internal LabColorSpace()
     Alpha = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Alpha", "A");
     Lightness = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Lightness", "L");
     a = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "a", "a");
     b = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "b", "b");
 internal xyYColorSpace()
     Alpha = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Alpha", "A");
     x = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "x", "x");
     x = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "y", "y");
     Y = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Y", "Y");
 public RGBColorSpace()
     Alpha = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Alpha", "A", (v) => v % 255);
     R = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "R", "R", (v) => v % 255);
     G = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "G", "G", (v) => v % 255);
     B = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "B", "B", (v) => v % 255);
        public void IsMatch_ProvidedToken_CorrectMatchResult(string token, bool expectedMatch)
            // Arrange
            var definition = new ColorChannelDefinition();

            // Act
            var isMatch = definition.IsMatch(token);

            // Assert
        internal XYZColorSpace()
            Alpha = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Alpha", "A");

            // DisplayValue = Value * 100 and up to three fraction digits
            X = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "X", "X", (v) => Math.Round(100 * v, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            Y = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Y", "Y", (v) => Math.Round(100 * v, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            Z = new ColorChannelDefinition(this, "Z", "Z", (v) => Math.Round(100 * v, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

            whitePoint = new XYZColor(this, 1.0, 0.95047, 1.0, 1.088969);
        public void TryConvertPercentToOffset_ConvertingToken_SuccessAndResultConvertedCorrectly(string token, float expectedResult, bool expectedSuccess)
            // Arrange
            var definition = new ColorChannelDefinition();

            // Act
            var success = definition.TryConvertPercentToOffset(token, out var result);

            // Assert
        public void GetColorString_ReadFromCssReader_CorrectColorStringReturned(string colorInCss)
            // Arrange
            var definition = new ColorChannelDefinition();
            var reader     = new CssReader(colorInCss);

            // Act
            var colorInString = definition.GetColorString(reader);

            // Assert
        public void Parse_HslAndHsla_WithDoubleValues_NoExceptionsThrown(string color)
            // Arrange
            var reader     = new CssReader(color);
            var builder    = new GradientBuilder();
            var definition = new ColorChannelDefinition();

            // Act
            Action action = () => definition.Parse(reader, builder);

            // Assert
            action.Should().NotThrow <Exception>();
        public void Parse_ValidColor_SingleStopWithColorAndOffset(string color, Color expectedColor, float expectedOffset)
            // Arrange
            var reader     = new CssReader(color);
            var builder    = new LinearGradientBuilder();
            var definition = new ColorChannelDefinition();

            // Act
            definition.Parse(reader, builder);

            // Assert
            var result = builder.Build();

            using (new AssertionScope())
                var stops = result.SelectMany(x => x.Stops).ToArray();
