Example #1
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)]
            HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            dynamic data;

                data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd());
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            var generalOutputInfos = new List <GeneralOutputInfo>();

            var liveEventName = (string)data.liveEventName;

            if (liveEventName == null)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, "Error - please pass liveEventName in the JSON"));

            // default settings
            var eventInfoFromCosmos = new LiveEventSettingsInfo()
                LiveEventName = liveEventName

            // Load config from Cosmos
                var setting = await CosmosHelpers.ReadSettingsDocument(liveEventName);

                eventInfoFromCosmos = setting ?? eventInfoFromCosmos;

                if (setting == null)
                    log.LogWarning("Settings not read from Cosmos.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            // Azure region management
            var azureRegions = new List <string>();

            if ((string)data.azureRegion != null)
                azureRegions = ((string)data.azureRegion).Split(',').ToList();

            // init default
            var uniquenessAssets = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

            var streamingLocatorGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); // same locator for the two ouputs if 2 live event namle created
            var uniquenessLocator    = streamingLocatorGuid.ToString().Substring(0, 13);
            var streamingLocatorName = "locator-" + uniquenessLocator;

            string uniquenessPolicyName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

            var manifestName = liveEventName.ToLower();

            var useDRM = data.useDRM != null ? (bool)data.useDRM : true;

            if (data.archiveWindowLength != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.ArchiveWindowLength = (int)data.archiveWindowLength;

            if (data.inputProtocol != null && ((string)data.inputProtocol).ToUpper() == "RTMP")
                eventInfoFromCosmos.InputProtocol = LiveEventInputProtocol.RTMP;

            if (data.liveEventAutoStart != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.AutoStart = (bool)data.liveEventAutoStart;

            if (data.InputACL != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventInputACL = (List <string>)data.InputACL;

            if (data.PreviewACL != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventPreviewACL = (List <string>)data.PreviewACL;

            if (data.lowLatency != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.LowLatency = (bool)data.lowLatency;

            if (data.useStaticHostname != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.UseStaticHostname = (bool)data.useStaticHostname;

            var cencKey = new StreamingLocatorContentKey();
            var cbcsKey = new StreamingLocatorContentKey();

            if (useDRM)
                    ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper(new ConfigurationBuilder()

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Irdeto call...");

                    cencKey = await IrdetoHelpers.GenerateAndRegisterCENCKeyToIrdeto(liveEventName, config);

                    cbcsKey = await IrdetoHelpers.GenerateAndRegisterCBCSKeyToIrdeto(liveEventName, config);

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Irdeto call done.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex, "Irdeto response error"));

            var clientTasks = new List <Task <LiveEventEntry> >();

            foreach (var region in azureRegions)
                var task = Task <LiveEventEntry> .Run(async() =>
                    Asset asset                     = null;
                    LiveEvent liveEvent             = null;
                    LiveOutput liveOutput           = null;
                    StreamingPolicy streamingPolicy = null;
                    string storageName              = null;

                    ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper(new ConfigurationBuilder()

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "config loaded.", region);
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "connecting to AMS account : " + config.AccountName, region);

                    if (eventInfoFromCosmos.BaseStorageName != null)
                        storageName = eventInfoFromCosmos.BaseStorageName + config.AzureRegionCode;

                    if (data.storageAccountName != null)
                        storageName = (string)data.storageAccountName;

                    var client = await MediaServicesHelpers.CreateMediaServicesClientAsync(config);
                    // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
                    // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
                    client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

                    // LIVE EVENT CREATION
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Live event creation...", region);

                    // let's check that the channel does not exist already
                    liveEvent = await client.LiveEvents.GetAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEventName);
                    if (liveEvent != null)
                        throw new Exception("Error : live event already exists !");

                    // IP ACL for preview URL
                    var ipsPreview = new List <IPRange>();
                    if (eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventPreviewACL == null ||
                        eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventPreviewACL.Count == 0)
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "preview all", region);
                        var ip = new IPRange
                            Name = "AllowAll", Address = IPAddress.Parse("").ToString(), SubnetPrefixLength = 0
                        foreach (var ipacl in eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventPreviewACL)
                            var ipaclcomp = ipacl.Split('/'); // notation can be "" or ""
                            var subnet    = ipaclcomp.Count() > 1 ? Convert.ToInt32(ipaclcomp[1]) : 0;
                            var ip        = new IPRange
                                Name               = "ip",
                                Address            = IPAddress.Parse(ipaclcomp[0]).ToString(),
                                SubnetPrefixLength = subnet

                    var liveEventPreview = new LiveEventPreview
                        AccessControl = new LiveEventPreviewAccessControl(new IPAccessControl(ipsPreview))

                    // IP ACL for input URL
                    var ipsInput = new List <IPRange>();

                    if (eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventInputACL == null || eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventInputACL.Count == 0)
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "input all", region);
                        var ip = new IPRange
                            Name = "AllowAll", Address = IPAddress.Parse("").ToString(), SubnetPrefixLength = 0
                        foreach (var ipacl in eventInfoFromCosmos.LiveEventInputACL)
                            var ipaclcomp = ipacl.Split('/'); // notation can be "" or ""
                            var subnet    = ipaclcomp.Count() > 1 ? Convert.ToInt32(ipaclcomp[1]) : 0;
                            var ip        = new IPRange
                                Name               = "ip",
                                Address            = IPAddress.Parse(ipaclcomp[0]).ToString(),
                                SubnetPrefixLength = subnet

                    var liveEventInput = new LiveEventInput(
                        accessControl: new LiveEventInputAccessControl(new IPAccessControl(ipsInput)),
                        accessToken: config.LiveIngestAccessToken

                    liveEvent = new LiveEvent(
                        name: liveEventName,
                        location: config.Region,
                        description: "",
                        useStaticHostname: eventInfoFromCosmos.UseStaticHostname,
                        encoding: new LiveEventEncoding {
                        EncodingType = LiveEventEncodingType.None
                        input: liveEventInput,
                        preview: liveEventPreview,
                        streamOptions: new List <StreamOptionsFlag?>
                        // Set this to Default or Low Latency
                        eventInfoFromCosmos.LowLatency?StreamOptionsFlag.LowLatency: StreamOptionsFlag.Default

                    liveEvent = await client.LiveEvents.CreateAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEventName,
                                                                    liveEvent, eventInfoFromCosmos.AutoStart);
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Live event created.", region);

                    if (useDRM)
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Trying to read streaming policy from Cosmos.", region);
                        string streamingPolicyName = null;
                        // Load streaming policy info from Cosmos
                            var info = await CosmosHelpers.ReadStreamingPolicyDocument(new StreamingPolicyInfo(false)
                                AMSAccountName = config.AccountName

                            if (info == null)
                                log.LogWarning("Streaming policy not read from Cosmos.");
                                streamingPolicyName = info.StreamingPolicyName;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception("Error reading Cosmos DB", ex);

                        // STREAMING POLICY CREATION
                        if (streamingPolicyName == null) // not found in Cosmos let's create a new one
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Creating streaming policy.", region);
                                streamingPolicy = await IrdetoHelpers.CreateStreamingPolicyIrdeto(config, client, uniquenessPolicyName);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Streaming policy creation error", ex);

                                if (!await CosmosHelpers.CreateOrUpdatePolicyDocument(new StreamingPolicyInfo(false)
                                    AMSAccountName = config.AccountName,
                                    StreamingPolicyName = streamingPolicy.Name
                                    log.LogWarning("Cosmos access not configured or error.");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Streaming policy write error to Cosmos", ex);
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Getting streaming policy in AMS.", region);
                                streamingPolicy = await client.StreamingPolicies.GetAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, streamingPolicyName);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Error when getting streaming policy " + streamingPolicy, ex);

                    // LIVE OUTPUT CREATION
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Live output creation...", region);

                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Asset creation...", region);

                        asset = await client.Assets.CreateOrUpdateAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName,
                                                                        "asset-" + uniquenessAssets,
                                                                        new Asset(storageAccountName: storageName));

                        Hls hlsParam = null;

                        liveOutput = new LiveOutput(asset.Name, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(eventInfoFromCosmos.ArchiveWindowLength),
                                                    null, "output-" + uniquenessAssets, null, null, manifestName,
                                                    hlsParam); //we put the streaming locator in description
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "await task...", region);

                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "create live output...", region);
                        await client.LiveOutputs.CreateAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEventName,
                                                             liveOutput.Name, liveOutput);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("live output creation error", ex);

                        // let's get the asset
                        // in v3, asset name = asset if in v2 (without prefix)
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Asset configuration.", region);

                        StreamingLocator locator = null;
                        if (useDRM)
                            locator = await IrdetoHelpers.SetupDRMAndCreateLocatorWithNewKeys(config, streamingPolicy.Name,
                                                                                              streamingLocatorName, client, asset, cencKey, cbcsKey, streamingLocatorGuid, liveEventName);
                        else // no DRM
                            locator = await IrdetoHelpers.CreateClearLocator(config, streamingLocatorName, client, asset, streamingLocatorGuid);

                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "locator : " + locator.Name, region);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("locator creation error", ex);

                    // let's build info for the live event and output

                    var generalOutputInfo =
                        GenerateInfoHelpers.GenerateOutputInformation(config, client, new List <LiveEvent> {

                    if (!await CosmosHelpers.CreateOrUpdateGeneralInfoDocument(generalOutputInfo.LiveEvents[0]))
                        log.LogWarning("Cosmos access not configured.");



            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            return(new OkObjectResult(
                       JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new GeneralOutputInfo {
                Success = true, LiveEvents = clientTasks.Select(i => i.Result).ToList()
            }, Formatting.Indented)
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]
            HttpRequestMessage req, ILogger log)
            bool   clear       = false;
            string preferredSE = null;

            log.LogWarning("full path: " + req.RequestUri.PathAndQuery);

            // lets get data from the url
            var paths = req.RequestUri.PathAndQuery.Split('?').Last().Split('/');

            if ((paths.Count() > 2) && (paths[paths.Count() - 3] == "clear"))  // user wants the clear stream
                if (AllowClear)
                    clear = true;

            var liveEventName = paths[paths.Count() - 2];

            log.LogWarning("eventname: " + liveEventName);

            var format = paths.Last().ToLower();

            log.LogWarning("format: " + format);

            // default settings
            var eventInfoFromCosmos = new List <LiveEventEntry>();

            var    urls     = new List <UrlEntry>();
            string url      = "";
            string protocol = "";

            // let's read balancing preferences and choose SE
                var liveEventSettings = (await CosmosHelpers.ReadSettingsDocument(liveEventName));
                if (liveEventSettings == null)
                    log.LogWarning("Live event settings not read from Cosmos.");

                // let' choose the preferred se
                else if (liveEventSettings.RedirectorStreamingEndpointData != null) // list of preferred se with percentage
                    int randomPercentage = (new Random()).Next(0, 100);
                    int value            = 0;
                    foreach (var se in liveEventSettings.RedirectorStreamingEndpointData)
                        value += se.Percentage;
                        if (randomPercentage <= value)
                            preferredSE = "https://" + se.StreamingEndpointName; // we select this one

                var liveEvents = (await CosmosHelpers.ReadGeneralInfoDocument(liveEventName));
                if (liveEvents == null)
                    log.LogWarning("Live events not read from Cosmos.");

                if (liveEvents.Count() == 0)

                urls = liveEvents
                       .Where(l => l.ResourceState == "Running")?
                       .Where(l => clear ? l.Drm.Count == 0 : l.Drm.Count > 0)?

                if (urls == null || urls.Count == 0)

                switch (format)
                case "mpd":
                    protocol = OutputProtocol.DashCsf.ToString();

                case "m3u8":
                    protocol = OutputProtocol.HlsTs.ToString();

                case "manifest":
                    protocol = OutputProtocol.SmoothStreaming.ToString();


                var urlprotocol          = urls.Where(u => u.Protocol == protocol);
                var preferredUrlprotocol = urlprotocol.Where(u => preferredSE != null && u.Url.StartsWith(preferredSE)).FirstOrDefault();

                url = (preferredUrlprotocol != null) ? preferredUrlprotocol.Url : urlprotocol.First().Url; // if preferredse found otherwise let's take first
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new
                    error = message

            //create response
            var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently);

            response.Headers.Location = new Uri(url);
Example #3
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)]
            HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            dynamic data;

                data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd());
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            var generalOutputInfos = new List <GeneralOutputInfo>();

            var liveEventName = (string)data.liveEventName;

            if (liveEventName == null)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, "Error - please pass liveEventName in the JSON"));

            // default settings
            var eventInfoFromCosmos = new LiveEventSettingsInfo
                LiveEventName = liveEventName

            // Load config from Cosmos
                var setting = await CosmosHelpers.ReadSettingsDocument(liveEventName);

                eventInfoFromCosmos = setting ?? eventInfoFromCosmos;

                if (setting == null)
                    log.LogWarning("Settings not read from Cosmos.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            // Azure region management
            var azureRegions = new List <string>();

            if ((string)data.azureRegion != null)
                azureRegions = ((string)data.azureRegion).Split(',').ToList();

            // init default
            var deleteAsset = (data.deleteAsset != null) ? (bool)data.deleteAsset : true;

            var uniquenessAssets = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

            string uniquenessPolicyName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

            var manifestName = liveEventName.ToLower();

            if (data.archiveWindowLength != null)
                eventInfoFromCosmos.ArchiveWindowLength = (int)data.archiveWindowLength;

            var cencKey = new StreamingLocatorContentKey();
            var cbcsKey = new StreamingLocatorContentKey();

            if (!deleteAsset) // we need to regenerate the keys if the user wants to keep the asset as keys cannot be reused for more than one asset
                    ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper(new ConfigurationBuilder()

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Irdeto call...");

                    cencKey = await IrdetoHelpers.GenerateAndRegisterCENCKeyToIrdeto(liveEventName, config);

                    cbcsKey = await IrdetoHelpers.GenerateAndRegisterCBCSKeyToIrdeto(liveEventName, config);

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Irdeto call done.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex, "Irdeto response error"));

            var clientTasks = new List <Task <LiveEventEntry> >();

            // list of locators guid for the new locators
            var locatorGuids = new List <Guid>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            foreach (var region in azureRegions)
                var task = Task <LiveEventEntry> .Run(async() =>
                    Asset asset           = null;
                    LiveEvent liveEvent   = null;
                    LiveOutput liveOutput = null;

                    bool reuseKeys                = false;
                    string storageAccountName     = null;
                    var streamingLocatorsPolicies = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // locator name, policy name

                    ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper(new ConfigurationBuilder()

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "config loaded.", region);
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "connecting to AMS account : " + config.AccountName, region);

                    var client = await MediaServicesHelpers.CreateMediaServicesClientAsync(config);
                    // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
                    // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
                    client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

                    // let's check that the channel exists
                    liveEvent = await client.LiveEvents.GetAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEventName);
                    if (liveEvent == null)
                        throw new Exception("Error : live event does not exist !");

                    if (liveEvent.ResourceState != LiveEventResourceState.Running && liveEvent.ResourceState != LiveEventResourceState.Stopped)
                        throw new Exception("Error : live event should be in Running or Stopped state !");

                    // get live output(s) - it should be one
                    var myLiveOutputs = client.LiveOutputs.List(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEventName);

                    // get the names of the streaming policies. If not possible, recreate it
                    if (myLiveOutputs.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                        asset = client.Assets.Get(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName,

                        var streamingLocatorsNames = client.Assets.ListStreamingLocators(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, asset.Name).StreamingLocators.Select(l => l.Name);
                        foreach (var locatorName in streamingLocatorsNames)
                            var locator =
                                client.StreamingLocators.Get(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, locatorName);
                            if (locator != null)
                                streamingLocatorsPolicies.Add(locatorName, locator.StreamingPolicyName);
                                if (locator.StreamingPolicyName != PredefinedStreamingPolicy.ClearStreamingOnly) // let's backup the keys to reuse them
                                    if (deleteAsset)                                                             // we reuse the keys. Only possible if the previous asset is deleted
                                        reuseKeys = true;
                                        var keys  = client.StreamingLocators.ListContentKeys(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, locatorName).ContentKeys;
                                        cencKey   = keys.Where(k => k.LabelReferenceInStreamingPolicy == IrdetoHelpers.labelCenc).FirstOrDefault();
                                        cbcsKey   = keys.Where(k => k.LabelReferenceInStreamingPolicy == IrdetoHelpers.labelCbcs).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (streamingLocatorsPolicies.Count == 0) // no way to get the streaming policy, let's read Cosmos or create a new one
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Trying to read streaming policy from Cosmos.", region);
                            string streamingPolicyName = null;
                            // Load streaming policy info from Cosmos
                                var info = await CosmosHelpers.ReadStreamingPolicyDocument(new StreamingPolicyInfo(false)
                                    AMSAccountName = config.AccountName

                                if (info == null)
                                    log.LogWarning("Streaming policy not read from Cosmos.");
                                    streamingPolicyName = info.StreamingPolicyName;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Error reading Cosmos DB", ex);

                            // STREAMING POLICY CREATION
                            if (streamingPolicyName == null) // not found in Cosmos let's create a new one
                                StreamingPolicy streamingPolicy;
                                MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Creating streaming policy.", region);
                                    streamingPolicy = await IrdetoHelpers.CreateStreamingPolicyIrdeto(config, client, uniquenessPolicyName);
                                    streamingLocatorsPolicies.Add("", streamingPolicy.Name);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new Exception("Streaming policy creation error", ex);

                                    if (!await CosmosHelpers.CreateOrUpdatePolicyDocument(new StreamingPolicyInfo(false)
                                        AMSAccountName = config.AccountName,
                                        StreamingPolicyName = streamingPolicy.Name
                                        log.LogWarning("Cosmos access not configured or error.");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new Exception("Streaming policy write error to Cosmos", ex);
                                streamingLocatorsPolicies.Add("", streamingPolicyName);

                    // let's purge all live output for now
                    foreach (var p in myLiveOutputs)
                        var assetName = p.AssetName;

                        var thisAsset = client.Assets.Get(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, p.AssetName);
                        if (thisAsset != null)
                            storageAccountName = thisAsset.StorageAccountName; // let's backup storage account name to create the new asset here
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "deleting live output : " + p.Name, region);
                        await client.LiveOutputs.DeleteAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEvent.Name, p.Name);
                        if (deleteAsset)
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "deleting asset : " + assetName, region);
                            await client.Assets.DeleteAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, assetName);

                    if (liveEvent.ResourceState == LiveEventResourceState.Running)
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "reseting live event : " + liveEvent.Name, region);
                        await client.LiveEvents.ResetAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEvent.Name);
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Skipping the reset of live event " + liveEvent.Name + " as it is stopped.", region);

                    // LIVE OUTPUT CREATION
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Live output creation...", region);

                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Asset creation...", region);
                        asset = await client.Assets.CreateOrUpdateAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName,
                                                                        "asset-" + uniquenessAssets, new Asset(storageAccountName: storageAccountName));

                        Hls hlsParam = null;
                        liveOutput   = new LiveOutput(asset.Name, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(eventInfoFromCosmos.ArchiveWindowLength),
                                                      null, "output-" + uniquenessAssets, null, null, manifestName,

                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "create live output...", region);
                        await client.LiveOutputs.CreateAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, liveEventName, liveOutput.Name, liveOutput);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("live output creation error", ex);

                        // streaming locator(s) creation
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Locator creation...", region);
                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (var entryLocPol in streamingLocatorsPolicies)
                            StreamingLocator locator = null;
                            var streamingLocatorGuid = locatorGuids[i]; // same locator for the two ouputs if 2 live event namle created
                            var uniquenessLocator    = streamingLocatorGuid.ToString().Substring(0, 13);
                            var streamingLocatorName = "locator-" + uniquenessLocator;

                            if (entryLocPol.Value == PredefinedStreamingPolicy.ClearStreamingOnly)
                                locator = await IrdetoHelpers.CreateClearLocator(config, streamingLocatorName, client, asset, streamingLocatorGuid);
                            else // DRM content
                                MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "creating DRM locator : " + streamingLocatorName, region);

                                if (!reuseKeys)
                                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "using new keys.", region);

                                    locator = await IrdetoHelpers.SetupDRMAndCreateLocatorWithNewKeys(
                                        config, entryLocPol.Value, streamingLocatorName, client, asset, cencKey, cbcsKey, streamingLocatorGuid);
                                else // no need to create new keys, let's use the exiting one
                                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "using existing keys.", region);

                                    locator = await IrdetoHelpers.SetupDRMAndCreateLocatorWithExistingKeys(
                                        config, entryLocPol.Value, streamingLocatorName, client, asset, cencKey, cbcsKey, streamingLocatorGuid);
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "locator : " + streamingLocatorName, region);

                        await client.Assets.UpdateAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, asset.Name, asset);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("locator creation error", ex);

                    var generalOutputInfo =
                        GenerateInfoHelpers.GenerateOutputInformation(config, client, new List <LiveEvent> {

                    if (!await CosmosHelpers.CreateOrUpdateGeneralInfoDocument(generalOutputInfo.LiveEvents[0]))
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogWarning(log, "Cosmos access not configured.", region);



            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            return(new OkObjectResult(
                       JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new GeneralOutputInfo {
                Success = true, LiveEvents = clientTasks.Select(i => i.Result).ToList()
            }, Formatting.Indented)