Example #1
        private void autoPilot(AutoPilot pilot, FlightCtrlState controls)
            controls.killRot = false;
            if (!controls.isIdle)
                Enabled = false;

            if (attachedVessel == null || !Enabled)

            Vessel vessel = attachedVessel;

            CelestialBody body        = vessel.mainBody;
            Vector3d      pos         = vessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            Vector3d      airVelocity = vessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos);

            Transform vesselTransform = vessel.ReferenceTransform;

            Vector3d vesselBackward = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.up.normalized);
            Vector3d vesselForward  = -vesselBackward;
            Vector3d vesselUp       = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.forward.normalized);
            Vector3d vesselRight    = Vector3d.Cross(vesselUp, vesselBackward).normalized;

            Vector3d localVel = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(vesselRight, airVelocity), Vector3d.Dot(vesselUp, airVelocity), Vector3d.Dot(vesselBackward, airVelocity));
            Vector3d prograde = localVel.normalized;

            Vector3d localGravityUp     = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(vesselRight, pos), Vector3d.Dot(vesselUp, pos), Vector3d.Dot(vesselBackward, pos)).normalized;
            Vector3d localProgradeRight = Vector3d.Cross(prograde, localGravityUp).normalized;

            localGravityUp = Vector3d.Cross(localProgradeRight, prograde);

            Vector3d vel = vessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos); // air velocity
            double   AoA = (float)DescentProfile.fetch.GetAngleOfAttack(body, pos, vel);
            Vector3d worldTargetDirection = CorrectedDirection;
            Vector3d targetDirection      = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(vesselRight, worldTargetDirection), Vector3d.Dot(vesselUp, worldTargetDirection), Vector3d.Dot(vesselBackward, worldTargetDirection));
            Vector3d targetUp             = prograde * (-Math.Sin(AoA)) + localGravityUp * Math.Cos(AoA);

            Vector2 correction = Correction;

            float dirx = targetDirection.z > 0.0f ? Mathf.Sign((float)targetDirection.x) : (float)targetDirection.x;
            float diry = targetDirection.z > 0.0f ? Mathf.Sign((float)targetDirection.y) : (float)targetDirection.y;
            float dirz = targetUp.y < 0.0f ? Mathf.Sign((float)targetUp.x) : (float)targetUp.x;

            if (targetUp.y > 0.0f)
                dirz += correction.x; // in case the craft has wings, roll it to use lift for left/right correction

            float maxSteer = Mathf.Clamp(2.0f - Smoothness * 0.2f, 0.1f, 1.0f);

            float warpDamp = 1.0f / TimeWarp.CurrentRate;

            controls.pitch = Mathf.Clamp(diry * Strength + vessel.angularVelocity.x * Smoothness, -maxSteer, maxSteer) * warpDamp;
            controls.yaw   = Mathf.Clamp(-dirx * Strength + vessel.angularVelocity.z * Smoothness, -maxSteer, maxSteer) * warpDamp;
            controls.roll  = Mathf.Clamp(-dirz * Strength + vessel.angularVelocity.y * Smoothness, -maxSteer, maxSteer) * warpDamp;
Example #2
        //formula for drag seems to be drag force = (1/2) * DragMultiplier * (air density) * (mass * max_drag) * (airspeed)^2
        //so drag acceleration is (1/2) * DragMultiplier * (air density) * (average max_drag) * (airspeed)^2
        //where the max_drag average over parts is weighted by the part mass
        public static Vector3d computeDragAccel(Vector3d pos, Vector3d orbitVel, double dragCoeffOverMass, CelestialBody body)
            double   airDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(pos, body));
            Vector3d airVel     = orbitVel - body.getRFrmVel(pos);

            return(-0.5 * FlightGlobals.DragMultiplier * airDensity * dragCoeffOverMass * airVel.magnitude * airVel);
        public static Vector3 GetCorrectedDirection()
            var vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;

            if (vessel == null)
                return(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

            CelestialBody body = vessel.mainBody;

            Vector3d pos = vessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            Vector3d vel = vessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos); // air velocity

            Vector3 referenceVector = GetPlannedDirection();

            Vector3 up       = pos.normalized;
            Vector3 velRight = Vector3.Cross(vel, up).normalized;

            Vector3 refUp    = Vector3.Cross(velRight, referenceVector).normalized;
            Vector3 refRight = velRight;

            Vector2 offsetDir = GetCorrection();

            return((referenceVector + refUp * offsetDir.y + refRight * offsetDir.x).normalized);
Example #4
        public override OrbitableVelocity GetVelocitiesAtUT(TimeSpan timeStamp)
            CelestialBody parent = Body.KOSExtensionGetParentBody();

            if (parent == null) // only if Body is Sun and therefore has no parent, then do more complex work instead because KSP didn't provide a way itself
                Vector3d      futureOrbitalVel;
                CelestialBody soiBody = Shared.Vessel.mainBody;
                if (soiBody.orbit != null)
                    futureOrbitalVel = soiBody.orbit.GetFrameVelAtUT(timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime());
                    futureOrbitalVel = -1 * VesselTarget.CreateOrGetExisting(Shared.Vessel, Shared).GetVelocitiesAtUT(timeStamp).Orbital.ToVector3D();
                Vector swappedVel = new Vector(futureOrbitalVel.x, futureOrbitalVel.z, futureOrbitalVel.y); // swap Y and Z because KSP API is weird.
                // Also invert directions because the above gives vel of my body rel to sun, and I want vel of sun rel to my body:
                return(new OrbitableVelocity(-swappedVel, -swappedVel));

            var orbVel = new Vector(Orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime()));

            orbVel = new Vector(orbVel.X, orbVel.Z, orbVel.Y); // swap Y and Z because KSP API is weird.

            var surfVel = new Vector(Body.orbit.GetVel() - parent.getRFrmVel(Body.position));

            return(new OrbitableVelocity(orbVel, surfVel));
        internal static void Update()
            patch = Trajectory.Patches.LastOrDefault();

            if ((!Util.IsFlight && !Util.IsTrackingStation) || !Trajectories.IsVesselAttached || !TargetProfile.WorldPosition.HasValue ||
                patch == null || !patch.ImpactPosition.HasValue || patch.StartingState.ReferenceBody != TargetProfile.Body || !Ready)

            body = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.mainBody;

            position  = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            velocity  = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + position); // air velocity
            up        = position.normalized;
            vel_right = Vector3d.Cross(velocity, up).normalized;
            reference = CalcReference();


            guide_transform.gameObject.transform.localPosition     = navball.attitudeGymbal * (CorrectedDirection.Value * navball.VectorUnitScale);
            reference_transform.gameObject.transform.localPosition = navball.attitudeGymbal * (reference * navball.VectorUnitScale);

            // hide if behind navball
            guide_transform.gameObject.SetActive(guide_transform.gameObject.transform.localPosition.z >= navball.VectorUnitCutoff);
            reference_transform.gameObject.SetActive(reference_transform.gameObject.transform.localPosition.z >= navball.VectorUnitCutoff);
Example #6
        override public OrbitableVelocity GetVelocitiesAtUT(TimeSpan timeStamp)
            CelestialBody parent = Body.KOSExtensionGetParentBody();

            if (parent == null) // only if Body is Sun and therefore has no parent, then do more complex work instead because KSP didn't provide a way itself
                Vector3d      futureOrbitalVel;
                CelestialBody soiBody = Shared.Vessel.mainBody;
                if (soiBody.orbit != null)
                    futureOrbitalVel = soiBody.orbit.GetFrameVelAtUT(timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime());
                    futureOrbitalVel = (-1) * (new VesselTarget(Shared.Vessel, Shared).GetVelocitiesAtUT(timeStamp).Orbital.ToVector3D());
                return(new OrbitableVelocity(new Vector(futureOrbitalVel), new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));

            var orbVel = new Vector(Orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime()));

            orbVel = new Vector(orbVel.X, orbVel.Z, orbVel.Y); // swap Y and Z because KSP API is weird.

            var surfVel = new Vector(Body.orbit.GetVel() - parent.getRFrmVel(Body.position));

            return(new OrbitableVelocity(orbVel, surfVel));
Example #7
        public OrbitableVelocity(CelestialBody b)
            Orbital = new Vector(b.orbit.GetVel()); // KSP's b.GetObtVelocity() is broken - it causes stack overflow
            CelestialBody parent = b.referenceBody;

            Surface = parent != null ?
                      new Vector(b.orbit.GetVel() - parent.getRFrmVel(b.position)) :
                      new Vector(default(float), default(float), default(float));
Example #8
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (aerodynamicModel_ != null && vessel_ != null)
                CelestialBody body = vessel_.orbit.referenceBody;

                Vector3d bodySpacePosition = vessel_.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
                Vector3d bodySpaceVelocity = vessel_.obt_velocity;
                double   altitudeAboveSea  = bodySpacePosition.magnitude - body.Radius;

                Vector3d airVelocity = bodySpaceVelocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + bodySpacePosition);

                #if DEBUG_COMPARE_FORCES
                Vector3d FARForce = FARBasicDragModel.debugForceAccumulator + FARWingAerodynamicModel.debugForceAccumulator;
                FARBasicDragModel.debugForceAccumulator       = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
                FARWingAerodynamicModel.debugForceAccumulator = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

                double rho = FARAeroUtil.GetCurrentDensity(body, altitudeAboveSea);
                //double rho = vessel_.atmDensity;
                //double pressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(altitudeAboveSea, body);
                //double rho = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(pressure);

                double machNumber = FARAeroUtil.GetMachNumber(body, altitudeAboveSea, airVelocity);
                //double machNumber = airVelocity.magnitude / 300.0;

                Transform vesselTransform = vessel_.ReferenceTransform;
                Vector3d  vesselBackward  = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.up.normalized);
                Vector3d  vesselForward   = -vesselBackward;
                Vector3d  vesselUp        = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.forward.normalized);
                Vector3d  vesselRight     = Vector3d.Cross(vesselUp, vesselBackward).normalized;
                double    AoA             = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(airVelocity.normalized, vesselForward.normalized));
                if (Vector3d.Dot(airVelocity, vesselUp) > 0)
                    AoA = -AoA;

                Vector3d predictedForce = aerodynamicModel_.computeForces_FAR(rho, machNumber, airVelocity, vesselUp, AoA, 0.05);
                aerodynamicModel_.Verbose = true;
                Vector3d predictedForceWithCache = aerodynamicModel_.computeForces(body, bodySpacePosition, airVelocity, AoA, 0.05);
                aerodynamicModel_.Verbose = false;

                Vector3d localFARForce                = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(FARForce, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(FARForce, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(FARForce, vesselBackward));
                Vector3d localPredictedForce          = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselBackward));
                Vector3d localPredictedForceWithCache = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselBackward));

                Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("FAR/predict comparison", "air vel=" + Math.Floor(airVelocity.magnitude) + ", AoA=" + (AoA * 180.0 / Math.PI) + ", FAR force=" + localFARForce + ", predicted force=" + localPredictedForce);
                Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("predict with cache", "predicted force with cache=" + localPredictedForceWithCache);

                double approximateRho = StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(altitudeAboveSea, body);
                double preciseRho     = StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(vessel_.GetWorldPos3D(), body);
                double actualRho      = vessel_.atmDensity;
                Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("rho info", "preciseRho=" + preciseRho.ToString("0.0000") + " ; approximateRho=" + approximateRho.ToString("0.0000") + " ; actualRho=" + actualRho.ToString("0.0000"));
        public OrbitableVelocity(CelestialBody b, SharedObjects shared)
            Orbital = new Vector(b.KOSExtensionGetObtVelocity(shared)); // KSP's b.GetObtVelocity() is broken - it causes stack overflow
            CelestialBody parent = b.KOSExtensionGetParentBody();

            Surface = (parent != null) ?
                      new Vector(b.orbit.GetVel() - parent.getRFrmVel(b.position)) :
                      new Vector(Orbital); // return same velocity as orbit when no parent body to compare against.
Example #10
        public OrbitableVelocity(CelestialBody b, SharedObjects shared)
            Orbital = new Vector(b.KOSExtensionGetObtVelocity(shared)); // KSP's b.GetObtVelocity() is broken - it causes stack overflow
            CelestialBody parent = b.KOSExtensionGetParentBody();

            Surface = (parent != null) ?
                      new Vector(b.orbit.GetVel() - parent.getRFrmVel(b.position)) :
                      new Vector(Vector3d.zero);
Example #11
        static private void EulerStep(
            double dt,
            Vessel vessel, Vector3d r, // in world space but relative to body.position
            Vector3d v, Vector3d att, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust,
            Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, double t,
            BLController controller, Vector3d tgt_r, double aeroFudgeFactor,
            out Vector3d steer,
            out Vector3d vel_air, out double throttle,
            out Vector3d out_r, out Vector3d out_v)
            double y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

            steer    = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);
            throttle = 0;

            // gravity
            double   R = r.magnitude;
            Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

            // Get steer and throttle
            bool bailOutLandingBurn = true;

            if (controller != null)
                bool landingGear;
                controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, totalMass, r, v, att, minThrust, maxThrust, t, body, true, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn);
                // Stop throttle so we don't take off again in timestep, dt
                // TODO - Fix HACK!!
                if (y < controller.TgtAlt + 50)
                    throttle = 0;

            Vector3d Ft = Vector3d.zero;

            if (throttle > 0)
                Ft = steer * (minThrust + throttle * (maxThrust - minThrust));

            // TODO: Do repeated calls to GetForces() mess up PID controllers which updates their internal estimates?
            vel_air = v - body.getRFrmVel(r + body.position);
            if (aeroModel == null)
                Debug.Log("EulerStep() - No aeroModel");
            Vector3d F = aeroModel.GetForces(body, r, vel_air, Math.PI) * aeroFudgeFactor + Ft;
            Vector3d a = F / totalMass + g;

            out_r = r + v * dt + 0.5 * a * dt * dt;
            out_v = v + a * dt;
Example #12
        // determine average atmospheric absorption factor over the daylight period (not the whole day)
        // - by doing an average of values at midday, sunrise and an intermediate value
        // - using the current sun direction at the given position to approximate
        //   the influence of high latitudes and of the inclinaison of the body orbit
        public static double AtmosphereFactorAnalytic(CelestialBody body, Vector3d position, Vector3d sun_dir)
            // only for atmospheric bodies whose rotation period is less than 120 hours
            if (body.rotationPeriod > 432000.0)
                return(AtmosphereFactor(body, position, sun_dir));

            // get up vector & altitude
            Vector3d radialOut = position - body.position;
            double   altitude  = radialOut.magnitude;

            radialOut /= altitude;             // normalize
            altitude  -= body.Radius;
            altitude   = Math.Abs(altitude);   //< deal with underwater & fp precision issues

            double static_pressure = body.GetPressure(altitude);

            if (static_pressure > 0.0)
                Vector3d[] sunDirs = new Vector3d[3];

                // east - sunrise
                sunDirs[0] = body.getRFrmVel(position).normalized;
                // perpendicular vector
                Vector3d sunUp = Vector3d.Cross(sunDirs[0], sun_dir).normalized;
                // midday vector (along the radial plane + an angle depending on the original vesselSundir)
                sunDirs[1] = Vector3d.Cross(sunUp, sunDirs[0]).normalized;
                // invert midday vector if it's pointing toward the ground (checking against radial-out vector)
                if (Vector3d.Dot(sunDirs[1], radialOut) < 0.0)
                    sunDirs[1] *= -1.0;
                // get an intermediate vector between sunrise and midday
                sunDirs[2] = (sunDirs[0] + sunDirs[1]).normalized;

                double density = body.GetDensity(static_pressure, body.GetTemperature(altitude));

                // nonrefracting radially symmetrical atmosphere model [Schoenberg 1929]
                double Ra = body.Radius + altitude;
                double Ya = body.atmosphereDepth - altitude;
                double atmo_factor_analytic = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    double q    = Ra * Math.Max(0.0, Vector3d.Dot(radialOut, sunDirs[i]));
                    double path = Math.Sqrt(q * q + 2.0 * Ra * Ya + Ya * Ya) - q;
                    atmo_factor_analytic += body.GetSolarPowerFactor(density) * Ya / path;
                atmo_factor_analytic /= 3.0;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        ///   The pair of velocities representing this spot's velocity due to
        ///   planetary rotation, at this (sea level) altitude:
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>velocities pair </returns>
        public OrbitableVelocity GetAltitudeVelocities(ScalarValue altitude)
            Vector3d      pos      = Body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(Latitude, Longitude, altitude);
            Vector3d      vel      = Body.getRFrmVel(pos);
            CelestialBody shipBody = Shared.Vessel.orbit.referenceBody;

            if (shipBody == null)
                return(new OrbitableVelocity(new Vector(vel), new Vector(vel)));
            Vector3d srfVel = vel - shipBody.getRFrmVel(Shared.Vessel.CoMD);

            return(new OrbitableVelocity(new Vector(vel), new Vector(srfVel)));
        //formula for drag seems to be drag force = (1/2) * DragMultiplier * (air density) * (mass * max_drag) * (airspeed)^2
        //so drag acceleration is (1/2) * DragMultiplier * (air density) * (average max_drag) * (airspeed)^2
        //where the max_drag average over parts is weighted by the part mass
        public static Vector3d DragAccel(this CelestialBody body, Vector3d pos, Vector3d orbitVel, double dragCoeffOverMass)
            double airPressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(pos, body);

            //Atmosphere cuts out abruptly when pressure falls below 1e-6 * sea level pressure.
            if (airPressure < body.atmosphereMultiplier * 1e-6)

            double   airDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(airPressure);
            Vector3d airVel     = orbitVel - body.getRFrmVel(pos);

            return(-0.5 * FlightGlobals.DragMultiplier * airDensity * dragCoeffOverMass * airVel.magnitude * airVel);
Example #15
        // determine average atmospheric absorption factor over the daylight period (not the whole day)
        // - by doing an average of values at midday, sunrise and an intermediate value
        // - using the current sun direction at the given position to approximate
        //   the influence of high latitudes and of the inclinaison of the body orbit
        public static double AtmosphereFactorAnalytic(CelestialBody body, Vector3d position, Vector3d sun_dir)
            // only for atmospheric bodies whose rotation period is less than 120 hours
            if (body.rotationPeriod > 432000.0)
                return(AtmosphereFactor(body, position, sun_dir));

            // get up vector & altitude
            Vector3d radialOut = position - body.position;
            double   altitude  = radialOut.magnitude;

            radialOut /= altitude;             // normalize
            altitude  -= body.Radius;
            altitude   = Math.Abs(altitude);   //< deal with underwater & fp precision issues

            double static_pressure = body.GetPressure(altitude);

            if (static_pressure > 0.0)
                Vector3d[] sunDirs = new Vector3d[3];

                // east - sunrise
                sunDirs[0] = body.getRFrmVel(position).normalized;
                // perpendicular vector
                Vector3d sunUp = Vector3d.Cross(sunDirs[0], sun_dir).normalized;
                // midday vector (along the radial plane + an angle depending on the original vesselSundir)
                sunDirs[1] = Vector3d.Cross(sunUp, sunDirs[0]).normalized;
                // invert midday vector if it's pointing toward the ground (checking against radial-out vector)
                if (Vector3d.Dot(sunDirs[1], radialOut) < 0.0)
                    sunDirs[1] *= -1.0;
                // get an intermediate vector between sunrise and midday
                sunDirs[2] = (sunDirs[0] + sunDirs[1]).normalized;

                double density = body.GetDensity(static_pressure, body.GetTemperature(altitude));
                double atmo_factor_analytic = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    body.GetSolarAtmosphericEffects(Vector3d.Dot(radialOut, sunDirs[i]), density, out _, out double stockFluxFactor);
                    atmo_factor_analytic += stockFluxFactor;
                atmo_factor_analytic /= 3.0;
Example #16
        override public OrbitableVelocity GetVelocitiesAtUT(TimeSpan timeStamp)
            var orbVel = new Vector(Orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime()));

            orbVel = new Vector(orbVel.X, orbVel.Z, orbVel.Y); // swap Y and Z because KSP API is weird.

            CelestialBody parent = Body.referenceBody;

            if (parent == null) // only if Body is Sun and therefore has no parent.
                return(new OrbitableVelocity(new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
            var surfVel = new Vector(Body.orbit.GetVel() - parent.getRFrmVel(Body.position));

            return(new OrbitableVelocity(orbVel, surfVel));
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        ///   Calculates the velocities of this vessel at some future universal timestamp,
        ///   taking into account all currently predicted SOI transition patches, and also
        ///   assuming that all the planned maneuver nodes will actually be executed precisely
        ///   as planned.  Note that this cannot "see" into the future any farther than the
        ///   KSP orbit patches setting allows for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStamp">The time to predict for.  Although the intention is to
        ///   predict for a future time, it could be used to predict for a past time.</param>
        /// <returns>The orbit/surface velocity pair as a user-readable Vector in raw rotation coordinates.</returns>
        override public OrbitableVelocity GetVelocitiesAtUT(TimeSpan timeStamp)
            string blockingTech;

            if (!Career.CanMakeNodes(out blockingTech))
                throw new KOSLowTechException("use VELOCITYAT on a vessel", blockingTech);

            double desiredUT = timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime();

            Orbit patch = GetOrbitAtUT(desiredUT);

            Vector3d orbVel = patch.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(desiredUT);

            // This is an ugly workaround to fix what is probably a bug in KSP's API:
            // If looking at a future orbit patch around a child body of the current body, then
            // the various get{Thingy}AtUT() methods return numbers calculated incorrectly as
            // if the child body was going to remain stationary where it is now, rather than
            // taking into account where it will be later when the intercept happens.
            // This corrects for that case:
            if (Utils.BodyOrbitsBody(patch.referenceBody, Vessel.orbit.referenceBody))
                Vector3d futureBodyVel = patch.referenceBody.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(desiredUT);
                orbVel = orbVel + futureBodyVel;

            // For some weird reason orbital velocities are returned by the KSP API
            // with Y and Z swapped, so swap them back:
            orbVel = new Vector3d(orbVel.x, orbVel.z, orbVel.y);

            CelestialBody parent = patch.referenceBody;
            Vector        surfVel;

            if (parent != null)
                Vector3d pos = GetPositionAtUT(timeStamp);
                surfVel = new Vector(orbVel - parent.getRFrmVel(pos + Shared.Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass()));
                surfVel = new Vector(orbVel.x, orbVel.y, orbVel.z);

            return(new OrbitableVelocity(new Vector(orbVel), surfVel));
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        ///   Get the velocity pairing of this thing in this orbit at the given
        ///   time.  Note that it does NOT take into account any
        ///   encounters or maneuver nodes - it assumes the current
        ///   orbit patch remains followed forever.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStamp">The universal time to query for</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OrbitableVelocity GetVelocityAtUT(TimeStamp timeStamp)
            var orbVel = new Vector(orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(timeStamp.ToUnixStyleTime()));

            // For some weird reason orbit returns velocities with Y and Z swapped, so flip them back:
            orbVel = new Vector(orbVel.X, orbVel.Z, orbVel.Y);
            CelestialBody parent = orbit.referenceBody;
            Vector        surfVel;

            if (parent != null)
                Vector3d pos = GetPositionAtUT(timeStamp);
                surfVel = new Vector(orbVel - parent.getRFrmVel(pos + Shared.Vessel.CoMD));
                surfVel = new Vector(orbVel.X, orbVel.Y, orbVel.Z);
            return(new OrbitableVelocity(orbVel, surfVel));
Example #19
        public static Vector3 GetPlannedDirection()
            var vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;

            if (vessel == null || Trajectory.Target.Body == null)
                return(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

            CelestialBody body = vessel.mainBody;

            Vector3d pos = vessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            Vector3d vel = vessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos); // air velocity

            Vector3 up       = pos.normalized;
            Vector3 velRight = Vector3.Cross(vel, up).normalized;
            Vector3 velUp    = Vector3.Cross(velRight, vel).normalized;

            float plannedAngleOfAttack = (float)DescentProfile.fetch.GetAngleOfAttack(Trajectory.Target.Body, pos, vel);

            return(vel.normalized * Mathf.Cos(plannedAngleOfAttack) + velUp * Mathf.Sin(plannedAngleOfAttack));
Example #20
        static private Vector3d GetForces(Vessel vessel, Vector3d r, Vector3d v, Vector3d att, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust,
                                          Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, double t, double dt,
                                          BLController controller, Vector3d tgt_r, double aeroFudgeFactor,
                                          out Vector3d steer, out Vector3d vel_air, out double throttle)
            Vector3d F = Vector3d.zero;
            double   y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

            steer    = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);
            throttle = 0;

            // gravity
            double   R = r.magnitude;
            Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

            float      lastAng     = (float)((-1) * body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0);
            Quaternion lastBodyRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lastAng, body.angularVelocity.normalized);

            vel_air = v - body.getRFrmVel(r + body.position);

            if (controller != null)
                bool bailOutLandingBurn = true;
                bool simulate           = true;
                bool landingGear;
                controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, totalMass, r, v, att, minThrust, maxThrust, t, body, simulate, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn);
                if (throttle > 0)
                    F = steer * (minThrust + throttle * (maxThrust - minThrust));
                att = steer;                                                          // assume attitude is always correct
            F = F + aeroModel.GetForces(body, r, vel_air, Math.PI) * aeroFudgeFactor; // retrograde

            F = F + g * totalMass;

Example #21
        public void Apply(PosistionStatistics posistionStatistics, Dictionary <Guid, VesselCtrlUpdate> ctrlUpdate, VesselUpdate previousUpdate, VesselUpdate nextUpdate, Settings dmpSettings)
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.LOADING)

            //Ignore updates to our own vessel if we are in flight and we aren't spectating
            if (!vesselWorker.isSpectating && (FlightGlobals.fetch.activeVessel != null ? FlightGlobals.fetch.activeVessel.id == vesselID : false) && HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.FLIGHT)
            Vessel updateVessel = FlightGlobals.fetch.vessels.FindLast(v => v.id == vesselID);

            if (updateVessel == null)
                //DarkLog.Debug("ApplyVesselUpdate - Got vessel update for " + vesselID + " but vessel does not exist");
            CelestialBody updateBody = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Find(b => b.bodyName == bodyName);

            if (updateBody == null)
                //DarkLog.Debug("ApplyVesselUpdate - updateBody not found");

            double interpolatorDelay = 0f;

            if (dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.INTERPOLATE1S)
                interpolatorDelay = 1f;
            if (dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.INTERPOLATE3S)
                interpolatorDelay = 3f;

            bool interpolatorEnabled = dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.INTERPOLATE1S || dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.INTERPOLATE3S;
            bool extrapolatorEnabled = dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.EXTRAPOLATE_NO_ROT || dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.EXTRAPOLATE_FULL;

            Quaternion normalRotate = Quaternion.identity;
            Vector3    oldPos       = updateVessel.GetWorldPos3D();
            Vector3    oldVelocity  = updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.GetVel();

            if (isSurfaceUpdate)
                //Get the new position/velocity
                double altitudeFudge = 0;
                VesselUtil.DMPRaycastPair dmpRaycast = VesselUtil.RaycastGround(position[0], position[1], updateBody);
                if (dmpRaycast.altitude != -1d && position[3] != -1d)
                    Vector3 theirNormal = new Vector3(terrainNormal[0], terrainNormal[1], terrainNormal[2]);
                    altitudeFudge = dmpRaycast.altitude - position[3];
                    if (Math.Abs(position[2] - position[3]) < 50f)
                        normalRotate = Quaternion.FromToRotation(theirNormal, dmpRaycast.terrainNormal);

                Vector3d updateAcceleration = updateBody.bodyTransform.rotation * new Vector3d(acceleration[0], acceleration[1], acceleration[2]);
                Vector3d updateVelocity     = updateBody.bodyTransform.rotation * new Vector3d(velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
                Vector3d updatePostion      = updateBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(position[0], position[1], position[2] + altitudeFudge);
                Vector3d newUpdatePostion   = updatePostion;
                Vector3d newUpdateVelocity  = updateVelocity;

                double planetariumDifference = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - (planetTime + interpolatorDelay);

                if (extrapolatorEnabled)
                    if (Math.Abs(planetariumDifference) < 3f)
                        if (dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.EXTRAPOLATE_NO_ROT || previousUpdate == null)
                            StepExtrapolate(updatePostion, updateVelocity, updateAcceleration, planetariumDifference, out newUpdatePostion, out newUpdateVelocity);
                        if (dmpSettings.interpolatorType == InterpolatorType.EXTRAPOLATE_FULL && previousUpdate != null)
                            StepExtrapolateWithRotation(previousUpdate, updatePostion, updateVelocity, updateAcceleration, planetariumDifference, out newUpdatePostion, out newUpdateVelocity);

                if (interpolatorEnabled && nextUpdate != null && (Math.Abs(nextUpdate.planetTime - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime())) < 5f)
                    double   scaling      = (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - interpolatorDelay - planetTime) / (nextUpdate.planetTime - planetTime);
                    Vector3d nextPosition = updateBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(nextUpdate.position[0], nextUpdate.position[1], nextUpdate.position[2] + altitudeFudge);
                    Vector3d nextVelocity = updateBody.bodyTransform.rotation * new Vector3d(nextUpdate.velocity[0], nextUpdate.velocity[1], nextUpdate.velocity[2]);
                    newUpdatePostion  = Vector3d.Lerp(updatePostion, nextPosition, scaling);
                    newUpdateVelocity = Vector3d.Lerp(updateVelocity, nextVelocity, scaling);

                Vector3d orbitalPos          = newUpdatePostion - updateBody.position;
                Vector3d surfaceOrbitVelDiff = updateBody.getRFrmVel(newUpdatePostion);
                Vector3d orbitalVel          = newUpdateVelocity + surfaceOrbitVelDiff;
                updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(orbitalPos.xzy, orbitalVel.xzy, updateBody, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());
                updateVessel.orbit.SetOrbit(orbit[0], orbit[1], orbit[2], orbit[3], orbit[4], orbit[5], orbit[6], updateBody);
            //Updates orbit.pos/vel
            updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.UpdateFromOrbitAtUT(updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(), updateBody);

            //Updates vessel pos from the orbit, as if on rails

            Quaternion unfudgedRotation = new Quaternion(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3]);

            //Rotation extrapolation? :O
            if (previousUpdate != null && (extrapolatorEnabled || (interpolatorEnabled && !isSurfaceUpdate)))
                double deltaUpdateT = planetTime - previousUpdate.planetTime;
                double deltaRealT   = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - previousUpdate.planetTime;
                float  scaling      = (float)(deltaRealT / deltaUpdateT);
                if (Math.Abs(deltaRealT) < 3f)
                    Quaternion previousRotation = new Quaternion(previousUpdate.rotation[0], previousUpdate.rotation[1], previousUpdate.rotation[2], previousUpdate.rotation[3]);
                    unfudgedRotation = RotationLerp(previousRotation, unfudgedRotation, scaling);

            if (nextUpdate != null && interpolatorEnabled && isSurfaceUpdate)
                double deltaUpdateT = nextUpdate.planetTime - planetTime;
                double deltaRealT   = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - interpolatorDelay - planetTime;
                float  scaling      = (float)(deltaRealT / deltaUpdateT);
                if (Math.Abs(deltaRealT) < 3f)
                    Quaternion nextRotation = new Quaternion(nextUpdate.rotation[0], nextUpdate.rotation[1], nextUpdate.rotation[2], nextUpdate.rotation[3]);
                    unfudgedRotation = RotationLerp(unfudgedRotation, nextRotation, scaling);

            Quaternion updateRotation = normalRotate * unfudgedRotation;
            //Rotational error tracking
            double rotationalError = Quaternion.Angle(updateVessel.srfRelRotation, updateRotation);

            updateVessel.SetRotation(updateVessel.mainBody.bodyTransform.rotation * updateRotation);
            updateVessel.srfRelRotation = updateRotation;

            Vector3 angularVel = updateVessel.ReferenceTransform.rotation * new Vector3(angularVelocity[0], angularVelocity[1], angularVelocity[2]);

            if (updateVessel.parts != null && !updateVessel.packed)
                for (int i = 0; i < updateVessel.parts.Count; i++)
                    Part thisPart = updateVessel.parts[i];
                    thisPart.vel = updateVessel.orbit.GetVel() - Krakensbane.GetFrameVelocity();
                    if (thisPart.orbit.referenceBody.inverseRotation)
                        thisPart.vel -= updateBody.getRFrmVel(thisPart.partTransform.position);
                    if (thisPart.rb != null && thisPart.State != PartStates.DEAD)
                        thisPart.rb.velocity = thisPart.vel;
                        //Angular Vel
                        thisPart.rb.angularVelocity = angularVel;
                        if (thisPart != updateVessel.rootPart)
                            Vector3 diffPos           = thisPart.rb.position - updateVessel.CoM;
                            Vector3 partVelDifference = Vector3.Cross(angularVel, diffPos);
                            thisPart.rb.velocity = thisPart.rb.velocity + partVelDifference;

            //Updates Vessel.CoMD, which is used for GetWorldPos3D
            updateVessel.latitude  = updateBody.GetLatitude(updateVessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            updateVessel.longitude = updateBody.GetLongitude(updateVessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            updateVessel.altitude  = updateBody.GetAltitude(updateVessel.GetWorldPos3D());

            double distanceError = Vector3d.Distance(oldPos, updateVessel.GetWorldPos3D());
            double velocityError = Vector3d.Distance(oldVelocity, updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.GetVel());

            if (ctrlUpdate != null)
                if (ctrlUpdate.ContainsKey(updateVessel.id))
                    updateVessel.OnFlyByWire -= ctrlUpdate[updateVessel.id].UpdateControls;
                VesselCtrlUpdate vcu = new VesselCtrlUpdate(updateVessel, ctrlUpdate, planetTime + 5, flightState);
                ctrlUpdate.Add(updateVessel.id, vcu);
                updateVessel.OnFlyByWire += vcu.UpdateControls;

            //Action group controls
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Gear, actiongroupControls[0]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Light, actiongroupControls[1]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, actiongroupControls[2]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, actiongroupControls[3]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.RCS, actiongroupControls[4]);

            if (sasEnabled)
                updateVessel.Autopilot.SAS.LockRotation(new Quaternion(lockedRotation[0], lockedRotation[1], lockedRotation[2], lockedRotation[3]));
            posistionStatistics.LogError(updateVessel.id, distanceError, velocityError, rotationalError, planetTime);
Example #22
 //formula for drag seems to be drag force = (1/2) * (air density / 125) * (mass * max_drag) * (airspeed)^2
 //so drag acceleration is (1/2) * (air density / 125) * (average max_drag) * (airspeed)^2
 //where the max_drag average over parts is weighted by the part weight
 public static Vector3d computeDragAccel(Vector3d pos, Vector3d orbitVel, double dragCoeffOverMass, CelestialBody body)
     double airDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(pos, body)) / 125.0;
     Vector3d airVel = orbitVel - body.getRFrmVel(pos);
     return -0.5 * airDensity * dragCoeffOverMass * airVel.magnitude * airVel;
Example #23
        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (Settings.fetch.NewGui)

            float t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            if (t < lastStringRenderTime + stringRenderInterval)

            lastStringRenderTime = t;

            Trajectory traj = Trajectory.fetch;

            Trajectory.Patch lastPatch     = traj.Patches.LastOrDefault();
            CelestialBody    lastPatchBody = lastPatch?.StartingState.ReferenceBody;
            CelestialBody    targetBody    = Trajectory.Target.Body;

            guistring_gForce = (traj.MaxAccel / 9.81).ToString("0.00");

            if (lastPatch != null && lastPatch.ImpactPosition.HasValue)
                Vector3 up      = lastPatch.ImpactPosition.Value.normalized;
                Vector3 vel     = lastPatch.ImpactVelocity.Value - lastPatchBody.getRFrmVel(lastPatch.ImpactPosition.Value + lastPatchBody.position);
                float   vVelMag = Vector3.Dot(vel, up);
                Vector3 vVel    = up * vVelMag;
                float   hVelMag = (vel - vVel).magnitude;

                guistring_impactVelocity = String.Format("Impact: V = {0,6:F0}m/s, H = {1,6:F0}m/s", -vVelMag, hVelMag);
                guistring_impactVelocity = "";

            if (Settings.fetch.DisplayTargetGUI)
                if (lastPatchBody != null && targetBody != null && lastPatch.ImpactPosition.HasValue &&
                    lastPatchBody == targetBody && Trajectory.Target.WorldPosition.HasValue)
                    // Get Latitude and Longitude from impact position
                    double impactLat;
                    double impatLon;
                    double impactAlt;

                    // Get Latitude and Longitude from impact position
                    impactPos = lastPatch.ImpactPosition.Value + lastPatchBody.position;
                    lastPatchBody.GetLatLonAlt(impactPos, out impactLat, out impatLon, out impactAlt);

                    // Get Latitude and Longitude for target position
                    double targetLat;
                    double targetLon;
                    double targetAlt;
                    targetPos = Trajectory.Target.WorldPosition.Value + targetBody.position;
                    targetBody.GetLatLonAlt(targetPos, out targetLat, out targetLon, out targetAlt);

                    float targetDistance = (float)(Util.DistanceFromLatitudeAndLongitude(targetBody.Radius + impactAlt,
                                                                                         impactLat, impatLon, targetLat, targetLon) / 1e3);

                    float targetDistanceNorth = (float)(Util.DistanceFromLatitudeAndLongitude(targetBody.Radius + impactAlt,
                                                                                              impactLat, targetLon, targetLat, targetLon) / 1e3) * ((targetLat - impactLat) < 0 ? -1.0f : +1.0f);

                    float targetDistanceEast = (float)(Util.DistanceFromLatitudeAndLongitude(targetBody.Radius + impactAlt,
                                                                                             targetLat, impatLon, targetLat, targetLon) / 1e3) * ((targetLon - impatLon) < 0 ? -1.0f : +1.0f);

                    // format distance to target string
                    guistring_targetDistance = String.Format("{0,6:F1}km | {1}: {2,6:F1}km | {3}: {4,6:F1}km",
                                                             targetDistanceNorth > 0.0f ? 'N' : 'S',
                                                             targetDistanceEast > 0.0f ? 'E' : 'W',
                    guistring_targetDistance = "";

            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null)
                var body = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody;

                guistring_Latitude  = body.GetLatitude(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetWorldPos3D()).ToString("000.000000");
                guistring_Longitude = body.GetLongitude(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetWorldPos3D()).ToString("000.000000");
        private IEnumerable <bool> AddPatch(VesselState startingState)
            if (null == AttachedVessel.patchedConicSolver)

            CelestialBody body = startingState.ReferenceBody;

            Patch patch = new Patch
                StartingState = startingState,
                IsAtmospheric = false,
                SpaceOrbit    = startingState.StockPatch ?? CreateOrbitFromState(startingState)

            patch.EndTime = patch.StartingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.period;

            // the flight plan does not always contain the first patches (before the first maneuver node),
            // so we populate it with the current orbit and associated encounters etc.
            List <Orbit> flightPlan = new List <Orbit>();

            for (Orbit orbit = AttachedVessel.orbit; orbit != null && orbit.activePatch; orbit = orbit.nextPatch)
                if (AttachedVessel.patchedConicSolver.flightPlan.Contains(orbit))

            foreach (Orbit orbit in AttachedVessel.patchedConicSolver.flightPlan)

            Orbit nextPatch = null;

            if (startingState.StockPatch == null)
                nextPatch = patch.SpaceOrbit.nextPatch;
                int planIdx = flightPlan.IndexOf(startingState.StockPatch);
                if (planIdx >= 0 && planIdx < flightPlan.Count - 1)
                    nextPatch = flightPlan[planIdx + 1];

            if (nextPatch != null)
                patch.EndTime = nextPatch.StartUT;

            double maxAtmosphereAltitude = RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude(body);

            if (!body.atmosphere)
                maxAtmosphereAltitude = body.pqsController.mapMaxHeight;

            double minAltitude = patch.SpaceOrbit.PeA;

            if (patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe < 0 || patch.EndTime < startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe)
                minAltitude = Math.Min(
                    patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.StartingState.Time + 1.0).magnitude
                    ) - body.Radius;

            if (minAltitude < maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                double entryTime;
                if (startingState.Position.magnitude <= body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                    // whole orbit is inside the atmosphere
                    entryTime = startingState.Time;
                    entryTime = FindOrbitBodyIntersection(
                        startingState.Time, startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe,
                        body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude);

                if (entryTime > startingState.Time + 0.1 || !body.atmosphere)
                    if (body.atmosphere)
                        // add the space patch before atmospheric entry

                        patch.EndTime = entryTime;
                        AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                            Position      = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime).SwapYZ(),
                            ReferenceBody = body,
                            Time          = entryTime,
                            Velocity      = patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime).SwapYZ()
                        // the body has no atmosphere, so what we actually computed is the entry
                        // inside the "ground sphere" (defined by the maximal ground altitude)
                        // now we iterate until the inner ground sphere (minimal altitude), and
                        // check if we hit the ground along the way
                        double groundRangeExit = FindOrbitBodyIntersection(
                            startingState.Time, startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe,
                            body.Radius - maxAtmosphereAltitude);

                        if (groundRangeExit <= entryTime)
                            groundRangeExit = startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe;

                        double iterationSize = (groundRangeExit - entryTime) / 100.0;
                        double t;
                        bool   groundImpact = false;
                        for (t = entryTime; t < groundRangeExit; t += iterationSize)
                            Vector3d pos            = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t);
                            double   groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, CalculateRotatedPosition(body, pos.SwapYZ(), t))
                                                      + body.Radius;
                            if (pos.magnitude < groundAltitude)
                                t           -= iterationSize;
                                groundImpact = true;

                        if (groundImpact)
                            patch.EndTime           = t;
                            patch.RawImpactPosition = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t).SwapYZ();
                            patch.ImpactPosition    = CalculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.RawImpactPosition.Value, t);
                            patch.ImpactVelocity    = patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(t).SwapYZ();
                            AddPatch_outState = null;
                            // no impact, just add the space orbit
                            if (nextPatch != null)
                                AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                                    Position      = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.EndTime).SwapYZ(),
                                    Velocity      = patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(patch.EndTime).SwapYZ(),
                                    ReferenceBody = nextPatch.referenceBody,
                                    Time          = patch.EndTime,
                                    StockPatch    = nextPatch
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                    if (patch.StartingState.ReferenceBody != AttachedVessel.mainBody)
                        // currently, we can't handle predictions for another body, so we stop
                        AddPatch_outState = null;
                        yield break;

                    // simulate atmospheric flight (drag and lift), until impact or atmosphere exit
                    // (typically for an aerobraking maneuver) assuming a constant angle of attack
                    patch.IsAtmospheric            = true;
                    patch.StartingState.StockPatch = null;

                    // lower dt would be more accurate, but a trade-off has to be found between performances and accuracy
                    double dt = Settings.IntegrationStepSize;

                    // some shallow entries can result in very long flight. For performances reasons,
                    // we limit the prediction duration
                    int maxIterations = (int)(60.0 * 60.0 / dt);

                    int chunkSize = 128;

                    // time between two consecutive stored positions (more intermediate positions are computed for better accuracy),
                    // also used for ground collision checks
                    double trajectoryInterval = 10.0;

                    List <Point[]> buffer = new List <Point[]>
                        new Point[chunkSize]
                    int nextPosIdx = 0;

                    SimulationState state;
                    state.position = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime).SwapYZ();
                    state.velocity = patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime).SwapYZ();

                    // Initialize a patch with zero acceleration
                    Vector3d currentAccel = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                    double   currentTime               = entryTime;
                    double   lastPositionStoredUT      = 0;
                    Vector3d lastPositionStored        = new Vector3d();
                    bool     hitGround                 = false;
                    int      iteration                 = 0;
                    int      incrementIterations       = 0;
                    int      minIterationsPerIncrement = maxIterations / Settings.MaxFramesPerPatch;

                    #region Acceleration Functor

                    // function that calculates the acceleration under current parameters
                    Vector3d AccelerationFunc(Vector3d position, Vector3d velocity)
                        Profiler.Start("accelerationFunc inside");

                        // gravity acceleration
                        double   R_      = position.magnitude;
                        Vector3d accel_g = position * (-body.gravParameter / (R_ * R_ * R_));

                        // aero force
                        Vector3d vel_air = velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + position);

                        double aoa = DescentProfile.GetAngleOfAttack(body, position, vel_air) ?? 0d;

                        Vector3d force_aero = aerodynamicModel_.GetForces(body, position, vel_air, aoa);


                        Vector3d accel = accel_g + force_aero / aerodynamicModel_.Mass;

                        accel += API.HandleAccel(AttachedVessel, body, position, velocity, aoa);

                        Profiler.Stop("accelerationFunc inside");


                    #region Integration Loop

                    while (true)

                        if (incrementIterations > minIterationsPerIncrement && Util.ElapsedMilliseconds(increment_time) > MAX_INCREMENT_TIME)
                            yield return(false);

                            incrementIterations = 0;

                        double R               = state.position.magnitude;
                        double altitude        = R - body.Radius;
                        double atmosphereCoeff = altitude / maxAtmosphereAltitude;
                        if (hitGround ||
                            atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || atmosphereCoeff >= 1.0 ||
                            iteration == maxIterations || currentTime > patch.EndTime)
                            //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("atmo force", "Atmospheric accumulated force: " + accumulatedForces.ToString("0.00"));

                            if (hitGround || atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0)
                                patch.RawImpactPosition = state.position;
                                patch.ImpactPosition    = CalculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.RawImpactPosition.Value, currentTime);
                                patch.ImpactVelocity    = state.velocity;

                            patch.EndTime = Math.Min(currentTime, patch.EndTime);

                            int totalCount = (buffer.Count - 1) * chunkSize + nextPosIdx;
                            patch.AtmosphericTrajectory = new Point[totalCount];
                            int outIdx = 0;
                            foreach (Point[] chunk in buffer)
                                foreach (Point p in chunk)
                                    if (outIdx == totalCount)
                                    patch.AtmosphericTrajectory[outIdx++] = p;

                            if (iteration == maxIterations)
                                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("WARNING: trajectory prediction stopped, too many iterations");
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;

                            if (atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || hitGround)
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;

                            AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                                Position      = state.position,
                                Velocity      = state.velocity,
                                ReferenceBody = body,
                                Time          = patch.EndTime
                            yield break;

                        Vector3d        lastAccel = currentAccel;
                        SimulationState lastState = state;


                        // Verlet integration (more precise than using the velocity)
                        // state = VerletStep(state, accelerationFunc, dt);
                        state = RK4Step(state, AccelerationFunc, dt, out currentAccel);

                        currentTime += dt;

                        // KSP presumably uses Euler integration for position updates. Since RK4 is actually more precise than that,
                        // we try to reintroduce an approximation of the error.

                        // The local truncation error for euler integration is:
                        // LTE = 1/2 * h^2 * y''(t)
                        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_method#Local_truncation_error
                        // For us,
                        // h is the time step of the outer simulation (KSP), which is the physics time step
                        // y''(t) is the difference of the velocity/acceleration divided by the physics time step
                        state.position += 0.5 * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime * currentAccel * dt;
                        state.velocity += 0.5 * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime * (currentAccel - lastAccel);


                        // calculate gravity and aerodynamic force
                        Vector3d gravityAccel     = lastState.position * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));
                        Vector3d aerodynamicForce = (currentAccel - gravityAccel) / aerodynamicModel_.Mass;

                        // acceleration in the vessel reference frame is acceleration - gravityAccel
                        maxAccelBackBuffer_ = Math.Max(
                            (float)(aerodynamicForce.magnitude / aerodynamicModel_.Mass),

                        #region Impact Calculation


                        double interval = altitude < 10000.0 ? trajectoryInterval * 0.1 : trajectoryInterval;
                        if (currentTime >= lastPositionStoredUT + interval)
                            double groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, CalculateRotatedPosition(body, state.position, currentTime));
                            if (lastPositionStoredUT > 0)
                                // check terrain collision, to detect impact on mountains etc.
                                Vector3 rayOrigin         = lastPositionStored;
                                Vector3 rayEnd            = state.position;
                                double  absGroundAltitude = groundAltitude + body.Radius;
                                if (absGroundAltitude > rayEnd.magnitude)
                                    hitGround = true;
                                    float coeff = Math.Max(0.01f, (float)((absGroundAltitude - rayOrigin.magnitude)
                                                                          / (rayEnd.magnitude - rayOrigin.magnitude)));
                                    state.position = rayEnd * coeff + rayOrigin * (1.0f - coeff);
                                    currentTime    = currentTime * coeff + lastPositionStoredUT * (1.0f - coeff);

                            lastPositionStoredUT = currentTime;
                            if (nextPosIdx == chunkSize)
                                buffer.Add(new Point[chunkSize]);
                                nextPosIdx = 0;

                            Vector3d nextPos = state.position;
                            if (Settings.BodyFixedMode)
                                nextPos = CalculateRotatedPosition(body, nextPos, currentTime);

                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].aerodynamicForce = aerodynamicForce;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].orbitalVelocity  = state.velocity;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].groundAltitude   = (float)groundAltitude;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].time             = currentTime;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx++].pos            = nextPos;
                            lastPositionStored = state.position;



                // no atmospheric entry, just add the space orbit
                if (nextPatch != null)
                    AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                        Position      = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.EndTime).SwapYZ(),
                        Velocity      = patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(patch.EndTime).SwapYZ(),
                        ReferenceBody = nextPatch.referenceBody,
                        Time          = patch.EndTime,
                        StockPatch    = nextPatch
                    AddPatch_outState = null;
Example #25
        public void Apply()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.LOADING)

            //Ignore updates to our own vessel if we are in flight and we aren't spectating
            if (!vesselWorker.isSpectating && (FlightGlobals.fetch.activeVessel != null ? FlightGlobals.fetch.activeVessel.id == vesselID : false) && HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.FLIGHT)
            Vessel updateVessel = FlightGlobals.fetch.vessels.FindLast(v => v.id == vesselID);

            if (updateVessel == null)
                //DarkLog.Debug("ApplyVesselUpdate - Got vessel update for " + vesselID + " but vessel does not exist");
            CelestialBody updateBody = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Find(b => b.bodyName == bodyName);

            if (updateBody == null)
                //DarkLog.Debug("ApplyVesselUpdate - updateBody not found");

            Quaternion normalRotate = Quaternion.identity;

            if (isSurfaceUpdate)
                //Get the new position/velocity
                double altitudeFudge = 0;
                VesselUtil.DMPRaycastPair dmpRaycast = VesselUtil.RaycastGround(position[0], position[1], updateBody);
                if (dmpRaycast.altitude != -1d && position[3] != -1d)
                    Vector3 theirNormal = new Vector3(terrainNormal[0], terrainNormal[1], terrainNormal[2]);
                    altitudeFudge = dmpRaycast.altitude - position[3];
                    if (Math.Abs(position[2] - position[3]) < 50f)
                        normalRotate = Quaternion.FromToRotation(theirNormal, dmpRaycast.terrainNormal);

                double planetariumDifference = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - planetTime;

                //Velocity fudge
                Vector3d updateAcceleration = updateBody.bodyTransform.rotation * new Vector3d(acceleration[0], acceleration[1], acceleration[2]);
                Vector3d velocityFudge      = Vector3d.zero;
                if (Math.Abs(planetariumDifference) < 3f)
                    //Velocity = a*t
                    velocityFudge = updateAcceleration * planetariumDifference;

                //Position fudge
                Vector3d updateVelocity = updateBody.bodyTransform.rotation * new Vector3d(velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]) + velocityFudge;
                Vector3d positionFudge  = Vector3d.zero;

                if (Math.Abs(planetariumDifference) < 3f)
                    //Use the average velocity to determine the new position
                    //Displacement = v0*t + 1/2at^2.
                    positionFudge = (updateVelocity * planetariumDifference) + (0.5d * updateAcceleration * planetariumDifference * planetariumDifference);

                Vector3d updatePostion = updateBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(position[0], position[1], position[2] + altitudeFudge) + positionFudge;

                double latitude  = updateBody.GetLatitude(updatePostion);
                double longitude = updateBody.GetLongitude(updatePostion);
                double altitude  = updateBody.GetAltitude(updatePostion);
                updateVessel.latitude              = latitude;
                updateVessel.longitude             = longitude;
                updateVessel.altitude              = altitude;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.latitude  = latitude;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.longitude = longitude;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.altitude  = altitude;

                if (updateVessel.packed)
                    if (!updateVessel.LandedOrSplashed)
                        //Not landed but under 10km.
                        Vector3d orbitalPos          = updatePostion - updateBody.position;
                        Vector3d surfaceOrbitVelDiff = updateBody.getRFrmVel(updatePostion);
                        Vector3d orbitalVel          = updateVelocity + surfaceOrbitVelDiff;
                        updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(orbitalPos.xzy, orbitalVel.xzy, updateBody, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());
                        updateVessel.orbitDriver.pos = updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.pos.xzy;
                        updateVessel.orbitDriver.vel = updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.vel;
                    Vector3d velocityOffset = updateVelocity - updateVessel.srf_velocity;
                    updateVessel.SetPosition(updatePostion, true);
                Orbit updateOrbit = new Orbit(orbit[0], orbit[1], orbit[2], orbit[3], orbit[4], orbit[5], orbit[6], updateBody);

                double latitude  = updateBody.GetLatitude(updateOrbit.pos);
                double longitude = updateBody.GetLongitude(updateOrbit.pos);
                double altitude  = updateBody.GetAltitude(updateOrbit.pos);
                updateVessel.latitude              = latitude;
                updateVessel.longitude             = longitude;
                updateVessel.altitude              = altitude;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.latitude  = latitude;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.longitude = longitude;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.altitude  = altitude;

                if (updateVessel.packed)
                    //The OrbitDriver update call will set the vessel position on the next fixed update
                    VesselUtil.CopyOrbit(updateOrbit, updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit);
                    updateVessel.orbitDriver.pos = updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.pos.xzy;
                    updateVessel.orbitDriver.vel = updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.vel;
                    //Vessel.SetPosition is full of fun and games. Avoid at all costs.
                    //Also, It's quite difficult to figure out the world velocity due to Krakensbane, and the reference frame.
                    Vector3d posDelta = updateOrbit.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());
                    Vector3d velDelta = updateOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()).xzy - updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()).xzy;
                    //Vector3d velDelta = updateOrbit.vel.xzy - updateVessel.orbitDriver.orbit.vel.xzy;

            Quaternion unfudgedRotation = new Quaternion(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3]);
            Quaternion updateRotation   = normalRotate * unfudgedRotation;

            updateVessel.SetRotation(updateVessel.mainBody.bodyTransform.rotation * updateRotation);
            if (updateVessel.packed)
                updateVessel.srfRelRotation       = updateRotation;
                updateVessel.protoVessel.rotation = updateVessel.srfRelRotation;

            //Angular velocity
            Vector3 angularVelocity = updateVessel.mainBody.bodyTransform.rotation * updateRotation * new Vector3(this.angularVelocity[0], this.angularVelocity[1], this.angularVelocity[2]);

            if (updateVessel.parts != null)
                foreach (Part vesselPart in updateVessel.parts)
                    if (vesselPart.rb != null && !vesselPart.rb.isKinematic && vesselPart.State == PartStates.ACTIVE)
                        vesselPart.rb.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;
                        if (vesselPart != updateVessel.rootPart)
                            Vector3 rootPos           = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.rootPart.rb.position;
                            Vector3 rootVel           = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.rootPart.rb.velocity;
                            Vector3 diffPos           = vesselPart.rb.position - rootPos;
                            Vector3 partVelDifference = Vector3.Cross(angularVelocity, diffPos);
                            vesselPart.rb.velocity = rootVel + partVelDifference;

            //Flight state controls (Throttle etc)
            if (!vesselWorker.isSpectating)

            //Action group controls
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Gear, actiongroupControls[0]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Light, actiongroupControls[1]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, actiongroupControls[2]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, actiongroupControls[3]);
            updateVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.RCS, actiongroupControls[4]);
        private static Vector2d GetCorrection()
            if (!Trajectories.IsVesselAttached)

            Vector3d?     targetPosition = TargetProfile.WorldPosition;
            CelestialBody body           = TargetProfile.Body;

            if (!targetPosition.HasValue || patch == null || !patch.ImpactPosition.HasValue || patch.StartingState.ReferenceBody != body || !patch.IsAtmospheric)

            // Get impact position, or, if some point over the trajectory has not enough clearance, smoothly interpolate to that point depending on how much clearance is missing
            Vector3d impactPosition = patch.ImpactPosition.Value;

            foreach (Trajectory.Point p in patch.AtmosphericTrajectory)
                double neededClearance  = 600.0d;
                double missingClearance = neededClearance - (p.pos.magnitude - body.Radius - p.groundAltitude);
                if (missingClearance > 0.0d)
                    if (Vector3d.Distance(p.pos, patch.RawImpactPosition.Value) > 3000.0d)
                        double   coeff      = missingClearance / neededClearance;
                        Vector3d rotatedPos = p.pos;
                        if (!Settings.BodyFixedMode)
                            rotatedPos = Trajectory.CalculateRotatedPosition(body, p.pos, p.time);
                        impactPosition = impactPosition * (1.0d - coeff) + rotatedPos * coeff;

            Vector3d right  = Vector3d.Cross(patch.ImpactVelocity.Value, impactPosition).normalized;
            Vector3d behind = Vector3d.Cross(right, impactPosition).normalized;

            Vector3d offset    = targetPosition.Value - impactPosition;
            Vector2d offsetDir = new Vector2d(Vector3d.Dot(right, offset), Vector3d.Dot(behind, offset));

            offsetDir *= 0.00005d; // 20km <-> 1 <-> 45° (this is purely indicative, no physical meaning, it would be very complicated to compute an actual correction angle as it depends on the spacecraft behavior in the atmosphere ; a small angle will suffice for a plane, but even a big angle might do almost nothing for a rocket)

            Vector3d pos = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            Vector3d vel = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos); // air velocity

            double plannedAngleOfAttack = (double)DescentProfile.GetAngleOfAttack(body, pos, vel);

            if (plannedAngleOfAttack < Util.HALF_PI)
                offsetDir.y = -offsetDir.y; // behavior is different for prograde or retrograde entry
            double maxCorrection = 1.0d;

            offsetDir.x = Util.Clamp(offsetDir.x, -maxCorrection, maxCorrection);
            offsetDir.y = Util.Clamp(offsetDir.y, -maxCorrection, maxCorrection);

        protected bool CheckParameters(MonolithState paramState)
            if (paramState < currentState)

            // StarJeb not active vessel
            if (starJeb != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != starJeb ||
                candidate != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != candidate)
                stepTime = Time.fixedTime;

            // Create the velocity change handler
            if (velHdlr == null)
                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Adding VelocityHandler");
                velHdlr       = MapView.MapCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <VelocityHandler>();
                velHdlr.param = this;

            switch (currentState)
            case MonolithState.STARTED:
                // Look for an eva
                if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselType == VesselType.EVA)
                    candidate     = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
                    candidateName = candidate.vesselName;
                    LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Got an eva, starJeb = " + candidate.vesselName);

            case MonolithState.EVA:
                Vessel discovery         = ContractVesselTracker.Instance.GetAssociatedVessel("Discovery One");
                float  discoveryDistance = discovery == null ? 10000 : Vector3.Distance(discovery.transform.position, candidate.transform.position);

                if (distance < 10000 && discoveryDistance > distance && Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 10.0f || distance < MONOLITH_TOO_CLOSE)
                    // Store Star Jeb's name
                    starJeb     = candidate;
                    starJebName = candidateName;
                    PersistentDataStore.Instance.Store <string>("starJebName", starJebName);

                    // Store Star Jeb's friend's name
                    ProtoCrewMember protoStarJeb = candidate.GetVesselCrew().First();
                    if (discovery != null)
                        string          trait      = protoStarJeb.experienceTrait.TypeName == "Scientist" ? "Pilot" : "Scientist";
                        ProtoCrewMember notStarJeb = discovery.GetVesselCrew().Where(pcm => pcm.experienceTrait.TypeName == trait).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (notStarJeb != null)
                            PersistentDataStore.Instance.Store <string>("notStarJebName", notStarJeb.name);
                    candidate = null;

                    // Set the right image (male vs. female) for the end sequence
                    ConfiguredContract contract  = Root as ConfiguredContract;
                    DialogBox          dialogBox = contract.Behaviours.Select(b => b as DialogBox).Where(b => b != null).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (dialogBox != null)
                        FieldInfo detailsField = typeof(DialogBox).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).
                                                 Where(fi => fi.FieldType == typeof(List <DialogBox.DialogDetail>)).First();
                        DialogBox.DialogDetail detail       = ((List <DialogBox.DialogDetail>)detailsField.GetValue(dialogBox)).First();
                        DialogBox.ImageSection starJebImage = detail.sections.First() as DialogBox.ImageSection;
                        starJebImage.imageURL = protoStarJeb.gender == ProtoCrewMember.Gender.Male ?
                                                "ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/Images/starjeb.dds.noload" :


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS1:
                // Backup progress tracking
                progressTreeBackup = new ConfigNode("PROGRESS_TREE_BACKUP");

                // Give the first kick away from Jool - this one using regular velocity change
                CelestialBody jool = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Jool").First();

                // Find closest point on the jool-monolith line, and throw us away from that (so we don't hit either)
                Vector3 line    = monolith.transform.position - jool.transform.position;
                float   t       = Vector3.Dot(line, (starJeb.transform.position - jool.transform.position)) / Vector3.Dot(line, line);
                Vector3 closest = jool.transform.position + line * t;

                velocity  = (starJeb.transform.position - (t > 1.0 ? jool.transform.position : closest)).normalized;
                velocity += new Vector3(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f);
                velocity *= 15000;
                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

                // Camera to target jool
                FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition((starJeb.transform.position - jool.transform.position).normalized * 25.0f);

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS2:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 4.0f)
                    // Give the second kick away from Jool - these using anti-kraken velocity change
                    CelestialBody jool = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Jool").First();
                    velocity  = (starJeb.transform.position - jool.transform.position).normalized;
                    velocity += new Vector3(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f);
                    velocity *= 1500000;
                    LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS3:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 3.0f)
                    // Give the third kick away from Jool
                    CelestialBody jool = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Jool").First();
                    velocity  = (starJeb.transform.position - jool.transform.position).normalized;
                    velocity *= 20000000;
                    LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS4:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 2.0f)
                    // Give the fourth and final kick away from Jool
                    CelestialBody jool = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Jool").First();
                    velocity  = (starJeb.transform.position - jool.transform.position).normalized;
                    velocity *= 200000000;
                    LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS5:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 2.0f)
                    // Move along

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_DRES1:
                // Visit Dres
                CelestialBody dres = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Dres").First();

                // Determine which side the sun is on - makes for a better show
                CelestialBody sun       = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Sun").First();
                Vector3       sunnySide = sun.transform.position - dres.transform.position;
                sunnySide.x = 0.0f;
                sunnySide.y = 1;         // Move across the top of the planet
                sunnySide.z = Math.Sign(sunnySide.z);

                // Set position for starjeb
                float distance = 4.0f * (float)dres.Radius;
                starJeb.SetPosition(dres.transform.position + new Vector3(distance, (float)dres.Radius, (float)dres.Radius * sunnySide.z));

                velocity  = (dres.transform.position - starJeb.transform.position + sunnySide * ((float)dres.Radius)).normalized;
                velocity *= distance / 3.0f;
                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_DRES2:
                // Camera to target Dres - do this on a seperate update to allow KSP to catch up
                CelestialBody dres = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Dres").First();
                FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition(starJeb.transform.position + (starJeb.transform.position - dres.transform.position).normalized * 10.0f);

                // Make sure that the camera gets fixed
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 0.1f)

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_DRES3:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 5.5f)
                    // Done with Dres

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_DUNA1:
                // Start between the sun and Duna
                CelestialBody duna      = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Duna").First();
                CelestialBody sun       = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Sun").First();
                Vector3       sunnySide = sun.transform.position - duna.transform.position;

                // Set us up a nice 4 radiuses away...
                float distance = 4.0f * (float)duna.Radius;
                starJeb.SetPosition(duna.transform.position + sunnySide * distance);

                // Go straight at Duna
                velocity  = (duna.transform.position - starJeb.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity *= distance / 3.0f;
                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

                // Now offset him down so he doesn't actually hit Duna...
                starJeb.SetPosition(starJeb.transform.position + new Vector3(0.0f, -((float)duna.Radius + 55000), 0.0f));


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_DUNA2:
                // Camera to target Duna - do this on a seperate update to allow KSP to catch up
                CelestialBody duna = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Duna").First();
                FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition(starJeb.transform.position + (starJeb.transform.position - duna.transform.position).normalized * 25.0f);

                // Make sure that the camera gets fixed
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 0.1f)

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_DUNA3:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 5.5f)
                    // Done with Duna

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EELOO1:
                // Start perpendicular to the sun and Eeloo
                CelestialBody eeloo = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eeloo").First();
                CelestialBody sun   = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Sun").First();
                Vector3       perp  = eeloo.transform.position - sun.transform.position;
                float         tmp   = perp.x;
                perp.x = -perp.z;
                perp.z = tmp;

                // Set us up a nice 4 radiuses away...
                float distance = 4.0f * (float)eeloo.Radius;
                starJeb.SetPosition(eeloo.transform.position + perp * distance);

                // Determine which side the sun is on - makes for a better show
                Vector3 sunnySide = sun.transform.position - eeloo.transform.position;

                // Go straight at Eeloo
                velocity  = (eeloo.transform.position - starJeb.transform.position).normalized;
                velocity *= distance / 3.0f;
                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "kick magnitude will be: " + velocity);

                // Now offset him down so he doesn't actually hit Eeloo...
                starJeb.SetPosition(starJeb.transform.position + sunnySide * ((float)eeloo.Radius * 1.5f));


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EELOO2:
                // This time won't target directly towards Eeloo, as the player will have some idea
                // what is up by now.
                CelestialBody eeloo       = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eeloo").First();
                CelestialBody sun         = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Sun").First();
                Vector3       awayFromSun = sun.transform.position - eeloo.transform.position;

                FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition(starJeb.transform.position + awayFromSun * 50.0f);

                // Make sure that the camera gets fixed
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 0.1f)

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EELOO3:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 5.5f)
                    velocity = null;

                    // Done with Eeloo

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EVE1:
                CelestialBody eve            = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eve").First();
                Vector3       targetPosition = Destination.Value;
                Vector3       normal         = eve.GetSurfaceNVector(eveLatitude, eveLongitude);
                startDistance = 10000000f;
                Vector3 start = targetPosition + normal * startDistance;


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EVE2:
                // Camera straight towards Eve - we're going in!
                CelestialBody eve         = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eve").First();
                Vector3       awayFromEve = starJeb.transform.position - eve.transform.position;

                FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition(starJeb.transform.position + awayFromEve * 15.0f);

                // Make sure that the camera gets fixed
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 0.1f)

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EVE3:
                // Wait until we've held the position for a split second
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime >= 9.3f)

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EVE4:
                // Give the player a bit to get settled, then let the fun begins
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime >= 15.0f)
                    // Spawn some asteroids
                    CelestialBody eve = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eve").First();
                    ScenarioDiscoverableObjects asteroidSpawner = (ScenarioDiscoverableObjects)HighLogic.CurrentGame.scenarios.Find(
                        s => s.moduleRef is ScenarioDiscoverableObjects).moduleRef;
                    System.Random random = new System.Random();

                    // Spawn some more asteroids
                    for (int i = 0; i < ASTEROID_COUNT; i++)


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EVE5:
                // Wait a full second after spawning the asteroids - we're not allowed to pull
                // them off rails until they've been active a bit
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 1.0f)
                    // Spawn some asteroids
                    CelestialBody eve    = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eve").First();
                    System.Random random = new System.Random();

                    foreach (Vessel asteroid in FlightGlobals.Vessels.Where(v => v.vesselType == VesselType.SpaceObject).Reverse().Take(ASTEROID_COUNT))
                        // Set the position
                        double r         = random.NextDouble() * 0.02 + 0.002;
                        double theta     = random.NextDouble() * 2.0 * Math.PI;
                        double latitude  = starJeb.latitude + r * Math.Sin(theta);
                        double longitude = starJeb.longitude + r * Math.Cos(theta);
                        double altitude  = starJeb.altitude + 100 + random.NextDouble() * 200;
                        asteroid.SetPosition(eve.GetWorldSurfacePosition(latitude, longitude, altitude));

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_EVE6:
                // Determine if there's an asteroid about to kill us
                CelestialBody eve            = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Eve").First();
                bool          killerAsteroid = FlightGlobals.Vessels.Where(v => v.mainBody == eve && v.vesselType == VesselType.SpaceObject &&
                                                                           Vector3.Distance(starJeb.transform.position, v.transform.position) < 5.5 * ((int)v.DiscoveryInfo.objectSize + 1)).Any();

                if (killerAsteroid || Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 20.0f)
                    foreach (Vessel asteroid in FlightGlobals.Vessels.Where(v => v.vesselType == VesselType.SpaceObject).Reverse().Take(ASTEROID_COUNT))

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_KERBIN1:
                CheatOptions.NoCrashDamage = false;

                // Start between the sun and Kerbin
                CelestialBody kerbin    = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Kerbin").First();
                CelestialBody sun       = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Sun").First();
                Vector3       sunnySide = sun.transform.position - kerbin.transform.position;

                // Set us up a nice 4 radiuses away...
                float distance = 4.0f * (float)kerbin.Radius;
                starJeb.SetPosition(kerbin.transform.position + sunnySide * distance);

                // Orient him properly
                KerbalEVA  keva           = starJeb.FindPartModulesImplementing <KerbalEVA>().First();
                MethodInfo rotationMethod = typeof(KerbalEVA).GetMethod("correctGroundedRotation", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                starJeb.packed = true;
                rotationMethod.Invoke(keva, new object[] { });
                starJeb.packed = false;

                // Hardcode an orbital velocity, because it's late and I'm tired
                starJeb.SetWorldVelocity(kerbin.getRFrmVel(starJeb.transform.position).normalized * 1085);


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_KERBIN2:
                // Camera to target kerbin - do this on a seperate update to allow KSP to catch up
                CelestialBody kerbin = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Kerbin").First();
                FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition(starJeb.transform.position + (starJeb.transform.position - kerbin.transform.position).normalized * 10.0f);

                starJeb.SetRotation(FlightCamera.fetch.transform.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(180.0f, FlightCamera.fetch.transform.up));

                // Make sure that the camera gets fixed
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 0.1f)

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_KERBIN3:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime > 2.0f)
                    // Turn into star jeb
                    CelestialBody kerbin = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Kerbin").First();

                    starJeb.vesselName = "The Star Jeb";
                    FlightCamera.fetch.SetCamCoordsFromPosition(starJeb.transform.position + (starJeb.transform.position - kerbin.transform.position).normalized * 1.5f);


            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_KERBIN4:
                if (Time.fixedTime - stepTime < 15.0f)
                    CelestialBody kerbin       = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b.name == "Kerbin").First();
                    Vector3       camDirection = starJeb.transform.position + (starJeb.transform.position - kerbin.transform.position).normalized;

                    monolith = null;

                    starJeb = null;

                    Vessel discovery = ContractVesselTracker.Instance.GetAssociatedVessel("Discovery One");

            case MonolithState.FULL_OF_STARS_FINAL:

Example #28
        private IEnumerable <bool> AddPatch(VesselState startingState, DescentProfile profile)
            if (null == vessel_.patchedConicSolver)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Trajectories: AddPatch() attempted when patchedConicsSolver is null; Skipping.");
                yield break;

            CelestialBody body = startingState.referenceBody;

            var patch = new Patch();

            patch.startingState = startingState;
            patch.isAtmospheric = false;
            patch.spaceOrbit    = startingState.stockPatch ?? createOrbitFromState(startingState);
            patch.endTime       = patch.startingState.time + patch.spaceOrbit.period;

            // the flight plan does not always contain the first patches (before the first maneuver node), so we populate it with the current orbit and associated encounters etc.
            var flightPlan = new List <Orbit>();

            for (var orbit = vessel_.orbit; orbit != null && orbit.activePatch; orbit = orbit.nextPatch)
                if (vessel_.patchedConicSolver.flightPlan.Contains(orbit))

            foreach (var orbit in vessel_.patchedConicSolver.flightPlan)

            Orbit nextStockPatch = null;

            if (startingState.stockPatch != null)
                int planIdx = flightPlan.IndexOf(startingState.stockPatch);
                if (planIdx >= 0 && planIdx < flightPlan.Count - 1)
                    nextStockPatch = flightPlan[planIdx + 1];

            if (nextStockPatch != null)
                patch.endTime = nextStockPatch.StartUT;

            double maxAtmosphereAltitude = RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude(body);

            double minAltitude = patch.spaceOrbit.PeA;

            if (patch.endTime < startingState.time + patch.spaceOrbit.timeToPe)
                minAltitude = patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.endTime).magnitude;
            if (minAltitude < maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                double entryTime;
                if (startingState.position.magnitude <= body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                    // whole orbit is inside the atmosphere
                    entryTime = startingState.time;
                    // binary search of entry time in atmosphere
                    // I guess an analytic solution could be found, but I'm too lazy to search it
                    double from = startingState.time;
                    double to   = from + patch.spaceOrbit.timeToPe;

                    int loopCount = 0;
                    while (to - from > 0.1)
                        if (loopCount > 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("WARNING: infinite loop? (Trajectories.Trajectory.AddPatch, atmosphere limit search)");
                        double middle = (from + to) * 0.5;
                        if (patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(middle).magnitude < body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                            to = middle;
                            from = middle;

                    entryTime = to;

                if (entryTime > startingState.time + 0.1)
                    // add the space patch before atmospheric entry
                    patch.endTime = entryTime;

                    if (body.atmosphere)
                        AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                            position      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime)),
                            referenceBody = body,
                            time          = entryTime,
                            velocity      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime))
                        yield break;
                        // the body has no atmosphere, so what we actually computed is the impact on the body surface
                        // now, go back in time until the impact point is above the ground to take ground height in account
                        // we assume the ground is horizontal around the impact position
                        double groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, calculateRotatedPosition(body, Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime)), entryTime)) + body.Radius;

                        double iterationSize = 1.0;
                        while (entryTime > startingState.time + iterationSize && patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime).magnitude < groundAltitude)
                            entryTime -= iterationSize;

                        patch.endTime           = entryTime;
                        patch.rawImpactPosition = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime));
                        patch.impactPosition    = calculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.rawImpactPosition.Value, entryTime);
                        patch.impactVelocity    = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime));
                        AddPatch_outState = null;
                        yield break;
                    if (patch.startingState.referenceBody != vessel_.mainBody)
                        // in current aerodynamic prediction code, we can't handle predictions for another body, so we stop here
                        AddPatch_outState = null;
                        yield break;

                    // simulate atmospheric flight (drag and lift), until landing (more likely to be a crash as we don't predict user piloting) or atmosphere exit (typically for an aerobraking maneuver)
                    // the simulation assumes a constant angle of attack

                    patch.isAtmospheric            = true;
                    patch.startingState.stockPatch = null;

                    double dt = 0.1;                             // lower dt would be more accurate, but a tradeoff has to be found between performances and accuracy

                    int maxIterations = (int)(30.0 * 60.0 / dt); // some shallow entries can result in very long flight, for performances reasons, we limit the prediction duration

                    int    chunkSize          = 128;
                    double trajectoryInterval = 10.0; // time between two consecutive stored positions (more intermediate positions are computed for better accuracy), also used for ground collision checks
                    var    buffer             = new List <Point[]>();
                    buffer.Add(new Point[chunkSize]);
                    int nextPosIdx = 0;

                    Vector3d pos     = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime));
                    Vector3d vel     = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime));
                    Vector3d prevPos = pos - vel * dt;
                    //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("initial vel", "initial vel = " + vel);
                    double   currentTime               = entryTime;
                    double   lastPositionStoredUT      = 0;
                    Vector3d lastPositionStored        = new Vector3d();
                    bool     hitGround                 = false;
                    int      iteration                 = 0;
                    int      incrementIterations       = 0;
                    int      minIterationsPerIncrement = maxIterations / Settings.fetch.MaxFramesPerPatch;
                    while (true)

                        if (incrementIterations > minIterationsPerIncrement && incrementTime_.ElapsedMilliseconds > MaxIncrementTime)
                            yield return(false);

                            incrementIterations = 0;

                        double R               = pos.magnitude;
                        double altitude        = R - body.Radius;
                        double atmosphereCoeff = altitude / maxAtmosphereAltitude;
                        if (hitGround || atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || atmosphereCoeff >= 1.0 || iteration == maxIterations || currentTime > patch.endTime)
                            if (hitGround || atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0)
                                patch.rawImpactPosition = pos;
                                patch.impactPosition    = calculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.rawImpactPosition.Value, currentTime);
                                patch.impactVelocity    = vel;

                            patch.endTime = Math.Min(currentTime, patch.endTime);

                            int totalCount = (buffer.Count - 1) * chunkSize + nextPosIdx;
                            patch.atmosphericTrajectory = new Point[totalCount];
                            int outIdx = 0;
                            foreach (var chunk in buffer)
                                foreach (var p in chunk)
                                    if (outIdx == totalCount)
                                    patch.atmosphericTrajectory[outIdx++] = p;

                            if (iteration == maxIterations)
                                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("WARNING: trajectory prediction stopped, too many iterations");
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                            else if (atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || hitGround)
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                                AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                                    position      = pos,
                                    velocity      = vel,
                                    referenceBody = body,
                                    time          = patch.endTime
                                yield break;

                        Vector3d gravityAccel = pos * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

                        //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("prediction vel", "prediction vel = " + vel);
                        Vector3d airVelocity      = vel - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos);
                        double   angleOfAttack    = profile.GetAngleOfAttack(body, pos, airVelocity);
                        Vector3d aerodynamicForce = aerodynamicModel_.GetForces(body, pos, airVelocity, angleOfAttack);
                        Vector3d acceleration     = gravityAccel + aerodynamicForce / aerodynamicModel_.mass;

                        // acceleration in the vessel reference frame is acceleration - gravityAccel
                        maxAccelBackBuffer_ = Math.Max((float)(aerodynamicForce.magnitude / aerodynamicModel_.mass), maxAccelBackBuffer_);

                        //vel += acceleration * dt;
                        //pos += vel * dt;

                        // Verlet integration (more precise than using the velocity)
                        Vector3d ppos = prevPos;
                        prevPos = pos;
                        pos     = pos + pos - ppos + acceleration * (dt * dt);
                        vel     = (pos - prevPos) / dt;

                        currentTime += dt;

                        double interval = altitude < 10000.0 ? trajectoryInterval * 0.1 : trajectoryInterval;
                        if (currentTime >= lastPositionStoredUT + interval)
                            double groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, calculateRotatedPosition(body, pos, currentTime));
                            if (lastPositionStoredUT > 0)
                                // check terrain collision, to detect impact on mountains etc.
                                Vector3 rayOrigin         = lastPositionStored;
                                Vector3 rayEnd            = pos;
                                double  absGroundAltitude = groundAltitude + body.Radius;
                                if (absGroundAltitude > rayEnd.magnitude)
                                    hitGround = true;
                                    float coeff = Math.Max(0.01f, (float)((absGroundAltitude - rayOrigin.magnitude) / (rayEnd.magnitude - rayOrigin.magnitude)));
                                    pos         = rayEnd * coeff + rayOrigin * (1.0f - coeff);
                                    currentTime = currentTime * coeff + lastPositionStoredUT * (1.0f - coeff);

                            lastPositionStoredUT = currentTime;
                            if (nextPosIdx == chunkSize)
                                buffer.Add(new Point[chunkSize]);
                                nextPosIdx = 0;
                            Vector3d nextPos = pos;
                            if (Settings.fetch.BodyFixedMode)
                                nextPos = calculateRotatedPosition(body, nextPos, currentTime);
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].aerodynamicForce = aerodynamicForce;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].orbitalVelocity  = vel;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].groundAltitude   = (float)groundAltitude;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].time             = currentTime;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx++].pos            = nextPos;
                            lastPositionStored = pos;
                // no atmospheric entry, just add the space orbit
                if (nextStockPatch != null)
                    AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                        position      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.endTime)),
                        velocity      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(patch.endTime)),
                        referenceBody = nextStockPatch == null ? body : nextStockPatch.referenceBody,
                        time          = patch.endTime,
                        stockPatch    = nextStockPatch
                    yield break;
                    AddPatch_outState = null;
                    yield break;
Example #29
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene != GameScenes.FLIGHT)

            double now = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            double dt  = now - PreviousFrameTime;

            if (dt > 0.5 || dt < 0.0)
                Vector3d bodySpacePosition = new Vector3d();
                Vector3d bodySpaceVelocity = new Vector3d();

                if (aerodynamicModel_ != null && vessel_ != null)
                    CelestialBody body = vessel_.orbit.referenceBody;

                    bodySpacePosition = vessel_.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
                    bodySpaceVelocity = vessel_.obt_velocity;

                    double altitudeAboveSea = bodySpacePosition.magnitude - body.Radius;

                    Vector3d airVelocity = bodySpaceVelocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + bodySpacePosition);

                                        #if DEBUG_COMPARE_FORCES
                    double   R            = PreviousFramePos.magnitude;
                    Vector3d gravityForce = PreviousFramePos * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R) * vessel_.totalMass);

                    Quaternion inverseRotationFix = body.inverseRotation ? Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)(body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0 * dt), Vector3.up) : Quaternion.identity;
                    Vector3d   TotalForce         = (bodySpaceVelocity - inverseRotationFix * PreviousFrameVelocity) * (vessel_.totalMass / dt);
                    TotalForce += bodySpaceVelocity * (dt * 0.000015);                     // numeric precision fix
                    Vector3d ActualForce = TotalForce - gravityForce;

                    Transform vesselTransform = vessel_.ReferenceTransform;
                    Vector3d  vesselBackward  = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.up.normalized);
                    Vector3d  vesselForward   = -vesselBackward;
                    Vector3d  vesselUp        = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.forward.normalized);
                    Vector3d  vesselRight     = Vector3d.Cross(vesselUp, vesselBackward).normalized;
                    double    AoA             = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(airVelocity.normalized, vesselForward.normalized));
                    if (Vector3d.Dot(airVelocity, vesselUp) > 0)
                        AoA = -AoA;

                    VesselAerodynamicModel.DebugParts = true;
                    Vector3d referenceForce = aerodynamicModel_.ComputeForces(20000, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1500), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), 0);
                    VesselAerodynamicModel.DebugParts = false;

                    Vector3d predictedForce = aerodynamicModel_.ComputeForces(altitudeAboveSea, airVelocity, vesselUp, AoA);
                    //VesselAerodynamicModel.Verbose = true;
                    Vector3d predictedForceWithCache = aerodynamicModel_.GetForces(body, bodySpacePosition, airVelocity, AoA);
                    //VesselAerodynamicModel.Verbose = false;

                    Vector3d localTotalForce              = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(TotalForce, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(TotalForce, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(TotalForce, vesselBackward));
                    Vector3d localActualForce             = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(ActualForce, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(ActualForce, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(ActualForce, vesselBackward));
                    Vector3d localPredictedForce          = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselBackward));
                    Vector3d localPredictedForceWithCache = new Vector3d(Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselRight), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselUp), Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselBackward));

                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("actual/predict comparison", "air vel=" + Math.Floor(airVelocity.magnitude) + " ; AoA=" + (AoA * 180.0 / Math.PI));
                    //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("total force", "actual total force=" + localTotalForce.ToString("0.000"));
                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("actual force", "actual force=" + localActualForce.ToString("0.000"));
                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("predicted force", "predicted force=" + localPredictedForce.ToString("0.000"));
                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("predict with cache", "predicted force with cache=" + localPredictedForceWithCache.ToString("0.000"));

                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("reference force", "reference force=" + referenceForce.ToString("0.000"));

                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("current vel", "current vel=" + bodySpaceVelocity.ToString("0.00") + " (mag=" + bodySpaceVelocity.magnitude.ToString("0.00") + ")");
                    //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("vel from pos", "vel from pos=" + ((bodySpacePosition - PreviousFramePos) / dt).ToString("0.000") + " (mag=" + ((bodySpacePosition - PreviousFramePos) / dt).magnitude.ToString("0.00") + ")");
                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("force diff", "force ratio=" + (localActualForce.z / localPredictedForce.z).ToString("0.000"));
                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("drag", "physics drag=" + vessel_.rootPart.rb.drag);

                    double approximateRho = StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(altitudeAboveSea, body);
                    double preciseRho     = StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(vessel_.GetWorldPos3D(), body);
                    double actualRho      = vessel_.atmDensity;
                    Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("rho info", /*"preciseRho=" + preciseRho.ToString("0.0000") + " ; " +*/ "rho=" + approximateRho.ToString("0.0000") + " ; actual=" + actualRho.ToString("0.0000") + " ; ratio=" + (actualRho / approximateRho).ToString("0.00"));

                PreviousFrameVelocity = bodySpaceVelocity;
                PreviousFramePos      = bodySpacePosition;
                PreviousFrameTime     = now;
Example #30
        private static Vector2 GetCorrection()
            var vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;

            if (vessel == null)
                return(new Vector2(0, 0));

            Vector3?      targetPosition = Trajectory.Target.WorldPosition;
            var           patch          = Trajectory.fetch.Patches.LastOrDefault();
            CelestialBody body           = Trajectory.Target.Body;

            if (!targetPosition.HasValue || patch == null || !patch.ImpactPosition.HasValue || patch.StartingState.ReferenceBody != body || !patch.IsAtmospheric)
                return(new Vector2(0, 0));

            // Get impact position, or, if some point over the trajectory has not enough clearance, smoothly interpolate to that point depending on how much clearance is missing
            Vector3 impactPosition = patch.ImpactPosition.Value;

            foreach (var p in patch.AtmosphericTrajectory)
                float neededClearance  = 600.0f;
                float missingClearance = neededClearance - (p.pos.magnitude - (float)body.Radius - p.groundAltitude);
                if (missingClearance > 0.0f)
                    if (Vector3.Distance(p.pos, patch.RawImpactPosition.Value) > 3000.0f)
                        float   coeff      = missingClearance / neededClearance;
                        Vector3 rotatedPos = p.pos;
                        if (!Settings.fetch.BodyFixedMode)
                            rotatedPos = Trajectory.CalculateRotatedPosition(body, p.pos, p.time);
                        impactPosition = impactPosition * (1.0f - coeff) + rotatedPos * coeff;

            Vector3 right  = Vector3.Cross(patch.ImpactVelocity.Value, impactPosition).normalized;
            Vector3 behind = Vector3.Cross(right, impactPosition).normalized;

            Vector3 offset    = targetPosition.Value - impactPosition;
            Vector2 offsetDir = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(right, offset), Vector3.Dot(behind, offset));

            offsetDir *= 0.00005f; // 20km <-> 1 <-> 45° (this is purely indicative, no physical meaning, it would be very complicated to compute an actual correction angle as it depends on the spacecraft behavior in the atmosphere ; a small angle will suffice for a plane, but even a big angle might do almost nothing for a rocket)

            Vector3d pos = vessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            Vector3d vel = vessel.obt_velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos); // air velocity
            float    plannedAngleOfAttack = (float)DescentProfile.fetch.GetAngleOfAttack(body, pos, vel);

            if (plannedAngleOfAttack < Math.PI * 0.5f)
                offsetDir.y = -offsetDir.y; // behavior is different for prograde or retrograde entry
            float maxCorrection = 1.0f;

            offsetDir.x = Mathf.Clamp(offsetDir.x, -maxCorrection, maxCorrection);
            offsetDir.y = Mathf.Clamp(offsetDir.y, -maxCorrection, maxCorrection);

Example #31
        internal static void DebugTelemetry()
            if (!Util.IsFlight)

            double now = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            double dt  = now - PreviousFrameTime;

            if (dt > 0.5 || dt < 0.0)
                Vector3d bodySpacePosition = new Vector3d();
                Vector3d bodySpaceVelocity = new Vector3d();

                if (aerodynamicModel_ != null && Trajectories.IsVesselAttached)
                    CelestialBody body = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.orbit.referenceBody;

                    bodySpacePosition = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
                    bodySpaceVelocity = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.obt_velocity;

                    double altitudeAboveSea = bodySpacePosition.magnitude - body.Radius;

                    Vector3d airVelocity = bodySpaceVelocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + bodySpacePosition);

                    double   R            = PreviousFramePos.magnitude;
                    Vector3d gravityForce = PreviousFramePos * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R) * Trajectories.AttachedVessel.totalMass);

                    Quaternion inverseRotationFix = body.inverseRotation ?
                                                    Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)(body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0 * dt), Vector3.up)
                        : Quaternion.identity;
                    Vector3d TotalForce = (bodySpaceVelocity - inverseRotationFix * PreviousFrameVelocity) * (Trajectories.AttachedVessel.totalMass / dt);
                    TotalForce += bodySpaceVelocity * (dt * 0.000015); // numeric precision fix
                    Vector3d ActualForce = TotalForce - gravityForce;

                    Transform vesselTransform = Trajectories.AttachedVessel.ReferenceTransform;
                    Vector3d  vesselBackward  = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.up.normalized);
                    Vector3d  vesselForward   = -vesselBackward;
                    Vector3d  vesselUp        = (Vector3d)(-vesselTransform.forward.normalized);
                    Vector3d  vesselRight     = Vector3d.Cross(vesselUp, vesselBackward).normalized;
                    double    AoA             = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(airVelocity.normalized, vesselForward.normalized));
                    if (Vector3d.Dot(airVelocity, vesselUp) > 0)
                        AoA = -AoA;

                    VesselAerodynamicModel.DebugParts = true;
                    Vector3d referenceForce = aerodynamicModel_.ComputeForces(20000, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1500), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), 0);
                    VesselAerodynamicModel.DebugParts = false;

                    Vector3d predictedForce = aerodynamicModel_.ComputeForces(altitudeAboveSea, airVelocity, vesselUp, AoA);
                    //VesselAerodynamicModel.Verbose = true;
                    Vector3d predictedForceWithCache = aerodynamicModel_.GetForces(body, bodySpacePosition, airVelocity, AoA);
                    //VesselAerodynamicModel.Verbose = false;

                    Vector3d localTotalForce = new Vector3d(
                        Vector3d.Dot(TotalForce, vesselRight),
                        Vector3d.Dot(TotalForce, vesselUp),
                        Vector3d.Dot(TotalForce, vesselBackward));
                    Vector3d localActualForce = new Vector3d(
                        Vector3d.Dot(ActualForce, vesselRight),
                        Vector3d.Dot(ActualForce, vesselUp),
                        Vector3d.Dot(ActualForce, vesselBackward));
                    Vector3d localPredictedForce = new Vector3d(
                        Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselRight),
                        Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselUp),
                        Vector3d.Dot(predictedForce, vesselBackward));
                    Vector3d localPredictedForceWithCache = new Vector3d(
                        Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselRight),
                        Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselUp),
                        Vector3d.Dot(predictedForceWithCache, vesselBackward));

                    Telemetry.Send("ut", now);
                    Telemetry.Send("altitude", Trajectories.AttachedVessel.altitude);

                    Telemetry.Send("airspeed", Math.Floor(airVelocity.magnitude));
                    Telemetry.Send("aoa", (AoA * 180.0 / Math.PI));

                    Telemetry.Send("force_actual", localActualForce.magnitude);
                    Telemetry.Send("force_actual.x", localActualForce.x);
                    Telemetry.Send("force_actual.y", localActualForce.y);
                    Telemetry.Send("force_actual.z", localActualForce.z);

                    //Telemetry.Send("force_total", localTotalForce.magnitude);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_total.x", localTotalForce.x);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_total.y", localTotalForce.y);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_total.z", localTotalForce.z);

                    Telemetry.Send("force_predicted", localPredictedForce.magnitude);
                    Telemetry.Send("force_predicted.x", localPredictedForce.x);
                    Telemetry.Send("force_predicted.y", localPredictedForce.y);
                    Telemetry.Send("force_predicted.z", localPredictedForce.z);

                    Telemetry.Send("force_predicted_cache", localPredictedForceWithCache.magnitude);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_predicted_cache.x", localPredictedForceWithCache.x);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_predicted_cache.y", localPredictedForceWithCache.y);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_predicted_cache.z", localPredictedForceWithCache.z);

                    //Telemetry.Send("force_reference", referenceForce.magnitude);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_reference.x", referenceForce.x);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_reference.y", referenceForce.y);
                    //Telemetry.Send("force_reference.z", referenceForce.z);

                    //Telemetry.Send("velocity.x", bodySpaceVelocity.x);
                    //Telemetry.Send("velocity.y", bodySpaceVelocity.y);
                    //Telemetry.Send("velocity.z", bodySpaceVelocity.z);

                    //Vector3d velocity_pos = (bodySpacePosition - PreviousFramePos) / dt;
                    //Telemetry.Send("velocity_pos.x", velocity_pos.x);
                    //Telemetry.Send("velocity_pos.y", velocity_pos.y);
                    //Telemetry.Send("velocity_pos.z", velocity_pos.z);

                    Telemetry.Send("drag", Trajectories.AttachedVessel.rootPart.rb.drag);

                    Telemetry.Send("density", Trajectories.AttachedVessel.atmDensity);
                    Telemetry.Send("density_calc", StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(altitudeAboveSea, body));
                    Telemetry.Send("density_calc_precise", StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(Trajectories.AttachedVessel.GetWorldPos3D(), body));

                    Telemetry.Send("temperature", Trajectories.AttachedVessel.atmosphericTemperature);
                    Telemetry.Send("temperature_calc", StockAeroUtil.GetTemperature(Trajectories.AttachedVessel.GetWorldPos3D(), body));

                PreviousFrameVelocity = bodySpaceVelocity;
                PreviousFramePos      = bodySpacePosition;
                PreviousFrameTime     = now;