Example #1
        private void Setup(CharacterStyleTMP characterStyle)
            _characterStyle = characterStyle;
            titleContent    = new GUIContent(ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(nameof(CharacterStyleTMP)));
            var size = new Vector2(WindowWidth, GetHeight());

            minSize = maxSize = size;
Example #2
        public static CharacterStyleTMPEditor Open(CharacterStyleTMP characterStyle)
            var window = CreateInstance <CharacterStyleTMPEditor>();

Example #3
        public static CharacterStyleTMP DrawField(Rect rect, CharacterStyleTMP value)
            var controlId       = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);
            var previewGuiStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
            var fontName        = "(Default)";

            if (value.font != null)
                previewGuiStyle.font = value.font.sourceFontFile;
                fontName             = value.font.name;

            previewGuiStyle.fontStyle = FontStylesToFontStyle(value.fontStyle);
            previewGuiStyle.fontSize  = 14;
            previewGuiStyle.richText  = true;
            var previewRect = rect;

            previewRect.xMin += 4;
            previewRect.width = 26;
            var textRect = rect;

            textRect.xMin += 30;

            var previewLabel = "Ag";

            if ((value.fontStyle & FontStyles.LowerCase) != 0)
                previewLabel = "ag";
            else if ((value.fontStyle & FontStyles.UpperCase) != 0)
                previewLabel = "AG";
            else if ((value.fontStyle & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0)
                previewLabel = "A<size=11>G</size>";

            if (GUI.Button(rect, string.Empty, EditorStyles.objectField))
                var characterStyleTMPEditor = CharacterStyleTMPEditor.Open(value);
                characterStyleTMPEditor.OnValueChanged += characterStyle =>
                    _changedValues[controlId] = characterStyle;

                    // The value has changed, but the focus is still on the CharacterStyleEditor.
                    // In order to return the updated CharacterStyleField value, the GUI that calls it needs to be repainted.
                    // To do this, repaint all the windows.
                    foreach (var window in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <EditorWindow>())

            if ((value.fontStyle & FontStyles.Underline) != 0)
                var underLineRect = previewRect;
                underLineRect.y     += underLineRect.height - 4;
                underLineRect.height = 1;
                underLineRect.width -= 4;
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(underLineRect, GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor);

            EditorGUI.LabelField(previewRect, previewLabel, previewGuiStyle);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(textRect, $"{fontName} - {value.fontSize}pt");

            if ((value.fontStyle & FontStyles.Strikethrough) != 0)
                var strikethroughLineRect = previewRect;
                strikethroughLineRect.y     += strikethroughLineRect.height / 2;
                strikethroughLineRect.height = 1;
                strikethroughLineRect.width -= 4;
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(strikethroughLineRect, GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor);

            if (_changedValues.TryGetValue(controlId, out var changedValue))
                GUI.changed = true;
                value       = changedValue;
