffset, dvbsMapping.GetByte("offNameLength"), out longName, out shortName);
                cmd.Parameters["@name"].Value = longName;
                cmd.Parameters["@tpnr"].Value = dvbsMapping.GetWord("offTransponderIndex");
                var transp = this.DataRoot.Transponder.TryGet(dvbsMapping.GetWord("offTransponderIndex"));
                cmd.Parameters["@satnr"].Value = transp == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : transp.Satellite.Id;
                cmd.Parameters["@onid"].Value  = transp == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : transp.OriginalNetworkId;
                cmd.Parameters["@tsid"].Value  = transp == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : transp.TransportStreamId;
                cmd.Parameters["@ssid"].Value  = (int)dvbsMapping.GetWord("offServiceId");
                cmd.Parameters["@uid"].Value   = transp == null
                                         ? (object)DBNull.Value
                                         : transp.TransportStreamId + "-" + transp.OriginalNetworkId + "-" +
                cmd.Parameters["@favcrypt"].Value     = (int)dvbsMapping.GetByte("offFavorites");
                cmd.Parameters["@lockskiphide"].Value = (int)dvbsMapping.GetByte("offLock");
                dvbsMapping.BaseOffset += this.satConfig.dvbsChannelLength;
Example #11
        public DigitalChannel(int slot, SignalSource signalSource, DataMapping data, DataRoot dataRoot,
                              IDictionary <int, decimal> transpFreq, FavoritesIndexMode sortedFavorites, IDictionary <int, string> providerNames) :
            base(data, sortedFavorites)
            // ToDo - ShiT
            this.InitCommonData(slot, signalSource & ~SignalSource.TVAndRadioAndData, data);

            if (!this.InUse)

            // "InUse" and "IsDeleted" are not always guessed correctly. If PrNr=0, the channel contains garbage
            if (this.OldProgramNr == 0)
                this.InUse = false;

            this.InitDvbData(data, providerNames);

            decimal freq   = 0;
            int     transp = data.GetByte(_ChannelOrTransponder);

            if (dataRoot.Transponder.TryGetValue(transp, out var tp))
                this.Polarity = tp.Polarity;
            freq = transpFreq.TryGet(transp);
            if (freq == 0 && tp != null)
                freq = tp.FrequencyInMhz;
            if (freq == 0)
                if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Antenna) != 0)
                    freq = transp * 8 + 306;
                else if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Cable) != 0)
                    freq = transp * 8 + 106;

            this.ChannelOrTransponder = transp.ToString();
            this.FreqInMhz            = freq;
Example #12
        protected void InitCommonData(int slot, SignalSource signalSource, DataMapping data)
            this.RecordIndex = slot;
            var nr = data.GetWord(_ProgramNr);

            this.SignalSource = signalSource | ((nr & 0x4000) == 0 ? SignalSource.Tv : SignalSource.Radio);
            this.OldProgramNr = (nr & 0x3FFF);


            this.Favorites = (Favorites)((data.GetByte(_Favorites2) & 0x3C) >> 2);
            this.Lock      = data.GetFlag(_Lock);
            this.Skip      = data.GetFlag(_Skip);
            this.Hidden    = data.GetFlag(_Hide);
            this.Encrypted = data.GetFlag(_Encrypted);
            this.IsDeleted = data.GetFlag(_Deleted);
Example #13
 protected void InitDvbData(DataMapping data, IDictionary <int, string> providerNames)
     this.ShortName = data.GetString(_ShortName, data.Settings.GetInt("lenShortName"));
     this.ServiceId = data.GetWord(_ServiceId);
     //this.PcrPid = data.GetWord(_PcrPid);
     this.VideoPid          = data.GetWord(_VideoPid);
     this.AudioPid          = data.GetWord(_AudioPid);
     this.OriginalNetworkId = data.GetWord(_OriginalNetworkId);
     this.TransportStreamId = data.GetWord(_TransportStreamId);
     this.ServiceType       = data.GetByte(_ServiceType);
     this.SymbolRate        = data.GetWord(_SymbolRate);
     if (data.Settings.GetInt(_ServiceProviderId, -1) != -1)
         int source = -1;
         if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.MaskProvider) == SignalSource.Freesat)
             source = 4;
         else if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.MaskProvider) == SignalSource.TivuSat)
             source = 6;
         else if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Antenna) != 0)
             source = 0;
         else if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Cable) != 0)
             source = 1;
         else if ((this.SignalSource & SignalSource.Sat) != 0)
             source = 3;
         int providerId = data.GetWord(_ServiceProviderId);
         this.Provider = providerNames.TryGet((source << 16) + providerId);
     this.SignalSource |= LookupData.Instance.IsRadioOrTv(this.ServiceType);
Example #14
        public SatTransponder(int index, DataMapping mapping, DataRoot dataRoot, int satIndexFactor) : base(index)
            this.mapping = mapping;
            this.data    = mapping.Data;
            this.offset  = mapping.BaseOffset;

            this.firstChannelIndex = mapping.GetWord(_FirstChannelIndex);
            this.lastChannelIndex  = mapping.GetWord(_LastChannelIndex);

            this.FrequencyInMhz    = mapping.GetWord(_Frequency);
            this.OriginalNetworkId = mapping.GetWord(_OriginalNetworkId);
            this.TransportStreamId = mapping.GetWord(_TransportStreamId);
            this.symbolRate        = mapping.GetWord(_SymbolRate);

            if (this.symbolRate % 100 >= 95)
                this.symbolRate = (this.symbolRate / 100 + 1) * 100;
            // note: a correction factor is applied later after all transponders were loaded (*0.5, *1, *2)

            this.Satellite = dataRoot.Satellites.TryGet(mapping.GetByte(_SatIndex) / satIndexFactor);
Example #15
        public DigitalChannel(int slot, SignalSource signalSource, DataMapping data,
                              IDictionary <int, decimal> transpFreq, FavoritesIndexMode sortedFavorites, IDictionary <int, string> providerNames) :
            base(data, sortedFavorites)
            this.InitCommonData(slot, (SignalSource)((int)signalSource & ~(int)(SignalSource.TvAndRadio)), data);

            if (!this.InUse || this.OldProgramNr == 0)

            this.InitDvbData(data, providerNames);

            int     transp = data.GetByte(_ChannelOrTransponder);
            decimal freq   = transpFreq.TryGet(transp);

            if (freq == 0)
                freq = LookupData.Instance.GetDvbtFrequeny(transp); // transp*8 + 106); // (106 = DVB-C; DVB-T=306?)
            this.ChannelOrTransponder = transp.ToString();
            this.FreqInMhz            = freq;