public static bool IsValidNumber(string cardNumber, CreditCardType cardType)
            cardNumber = cardNumber.Trim();
            //Create new instance of Regex comparer with our
            //credit card regex pattern
            Regex cardTest = new Regex(cardRegex);

            //Make sure the supplied number matches the supplied
            //card type
            if (cardTest.Match(cardNumber).Groups[cardType.ToString()].Success)
                //If the card type matches the number, then run it
                //through Luhn's test to make sure the number appears correct
                if (PassesLuhnTest(cardNumber))
                    //The card fails Luhn's test
                //The card number does not match the card type
        protected void Pay(Guid instanceId, Guid couponId, string couponCode, CreditCardType creditCardType, bool useDiscountVisible, bool?useDiscount)
            // Payment.

            Assert.AreEqual(couponCode, _couponCodeTextBox.Text);

            // Simulate applying the coupon.

            _couponIdTextBox.Text = couponId.ToString();

            if (useDiscount != null)
                _useDiscountCheckBox.IsChecked = useDiscount.Value;

            _cardNumberTextBox.Text = CreditCardNumber;
            var index = 0;

            for (; index < _cardTypeDropDownList.Items.Count; ++index)
                if (_cardTypeDropDownList.Items[index].Value == creditCardType.ToString())
            _cardTypeDropDownList.SelectedIndex = index;

            _cvvTextBox.Text                       = Cvv;
            _cardHolderNameTextBox.Text            = CardHolderName;
            _authoriseCreditCardCheckBox.IsChecked = true;
Example #3
        private static string GetText(CreditCardType type)
            switch (type)
            case CreditCardType.Amex:
                return("American Express");

        public decimal GetInterestRate(CreditCardType cardType)
            var rates = GetCardRates();

            if (rates.ContainsKey(cardType))
                throw new Exception($"!Error!, Could not find interest rate for {cardType.ToString()}");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the type of card based on the first few numbers of the credit card.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CreditCardNumber">The credit card number.</param>
        /// <param name="Valid">valid or not.</param>
        /// <returns>String.</returns>
        public String CreditCardType(String CreditCardNumber, Boolean Valid)
            CreditCardType Type = (CreditCardType)0;

                char[] array             = CreditCardNumber.Take(2).ToArray();
                var    LeadingTwoNumbers = array[0].ToString() + array[1].ToString();

                if (Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) == 34 | Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) == 37 &&
                    Valid == true)
                    Type = CreditCardProject.CreditCardType.AMERICAN_EXPRESS;
                else if (Int32.Parse(array[0].ToString()) == 4 && Valid == true)
                    Type = CreditCardProject.CreditCardType.VISA;
                else if (Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) >= 51 && Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) <= 55 && Valid == true)
                    Type = CreditCardProject.CreditCardType.MASTERCARD;
                else if (Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) == 60 | Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) == 64 |
                         Int32.Parse(LeadingTwoNumbers) == 65 && Valid == true)
                    Type = CreditCardProject.CreditCardType.DISCOVER;
                else if (Valid == true)
                    Type = CreditCardProject.CreditCardType.OTHER;
                    Type = CreditCardProject.CreditCardType.INVALID;
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                Console.WriteLine("The Credit Card Value can not be Null");

        protected CreditCardType ValidateAndParseCardDetails(string cardNumber, string expirationMonth, string expirationYear, out DateTime parsedExpirationDate)
            CreditCardType cardType = base.ValidateCreditCard(cardNumber, expirationMonth, expirationYear, out parsedExpirationDate);

            if (!CardTypeToString.ContainsKey(cardType))
                throw new CardTypeNotSupportedException(string.Format("Card type {0} is not supported", cardType.ToString()));
        public Hashtable DoDirectPaymentCode()
            NVPCallerServices caller  = new NVPCallerServices();
            IAPIProfile       profile = ProfileFactory.createSignatureAPIProfile();

             * WARNING: Do not embed plaintext credentials in your application code.
             * Doing so is insecure and against best practices.
             * Your API credentials must be handled securely. Please consider
             * encrypting them for use in any production environment, and ensure
             * that only authorized individuals may view or modify them.

            // Set up your API credentials, PayPal end point, API operation and version.
            profile.APIUsername  = Constants.PayPal_Username;       //"";
            profile.APIPassword  = Constants.PayPal_Password;       //"QFZCWN5HZM8VBG7Q";
            profile.APISignature = Constants.PayPal_Signature;      //"AVGidzoSQiGWu.lGj3z15HLczXaaAcK6imHawrjefqgclVwBe8imgCHZ";
            profile.Environment  = Constants.PayPal_PaymentAccount; //"live";// "sandbox";
            caller.APIProfile    = profile;

            NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();

            encoder["VERSION"] = "51.0";
            encoder["METHOD"]  = "DoDirectPayment";

            // Add request-specific fields to the request.
            encoder["PAYMENTACTION"]  = "Sale"; //paymentAction;
            encoder["AMT"]            = fPaymentOrderTotal.ToString();
            encoder["CREDITCARDTYPE"] = (sCCType.Equals(CreditCardType.AmericanExpress)) ? "Amex" : sCCType.ToString();
            encoder["ACCT"]           = CCNumber;
            encoder["EXPDATE"]        = sCCExpDate;
            encoder["CVV2"]           = sCCVerificationCode;
            encoder["FIRSTNAME"]      = sCCOwnerFirstName;
            encoder["LASTNAME"]       = sCCOwnerLastName;
            encoder["STREET"]         = (sCCOwnerStreet2.Trim().Length > 0) ? string.Concat(sCCOwnerStreet1, ", ", sCCOwnerStreet2) : sCCOwnerStreet1;
            encoder["CITY"]           = sCCOwnerCityName;
            encoder["STATE"]          = sCCOwnerStateOrProvince;
            encoder["ZIP"]            = sCCOwnerPostalCode;
            encoder["COUNTRYCODE"]    = sCCOwnerCountryCode;
            encoder["CURRENCYCODE"]   = "USD";

            // Execute the API operation and obtain the response.
            string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
            string pStresponsenvp    = caller.Call(pStrrequestforNvp);

            NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();


            Hashtable htResult = new Hashtable();

            foreach (string st in decoder.AllKeys)
                htResult.Add(st, decoder[st]);
 public static bool IsValidNumber(string cardNum, CreditCardType? cardType) {
     return _cardRegex.Match(cardNum).Groups[cardType.ToString()].Success
         && PassesLuhnTest(cardNum);