public ActionResult CategoryList()
            CategoryDataStore  Obj      = new CategoryDataStore();
            List <SA_Category> NewsList = Obj.GetCategoryList().OrderByDescending(w =>;

            return(PartialView("~/Views/PartialView/CategoryPartialView.cshtml", NewsList));
        public ActionResult SaveCategory(SA_Category UserCategory)
            for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)
                var file = Request.Files[i];

                if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                    var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                    var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ProductImages"), fileName);
                    UserCategory.CategoryImg = fileName;
            UserCategory.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now;
            CategoryDataStore Obj = new CategoryDataStore();

            if ( == 0)
        public ActionResult ProductList(string id, string search)
            NewsDataStore        Obj      = new NewsDataStore();
            DealsDataStore       d        = new DealsDataStore();
            ProductListViewModel model    = new ProductListViewModel();
            List <SA_News>       NewsList = Obj.GetNewsList();

            model.NewsList = NewsList;
            List <SA_Deals> DealList = d.GetDealsList();

            model.DealsList = DealList;
            ProductDataStore        p           = new ProductDataStore();
            IQueryable <SA_Product> ProductList = p.GetProductListBySearch(id, search);

            model.ProductList = ProductList;
            CategoryDataStore c = new CategoryDataStore();

            if (id != "")
                var categoryName = c.GetCategoryByid(Convert.ToInt32(id));
                ViewBag.CategoryName = categoryName.CategoryName;
                ViewBag.CategoryName = "";

            ViewBag.category = c.CategoryList();
            return(View("~/Views/ChemAnalyst/products.cshtml", model));
        public JsonResult CategoryList()
            CategoryDataStore  Obj          = new CategoryDataStore();
            List <SA_Category> CategoryList = Obj.GetCategoryList();

            return(Json(new { data = CategoryList }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // GET: ProductAndCategory
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Category data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Category()
            CategoryDataStore Obj = new CategoryDataStore();

            //List<SA_Category> CategoryList = Obj.GetCategoryList();
        public override Article CreateArticle(Category category, string owner,
                                            string name, string title, 
                                            string description, string body)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore articleStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);
                if (articleStore.FindByName(name) != null)
                    throw new ArticleNameAlreadyExistsException(name);

                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                Article article = new Article(category, name, owner, title, description, body);
                article.Author = owner;

                if (category.AutoApprove)
                    article.Approved = true;



                return article;
        public ActionResult AddCategory()
            CategoryDataStore ObjDal          = new CategoryDataStore();
            SA_Category       objCatViewModel = new SA_Category();

            // objCatViewModel.ProductList = ObjDal.GetProductList();

            return(View("add-category", objCatViewModel));
        public ActionResult AddProduct()
            CategoryDataStore     ObjDal       = new CategoryDataStore();
            SA_ProductViewModel   obj          = new SA_ProductViewModel();
            List <SelectListItem> CategoryList = ObjDal.CategoryList();

            obj.CategoryList = CategoryList;
            return(View("add-Product", obj));
        public override void DeleteCategory(Category category)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);


Example #10
        public async void LoadItemId(int itemId)
                var category = await CategoryDataStore.GetItemAsync(itemId);

                Text        = category.Text;
                Description = category.Description;
                SuccessRate = category.SuccessRate;
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Load Category");
        public override Category CreateCategory(string name, string displayName)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                Category category = new Category(name, displayName);



                return category;
        public ActionResult Create(long?categoryId)
            if (!categoryId.HasValue)
                var categories = CategoryDataStore.GetAll().ToArray();
                return(View("ChooseRequestCategory", categories));

            var cat = CategoryDataStore.Get(categoryId.Value);

            return(View(new NewRequestFormDto
                CategoryId = cat.Id,
                CategoryName = cat.Name,
                AuthorId = CurrentOperatorService.GetCurrentUser().Id
        public void Create(NewRequestFormDto requestFormDto)
            // todo wrap to transaction
            var category = CategoryDataStore.Get(requestFormDto.CategoryId);

            var newRequest = new Request
                Category     = category,
                Comment      = requestFormDto.Comment,
                Author       = UserDataStore.Get(requestFormDto.AuthorId),
                ConsumerName = requestFormDto.CustemerFio,
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Phone        = requestFormDto.PhoneNumber,
                State        = EState.Registered

        public ActionResult EditProduct(int id)
            ProductDataStore Obj = new ProductDataStore();
            SA_Product       obj = Obj.GetProductByid(id);

            CategoryDataStore     Objcat       = new CategoryDataStore();
            List <SelectListItem> CategoryList = Objcat.CategoryList();
            SA_ProductViewModel   objSaCatV    = new SA_ProductViewModel();

            objSaCatV.ProductName        = obj.ProductName;
            objSaCatV.ProductDiscription = obj.ProductDiscription;
            objSaCatV.Meta               = obj.Meta;
            objSaCatV.MetaDiscription    = obj.MetaDiscription;
            objSaCatV.CategoryList       = CategoryList;
            objSaCatV.Category           = obj.Category.ToString();

            return(View("add-Product", objSaCatV));
        public ActionResult EditCategory(int id)
            CategoryDataStore Obj = new CategoryDataStore();
            SA_Category       obj = Obj.GetCategoryByid(id);
            // List<SelectListItem> productList = Obj.GetProductList();
            SA_Category objSaCatV = new SA_Category();

            objSaCatV.CategoryName        = obj.CategoryName;
            objSaCatV.CategoryDiscription = obj.CategoryDiscription;
            objSaCatV.Meta                = obj.Meta;
            objSaCatV.MetaDiscription     = obj.MetaDiscription;
            objSaCatV.CategoryImg         = obj.CategoryImg;
            //   objSaCatV.ProductList = productList;

            return(View("add-Category", objSaCatV));
        public ActionResult ProductList()
            NewsDataStore        Obj      = new NewsDataStore();
            DealsDataStore       d        = new DealsDataStore();
            ProductListViewModel model    = new ProductListViewModel();
            List <SA_News>       NewsList = Obj.GetNewsList();

            model.NewsList = NewsList;
            List <SA_Deals> DealList = d.GetDealsList();

            model.DealsList = DealList;
            ProductDataStore  p           = new ProductDataStore();
            List <SA_Product> ProductList = p.GetProductList();

            model.ProductList = ProductList;
            CategoryDataStore c = new CategoryDataStore();

            ViewBag.category = c.CategoryList();
            return(View("~/Views/ChemAnalyst/products.cshtml", model));
        public ActionResult Reportsection()
            string cate    = Request.Form["categoryname"] != null ? Request.Form["categoryname"].ToString() : "";
            string country = Request.Form["countryname"] != null ? Request.Form["countryname"].ToString() : "";

            ViewBag.Cat = cate;
            ViewBag.Cou = country;
            CategoryDataStore  d            = new CategoryDataStore();
            IndustryViewModel  model        = new IndustryViewModel();
            List <SA_Industry> IndustryList = Obj.GetIndustryList().Where(x => (cate == "" || cate.Contains(x.CategoryID.ToString() + ",")) && (country == "" || country.Contains(x.CountryID.ToString() + ","))).OrderBy(w => =>;

            model.Industry = IndustryList;
            List <SelectListItem> lstCategory = d.CategoryList();

            model.lstCategory = lstCategory;

            List <SelectListItem> lstCountry = d.CountryList();

            model.lstCountry = lstCountry;

            return(View("report-section", model));
Example #18
        async Task ExecuteLoadCategoriesCommand()
            IsBusy = true;

                var items = await CategoryDataStore.GetItemsAsync(true);

                foreach (var item in items)
            catch (Exception ex)
                IsBusy = false;
        public ActionResult DeleteCategory(int id)
            CategoryDataStore Obj = new CategoryDataStore();
            // check if this category is in product
            ProductDataStore ObjProd = new ProductDataStore();

            if (ObjProd.CheckCategory(id))
                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "You can not delete this category, please delete related product first.";
                if (Obj.DeleteCategory(id) == true)
                    //return View("Category");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the topic and the relative root message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category"></param>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        /// <param name="attachment">Use null if you don't have any attachment</param>
        /// <param name="topic">Returns the topic created</param>
        /// <param name="rootMessage">Returns the message created</param>
        public override void CreateTopic(Category category, string owner,
                                          string title, string body, Attachment.FileInfo attachment,
                                          out Topic topic,
                                          out Message rootMessage)
            //Check attachment
            if (attachment != null)
                Attachment.FileHelper.CheckFile(attachment, category.AttachExtensions, category.AttachMaxSize);

            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(Configuration))
                CategoryDataStore forumStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                //Insert topic
                TopicDataStore topicStore = new TopicDataStore(transaction);
                topic = new Topic(category, owner, title);

                //Insert root message
                MessageDataStore messageStore = new MessageDataStore(transaction);
                rootMessage = new Message(topic, null, owner, title, body, attachment);

        public override Category GetCategoryByName(string name, bool throwIfNotFound)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                Category category = dataStore.FindByName(name);
                if (category == null && throwIfNotFound)
                    throw new WikiCategoryNotFoundException(name);
                else if (category == null)
                    return null;

                return category;
        public override Category GetCategory(string id)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                Category category = dataStore.FindByKey(id);
                if (category == null)
                    throw new WikiCategoryNotFoundException(id);

                return category;
        public override IList<Category> GetAllCategories()
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                return dataStore.FinAll();
Example #24
        private static void Main(string[] args)
                var executingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
                var workingDirectory   = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                var filePath           = args.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
                var outputFilePath     = args.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ?? $"{workingDirectory}/out.csv";
                var outputJsonFilePath = args.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ?? $"{workingDirectory}/out.json";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                    if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                        throw new FileNotFoundException($"No file found @ '{filePath}'");
                    var inputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(workingDirectory)
                                     .Where(f => f.EndsWith("xlsx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || f.EndsWith("csv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                     .Where(f => !f.EndsWith("out.csv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (inputFiles.Count == 0)
                        throw new IOException($"No files found in working directory: '{workingDirectory}'");
                    if (inputFiles.Count > 1)
                        throw new IOException($"More than one spreadsheet file was found in working directory: '{workingDirectory}'");
                    filePath = inputFiles.Single();

                WriteLine($"ifp: '{filePath}'");
                WriteLine($"ofp: '{outputFilePath};");
                WriteLine($"ojfp: '{outputJsonFilePath};");

                var spreadSheetFactory = new SpreadsheetFactory();
                var sheetService       = spreadSheetFactory.CreateSpreadsheetServiceFromFilePath(filePath);

                WriteLine($"ExecutingDir: '{executingDirectory}'");
                WriteLine($"WorkingDir: '{workingDirectory}'");

                ICategoryDataStore categoryStore = new CategoryDataStore();
                var rowData = sheetService.ReadSheet(filePath)
                              .Select(r => new TransactionDto
                    Type        = r["Type"],
                    TransDate   = DateTime.Parse(r["Trans Date"]),
                    PostDate    = DateTime.Parse(r["Post Date"]),
                    Description = r["Description"],
                    Amount      = decimal.Parse(r["Amount"]) * -1

                var groupedInfo = rowData.GroupBy(r => r.Description)
                                  .Select(g =>
                    var categoryData = categoryStore.GetCategory(g.Key);
                        Category = categoryData.Category,
                        Description = categoryData.Description,
                        RecordCount = g.Count(),
                        Sum = g.Sum(x => x.Amount),
                        DescriptionTransactions = g.Select(x => new TransactionDto
                            Type = x.Type,
                            TransDate = x.TransDate,
                            PostDate = x.PostDate,
                            Description = x.Description,
                            GenericDescription = categoryData.Description,
                            Amount = x.Amount,
                            Category = categoryData.Category
                        }).OrderBy(a => a.TransDate).ToList()
                                  .GroupBy(a => a.Category).Select(g => new
                    Category             = g.Key,
                    RecordCount          = g.Count(),
                    CategorySum          = g.Sum(x => x.Sum),
                    CategoryTransactions = g.OrderBy(x => x.Description).ToList()
                                  .OrderBy(a => a.Category);

                var flattenedData = groupedInfo.SelectMany(g => g.CategoryTransactions)
                                    .SelectMany(cts => cts.DescriptionTransactions
                                                .Select(tdto => new TransactionDto
                    Type               = tdto.Type,
                    TransDate          = tdto.TransDate,
                    PostDate           = tdto.PostDate,
                    Description        = tdto.Description,
                    GenericDescription = tdto.GenericDescription,
                    Amount             = tdto.Amount,
                    Category           = cts.Category
                                    .Where(d => !d.Category?.Equals("payments", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? true);

                var writeAbleData = flattenedData.Select(fd => new Dictionary <string, string>
                    [nameof(fd.Type)]               = fd.Type,
                    [nameof(fd.TransDate)]          = fd.TransDate.ToString(),
                    [nameof(fd.PostDate)]           = fd.PostDate.ToString(),
                    [nameof(fd.Description)]        = fd.Description,
                    [nameof(fd.GenericDescription)] = fd.GenericDescription,
                    [nameof(fd.Amount)]             = fd.Amount.ToString(),
                    [nameof(fd.Category)]           = fd.Category,

                var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(groupedInfo, Formatting.Indented);
                var data = sheetService.WriteSheet(writeAbleData);
                File.WriteAllBytes(outputFilePath, data);
                File.WriteAllText(outputJsonFilePath, json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine($"Error: '{ex.Message}'");