Example #1
            public async Task StoreFlowState(FlowState newFlowState, bool persistent)
                if (flowLock == null)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException("FlowStateLock");

                // Ensure no one has a direct reference to the protected state in the dictionary
                newFlowState = newFlowState.Clone();

                // Update the lookup dictionary for the ContinuationIDs
                if (cachedFlowState != null)
                    foreach (var removedContinuation in cachedFlowState.FlowState.Continuations.Keys.Where(k => !newFlowState.Continuations.ContainsKey(k)))
                        owner.continuationLookup.TryRemove(removedContinuation, out _);

                foreach (var addedContinuation in newFlowState.Continuations.Where(c => cachedFlowState == null || !cachedFlowState.FlowState.Continuations.ContainsKey(c.Key)))
                    owner.continuationLookup.TryAdd(addedContinuation.Key, FlowID);

                var isNew         = cachedFlowState == null;
                var wasPersistent = cachedFlowState?.IsPersistent ?? false;

                cachedFlowState          = new CachedFlowState(newFlowState, persistent);
                owner.flowStates[FlowID] = cachedFlowState;

                if (persistent)
                    // Storing the flowstate in the underlying repository
                    if (isNew)
                        var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        await owner.repository.CreateState(FlowID, cachedFlowState.FlowState, now);
                        await owner.repository.UpdateState(FlowID, cachedFlowState.FlowState);
                else if (wasPersistent)
                    // We transitioned from a durable queue to a dynamic queue,
                    // remove the persistent state but keep the in-memory version
                    await owner.repository.DeleteState(FlowID);
Example #2
            public async Task DeleteFlowState()
                if (flowLock == null)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException("FlowStateLock");

                if (cachedFlowState != null)
                    foreach (var removedContinuation in cachedFlowState.FlowState.Continuations.Keys)
                        owner.continuationLookup.TryRemove(removedContinuation, out _);

                    owner.flowStates.TryRemove(FlowID, out var removedFlowState);
                    cachedFlowState = null;

                    if (removedFlowState.IsPersistent)
                        await owner.repository.DeleteState(FlowID);