Example #1
        public void OtherParameterInEndorsingSupport()
            SymmetricSecurityBindingElement be =
                new SymmetricSecurityBindingElement();

            be.ProtectionTokenParameters =
                new X509SecurityTokenParameters();
                new MyEndorsingTokenParameters());
            Binding         b      = new CustomBinding(be, new HttpTransportBindingElement());
            EndpointAddress ea     = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort()), new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity(cert));
            CalcProxy       client = new CalcProxy(b, ea);

            client.Endpoint.Behaviors.RemoveAll <ClientCredentials> ();
            client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new MyClientCredentials());
            client.Sum(1, 2);
Example #2
        void ProcessClient()
            SymmetricSecurityBindingElement svcsbe =
                new SymmetricSecurityBindingElement();

            svcsbe.ProtectionTokenParameters =
                new X509SecurityTokenParameters(X509KeyIdentifierClauseType.Thumbprint, SecurityTokenInclusionMode.Never);

            BindingElement cintercept = new InterceptorBindingElement(null);
            CustomBinding  b_req      = new CustomBinding(svcsbe,
                                                          new HttpTransportBindingElement());

            b_req.ReceiveTimeout = b_req.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            EndpointAddress remaddr = new EndpointAddress(
                new Uri("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort()),
                new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity(cert));
            CalcProxy proxy = new CalcProxy(b_req, remaddr);

            proxy.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = cert2;

            proxy.Sum(1, 2);
		public void ClientInitiatorHasNoKeysCore (bool deriveKeys, MessageProtectionOrder order)
			AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement sbe =
				new AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement ();
			sbe.InitiatorTokenParameters =
				new UserNameSecurityTokenParameters ();
			sbe.RecipientTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();
			sbe.SetKeyDerivation (deriveKeys);
			sbe.MessageProtectionOrder = order;
			TransportBindingElement tbe = new HandlerTransportBindingElement (delegate (Message input) {
				// funky, but .NET does not raise an error
				// until it writes the message to somewhere.
				// That is, it won't raise an error if this
				// HandlerTransportBindingElement does not
				// write the input message to somewhere.
				// It is an obvious bug.
				input.WriteMessage (XmlWriter.Create (TextWriter.Null));
				throw new Exception ();
			CustomBinding binding = new CustomBinding (sbe, tbe);
			EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress (
				new Uri ("stream:dummy"),
				new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity (cert2));
			CalcProxy proxy = new CalcProxy (binding, address);
			proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "******";
			proxy.Open ();
			// Until here the wrong parameters are not checked.
			proxy.Sum (1, 2);
		public void VerifyX509MessageSecurityAtService ()
			AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement clisbe =
				new AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement ();
			clisbe.InitiatorTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();
			clisbe.RecipientTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();

			AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement svcsbe =
				new AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement ();
			svcsbe.InitiatorTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();
			svcsbe.RecipientTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();

			CustomBinding b_req = new CustomBinding (clisbe,
				new HttpTransportBindingElement ());

			b_req.ReceiveTimeout = b_req.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10);

			CustomBinding b_res = new CustomBinding (svcsbe, new HttpTransportBindingElement ());
			b_res.ReceiveTimeout = b_res.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10);

			EndpointAddress remaddr = new EndpointAddress (
				new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()),
				new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity (cert2));
			CalcProxy proxy = null;
			ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost (typeof (CalcService));
			host.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (ICalc), b_res, "http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ());

			ServiceCredentials cred = new ServiceCredentials ();
			cred.ServiceCertificate.Certificate = cert;
			host.Description.Behaviors.Add (cred);
			try {
				host.Open ();

				proxy = new CalcProxy (b_req, remaddr);
				proxy.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = cert;

				// FIXME: on WinFX, when this Begin method
				// is invoked before the listener setup, it
				// somehow works, while ours doesn't.
				//IAsyncResult result = proxy.BeginSum (1, 2, null, null);
				//Assert.AreEqual (3, proxy.EndSum (result));
				Assert.AreEqual (3, proxy.Sum (1, 2));
			} finally {
				if (host.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
					host.Close ();
		public void OtherParameterInEndorsingSupport ()
			SymmetricSecurityBindingElement be =
				new SymmetricSecurityBindingElement ();
			be.ProtectionTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();
			be.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Add (
				new MyEndorsingTokenParameters ());
			Binding b = new CustomBinding (be, new HttpTransportBindingElement ());
			EndpointAddress ea = new EndpointAddress (new Uri ("http://localhost:37564"), new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity (cert));
			CalcProxy client = new CalcProxy (b, ea);
			client.Endpoint.Behaviors.RemoveAll<ClientCredentials> ();
			client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add (new MyClientCredentials ());
			client.Sum (1, 2);
		public void NonEndorsibleParameterInEndorsingSupport ()
			SymmetricSecurityBindingElement be =
				new SymmetricSecurityBindingElement ();
			be.ProtectionTokenParameters =
				new X509SecurityTokenParameters ();
			be.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Add (
				new UserNameSecurityTokenParameters ());
			Binding b = new CustomBinding (be, new HttpTransportBindingElement ());
			X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2 ("Test/Resources/test.pfx", "mono");
			EndpointAddress ea = new EndpointAddress (new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()), new X509CertificateEndpointIdentity (cert));
			CalcProxy client = new CalcProxy (b, ea);
			client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "******";
			client.Sum (1, 2);