Example #1
        public bool CreateWalls()
            string    filePath    = this.csvFolderPath + FILE_NAME_WALLS;
            CsvWriter csvWriter   = new CsvWriter();
            string    returnValue = csvWriter.ConnectToFile(filePath);

            if (returnValue != "")
            if (this.preserveId)
                // Note that if file doesn't exist yet we ignore option to preserve ID values
                if (File.Exists(filePath))
                    try {
                        returnValue = csvWriter.ReadElementIds();
                        if (returnValue != "")
                    catch (Exception exception) {
                        MessageBox.Show("Exception at csvWriter.ReadElementIds(): " + exception.Message);

            HbXYZ point1, point2, point3, point4;

            csvWriter.SetWallHeight(FloorHeight - constantFloorThickness);
            XY p1, p2, p3, p4;

            for (int i = 1; i < NumberFloors; i++)
                double elevationWall = (i - 1) * FloorHeight;
                Calculate(i, -2 * constantWallThickness, out p1, out p2, out p3, out p4);
                point1 = new HbXYZ(p1.X, p1.Y, elevationWall);
                point2 = new HbXYZ(p2.X, p2.Y, elevationWall);
                point3 = new HbXYZ(p3.X, p3.Y, elevationWall);
                point4 = new HbXYZ(p4.X, p4.Y, elevationWall);
                csvWriter.AddWall(point1, point2);
                csvWriter.AddWall(point2, point3);
                csvWriter.AddWall(point3, point4);
                csvWriter.AddWall(point4, point1);
Example #2
        public bool CreateWalls()
            string    filePath  = this.csvFolderPath + FILE_NAME_WALL;
            CsvWriter csvWriter = new CsvWriter();

            csvWriter.Precision = 4;
            string returnValue = csvWriter.ConnectToFile(filePath);

            if (returnValue != "")
            if (this.preserveId)
                // Note that if file doesn't exist yet we ignore option to preserve ID values
                if (File.Exists(filePath))
                    try {
                        returnValue = csvWriter.ReadElementIds();
                        if (returnValue != "")
                    catch (Exception exception) {
                        MessageBox.Show("Exception at csvWriter.ReadElementIds(): " + exception.Message);

            Spiral spiral = new Spiral(centerPoint);

            spiral.FactorA = FactorA;
            spiral.FactorB = FactorB;
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPoints; i++)
                XY    xyStart  = spiral.CalculatePoint(i);
                XY    xyEnd    = spiral.CalculatePoint(i + 1);
                XY    xyMid    = spiral.CalculatePoint(i + 0.5);
                HbXYZ xyzStart = new HbXYZ(xyStart.X, xyStart.Y, 0.0);
                HbXYZ xyzEnd   = new HbXYZ(xyEnd.X, xyEnd.Y, 0.0);
                HbXYZ xyzMid   = new HbXYZ(xyMid.X, xyMid.Y, 0.0);
                csvWriter.AddWall(xyzStart, xyzEnd, xyzMid);
Example #3
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Set up Utility object and start process
            Utility utility = new Utility(DA);

            utility.Print("Starting Curtain Walls.");
            List <string> instructionData = new List <string>();

            // Get Inputs
            string folderPath = null, fileName = null;
            bool   write = false;

            if (!utility.GetInput(0, ref write))                     // Write command is required
            if (!utility.GetInput(1, ref folderPath))                // Folder path is required
            utility.GetInput(2, ref fileName, true, true, true);     // File name is optional
            if (fileName == null)
                fileName = this.DEFAULT_FILE_NAME;

            GH_Structure <GH_Curve> curvesDataTree = null;                  // curves in Data Tree required

            if (!utility.GetInput(3, out curvesDataTree))

            string wallTypeName = null;                                  // Type is optional (no family, just type)

            utility.GetInput(4, ref wallTypeName);

            double wallHeight = 0;                                   // Wall Height is optional

            utility.GetInput(5, ref wallHeight);

            GH_Structure <GH_String> gridMullionsDataTree = null;                           // Grids/Mullions are optional; might make sense during development

            utility.GetInput(6, out gridMullionsDataTree);

            if (write)
                try {
                    // Create RevitModelBuilderUtility object and link to CSV file
                    CsvWriter csvWriter = new CsvWriter();
                    utility.Print("CsvWriter Version: " + csvWriter.Version);
                    if (!utility.EstablishCsvLink(csvWriter, folderPath, fileName))
                        utility.Print("EstablishCsvLink() failed");

                    // Set Wall Type
                    if (wallTypeName != null)

                    //Set Wall Height
                    double revitWallHeight = 10.0;
                    if (wallHeight != 0)
                        GH_Convert.ToDouble(wallHeight, out revitWallHeight, GH_Conversion.Both);

                    List <List <HbCurve> > curvesListListRevit = new List <List <HbCurve> >();
                    // Loop through the data tree of curves and process each one.
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvesDataTree.Branches.Count; i++)
                        if (!utility.ReadDataTreeBranch(curvesDataTree.Branches[i], ref curvesListListRevit))
                            utility.Print("ReadDataTreeBranch() failed at curvesDataTree");
//TODO test missing input
                    List <List <String> > stringsListListRevit = new List <List <string> >();
                    // Loop through the data tree of mullions and process each one.
                    for (int i = 0; i < gridMullionsDataTree.Branches.Count; i++)
                        if (!utility.ReadDataTreeBranch(gridMullionsDataTree.Branches[i], ref stringsListListRevit))
                            utility.Print("ReadDataTreeBranch() failed at stringsListListRevit");

                    string familyNameCurrent = null;
                    string typeNameCurrrent  = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvesListListRevit.Count; i++)
                        List <HbCurve> curvesListRevit = curvesListListRevit[i];

                        instructionData.Add("Add Curtain Wall:");
                        // Stop
                        if (stringsListListRevit.Count > i)   // Ignore mismatched list?  Better would be to reuse?
                        //outputStrings.Add("<" + direction + "><" + primaryOffset.ToString() + "><" + secondaryOffset.ToString() + "><" + familyName + "><" + typeName + ">");
                            string direction;
                            string primaryOffsetString;
                            string secondaryOffsetString;
                            string familyName;
                            string typeName;
                            //bool oneSegmentOnly;

                            foreach (string stringSource in stringsListListRevit[i])
                                if (!parseString(stringSource, out direction, out primaryOffsetString, out secondaryOffsetString, out familyName, out typeName))
                                    continue;                                                                                                                              // Silent ignore bad values
                                direction = direction.ToUpper();
                                if (!(direction == "U" || direction == "V"))
                                double primaryOffset, secondaryOffset;
                                double.TryParse(primaryOffsetString, out primaryOffset);
                                if (double.IsNaN(primaryOffset) || double.IsInfinity(primaryOffset))
                                double.TryParse(secondaryOffsetString, out secondaryOffset);
                                if (double.IsNaN(secondaryOffset) || double.IsInfinity(secondaryOffset))
                                    secondaryOffset = 0.0;
                                if (familyName != null && familyName != "" && typeName != null && typeName != "")
                                    if (familyName != familyNameCurrent || typeName != typeNameCurrrent)
                                        if (!(familyName == "$none$" || typeName == "$none$"))
                                            csvWriter.SetMullionType(familyName, typeName);
                                        familyNameCurrent = familyName;
                                        typeNameCurrrent  = typeName;
                                if (direction == "U")
                                    if (secondaryOffset == 0)                                  // full length case
                                        if (familyName == "$none$" || typeName == "$none$")    //  - grid case
                                        else                                                   //  - mullion case
                                    else                                                       // oneSegmentOnly case
                                        if (familyName == "$none$" || typeName == "$none$")    //  - grid case
                                            csvWriter.ModifyCurtainGridUAdd(primaryOffset, secondaryOffset);
                                        else                                                   //  - mullion case
                                            csvWriter.ModifyMullionUAdd(primaryOffset, secondaryOffset);
                                else                                                        // direction == "V" case
                                    if (secondaryOffset == 0)                               // full length case
                                        if (familyName == "$none$" || typeName == "$none$") //  - grid case
                                        else                                                   //  - mullion case
                                    else                                                       // oneSegmentOnly case
                                        if (familyName == "$none$" || typeName == "$none$")    //  - grid case
                                            csvWriter.ModifyCurtainGridVAdd(primaryOffset, secondaryOffset);
                                        else                                                   //  - mullion case
                                            csvWriter.ModifyMullionVAdd(primaryOffset, secondaryOffset);
                                instructionData.Add("Add Grid/Mullion:");

                        //if (gridMullionsDataTree == null) continue;     // Not sure if this occurs
                        //if (gridMullionsDataTree.Count == 0) continue;  // Valid but no grids or mullions included
                        //string currentMullionFamilyName = "";
                        //string currentMullionTypeName = "";
                        //for (int j = 0; j < gridMullionsDataTree.Count; j++) {

                    utility.Print("Add Curtain Wall completed successfully.");
                catch (Exception exception) {
            DA.SetDataList(1, instructionData);

// Temp
            //DA.SetDataList(1, gridMullionsDataTree);
Example #4
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Set up Utility object and start process
            Utility utility = new Utility(DA);

            utility.Print("Starting Walls.");
            List <string> instructionData = new List <string>();

            // Get Inputs
            string folderPath = null, fileName = null;
            bool   write = false;

            if (!utility.GetInput(0, ref write))                     // Write command is required
            if (!utility.GetInput(1, ref folderPath))                // Folder path is required
            utility.GetInput(2, ref fileName, true, true, true);     // File name is optional
            if (fileName == null)
                fileName = this.DEFAULT_FILE_NAME;

            GH_Structure <GH_Curve> dataTree = null;                  // curves in Data Tree required

            if (!utility.GetInput(3, out dataTree))

            string typeName = null;                                  // Type is optional (no family, just type)

            utility.GetInput(4, ref typeName);

            //double wallHeight = 0;                                   // Wall Height is optional
            //utility.GetInput(5, ref wallHeight);

            List <double> wallHeights = null;                            // Wall Height list optional

            utility.GetInput(5, ref wallHeights);
            int iMaxCountwallHeights = 0;

            if (wallHeights != null)
                iMaxCountwallHeights = wallHeights.Count;

            if (write)
                try {
                    // Create RevitModelBuilderUtility object and link to CSV file
                    CsvWriter csvWriter = new CsvWriter();
                    utility.Print("CsvWriter Version: " + csvWriter.Version);
                    if (!utility.EstablishCsvLink(csvWriter, folderPath, fileName))
                        utility.Print("EstablishCsvLink() failed");

                    // Set Wall Type
                    if (typeName != null)

                    ////Set Wall Height
                    //double revitWallHeight = 10.0;
                    //if (wallHeight != 0) {
                    //    GH_Convert.ToDouble(wallHeight, out revitWallHeight, GH_Conversion.Both);
                    //    csvWriter.SetWallHeight(revitWallHeight);

//TODO There is no reason to use a tree here since we are splitting into lists and csvWriter.AddWall(list) adds a separate wall for each list item
//Change so that it can be either?
// Actually may be OK since curve loops require only one point per corner?  But what if we don't want that?

                    double lastWallHeigthtValue = 0;

                    List <List <HbCurve> > curvesListListRevit = new List <List <HbCurve> >();
                    // Loop through the data tree of curves and process each one.
                    for (int i = 0; i < dataTree.Branches.Count; i++)
                        if (!utility.ReadDataTreeBranch(dataTree.Branches[i], ref curvesListListRevit))
                            utility.Print("ReadDataTreeBranch() failed");

                    for (int i = 0; i < curvesListListRevit.Count; i++)
                        // Set Wall Height if necessary
                        if (i < iMaxCountwallHeights)
                            if (Math.Abs(lastWallHeigthtValue - wallHeights[i]) > 0.00000001)
                                instructionData.Add("Set Wall Height: " + wallHeights[i].ToString());
                                lastWallHeigthtValue = wallHeights[i];

                        List <HbCurve> curvesListRevit = curvesListListRevit[i];
                        instructionData.Add("Add Wall:");

                    utility.Print("Add Wall completed successfully.");
                catch (Exception exception) {
            DA.SetDataList(1, instructionData);
Example #5
        // ******************************************************** Private Functions ********************************************************
        private bool RunProcess()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            try {
                CsvWriter csvWriter = new CsvWriter();

                // ********************************************************************************************************************************
                // ************************************* HummingbirdUtility Basic Function Signatures ***************************************
                // ********************************************************************************************************************************
                // "Version" is a property of the ExcelWriter object.

                // Revit classes "XYZ", "Line", "Arc", "Ellipse", "NurbSpline", and "HermiteSpline" have corresponding classes in Hummingbird named
                // "HbXYZ", "HbLine", "HbArc", "HbEllipse", "HbNurbSpline", and "HbHermiteSpline" which derive from a parent class of "HbItem".
                // These have constructors:
                // HbXYZ(double x, double y, double z)
                // HbLine(HbXYZ pointStart, HbXYZ pointEnd)
                // HbArc(HbXYZ pointStart, HbXYZ pointEnd, HbXYZ pointMid)
                // HbEllipse(HbXYZ pointFirst, HbXYZ pointSecond, double radiusY, string mode)  radiusY is perpendicular to points; mode "Half" or "Full".
                // HbNurbSpline(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // HbHermiteSpline(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // (Note, these also have a default constructor with no parameters and properties that correspond to the parameters that must be set individually.)
                // They also have special functions specifically for use with Autodesk DesignScript
                // static HbXYZ New(double x, double y, double z)
                // static HbLine New(HbXYZ pointStart, HbXYZ pointEnd)
                // static HbArc New(HbXYZ pointStart, HbXYZ pointEnd, HbXYZ pointMid)
                // static HbEllipse New(HbXYZ pointFirst, HbXYZ pointSecond, double radiusY, string mode)  radiusY is perpendicular to points; mode "Half" or "Full".
                // static HbNurbSpline New(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // static HbHermiteSpline New(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // There are also some list functions that workaround the lack of a native "List" object in DesignScript
                // HbItemList()
                // static void Add(HbItemList list, HbItem hbItem)
                // HbItemListList()
                // static void Add(HbItemListList listList, HbItemList list)
                // The following are methods of the ExcelWriter object.
                // List of worksheet names:
                // List<string> GetWorksheetNames()
                // Set Actions:
                // void SetLevel(string levelName)
                // void SetWallType(string wallTypeName)
                // void SetWallHeight(double height)
                // void SetFloorType(string floorTypeName)
                // void SetFamilyType(string familyName, string typeName)
                // void SetFamilyFlipped(bool flipHand, bool flipFacing)
                // void SetFamilyMirrored(bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY)
                // void SetFamilyRotation(double rotation)
                // void SetColumnMode(string mode, string familyName, string typeName)
                // void SetColumnHeight(double height)
                // void SetColumnRotation(double rotation)
                // void SetBeamType(string familyName, string typeName)
                // void SetBeamJustification(string justification) {
                // void SetBeamRotation(double rotation) {
                // void SetAdaptiveComponentType(string familyName, string typeName)
                // void SetFamilyExtrusionHeight(double height)
                // void SetMullionType(string familyName, string typeName)
                // Add Actions:
                // void AddGrid(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)                  // Line case
                // void AddGrid(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)    // Arc case (point1 = start; point2 = end; point3 = any point in arc.)
                // void AddLevel(double elevation, string name = null) {     // name is optional
                // void AddDetailLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)
                // void AddDetailArc(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)
                // void AddDetailEllipse(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, double radiusY, string mode)
                // void AddDetailNurbsSpline(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3 = null, HbXYZ point4 = null) // points 3 and 4 are optional
                // void AddDetailNurbsSpline(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // void AddDetailCurves(List<HbItem> curves)
                // void AddModelLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)
                // void AddModelArc(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)
                // void AddModelEllipse(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, double radiusY, string mode)
                // void AddModelNurbsSpline(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3 = null, HbXYZ point4 = null) // points 3 and 4 are optional
                // void AddModelNurbsSpline(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // void AddModelCurves(List<HbItem> curves)
                // void AddTopographySurface(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3, HbXYZ point4 = null) {
                // void AddTopographySurface(List<HbXYZ> points) {

                // void AddWall(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)                   // Straight line in plan.
                // void AddWall(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)  // Arc in plan
                // void AddWall(List<HbItem> curvesList)                         // List of lines, arcs, ellipses, or splines in plan
                // void AddWall(List<List<HbItem>> curvesList)                   // List of Lists controls profile in elevation
                // void AddFloor(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3, HbXYZ point4)
                // void AddFloor(List<List<HbItem>> curvesList)
                // void AddFamilyInstance(HbXYZ point1)
                // void AddColumn(HbXYZ point1)
                // void AddColumn(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)
                // void AddBeam(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)
                // void AddAdaptiveComponent(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2 = null, HbXYZ point3 = null, HbXYZ point4 = null)   // points 2, 3, and 4 are optional
                // void AddAdaptiveComponent(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // void AddAreaBoundaryLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)                                // Line case
                // void AddAreaBoundaryLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)               // Arc case
                // void AddAreaBoundaryLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, double radiusY, string mode)   // Ellipse case
                // void AddAreaBoundaryLine(List<HbXYZ> points)                                           // Spline case
                // void AddAreaBoundaryLine(List<HbItem> curves)                                          // List of lines, arcs, ellipses, or splines in plan
                // void AddRoomSeparationLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)                              // Line case
                // void AddRoomSeparationLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)             // Arc case
                // void AddRoomSeparationLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, double radiusY, string mode) // Ellipse case
                // void AddRoomSeparationLine(List<HbXYZ> points)                                         // Spline case
                // void AddRoomSeparationLine(List<HbItem> curves)                                        // List of lines, arcs, ellipses, or splines in plan
                // void AddArea(HbXYZ point1);
                // void AddRoom(HbXYZ point1);
                // void AddReferencePoint(HbXYZ point)
                // void AddCurveByPoints(List<HbXYZ> points)
                // void AddloftForm(List<List<HbXYZ>> points)
                // void AddFamilyExtrusion(List<List<HbItem>> curvesList, string nameFamily = null, HbXYZ pointInsert = null) {
                // void AddFamilyExtrusion(List<List<HbItem>> curvesList, HbXYZ pointInsert) {
                // Modify Actions:
                // void ModifyParameterSet(string parameterName, string value)
                // void ModifyCurtainGridUAdd(double offsetPrimary);
                // void ModifyCurtainGridUAdd(double offsetPrimary, double offsetSecondary);
                // void ModifyCurtainGridVAdd(double offsetPrimary);
                // void ModifyCurtainGridVAdd(double offsetPrimary, double offsetSecondary);
                // void ModifyMullionUAdd(double offsetPrimary);
                // void ModifyMullionUAdd(double offsetPrimary, double offsetSecondary);
                // void ModifyMullionVAdd(double offsetPrimary);
                // void ModifyMullionVAdd(double offsetPrimary, double offsetSecondary);

                // ************************************************************************************************************************************
                // ************************************* RevitModelBuilderUtility Component Function Signatures ***************************************
                // ************************************************************************************************************************************
                // Users will typically avoid using these in favor of the basic forms.  Provided here only for completeness
                // Use-Add Actions:
                // void UsePoints(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2 = null, HbXYZ point3 = null, HbXYZ point4 = null) { // points 2, 3, and 4 are optional
                // void UsePoints(List<HbXYZ> points) // General form of more than four points
                // void AddDetailNurbsSpline()  // Must follow UsePoints
                // void AddModelNurbsSpline()   // Must follow UsePoints
                // void AddAdaptiveComponent()  // Must follow UsePoints
                // void AddAreaBoundaryLine()   // Spline - Must follow UsePoints (Note: no simple form of spline is currently offered
                // void AddRoomSeparationLine() // Spline - Must follow UsePoints (Note: no simple form of spline is currently offered
                // void AddCurveByPoints()      // Must follow UsePoints
                // void AddTopographySurface()  // Must follow UsePoints
                // Draw-Use-Add Actions:
                // (Also see UsePoints() above)
                // void DrawCurveArray()
                // void DrawLine(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2)
                // void DrawArc(HbXYZ point1, HbXYZ point2, HbXYZ point3)
                // void AddWall()
                // void AddFloor()
                // void AddFamilyExtrusion(string nameFamily, HbXYZ pointInsert = null) {  // Must follow a Curve Array Set
                // void DrawCurveArray(List<HbItem> curves) {   // Combined form; curves must be HbItem type
                // Model-Use-Add Actions:
                // (Also see UsePoints() above)
                // void ModelReferenceArray()  // Must be first statement
                // void AddLoftForm()          // Must follow ModelReferenceArray() and UsePoints()

                // ****************************************************************************************************************
                // ******************************************* Start of Sample Code Section ***************************************
                // ****************************************************************************************************************
                // This is the portion of the code that is typically emulated for a particular project use.

                // Sample Revit hb items and lists
                HbXYZ        point11 = new HbXYZ(0, 0, 0); HbXYZ point12 = new HbXYZ(10, 0, 0); HbXYZ point13 = new HbXYZ(20, 0, 0); HbXYZ point14 = new HbXYZ(15, 5, 0);
                HbXYZ        point21 = new HbXYZ(0, 10, 0); HbXYZ point22 = new HbXYZ(10, 10, 0); HbXYZ point23 = new HbXYZ(20, 10, 0); HbXYZ point24 = new HbXYZ(15, 15, 0);
                List <HbXYZ> pointsList1 = new List <HbXYZ>(); pointsList1.Add(point11); pointsList1.Add(point12); pointsList1.Add(point13); pointsList1.Add(point14);
                List <HbXYZ> pointsList2 = new List <HbXYZ>(); pointsList2.Add(point21); pointsList2.Add(point22); pointsList2.Add(point23); pointsList2.Add(point24);
                //List<HbXYZ> pointsList3 = new List<HbXYZ>(); pointsList3.Add(point21); pointsList3.Add(point22); pointsList3.Add(point23);
                //                                                   pointsList3.Add(point24); pointsList3.Add(point24); pointsList3.Add(point24);
                List <List <HbXYZ> > pointsListList = new List <List <HbXYZ> >(); pointsListList.Add(pointsList1); pointsListList.Add(pointsList2);
                HbLine       line1       = new HbLine(); line1.PointStart = point11; line1.PointEnd = point12;
                HbLine       line2       = new HbLine(); line2.PointStart = point21; line2.PointEnd = point22;
                HbArc        arc1        = new HbArc(); arc1.PointStart = point11; arc1.PointEnd = point12; arc1.PointMid = point13;
                HbArc        arc2        = new HbArc(); arc2.PointStart = point21; arc2.PointEnd = point22; arc2.PointMid = point23;
                HbNurbSpline nurbSpline1 = new HbNurbSpline(); nurbSpline1.Points.Add(point21); nurbSpline1.Points.Add(point12); nurbSpline1.Points.Add(point23);
                HbNurbSpline nurbSpline2 = new HbNurbSpline(); nurbSpline2.Points.Add(point11); nurbSpline2.Points.Add(point22); nurbSpline2.Points.Add(point13);
                HbNurbSpline nurbSpline3 = new HbNurbSpline(); nurbSpline3.Points.Add(point11); nurbSpline3.Points.Add(point22); nurbSpline3.Points.Add(point13);
                nurbSpline3.Points.Add(point11); nurbSpline3.Points.Add(point22); nurbSpline3.Points.Add(point13);
                List <HbCurve>         curvesList1    = new List <HbCurve>(); curvesList1.Add(line1); curvesList1.Add(arc1); curvesList1.Add(nurbSpline1);
                List <HbCurve>         curvesList2    = new List <HbCurve>(); curvesList2.Add(line2); curvesList2.Add(arc2); curvesList2.Add(nurbSpline3);
                List <List <HbCurve> > curvesListList = new List <List <HbCurve> >(); curvesListList.Add(curvesList1); curvesListList.Add(curvesList2);

                double levelElevation = 100;    //  for Level
                string levelName      = "A New Level";

                double radiusY = 10;   // for ellipse
                string mode    = "Full";

                double offsetPrimary   = 5; // for curtain gridds and mullions
                double offsetSecondary = 10;

                // Display the version
                MessageBox.Show("csvWriter.Version: " + csvWriter.Version);

                // Start .csv file
                textBoxCsvFolder.Text = textBoxCsvFolder.Text.Trim();
                if (!textBoxCsvFolder.Text.EndsWith(@"\"))
                    textBoxCsvFolder.Text = textBoxCsvFolder.Text + @"\";
                this.csvFolderPath      = textBoxCsvFolder.Text;
                textBoxCsvFileName.Text = textBoxCsvFileName.Text.Trim();
                if (!textBoxCsvFileName.Text.ToLower().EndsWith(".csv"))
                    textBoxCsvFileName.Text = textBoxCsvFileName.Text + ".csv";
                this.csvFileName = textBoxCsvFileName.Text;
                this.csvFilePath = this.csvFolderPath + this.csvFileName;
                string returnMMessage = csvWriter.ConnectToFile(this.csvFilePath);
                if (returnMMessage != "")

                // If checked, get ID values
                if (checkBoxPreserveId.Checked)
                    // Note that if file doesn't exist yet we ignore option to preserve ID values
                    if (File.Exists(this.csvFilePath))
                        try {
                            string returnValue = csvWriter.ReadElementIds();
                            if (returnValue != "")
                                MessageBox.Show("csvWriter.ReadElementIds() failed: " + returnValue, PROGRAM_NAME);
                        catch (Exception exception) {
                            MessageBox.Show("Exception in RunProcess() at csvWriter.ReadElementIds(): " + exception.Message, PROGRAM_NAME);

                // Set Actions:
                csvWriter.SetLevel("Level 1");
                csvWriter.SetFamilyType("FamilyFamilyName", "FamilyTypeName");
                csvWriter.SetFamilyFlipped(true, false);
                csvWriter.SetFamilyMirrored(false, true);
                csvWriter.SetColumnMode("Architectural", "ColumnFamilyName", "ColumnTypeName");
                csvWriter.SetBeamType("BeamFamilyName", "BeamTypeName");
                csvWriter.SetAdaptiveComponentType("ACompFamilyName", "ACompTypeName");
                csvWriter.SetMullionType("AMullionFamilyName", "AMullionTypeName");
                // Add Actions:
                csvWriter.AddGrid(point11, point12);          // Line case
                csvWriter.AddGrid(point11, point12, point13); // Arc case
                levelElevation = 100;                         //  for Level
                csvWriter.AddLevel(levelElevation, levelName);
                csvWriter.AddLevel(levelElevation);           // name is optional
                csvWriter.AddDetailLine(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.AddDetailArc(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddDetailEllipse(point11, point12, radiusY, mode);
                csvWriter.AddDetailNurbsSpline(point11, point12, point13, point14);
                csvWriter.AddModelLine(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.AddModelArc(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddModelEllipse(point11, point12, radiusY, mode);
                csvWriter.AddModelNurbsSpline(point11, point12);   // points 3 and 4 are optional
                csvWriter.AddModelNurbsSpline(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddModelNurbsSpline(point11, point12, point13, point14);
                csvWriter.AddTopographySurface(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddTopographySurface(point11, point12, point13, point14);
                csvWriter.AddWall(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.AddWall(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddWall(curvesList1);     // Plan list
                csvWriter.AddWall(curvesListList);  // Profile list of lists
                csvWriter.AddFloor(point11, point12, point13, point14);
                csvWriter.AddColumn(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.AddBeam(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.AddAdaptiveComponent(point11);  // points 2, 3, and 4 are optional
                csvWriter.AddAdaptiveComponent(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.AddAdaptiveComponent(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddAdaptiveComponent(point11, point12, point13, point14);
                csvWriter.AddAreaBoundaryLine(point11, point12);                  // Line case
                csvWriter.AddAreaBoundaryLine(point11, point12, point13);         // Arc case
                csvWriter.AddAreaBoundaryLine(point11, point12, radiusY, mode);   // Ellipse case
                csvWriter.AddAreaBoundaryLine(pointsList1);                       // Spline case
                csvWriter.AddAreaBoundaryLine(curvesList1);                       // List of lines, arcs, ellipses, or splines in plan
                csvWriter.AddRoomSeparationLine(point11, point12);                // Line case
                csvWriter.AddRoomSeparationLine(point11, point12, point13);       // Arc case
                csvWriter.AddRoomSeparationLine(point11, point12, radiusY, mode); // Ellipse case
                csvWriter.AddRoomSeparationLine(pointsList1);                     // Spline case
                csvWriter.AddRoomSeparationLine(curvesList1);                     // List of lines, arcs, ellipses, or splines in plan
                ////TODO Not handling this case for now.  It is not allowed in the specification and not sure how it got inot the sample data
                //csvWriter.AddFamilyExtrusion(curvesListList, "ExtrusionFamilyName", point11);
                //csvWriter.AddFamilyExtrusion(curvesListList, "ExtrusionFamilyName");
                //csvWriter.AddFamilyExtrusion(curvesListList, point11);
                // Modify Actions:
                csvWriter.ModifyParameterSet("ParameterName", "Value");
                csvWriter.ModifyCurtainGridUAdd(offsetPrimary, offsetSecondary);
                csvWriter.ModifyCurtainGridVAdd(offsetPrimary, offsetSecondary);
                csvWriter.ModifyMullionUAdd(offsetPrimary, offsetSecondary);
                csvWriter.ModifyMullionVAdd(offsetPrimary, offsetSecondary);

                // These commands can also be used but it is proably better to try to use one of the more compact forms above.

                // Use-Add Actions:
                csvWriter.UsePoints(point11, point12, point13, point14);
                csvWriter.AddAreaBoundaryLine();   // Spline - Must follow UsePoints (Note: no simple form of spline is currently offered
                csvWriter.AddRoomSeparationLine(); // Spline - Must follow UsePoints (Note: no simple form of spline is currently offered

                // Draw-Use-Add Actions:
                csvWriter.DrawCurveArray();          //This is non-combined form
                csvWriter.DrawLine(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.DrawArc(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.DrawLine(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.DrawArc(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.DrawLine(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.DrawArc(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.AddFamilyExtrusion("ExtrusionFamilyName", point11);
                csvWriter.DrawLine(point11, point12);
                csvWriter.DrawArc(point11, point12, point13);
                csvWriter.DrawCurveArray(curvesList1);  //This is combined form

                // Model-Use-Add Actions:
                // (These examples are not complete)

                //  Write the file

                // ****************************************************************************************************************
                // ******************************************** End of Sample Code Section ****************************************
                // ****************************************************************************************************************

                MessageBox.Show("Process Completed", PROGRAM_NAME);

            catch (Exception exception) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error in 'RunProcess()'.\nSystem message: " + exception.Message, PROGRAM_NAME);
            finally {
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;