Example #1
        private static IList <string> GetCategoriesDeserializedResponse(HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, string json = RealCategoryResponse)
            var handlerMock = CreateMessageHandlerMock(statusCode, json, CategoriesUri);
            var feed        = new ChuckNorrisJsonFeed(handlerMock.Object);

Example #2
        private static RandomJokeResponse GetRandomJokeDeserializedResponse(HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, string category = null, string jokeText = null)
            var uri         = category == null ? RandomJokesUri : RandomJokesWithCategoryUri + category;
            var handlerMock = CreateMessageHandlerMock(statusCode, jokeText ?? BuildRandomJokeResponse(), uri);
            var feed        = new ChuckNorrisJsonFeed(handlerMock.Object);

Example #3
        public void GetHttpClientWorksWithoutProvidedHandler()
            // This can also be proven working properly by manually running the integration tests for this feed.
            var feed = new ChuckNorrisJsonFeed();


            Assert.Pass("No exception was thrown, so HttpClient was constructed successfully.");
        public void GetCategoriesWorksAgainstLiveApi()
            var feed       = new ChuckNorrisJsonFeed();
            var categories = feed.GetCategories();

            Assert.IsTrue(categories.Any(), "No categories were retrieved.");

            // Test for a known category, but don't bother with entire set as it can change.
            Assert.IsTrue(categories.Contains("animal"), "Categories did not contain expected category");
        public void GetRandomJokeWorksAgainstLiveApi()
            var feed = new ChuckNorrisJsonFeed();
            var joke = feed.GetRandomJoke();

            Assert.IsNotNull(joke, "Returned joke was null.");

            // Since we don't know what the live server will return, just do a very simple test.
            StringAssert.Contains("Chuck Norris", joke);
        public void GetRandomJokeWithBadCategoryAgainstLiveApiGetsException()
            var feed = new ChuckNorrisJsonFeed();

            Assert.That(() => feed.GetRandomJokeResponse("badCategory"), Throws.TypeOf <JsonFeedException>());