Example #1
        //static string replayID = "replayID" + new Random().Next().ToString("x8");

        //static void EditAndContinue(string replayID = "demo1")
        //static void EditAndContinue()
        void EditAndContinue()

            // manually restart method if modified?
            // some changes require full process restart. like LINQ?
            Console.WriteLine("enter EditAndContinue");

            //var capture = new { replayID = "demo1" };

            var replayID = "demo2";

            //var myHistory = new Data.replayhistory().Where(x => x.replayID == replayID);
            //var myHistory = new Data.replayhistory().Where(x => x.replayID == replayID).Select(x => x);

            var service = new ApplicationWebService { };

            //await service.AddHistory("headless1", 1, 1);
            service.AddHistory(replayID, 1, 1).Wait();

            var myHistory =
                from x in new Data.replayhistory()
                where x.replayID == replayID
                select x;

            // this now works without identity select
            var myHistoryAll = myHistory.ToArray();

            var myHistoryCount = myHistory.Count();

            var distinctReplays0 =
              from x in new Data.replayhistory()
                  //group x by new { x.replayID } into g
                  //select new { g.Key.replayID, gCount = g.Count() };

              group x by x.replayID into g
              select g.Key;

            var distinctReplays0All = distinctReplays0.ToArray();

            var distinctReplays =
                from x in new Data.replayhistory()
                    //group x by new { x.replayID } into g
                    //select new { g.Key.replayID, gCount = g.Count() };

                group x by x.replayID into g
                select new
                    replayID = g.Key

                    // cant ask for a count can we.?
                    //, gCount = g.Count()

            var distinctReplaysAll = distinctReplays.ToArray();


            // how many are there now?

            // new statement?

            // adding a new statment here causes the method to be retried
            var all = new Data.replayhistory().Count();

            var all2 = new Data.replayhistory().Count();
            var all3 = new Data.replayhistory().Count();

            //var myHistory = from x in new Data.replayhistory()
            //                where x.replayID == replayID
            //                select x;

            // Z:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\data\GoogleMapsTracker\Program.cs

            // edit and continue will reset this method and step out?
            Console.WriteLine("exit EditAndContinue");
        //public async Task AddHistory(string replayID, double lng, double lat)
        public Task AddHistory(string replayID, double lng, double lat)
            Console.WriteLine(new { replayID, lng, lat });

            // we have the data from the client.
            // lets keep it around.

            var key = new Data.replayhistory().Insert(
                new Data.replayhistoryRow { replayID = replayID, lng = lng, lat = lat }

            // look a key. useful if we want a comment attached to this row?
            Console.WriteLine(new { key });

            // first the project needs to include xlsx
            // sheet1 should be named.
            // then rebuild project to generate the da-talayer.

            // slow it down.
            //await Task.Delay(1000 / 15);

            return Task.CompletedTask;

            // android runtime wont show the async error yet