//  Extract from returned json the project info
        internal string SetProjectStructure(ForgeRestResponse ret, string parentId)
            NLogger.LogText("Entered SetProjectStructure");

            string  projectId = "";
            JObject res       = JObject.Parse(ret.ResponseContent);
            var     data      = res.SelectTokens("$.data").Children();

            foreach (var item in data)
                var name = ((string)item.SelectToken("attributes.name"));

                if (name == ConfigUtilities.GetProject())
                    projectId = (string)item.SelectToken("id");

                    //bIM360DocsStructure.Hub.ProjectList = new List<Project> { new Project { Id = projectId, Name = name } };

                    bIM360DocsStructure1.BIM360DataRows1.Add(new BIM360DocsRowStructure
                        ParentId = parentId,
                        Id       = projectId,
                        Name     = name,
                        Type     = BIM360Type.Project

            NLogger.LogText("Exit SetProjectStructure");

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the BIM360 configured Project folder
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetProjectFolder()
     return(Utility.GetBIM360RootPath() + ConfigUtilities.GetHub() + "\\" + ConfigUtilities.GetProject() + "\\");