/// <summary> /// <para>Initializes the provider with a <see cref="ConfigurationView"/>.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationView"> /// <para>A <see cref="ConfigurationView"/> object.</para> /// </param> /// <remarks> /// <para>The method expects a <see cref="RuntimeConfigurationView"/> object for the <paramref name="configurationView"/></para> /// </remarks> public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference(configurationView, "configurationView"); runtimeConfigurationView = GetStorageCursor(configurationView); GetFileKeyAlgorithmPairStorageProviderData(); }
private static RuntimeConfigurationView GetStorageCursor(ConfigurationView configurationView) { ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType(configurationView, typeof (RuntimeConfigurationView)); RuntimeConfigurationView runtimeConfigurationView = (RuntimeConfigurationView) configurationView; return runtimeConfigurationView; }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Initializes the provider with its name and any attributes associated with the provider. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationView">A <see cref="SecurityConfigurationView"></see> object</param> public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference(configurationView, "configurationView"); ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType(configurationView, typeof(SecurityConfigurationView)); securityConfigurationView = (SecurityConfigurationView)configurationView; }
/// <summary> /// <para>When overridden by a class, initializes the provider with a <see cref="ConfigurationView"/>.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationView"> /// <para>A <see cref="ConfigurationView"/> object.</para> /// </param> public abstract void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView);
public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MockConfigurationData)); }
private void GetStorageCursor(ConfigurationView configurationView) { ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType(configurationView, typeof(RuntimeConfigurationView)); runtimeConfigurationView = (RuntimeConfigurationView)configurationView; }
public ConfigurationPresenter(ConfigurationModel model, ConfigurationView view) { this.model = model; this.view = view; view.Presenter = this; }
private void SelectNode(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { string name = treeView.SelectedNode.Text; switch (name) { case "Quản lý nhân viên": var userView = new UserView { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(userView); break; case "Quản lý cấu hình hệ thống": var configurationView = new ConfigurationView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(configurationView); break; case "Quản lý nội dung tin nhắn": var smsView = new SmsView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(smsView); break; case "Quản lý nội dung email": var emailView = new EmailView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(emailView); break; case "Quản lý khách hàng": var customerView = new CustomerView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(customerView); break; case "Quản lý loại sản phẩm": var productTypeView = new ProductTypeView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(productTypeView); break; case "Quản lý sản phẩm": var productView = new ProductView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(productView); break; case "Quản lý sản phẩm LD": var productLDView = new ProductLDView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(productLDView); break; case "Quản lý thiết bị vận chuyển": var vehicleView = new VehicleView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(vehicleView); break; case "Quản lý đơn hàng": var orderView = new OrderView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(orderView); break; case "Quản lý thông tin vận chuyển": var mainView = new MainView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(mainView); break; case "Bảng thông tin đơn hàng": var frm = new DashboardForm { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = true }; frm.ShowDialog(); break; case "Quản lý tên thành phố": var cityView = new CityView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(cityView); break; case "Quản lý quyền truy cập": var roleView = new RoleView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(roleView); break; case "Quản lý cập nhật dữ liệu": var lockingView = new LockingView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(lockingView); break; case "Quản lý thông tin email": var emailDataView = new EmailDataView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(emailDataView); break; case "Quản lý thông tin tin nhắn": var smsDataView = new SmsDataView(CurrentUser) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, TopLevel = false }; OpenForm(smsDataView); break; default: break; } }
public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Should_not_be_possible_save_a_configuration_with_empty_server_or_target_configuration() { MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); var fakeView = new ConfigurationView(); var fakeController = mocks.DynamicMock<ConfigurationController>(new object[] { fakeView }); using (mocks.Record()) { Expect.Call(() => fakeController.CreateProgramFolder()).IgnoreArguments(); } mocks.ReplayAll(); fakeController.view_OnWriteConfiguration(this, EventArgs.Empty); mocks.VerifyAll(); Assert.IsNull(fakeController.Section); Assert.AreEqual(Resource.InvalidConfiguration, fakeView.LastErrorMessage); }
public void If_there_are_errors_getting_a_configuration_an_error_message_is_expected() { MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); var view = new ConfigurationView(); var fakeController = mocks.DynamicMock<ConfigurationController>(new object[] { view }); using (mocks.Record()) { Expect.Call(fakeController.FileExists(null)).IgnoreArguments().Return(true); Expect.Call(fakeController.ReadConfigurationSection(null)).IgnoreArguments().Throw(new Exception("Exception handling test", new Exception("Inner Exception test"))); } mocks.ReplayAll(); fakeController.view_OnReadConfiguration(this, EventArgs.Empty); mocks.VerifyAll(); Assert.AreEqual("Exception handling test\r\nInner Exception:\r\nInner Exception test", view.LastErrorMessage); }
public ActionResult ConfigCalc(ConfigurationView cView) { //Add bind includes //Add validate anti forgery //Add Is Model Valid? #region Fetch OAUTHtoken if (!Helper.CheckSessionOAUTHToken((OAUTHtoken)this.Session["OAUTHtoken"])) { this.Session["OAUTHtoken"] = Helper.GetOAUTHToken(); } OAUTHtoken token = (OAUTHtoken)this.Session["OAUTHtoken"]; #endregion List <Parameter> theParams = new List <Parameter>(); #region Fetch list of parameters using (HttpClient client = NetworkHelper.GetHttpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ConfigurationParams.ServiceGatewayURI], token.access_token)) { HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(String.Format(ServiceGatewayURI.ParameterURI)).Result; if (response != null) { using (response) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { theParams = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <Parameter> >().Result; } else { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(response.StatusCode)); } } } } #endregion ConfigurationDetail configurationDetail = new ConfigurationDetail() { //CustomerCode = cView.SelectedCustomerCode, ConfigurationTypeID = cView.SelectedConfigurationType, Name = cView.Name, Description = cView.Description, Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ConfigurationParameterValues = new List <ConfigurationParameterValue>() }; foreach (String pipyString in cView.ListOfConfigurationParameterValues) { String id = pipyString.Split('|')[0]; String value = pipyString.Split('|')[1]; String parameterName = null; AttributeType parameterType = 0; foreach (Parameter param in theParams) { if (param.Id.ToString() == id) { parameterName = param.Name; parameterType = param.ParameterType1; } } configurationDetail.ConfigurationParameterValues.Add(new ConfigurationParameterValue() { ConfigurationID = configurationDetail.Id, ParameterID = id, ParameterName = parameterName, ParameterType1 = parameterType, Value = value }); } string JSONdocType = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configurationDetail); StringContent content = new StringContent(JSONdocType, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); #region POST params to ConfigDetail controller using (HttpClient client = NetworkHelper.GetHttpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ConfigurationParams.ServiceGatewayURI], token.access_token)) { HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(String.Format(ServiceGatewayURI.ConfigurationDetailURI), content).Result; if (response != null) { using (response) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { configurationDetail = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ConfigurationDetail>().Result; } else { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(response.StatusCode)); } } } } #endregion foreach (ConfigurationTypeOutput output in configurationDetail.ConfigurationTypeOutputs) { if (output.ValueType == AttributeType.FloatType) { if (output.Value != null) { output.Value = String.Format("£{0:n}", float.Parse(output.Value)); } else { return(new JsonHttpStatusResult(configurationDetail.OutputText, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } } } string outputValues = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configurationDetail); //return View(configurationDetail); //return new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent(configurationDetail.OutputText, Encoding.UTF8, "text/html") }; return(Content(outputValues)); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Initializes this provider to the correct state and context used by the factory creating it.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationView"> /// <para>The cursor to use to get the data specific for the transformer.</para> /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// <para><paramref name="configurationView"/> must be of type <see cref="EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration.RuntimeConfigurationView"/>.</para> /// <para>- or -</para> /// <para>The <see cref="StorageProviderData"/> from the cursor should be of type <see cref="XmlFileStorageProviderData"/>.</para> /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// <para><paramref name="configurationView"/> is a <see langword="null"/> reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</para> /// </exception> public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference(configurationView, "configurationView"); GetStorageCursor(configurationView); StorageProviderData storageProviderData = runtimeConfigurationView.GetStorageProviderData(CurrentSectionName); ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType(storageProviderData, typeof(XmlFileStorageProviderData)); XmlFileStorageProviderData xmlFileStorageProvider = (XmlFileStorageProviderData)storageProviderData; SetCurrentDirectory(runtimeConfigurationView); SetApplicationDocumentPathSetting(xmlFileStorageProvider); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the LogDistributor with its current configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationView">View of configuration used by the LogDistributor</param> public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference(configurationView, "configurationView"); this.logDistributor = new LogDistributor(configurationView.ConfigurationContext); }
public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { this.initialized = true; }
public ConfigurationWindow(IGestureRecognizer rec, GesturePack gestures) { // Take advantage of closure to get reference to the uninitialized view model = new ConfigurationModel(new ModelToViewAdapter(() => { return view; }), rec, gestures); view = new ConfigurationView(new ViewToModelAdapter(() => { return model; })); }
public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) { }
/// <summary> /// Restart Mde Service /// </summary> public void RestartMdeService() { ConfigurationView view = new ConfigurationView("Market Data Engine"); view.ShowDialog(); }
public ConfigurationPage(IBootstrapperController bootstrapperController, IEnumerable <ConfigurationItem> configurationItems) : base(bootstrapperController) { this.ConfigurationView = new ConfigurationView(new ConfigurationViewmodel(bootstrapperController, configurationItems)); }