         * Extracts the column of A and copies it into u while computing the magnitude of the
         * largest element and returning it.
         * <pre>
         * u[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2    ] = A.getReal(row0+i,col)
         * u[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 + 1] = A.getImag(row0+i,col)
         * </pre>
         * @param A Complex matrix
         * @param row0 First row in A to be copied
         * @param row1 Last row in A + 1 to be copied
         * @param col Column in A
         * @param u Output array storage
         * @param offsetU first index in U
         * @return magnitude of largest element
        public static float extractColumnAndMax(CMatrixRMaj A,
                                                int row0, int row1,
                                                int col, float[] u, int offsetU)
            int indexU = (offsetU + row0) * 2;

            // find the largest value in this column
            // this is used to normalize the column and mitigate overflow/underflow
            float max = 0;

            int indexA = A.getIndex(row0, col);

            float[] h = A.data;

            for (int i = row0; i < row1; i++, indexA += A.numCols * 2)
                // copy the householder vector to an array to reduce cache misses
                // big improvement on larger matrices and a relatively small performance hit on small matrices.
                float realVal = u[indexU++] = h[indexA];
                float imagVal = u[indexU++] = h[indexA + 1];

                float magVal = realVal * realVal + imagVal * imagVal;
                if (max < magVal)
                    max = magVal;
         * Extracts a house holder vector from the column of A and stores it in u
         * @param A Complex matrix with householder vectors stored in the lower left triangle
         * @param row0 first row in A (implicitly assumed to be r + i0)
         * @param row1 last row + 1 in A
         * @param col Column in A
         * @param u Output array storage
         * @param offsetU first index in U
        public static void extractHouseholderColumn(CMatrixRMaj A,
                                                    int row0, int row1,
                                                    int col, float[] u, int offsetU)
            int indexU = (row0 + offsetU) * 2;

            u[indexU++] = 1;
            u[indexU++] = 0;

            for (int row = row0 + 1; row < row1; row++)
                int indexA = A.getIndex(row, col);
                u[indexU++] = A.data[indexA];
                u[indexU++] = A.data[indexA + 1];
Example #3
         * <p>
         * Extracts a submatrix from 'src' and inserts it in a submatrix in 'dst'.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * s<sub>i-y0 , j-x0</sub> = o<sub>ij</sub> for all y0 &le; i &lt; y1 and x0 &le; j &lt; x1 <br>
         * <br>
         * where 's<sub>ij</sub>' is an element in the submatrix and 'o<sub>ij</sub>' is an element in the
         * original matrix.
         * </p>
         * @param src The original matrix which is to be copied.  Not modified.
         * @param srcX0 Start column.
         * @param srcX1 Stop column+1.
         * @param srcY0 Start row.
         * @param srcY1 Stop row+1.
         * @param dst Where the submatrix are stored.  Modified.
         * @param dstY0 Start row in dst.
         * @param dstX0 start column in dst.
        public static void extract(CMatrixRMaj src,
                                   int srcY0, int srcY1,
                                   int srcX0, int srcX1,
                                   CMatrixRMaj dst,
                                   int dstY0, int dstX0)
            int numRows = srcY1 - srcY0;
            int stride  = (srcX1 - srcX0) * 2;

            for (int y = 0; y < numRows; y++)
                int indexSrc = src.getIndex(y + srcY0, srcX0);
                int indexDst = dst.getIndex(y + dstY0, dstX0);
                Array.Copy(src.data, indexSrc, dst.data, indexDst, stride);
Example #4
        public override /**/ double quality()

         * Solves for X using the QR decomposition.
         * @param B A matrix that is n by m.  Not modified.
         * @param X An n by m matrix where the solution is written to.  Modified.
        public override void solve(CMatrixRMaj B, CMatrixRMaj X)
            if (X.numRows != numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected dimensions for X");
            else if (B.numRows != numRows || B.numCols != X.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected dimensions for B");

            int BnumCols = B.numCols;

            Y.reshape(numRows, 1);
            Z.reshape(numRows, 1);

            // solve each column one by one
            for (int colB = 0; colB < BnumCols; colB++)
                // make a copy of this column in the vector
                for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                    int indexB = B.getIndex(i, colB);
                    Y.data[i * 2]     = B.data[indexB];
                    Y.data[i * 2 + 1] = B.data[indexB + 1];

                // Solve Qa=b
                // a = Q'b
                CommonOps_CDRM.mult(Qt, Y, Z);

                // solve for Rx = b using the standard upper triangular solver
                TriangularSolver_CDRM.solveU(R.data, Z.data, numCols);

                // save the results
                for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
                    X.set(i, colB, Z.data[i * 2], Z.data[i * 2 + 1]);
         * Finds the magnitude of the largest element in the row
         * @param A Complex matrix
         * @param row Row in A
         * @param col0 First column in A to be copied
         * @param col1 Last column in A + 1 to be copied
         * @return magnitude of largest element
        public static float computeRowMax(CMatrixRMaj A,
                                          int row, int col0, int col1)
            float max = 0;

            int indexA = A.getIndex(row, col0);

            float[] h = A.data;

            for (int i = col0; i < col1; i++)
                float realVal = h[indexA++];
                float imagVal = h[indexA++];

                float magVal = realVal * realVal + imagVal * imagVal;
                if (max < magVal)
                    max = magVal;
Example #6
         * Converts the columns in a matrix into a set of vectors.
         * @param A Matrix.  Not modified.
         * @param v Optional storage for columns.
         * @return An array of vectors.
        public static CMatrixRMaj[] columnsToVector(CMatrixRMaj A, CMatrixRMaj[] v)
            CMatrixRMaj[] ret;
            if (v == null || v.Length < A.numCols)
                ret = new CMatrixRMaj[A.numCols];
                ret = v;

            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
                if (ret[i] == null)
                    ret[i] = new CMatrixRMaj(A.numRows, 1);
                    ret[i].reshape(A.numRows, 1);

                CMatrixRMaj u = ret[i];

                int indexU = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < A.numRows; j++)
                    int indexA = A.getIndex(j, i);
                    u.data[indexU++] = A.data[indexA++];
                    u.data[indexU++] = A.data[indexA];
