Example #1
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Label1.Text = CookieHandler.getUsername();
     Label2.Text = CookieHandler.getPassword();
     Label3.Text = CookieHandler.getID().ToString();
Example #2
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     labelName.Text        = CookieHandler.getUserFullName();
     labelJet.Text         = CookieHandler.getCookieValue("jet");
     labelDate.Text        = CookieHandler.getCookieValue("date");
     labelDestination.Text = CookieHandler.getCookieValue("dest");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //login check
            CookieHandler.clearResultsCookies();     //clear cookies if second reservation or more this session
            //this populates the name of the current user into the Label1 textbox
            Label1.Text = CookieHandler.getUserFullName();


            //String[] destList = DBDestinations.getDestinationsList().ToArray();
            //foreach (string s in destList)
            //    destinationDropDownList.Items.Add(s); //automatically adds database items to dropdown list -ksm

            //foreach (var pair in planes)
            //    int key = pair.Key;
            //    Plane p = pair.Value;
            //    if (p.isAvailable())
            //    {
            //        jetsDropDownList.Items.Add(p.name); //automatically adds available jets to dropdownlist -ksm
            //    }
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Dictionary <int, Plane> planes = (Dictionary <int, Plane>)Session["planes"];
                String[] destList;
                destList = DBDestinations.getDestinationsList().ToArray();
                foreach (string s in destList)
                    destinationDropDownList.Items.Add(s);     //automatically adds database items to dropdown list -ksm
                foreach (var pair in planes)
                    int   key = pair.Key;
                    Plane p   = pair.Value;
                    if (p.isAvailable())
                        jetsDropDownList.Items.Add(p.name);     //automatically adds available jets to dropdownlist -ksm
Example #4
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         // This is a login check that redirects to login page if there is no valid login cookie.
         Dictionary <int, Plane> planes = new Dictionary <int, Plane>();
         int count = 0;
         foreach (string plane in DBPlanes.PlanesList())
             Plane p = new Plane(DBPlanes.getID(plane)); //Create Plane object for each plane
             planes[count] = p;                          //Populate planes Dictionary with Plane
             planes[count].updatePlaneLocation();        //Updates planes location based on Plane Flight plan
         Session["planes"] = planes;