/// <summary>
		/// Debug draw periapsis, apoapsis and center points in scene window
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="body"></param>
		static void DrawOrbitPointsInEditorFor(CelestialBody body) {
			if (!body.isActiveAndEnabled || body.IsFixedPosition || body.Attractor == null || body.RelativeVelocity == Vector2.zero || !body.IsValidOrbit()) {
			var size = 1f;
			DebugDrawX(body.CenterPoint, size, Color.red);
			DebugDrawX(body.Periapsis, size, Color.green);
			Handles.color = Color.blue;
			Handles.DrawLine( body._transform.position, body.Attractor._transform.position );
			 * //additional optional debug lines:
			Vector2 meanLine = new Vector2( 0, 3 ) * body._radiusVectorMagnitude;
			meanLine = CelestialBody.RotateVectorByAngle( meanLine, body._argumentOfPeriapsis + body._meanAnomaly );
			Handles.color = Color.yellow;
			Handles.DrawLine( body._centerPoint, body._centerPoint + meanLine );
			Vector2 eccLine = new Vector2( 0, 3 ) * body._radiusVectorMagnitude;
			eccLine = CelestialBody.RotateVectorByAngle( eccLine, body._argumentOfPeriapsis + body._eccentricAnomaly );
			Handles.color = Color.white;
			Handles.DrawLine( body._centerPoint, body._centerPoint + eccLine );
			Vector2 trueLine =new Vector2( 0, 2 ) * body._radiusVectorMagnitude;
			trueLine = CelestialBody.RotateVectorByAngle( trueLine, body._argumentOfPeriapsis + body._trueAnomaly );
			Handles.color = Color.cyan;
			Handles.DrawLine( body._focusPoint, body._focusPoint + trueLine );
			Handles.color = Color.white;
			if (body.Eccentricity < 1) {
				DebugDrawX(body.Apoapsis, size, Color.yellow); //apoasis become infinity if eccentricity >= 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug draw periapsis, apoapsis and center points in scene window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        static void DrawOrbitPointsInEditorFor(CelestialBody body)
            if (!body.isActiveAndEnabled || body.IsFixedPosition || body.Attractor == null || body.RelativeVelocity == Vector2.zero || !body.IsValidOrbit())
            var size = 1f;

            DebugDrawX(body.CenterPoint, size, Color.red);
            DebugDrawX(body.Periapsis, size, Color.green);
            Handles.color = Color.blue;

             * Handles.DrawLine( body._transform.position, body.Attractor._transform.position );
             * //additional optional debug lines:
             * Vector2 meanLine = new Vector2( 0, 3 ) * body._radiusVectorMagnitude;
             * meanLine = CelestialBody.RotateVectorByAngle( meanLine, body._argumentOfPeriapsis + body._meanAnomaly );
             * Handles.color = Color.yellow;
             * Handles.DrawLine( body._centerPoint, body._centerPoint + meanLine );
             * Vector2 eccLine = new Vector2( 0, 3 ) * body._radiusVectorMagnitude;
             * eccLine = CelestialBody.RotateVectorByAngle( eccLine, body._argumentOfPeriapsis + body._eccentricAnomaly );
             * Handles.color = Color.white;
             * Handles.DrawLine( body._centerPoint, body._centerPoint + eccLine );
             * Vector2 trueLine =new Vector2( 0, 2 ) * body._radiusVectorMagnitude;
             * trueLine = CelestialBody.RotateVectorByAngle( trueLine, body._argumentOfPeriapsis + body._trueAnomaly );
             * Handles.color = Color.cyan;
             * Handles.DrawLine( body._focusPoint, body._focusPoint + trueLine );
            Handles.color = Color.white;
            if (body.Eccentricity < 1)
                DebugDrawX(body.Apoapsis, size, Color.yellow);                 //apoasis become infinity if eccentricity >= 1