Example #1
        private JObject ProcessGetInfo(JObject param)
            JObject ret = new JObject();

            using (CeremonySQL ceremonySQL = new CeremonySQL())
                User selectedUser = ceremonySQL.GetSelectedUser();
                User user         = ceremonySQL.reconnect().GetUserByPubkey(param["pubkey"].AsString());
                ret["total_participants"]    = ceremonySQL.reconnect().GetUserIndex();
                ret["selected_participants"] = (selectedUser == null ? 0 : selectedUser.Order);
                ret["ceremony_status"]       = ceremonySQL.reconnect().GetCeremonyStatus();
                ret["my_status"]             = ((int)user.Status);
                ret["segment_number"]        = ceremonySQL.reconnect().GetSegmentNumber();

            JObject result = BuildResponse(true, "", ret);


        public bool SendEmailToSelectedUser(int mailType = (int)MailType.MAIL_TYPE_START)
                LogUtil.Default.Log("Sending email to selected user...");

                using (CeremonySQL ceremonySQL = new CeremonySQL())
                    User user = ceremonySQL.GetSelectedUser();

                    if (user == null)
                        throw new Exception("No User Selected.");

                    SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("quras.io");
                    smtpClient.Port = 587;
                    smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                    smtpClient.Credentials           = new NetworkCredential("email", "password");
                    smtpClient.EnableSsl             = true;

                    String body = "";
                    // Set email body

                    if (mailType == (int)MailType.MAIL_TYPE_START)
                        body = "Hi " + user.Name + "!\n\n" +
                               (ceremonySQL.reconnect().GetSelectedUserIndex() == 1 ? "" : "Now " + (ceremonySQL.reconnect().GetSelectedUserIndex() - 1) + " people have participated to the Quras Trusted Setup.\n") +
                               "It is your turn to participate to the Quras Trusted Setup.\n\n" +
                               "You can participate as followings.\n" +
                               "Step 1. Sign In.\n" +
                               "1) Enter your email address and password.\n" +
                               "2) Press \"Sign In\" button to sign in.\n" +
                               "Step 2.Generate Seed Key\n" +
                               "1) Wait for your turn. Actually, you can check your turn and ceremony status in the client screen.\n" +
                               "2) When it is your turn, enter Seed Text and press \"Create Sead\" button. (You can reset your seed text by pressing \"Reset\" button)\n" +
                               "3) Check the created hex seed and press \"Generate\" button. You can see the status updated.\n\n" +
                               "And if you don't participate to the Quras Trusted Setup in 90 mins, you will be timeout.\n\n" +
                               "Thanks.\n" +
                               "Best Regard.";
                    else if (mailType == (int)MailType.MAIL_TYPE_TIMEOUT)
                        body = "Hi " + user.Name + "!\n\n" +
                               "You have not participated to the ceremony in 90 mins, So you have been timeout.\n\n" +
                               "Thanks.\n" +
                               "Best Regard.";

                    smtpClient.Send("*****@*****.**", user.Email, "Quras Trusted Setup", body);

                LogUtil.Default.Log("Email has been sent to selected user.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogUtil.Default.Log("Sending email to selected user Failed.");