internal static void smethod_0(Class1132 A_0, CustomXmlPartCollection A_1) { int num = 5; Class1089 class2 = A_0.method_0().method_6(BookmarkStart.b("昪帬䀮田刲䄴嘶樸伺刼䴾⑀", 5)); if (class2 != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in class2) { CustomXmlPart part = new CustomXmlPart(); Class1089 class3 = (Class1089)entry.Value; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry2 in class3) { string key = (string)entry2.Key; if (key != null) { if (!(key == BookmarkStart.b("截夬䨮尰", num))) { if (key == BookmarkStart.b("笪弬䀮䄰嘲䜴䌶倸帺丼", num)) { smethod_1((Stream)entry2.Value, part); } } else { part.Data = Class567.smethod_10((Stream)entry2.Value); } } } A_1.Add(part); } } }
internal static Class1089 smethod_4(CustomXmlPartCollection A_0) { int num = 7; if (A_0.Count == 0) { return(null); } Class1089 class4 = new Class1089(); for (int i = 0; i < A_0.Count; i++) { CustomXmlPart part = A_0[i]; Class1089 class3 = new Class1089(); class3.method_2(BookmarkStart.b("搬嬮吰帲", num), new MemoryStream(part.Data)); Stream stream = new MemoryStream(); Class397 class2 = new Class397(stream, Encoding.UTF8, false); if (class2.method_0().method_1().Count == 0) { class2.method_0().method_1().Add(BookmarkStart.b("䤬尮", num), BookmarkStart.b("䔬嬮䔰䌲༴ᠶᘸ䠺帼圾⑀⹂⑄㑆杈⑊㵌⩎㽐⭒㡔㭖㽘㑚⽜㉞`ᝢᙤ䥦٨ᥪ੬䁮Ṱᕲ፴Ṷ᩸Ṻ㥼ၾハꊌ붎ꆐꎒꎔ뢖滛캠캢ﶤ쪦얨", num)); } smethod_5(part, class2); class3.Add(BookmarkStart.b("紬崮帰䌲倴䔶䴸刺堼䰾", num), stream); class4.method_3(string.Format(BookmarkStart.b("丬圮唰䀲临ܶ䐸", num), i), class3); } return(class4); }
internal void method_0(CustomXmlPartCollection A_0) { int num = 0x12; if ((A_0.Count > 0) && (this.DataBinding != null)) { if (!this.RepeatingSection) { XmlNode node = this.DataBinding.method_2(A_0); if (node != null) { string str2 = this.method_6(node.InnerText); this.method_4(this.Owner, str2); } } else { Regex regex = new Regex(BookmarkStart.b("搷愹ᐻ戽桁浃ᩅᕇ湉", num)); string input = this.DataBinding.method_13(); if (!regex.IsMatch(input)) { DocumentObject owner = this.Owner.Owner; XmlNodeList list = this.DataBinding.method_5(A_0, input); if ((list != null) && (list.Count > 0)) { if (list.Count > 1) { int num2 = 1; int count = list.Count; while (num2 < count) { this.method_1(owner, list[num2], input, false); num2++; } } this.method_1(owner, list[0], input, true); } } regex = null; } } }
internal XmlNode method_3(CustomXmlPartCollection A_0, string A_1) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.method_14()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.method_13())) { return(null); } XmlNode node = null; if (A_0.GetById(this.method_14()) == null) { foreach (CustomXmlPart part in A_0) { node = this.method_4(part, A_1); if (node != null) { return(node); } } return(node); } return(this.method_4(A_0.GetById(this.method_14()), A_1)); }
internal XmlNodeList method_5(CustomXmlPartCollection A_0, string A_1) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.method_14())) { return(null); } XmlNodeList list = null; if (A_0.GetById(this.method_14()) == null) { foreach (CustomXmlPart part in A_0) { list = this.method_6(part, A_1); if (list != null) { return(list); } } return(list); } return(this.method_6(A_0.GetById(this.method_14()), A_1)); }
public void CreatingCustomXml() { //ExStart //ExFor:CustomXmlPart //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Clone //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Data //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Id //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Schemas //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(CustomXmlPart) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(String, String) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Clear //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Clone //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Count //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.GetById(String) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.GetEnumerator //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Item(Int32) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.RemoveAt(Int32) //ExFor:Document.CustomXmlParts //ExFor:StructuredDocumentTag.XmlMapping //ExFor:XmlMapping.SetMapping(CustomXmlPart, String, String) //ExSummary:Shows how to create structured document tag with a custom XML data. Document doc = new Document(); // Construct an XML part that contains data and add it to the document's collection // Once the "Developer" tab in Microsoft Word is enabled, // we can find elements from this collection as well as a couple defaults in the "XML Mapping Pane" string xmlPartId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B"); string xmlPartContent = "<root><text>Hello world!</text></root>"; CustomXmlPart xmlPart = doc.CustomXmlParts.Add(xmlPartId, xmlPartContent); // The data we entered is stored in these attributes Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmlPartContent), xmlPart.Data); Assert.AreEqual(xmlPartId, xmlPart.Id); // XML parts can be referenced by collection index or GUID Assert.AreEqual(xmlPart, doc.CustomXmlParts[0]); Assert.AreEqual(xmlPart, doc.CustomXmlParts.GetById(xmlPartId)); // Once the part is created, we can add XML schema associations like this xmlPart.Schemas.Add(""); // We can also clone parts and insert them into the collection directly CustomXmlPart xmlPartClone = xmlPart.Clone(); xmlPartClone.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B"); doc.CustomXmlParts.Add(xmlPartClone); Assert.AreEqual(2, doc.CustomXmlParts.Count); // Iterate through collection with an enumerator and print the contents of each part using (IEnumerator <CustomXmlPart> enumerator = doc.CustomXmlParts.GetEnumerator()) { int index = 0; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine($"XML part index {index}, ID: {enumerator.Current.Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tContent: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(enumerator.Current.Data)}"); index++; } } // XML parts can be removed by index doc.CustomXmlParts.RemoveAt(1); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.CustomXmlParts.Count); // The XML part collection itself can be cloned also CustomXmlPartCollection customXmlParts = doc.CustomXmlParts.Clone(); // And all elements can be cleared like this customXmlParts.Clear(); // Create a StructuredDocumentTag that will display the contents of our part, // insert it into the document and save the document StructuredDocumentTag tag = new StructuredDocumentTag(doc, SdtType.PlainText, MarkupLevel.Block); tag.XmlMapping.SetMapping(xmlPart, "/root[1]/text[1]", string.Empty); doc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(tag); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml.docx"); //ExEnd Assert.IsTrue(DocumentHelper.CompareDocs(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml.docx", GoldsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml Gold.docx")); doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml.docx"); xmlPart = doc.CustomXmlParts[0]; Assert.True(Guid.TryParse(xmlPart.Id, out Guid temp)); Assert.AreEqual("<root><text>Hello world!</text></root>", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlPart.Data)); Assert.AreEqual("", xmlPart.Schemas[0]); tag = (StructuredDocumentTag)doc.GetChild(NodeType.StructuredDocumentTag, 0, true); Assert.AreEqual("Hello world!", tag.GetText().Trim()); Assert.AreEqual("/root[1]/text[1]", tag.XmlMapping.XPath); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, tag.XmlMapping.PrefixMappings); }
public void CreatingCustomXml() { //ExStart //ExFor:CustomXmlPart //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Clone //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Data //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Id //ExFor:CustomXmlPart.Schemas //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(CustomXmlPart) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(String, String) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Clear //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Clone //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Count //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.GetById(String) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.GetEnumerator //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.Item(Int32) //ExFor:CustomXmlPartCollection.RemoveAt(Int32) //ExFor:Document.CustomXmlParts //ExFor:StructuredDocumentTag.XmlMapping //ExFor:XmlMapping.SetMapping(CustomXmlPart, String, String) //ExSummary:Shows how to create a structured document tag with custom XML data. Document doc = new Document(); // Construct an XML part that contains data and add it to the document's collection. // If we enable the "Developer" tab in Microsoft Word, // we can find elements from this collection in the "XML Mapping Pane", along with a few default elements. string xmlPartId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B"); string xmlPartContent = "<root><text>Hello world!</text></root>"; CustomXmlPart xmlPart = doc.CustomXmlParts.Add(xmlPartId, xmlPartContent); Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmlPartContent), xmlPart.Data); Assert.AreEqual(xmlPartId, xmlPart.Id); // Below are two ways to refer to XML parts. // 1 - By an index in the custom XML part collection: Assert.AreEqual(xmlPart, doc.CustomXmlParts[0]); // 2 - By GUID: Assert.AreEqual(xmlPart, doc.CustomXmlParts.GetById(xmlPartId)); // Add an XML schema association. xmlPart.Schemas.Add(""); // Clone a part, and then insert it into the collection. CustomXmlPart xmlPartClone = xmlPart.Clone(); xmlPartClone.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B"); doc.CustomXmlParts.Add(xmlPartClone); Assert.AreEqual(2, doc.CustomXmlParts.Count); // Iterate through the collection and print the contents of each part. using (IEnumerator <CustomXmlPart> enumerator = doc.CustomXmlParts.GetEnumerator()) { int index = 0; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine($"XML part index {index}, ID: {enumerator.Current.Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tContent: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(enumerator.Current.Data)}"); index++; } } // Use the "RemoveAt" method to remove the cloned part by index. doc.CustomXmlParts.RemoveAt(1); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.CustomXmlParts.Count); // Clone the XML parts collection, and then use the "Clear" method to remove all its elements at once. CustomXmlPartCollection customXmlParts = doc.CustomXmlParts.Clone(); customXmlParts.Clear(); // Create a structured document tag that will display our part's contents and insert it into the document body. StructuredDocumentTag tag = new StructuredDocumentTag(doc, SdtType.PlainText, MarkupLevel.Block); tag.XmlMapping.SetMapping(xmlPart, "/root[1]/text[1]", string.Empty); doc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(tag); doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml.docx"); //ExEnd Assert.IsTrue(DocumentHelper.CompareDocs(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml.docx", GoldsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml Gold.docx")); doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.CustomXml.docx"); xmlPart = doc.CustomXmlParts[0]; Assert.True(Guid.TryParse(xmlPart.Id, out Guid temp)); Assert.AreEqual("<root><text>Hello world!</text></root>", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlPart.Data)); Assert.AreEqual("", xmlPart.Schemas[0]); tag = (StructuredDocumentTag)doc.GetChild(NodeType.StructuredDocumentTag, 0, true); Assert.AreEqual("Hello world!", tag.GetText().Trim()); Assert.AreEqual("/root[1]/text[1]", tag.XmlMapping.XPath); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, tag.XmlMapping.PrefixMappings); }
internal XmlNode method_2(CustomXmlPartCollection A_0) { return(this.method_3(A_0, this.method_13())); }