Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断当前操作者所有权限的城市是否和传过来的城市是相同城市的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strPKID">城市PKID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsSameCity(string strPKID)
            bool   IsSameCity = false;
            string strCity    = string.Empty;

            BusinessRule.BaseData.Region rule = new BusinessRule.BaseData.Region();
            DataTable dtCity = rule.GetAuthorizedCitiesAll(GlobalFacade.SystemContext.GetContext().UserID).GetDataTable();

            if (dtCity.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dtCity.Rows.Count; i++)
                    strCity += "'" + dtCity.Rows[i]["PKID"].ToString() + "',";

                if (strCity != string.Empty)
                    strCity = strCity.Substring(0, strCity.Length - 1);

            if (strCity.IndexOf("'" + strPKID + "'") != -1)
                IsSameCity = true;

Example #2
        public DataTable GetCityListAD(out int totalCount, int pageSize, int pageIndex, Common.OrderByType obType, BusinessFilter filter)
            string sql = "select pkid from dictionaryAd where pkid in (select pkid from dictionaryAd where [name] not in (select [name] from dictionary where isvalid =1 and ([level]=1 or [level]=0)) and isvalid = 1 and ([level]=1 or [level]=0)) and ([level]=1 or [level]=0)";

            Wicresoft.Session.Session session = new Wicresoft.Session.Session();
            DataTable dt      = session.SqlHelper.ExcuteDataTable(null, sql, CommandType.Text);
            string    NOPKIDs = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                NOPKIDs += "," + dt.Rows[i][0];
            /* Andy Modify 2009-12-17 用DictionaryAD表的PKID和FK_Dictionary过滤不同值 */
            BusinessRule.BaseData.Region regionRule = new BusinessRule.BaseData.Region();
            string cityPKIDs = regionRule.GetAuthorizedCitiesPKID(GlobalFacade.SystemContext.GetContext().UserID).ToString();

            if (cityPKIDs.IndexOf("2,") != -1)
                cityPKIDs += ",1";
            if (NOPKIDs != string.Empty)
                NOPKIDs = NOPKIDs.Substring(1, NOPKIDs.Length - 1);
            //			string cityPKIDs = ","+regionRule.GetAuthorizedCitiesPKID(GlobalFacade.SystemContext.GetContext().UserID).ToString()+",";
            //			if(cityPKIDs.IndexOf(",2,")!=-1)
            //			{
            //				cityPKIDs=cityPKIDs.Substring(1,cityPKIDs.Length-2);
            //				cityPKIDs+=",1";
            //				if(NOPKIDs!=null&&NOPKIDs!=""&&NOPKIDs!=string.Empty)
            //				{
            //					cityPKIDs+=NOPKIDs;
            //				}
            //			}
            //			else
            //			{
            //				cityPKIDs=cityPKIDs.Substring(1,cityPKIDs.Length-2);
            //			}

            Common commonRule = new Common();

            BusinessFilter flt = new BusinessFilter("DictionaryAD");

            flt.AddCustomerFilter("(DictionaryAD.PKID IN(" + NOPKIDs + ") OR DictionaryAD.FK_Dictionary IN (" + cityPKIDs + "))", AndOr.AND);
            //			flt.AddCustomerFilter("(DictionaryAD.PKID IN(" + cityPKIDs + ") OR DictionaryAD.PKID IN (" + cityPKIDs + "))", AndOr.AND);
            flt.AddFilterItem("IsValid", "1", Operation.Equal, FilterType.NumberType, AndOr.AND);
            flt.AddFilter(filter, AndOr.AND);

            // Add Data Permission
            //			flt.AddFilter(GetAuthorizedCityFilter(GlobalFacade.SystemContext.GetContext().UserID), AndOr.AND);

            BusinessObjectCollection boc = new BusinessObjectCollection("DictionaryAD");

            boc.SessionInstance = new Session();

            DataSet ds = boc.GetPagedRecords(pageIndex, pageSize, "PKID", (obType == Common.OrderByType.ASC) ? true : false);

            totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);