Example #1
        public void SimpleCaseSingleThreaded(bool useTransaction)
            using (
                var con = useTransaction
                    ? CatalogueRepository.BeginNewTransactedConnection()
                    : CatalogueRepository.GetConnection())
                Assert.AreEqual(ConnectionState.Open, con.Connection.State);

                if (useTransaction)

                Assert.AreEqual(ConnectionState.Closed, con.Connection.State);
Example #2
        public void SingleThreadedBulkCatalogueCreation(bool useTransactions)
            IManagedConnection c = null;

            if (useTransactions)
                c = CatalogueRepository.BeginNewTransactedConnection();

            using (c)
                //create lots of catalogues
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    var cata = new Catalogue(CatalogueRepository, "SuperMultiThreadedTestCatalogue" + Guid.NewGuid());
                    var copy = CatalogueRepository.GetObjectByID <Catalogue>(cata.ID);

                    copy.Description = "fish";
                    Assert.IsTrue(copy.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation == ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyDifferent);

                    Assert.IsTrue(copy.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation == ChangeDescription.NoChanges);

                //now fetch them out of database lots of times
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <Catalogue>();

                if (useTransactions)
        public void Execute()
            if (_planManager.TargetDatabase == null)
                throw new Exception("PlanManager has no TargetDatabase set");

            var memoryRepo = new MemoryCatalogueRepository();

            using (_catalogueRepository.BeginNewTransactedConnection())
                    //for each skipped table
                    foreach (var skippedTable in _planManager.SkippedTables)
                        //we might have to refactor or port JoinInfos to these tables so we should establish what the parenthood of them was
                        foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in skippedTable.ColumnInfos)
                            GetNewColumnInfoForOld(columnInfo, true);

                    //for each table that isn't being skipped
                    foreach (var oldTableInfo in _planManager.TableInfos.Except(_planManager.SkippedTables))
                        List <DatabaseColumnRequest> columnsToCreate = new List <DatabaseColumnRequest>();

                        Dictionary <string, ColumnInfo> migratedColumns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnInfo>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                        var querybuilderForMigratingTable = new QueryBuilder(null, null);

                        //for each column we are not skipping (Drop) work out the endpoint datatype (planner knows this)
                        foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in oldTableInfo.ColumnInfos)
                            var columnPlan = _planManager.GetPlanForColumnInfo(columnInfo);

                            if (columnPlan.Plan != Plan.Drop)
                                //add the column verbatim to the query builder because we know we have to read it from source
                                querybuilderForMigratingTable.AddColumn(new ColumnInfoToIColumn(memoryRepo, columnInfo));

                                string colName = columnInfo.GetRuntimeName();

                                //if it is being ano tabled then give the table name ANO as a prefix
                                if (columnPlan.Plan == Plan.ANO)
                                    colName = "ANO" + colName;

                                migratedColumns.Add(colName, columnInfo);

                                columnsToCreate.Add(new DatabaseColumnRequest(colName, columnPlan.GetEndpointDataType(), !columnInfo.IsPrimaryKey)
                                    IsPrimaryKey = columnInfo.IsPrimaryKey

                        SelectSQLForMigrations.Add(oldTableInfo, querybuilderForMigratingTable);

                        //Create the actual table
                        var tbl = _planManager.TargetDatabase.CreateTable(oldTableInfo.GetRuntimeName(), columnsToCreate.ToArray());

                        //import the created table
                        TableInfoImporter importer = new TableInfoImporter(_catalogueRepository, tbl);
                        importer.DoImport(out var newTableInfo, out var newColumnInfos);

                        //Audit the parenthood of the TableInfo/ColumnInfos
                        AuditParenthood(oldTableInfo, newTableInfo);

                        foreach (ColumnInfo newColumnInfo in newColumnInfos)
                            var oldColumnInfo = migratedColumns[newColumnInfo.GetRuntimeName()];

                            var columnPlan = _planManager.GetPlanForColumnInfo(oldColumnInfo);

                            if (columnPlan.Plan == Plan.ANO)
                                newColumnInfo.ANOTable_ID = columnPlan.ANOTable.ID;

                            //if there was a dilution configured we need to setup a virtual DLE load only column of the input type (this ensures RAW has a valid datatype)
                            if (columnPlan.Plan == Plan.Dilute)
                                //Create a discarded (load only) column with name matching the new columninfo
                                var discard = new PreLoadDiscardedColumn(_catalogueRepository, newTableInfo, newColumnInfo.GetRuntimeName());

                                //record that it exists to support dilution and that the data type matches the input (old) ColumnInfo (i.e. not the new data type!)
                                discard.Destination = DiscardedColumnDestination.Dilute;
                                discard.SqlDataType = oldColumnInfo.Data_type;

                                DilutionOperationsForMigrations.Add(discard, columnPlan.Dilution);

                            AuditParenthood(oldColumnInfo, newColumnInfo);

                        if (DilutionOperationsForMigrations.Any())
                            newTableInfo.IdentifierDumpServer_ID = _planManager.GetIdentifierDumpServer().ID;

                    NewCatalogue        = _planManager.Catalogue.ShallowClone();
                    NewCatalogue.Name   = "ANO" + _planManager.Catalogue.Name;
                    NewCatalogue.Folder = new CatalogueFolder(NewCatalogue, "\\anonymous" + NewCatalogue.Folder.Path);

                    AuditParenthood(_planManager.Catalogue, NewCatalogue);

                    //For each of the old ExtractionInformations (95% of the time that's just a reference to a ColumnInfo e.g. '[People].[Height]' but 5% of the time it's some horrible aliased transform e.g. 'dbo.RunMyCoolFunction([People].[Height]) as BigHeight'
                    foreach (CatalogueItem oldCatalogueItem in _planManager.Catalogue.CatalogueItems)
                        var oldColumnInfo = oldCatalogueItem.ColumnInfo;

                        //catalogue item is not connected to any ColumnInfo
                        if (oldColumnInfo == null)

                        var columnPlan = _planManager.GetPlanForColumnInfo(oldColumnInfo);

                        //we are not migrating it anyway
                        if (columnPlan.Plan == Plan.Drop)

                        ColumnInfo newColumnInfo = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(oldColumnInfo);

                        var newCatalogueItem = oldCatalogueItem.ShallowClone(NewCatalogue);

                        //and rewire it's ColumnInfo to the cloned child one
                        newCatalogueItem.ColumnInfo_ID = newColumnInfo.ID;

                        //If the old CatalogueItem had the same name as it's underlying ColumnInfo then we should use the new one otherwise just copy the old name whatever it was
                        newCatalogueItem.Name = oldCatalogueItem.Name.Equals(oldColumnInfo.Name) ? newColumnInfo.GetRuntimeName() : oldCatalogueItem.Name;

                        //add ANO to the front if the underlying column was annoed
                        if (newColumnInfo.GetRuntimeName().StartsWith("ANO") && !newCatalogueItem.Name.StartsWith("ANO"))
                            newCatalogueItem.Name = "ANO" + newCatalogueItem.Name;


                        var oldExtractionInformation = oldCatalogueItem.ExtractionInformation;

                        //if the plan is to make the ColumnInfo extractable
                        if (columnPlan.ExtractionCategoryIfAny != null)
                            //Create a new ExtractionInformation for the new Catalogue
                            var newExtractionInformation = new ExtractionInformation(_catalogueRepository, newCatalogueItem, newColumnInfo, newColumnInfo.Name);

                            newExtractionInformation.ExtractionCategory = columnPlan.ExtractionCategoryIfAny.Value;

                            //if it was previously extractable
                            if (oldExtractionInformation != null)
                                var refactorer = new SelectSQLRefactorer();

                                //restore the old SQL as it existed in the origin table
                                newExtractionInformation.SelectSQL = oldExtractionInformation.SelectSQL;

                                //do a refactor on the old column name for the new column name
                                refactorer.RefactorColumnName(newExtractionInformation, oldColumnInfo, newColumnInfo.Name, true);

                                //also refactor any other column names that might be referenced by the transform SQL e.g. it could be a combo column name where forename + surname is the value of the ExtractionInformation
                                foreach (var kvpOtherCols in _parenthoodDictionary.Where(kvp => kvp.Key is ColumnInfo))
                                    //if it's one we have already done, dont do it again
                                    if (Equals(kvpOtherCols.Value, newColumnInfo))

                                    //otherwise do a non strict refactoring (don't worry if you don't finda ny references)
                                    refactorer.RefactorColumnName(newExtractionInformation, (ColumnInfo)kvpOtherCols.Key, ((ColumnInfo)(kvpOtherCols.Value)).Name, false);

                                //make the new one exactly as extractable
                                newExtractionInformation.Order = oldExtractionInformation.Order;
                                newExtractionInformation.Alias = oldExtractionInformation.Alias;
                                newExtractionInformation.IsExtractionIdentifier = oldExtractionInformation.IsExtractionIdentifier;
                                newExtractionInformation.HashOnDataRelease      = oldExtractionInformation.HashOnDataRelease;
                                newExtractionInformation.IsPrimaryKey           = oldExtractionInformation.IsPrimaryKey;

                            AuditParenthood(oldCatalogueItem, newCatalogueItem);

                            if (oldExtractionInformation != null)
                                AuditParenthood(oldExtractionInformation, newExtractionInformation);

                    var existingJoinInfos        = _catalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <JoinInfo>();
                    var existingLookups          = _catalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <Lookup>();
                    var existingLookupComposites = _catalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <LookupCompositeJoinInfo>();

                    //migrate join infos
                    foreach (JoinInfo joinInfo in _planManager.GetJoinInfosRequiredCatalogue())
                        var newFk = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(joinInfo.ForeignKey);
                        var newPk = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(joinInfo.PrimaryKey);

                        //already exists
                        if (!existingJoinInfos.Any(ej => ej.ForeignKey_ID == newFk.ID && ej.PrimaryKey_ID == newPk.ID))
                            new JoinInfo(_catalogueRepository, newFk, newPk, joinInfo.ExtractionJoinType, joinInfo.Collation); //create it

                    //migrate Lookups
                    foreach (Lookup lookup in _planManager.GetLookupsRequiredCatalogue())
                        //Find the new columns in the ANO table that match the old lookup columns
                        var newDesc = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(lookup.Description);
                        var newFk   = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(lookup.ForeignKey);
                        var newPk   = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(lookup.PrimaryKey);

                        //see if we already have a Lookup declared for the NEW columns (unlikely)
                        Lookup newLookup = existingLookups.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Description_ID == newDesc.ID && l.ForeignKey_ID == newFk.ID);

                        //create new Lookup that mirrors the old but references the ANO columns instead
                        if (newLookup == null)
                            newLookup = new Lookup(_catalogueRepository, newDesc, newFk, newPk, lookup.ExtractionJoinType, lookup.Collation);

                        //also mirror any composite (secondary, tertiary join column pairs needed for the Lookup to operate correclty e.g. where TestCode 'HAB1' means 2 different things depending on healthboard)
                        foreach (LookupCompositeJoinInfo compositeJoin in lookup.GetSupplementalJoins().Cast <LookupCompositeJoinInfo>())
                            var newCompositeFk = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(compositeJoin.ForeignKey);
                            var newCompositePk = GetNewColumnInfoForOld(compositeJoin.PrimaryKey);

                            if (!existingLookupComposites.Any(c => c.ForeignKey_ID == newCompositeFk.ID && c.PrimaryKey_ID == newCompositePk.ID))
                                new LookupCompositeJoinInfo(_catalogueRepository, newLookup, newCompositeFk, newCompositePk, compositeJoin.Collation);

                    //create new data load confguration
                    LoadMetadata = new LoadMetadata(_catalogueRepository, "Anonymising " + NewCatalogue);

                    NewCatalogue.LoadMetadata_ID = LoadMetadata.ID;

                    if (_planManager.DateColumn != null)
                        LoadProgressIfAny            = new LoadProgress(_catalogueRepository, LoadMetadata);
                        LoadProgressIfAny.OriginDate = _planManager.StartDate;

                        //date column based migration only works for single TableInfo migrations (see Plan Manager checks)
                        var qb = SelectSQLForMigrations.Single(kvp => !kvp.Key.IsLookupTable()).Value;
                        qb.RootFilterContainer = new SpontaneouslyInventedFilterContainer(memoryRepo, null,
                            new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memoryRepo, null, _planManager.DateColumn + " >= @startDate", "After batch start date", "", null),
                            new SpontaneouslyInventedFilter(memoryRepo, null, _planManager.DateColumn + " <= @endDate", "Before batch end date", "", null),
                                                                                          , FilterContainerOperation.AND);
                        foreach (QueryBuilder qb in SelectSQLForMigrations.Values)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to generate migration SQL", e);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to create ANO version, transaction rolled back succesfully", ex);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones and combines two or more <see cref="CohortIdentificationConfiguration"/> into a single new cic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cics"></param>
        /// <param name="operation"></param>
        /// <returns>The new merged CohortIdentificationConfiguration which contains all the provided <paramref name="cics"/> </returns>
        public CohortIdentificationConfiguration Merge(CohortIdentificationConfiguration[] cics, SetOperation operation)
            if (cics.Length <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("You must select at least 2 cics to merge", nameof(cics));

            //clone them
            var cicClones = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration[cics.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < cics.Length; i++)
                    cicClones[i] = cics[i].CreateClone(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error during pre merge cloning stage, no merge will be attempted", ex);

            using (_repository.BeginNewTransactedConnection())
                // Create a new master configuration
                var cicMaster = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(_repository, $"Merged cics (IDs {string.Join(",",cics.Select(c=>c.ID))})");

                // With a single top level container with the provided operation
                var rootContainer = cicMaster.RootCohortAggregateContainer;
                rootContainer.Operation = operation;

                //Grab the root container of each of the input cics
                foreach (CohortIdentificationConfiguration cic in cicClones)
                    var container = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

                    //clear them to avoid dual parentage
                    cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID = null;

                    //add to the new master cic root container

                    // Make the new name of all the AggregateConfigurations match the new master cic
                    foreach (var child in container.GetAllAggregateConfigurationsRecursively())
                        EnsureNamingConvention(cicMaster, child);

                    // Delete the old now empty clones

                //finish transaction
