// Calculate the closest points on two shapes given the closest edge on their minkowski difference to (0, 0)
            public static ClosestPoints ClosestPointsNew(MinkowskiPoint v0, MinkowskiPoint v1)
                // Find the closest p(t) on the minkowski difference to (0, 0)
                float  t = cpCollision.ClosestT(v0.ab, v1.ab);
                cpVect p = cpCollision.LerpT(v0.ab, v1.ab, t);

                // Interpolate the original support points using the same 't' value as above.
                // This gives you the closest surface points in absolute coordinates. NEAT!
                cpVect pa = cpCollision.LerpT(v0.a, v1.a, t);
                cpVect pb = cpCollision.LerpT(v0.b, v1.b, t);

                ulong id = ((v0.id & 0xFFFF) << 16 | (v1.id & 0xFFFF));

                // First try calculating the MSA from the minkowski difference edge.
                // This gives us a nice, accurate MSA when the surfaces are close together.
                cpVect delta = cpVect.cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab);
                cpVect n     = cpVect.cpvnormalize(cpVect.cpvrperp(delta));
                float  d     = cpVect.cpvdot(n, p);

                if (d <= 0.0f || (-1.0f < t && t < 1.0f))
                    // If the shapes are overlapping, or we have a regular vertex/edge collision, we are done.
                    ClosestPoints points = new ClosestPoints(pa, pb, n, d, id);
                    // Vertex/vertex collisions need special treatment since the MSA won't be shared with an axis of the minkowski difference.
                    float  d2 = cpVect.cpvlength(p);
                    cpVect n2 = cpVect.cpvmult(p, 1.0f / (d2 + float.MinValue));

                    ClosestPoints points = new ClosestPoints(pa, pb, n2, d2, (ulong)id);
Example #2
        public void Distance(StartEndPoint points, out float distance, out ClosestPoints order)
            float[] distances = new float[4];
            distances[0] = StartPoint.Distance(points.StartPoint);
            distances[1] = StartPoint.Distance(points.EndPoint);
            distances[2] = EndPoint.Distance(points.StartPoint);
            distances[3] = EndPoint.Distance(points.EndPoint);

            float minDist = distances.Min();

            if (distances[0] == minDist)
                order = ClosestPoints.StartStart;
            else if (distances[1] == minDist)
                order = ClosestPoints.StartEnd;
            else if (distances[2] == minDist)
                order = ClosestPoints.EndStart;
                order = ClosestPoints.EndEnd;

            distance = minDist;
Example #3
        public void Distance(StartEndPoint points, out float distance, out ClosestPoints order)
            float[] distances = new float[4];
            distances[0] = StartPoint.Distance(points.StartPoint);
            distances[1] = StartPoint.Distance(points.EndPoint);
            distances[2] = EndPoint.Distance(points.StartPoint);
            distances[3] = EndPoint.Distance(points.EndPoint);

            float minDist = distances.Min();

            if (distances[0] == minDist)
                order = ClosestPoints.StartStart;
            else if (distances[1] == minDist)
                order = ClosestPoints.StartEnd;
            else if (distances[2] == minDist)
                order = ClosestPoints.EndStart;
                order = ClosestPoints.EndEnd;

            distance = minDist;
Example #4
        private void HandlePointSelection(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            const float PointRadius = 3;

            Vector pos = (Vector)e.GetPosition(MainImageContainer);

            IEnumerable <(IDrawingObject, DrawingPoint)> ClosestPoints = DrawingObjects.Select(obj => (obj, obj.GetClosestPoint(pos)));

            if (ClosestPoints.Any())
                (IDrawingObject, DrawingPoint)ClosestPoint = ClosestPoints.Aggregate((min, x) => min.Item2.dist(pos) < x.Item2.dist(pos) ? min : x);

                if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl))
                    //Clicked point
                    if (ClosestPoint.Item2.dist(pos) <= MaximumSelectDistance)
                        //Clicked once
                        if (e.ClickCount == 1)
                            //Point already selected
                            if (selectedPoints.ContainsKey(ClosestPoint.Item2))
                                //Deselect point
                            //Point not selected
                                //Select point
                                selectedPoints.Add(ClosestPoint.Item2, new FilledCircle(ClosestPoint.Item2, PointRadius, System.Drawing.Color.Blue));
                        //Clicked twice
                            //Select shape
                            foreach (DrawingPoint p in ClosestPoint.Item1.GetTranslationPoints())
                                if (!selectedPoints.ContainsKey(p))
                                    selectedPoints.Add(p, new FilledCircle(p, PointRadius, System.Drawing.Color.Blue));
                //no Ctrl
                    //Clicked point
                    if (ClosestPoint.Item2.dist(pos) <= MaximumSelectDistance)
                        //Clicked once
                        if (e.ClickCount == 1)
                            //Point not selected
                            if (!selectedPoints.ContainsKey(ClosestPoint.Item2))
                                //Select only this point
                                selectedPoints.Add(ClosestPoint.Item2, new FilledCircle(ClosestPoint.Item2, PointRadius, System.Drawing.Color.Blue));
                        //Clicked twice
                            //Select only this shape
                            foreach (DrawingPoint p in ClosestPoint.Item1.GetTranslationPoints())
                                if (!selectedPoints.ContainsKey(p))
                                    selectedPoints.Add(p, new FilledCircle(p, PointRadius, System.Drawing.Color.Blue));
            PreviousMousePosition = (Vector)e.GetPosition(MainImageContainer);
            currentState          = selectedPoints.Count > 0 ? UIState.MovingExistingPoints : UIState.Nothing;
Example #5
            // Calculate the closest points on two shapes given the closest edge on their minkowski difference to (0, 0)
            public static ClosestPoints ClosestPointsNew(MinkowskiPoint v0, MinkowskiPoint v1)
                // Find the closest p(t) on the minkowski difference to (0, 0)
                float t = cpCollision.ClosestT(v0.ab, v1.ab);
                cpVect p = cpCollision.LerpT(v0.ab, v1.ab, t);

                // Interpolate the original support points using the same 't' value as above.
                // This gives you the closest surface points in absolute coordinates. NEAT!
                cpVect pa = cpCollision.LerpT(v0.a, v1.a, t);
                cpVect pb = cpCollision.LerpT(v0.b, v1.b, t);

                ulong id = ((v0.id & 0xFFFF) << 16 | (v1.id & 0xFFFF));

                // First try calculating the MSA from the minkowski difference edge.
                // This gives us a nice, accurate MSA when the surfaces are close together.
                cpVect delta = cpVect.cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab);
                cpVect n = cpVect.cpvnormalize(cpVect.cpvrperp(delta));
                float d = cpVect.cpvdot(n, p);

                if (d <= 0.0f || (-1.0f < t && t < 1.0f))
                    // If the shapes are overlapping, or we have a regular vertex/edge collision, we are done.
                    ClosestPoints points = new ClosestPoints(pa, pb, n, d, id);
                    return points;
                    // Vertex/vertex collisions need special treatment since the MSA won't be shared with an axis of the minkowski difference.
                    float d2 = cpVect.cpvlength(p);
                    cpVect n2 = cpVect.cpvmult(p, 1.0f / (d2 + float.MinValue));

                    ClosestPoints points = new ClosestPoints(pa, pb, n2, d2, (ulong)id);
                    return points;
Example #6
        //MARK: Contact Clipping
        public static void ContactPoints(Edge e1, Edge e2, ClosestPoints points, ref cpCollisionInfo info)
            float mindist = e1.r + e2.r;
            if (points.d <= mindist)

                info.n = new cpVect(points.n);

                cpVect n = new cpVect(points.n);

                // Distances along the axis parallel to n
                float d_e1_a = cpVect.cpvcross(e1.a.p, n);
                float d_e1_b = cpVect.cpvcross(e1.b.p, n);
                float d_e2_a = cpVect.cpvcross(e2.a.p, n);
                float d_e2_b = cpVect.cpvcross(e2.b.p, n);

                float e1_denom = 1.0f / (d_e1_b - d_e1_a);
                float e2_denom = 1.0f / (d_e2_b - d_e2_a);

                // Project the endpoints of the two edges onto the opposing edge, clamping them as necessary.
                // Compare the projected points to the collision normal to see if the shapes overlap there.
                    cpVect p1 = cpVect.cpvadd(cpVect.cpvmult(n, e1.r), cpVect.cpvlerp(e1.a.p, e1.b.p, cp.cpfclamp01((d_e2_b - d_e1_a) * e1_denom)));
                    cpVect p2 = cpVect.cpvadd(cpVect.cpvmult(n, -e2.r), cpVect.cpvlerp(e2.a.p, e2.b.p, cp.cpfclamp01((d_e1_a - d_e2_a) * e2_denom)));
                    float dist = cpVect.cpvdot(cpVect.cpvsub(p2, p1), n);
                    if (dist <= 0.0f)
                        ulong hash_1a2b = cp.CP_HASH_PAIR(e1.a.hash, e2.b.hash);
                        InfoPushContact(ref info, p1, p2, hash_1a2b);
                    cpVect p1 = cpVect.cpvadd(cpVect.cpvmult(n, e1.r), cpVect.cpvlerp(e1.a.p, e1.b.p, cp.cpfclamp01((d_e2_a - d_e1_a) * e1_denom)));
                    cpVect p2 = cpVect.cpvadd(cpVect.cpvmult(n, -e2.r), cpVect.cpvlerp(e2.a.p, e2.b.p, cp.cpfclamp01((d_e1_b - d_e2_a) * e2_denom)));
                    float dist = cpVect.cpvdot(cpVect.cpvsub(p2, p1), n);
                    if (dist <= 0.0f)
                        ulong hash_1b2a = cp.CP_HASH_PAIR(e1.b.hash, e2.a.hash);
                        InfoPushContact(ref info, p1, p2, hash_1b2a);