Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UATypeInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtInType">Type of the built in.</param>
 /// <param name="valueRank">The value rank.</param>
 /// <param name="arrayDimensions">The array dimensions.</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">$for {nameof(valueRank)} == {valueRank} {nameof(ArrayDimensions)} must be provided.</exception>
 public UATypeInfo(BuiltInType builtInType, int valueRank, int[] arrayDimensions)
     if ((valueRank == 0 || valueRank > 1) && (arrayDimensions == null || arrayDimensions.Length == 0))
     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(valueRank), $"for {nameof(valueRank)} == {valueRank} {nameof(ArrayDimensions)} must be provided.");
       m_builtInType = builtInType;
       m_valueRank = valueRank;
       m_ArrayDimensionsField = (arrayDimensions == null || arrayDimensions.Length == 0) ? null : (int[])arrayDimensions.Clone();
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user to edit an array value.
        /// </summary>
        public Array ShowDialog(Array value, BuiltInType dataType, bool readOnly, string caption)
            if (caption != null)
                this.Text = caption;

            // detect the data type.
            if (dataType == BuiltInType.Null)
                dataType = TypeInfo.Construct(value).BuiltInType;

            m_dataType = dataType;
            ArrayDV.AllowUserToAddRows = !readOnly;
            ArrayDV.AllowUserToDeleteRows = !readOnly;
            ArrayDV.RowHeadersVisible = !readOnly;

            if (value != null)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < value.Length; ii++)
                    DataRow row = m_dataset.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    row[0] = new Variant(value.GetValue(ii)).ToString();
                    row[1] = ii;


            if (ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                return null;


            if (!readOnly)
                value = TypeInfo.CreateArray(dataType, m_dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count);

                for (int ii = 0; ii < m_dataset.Tables[0].DefaultView.Count; ii++)
                    string oldValue = m_dataset.Tables[0].DefaultView[ii].Row[0] as string;
                    object newValue = TypeInfo.Cast(oldValue, m_dataType);
                    value.SetValue(newValue, ii);

            return value;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method that creates the consumer binding. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="variableName">Name of the variable.</param>
 /// <returns>IConsumerBinding.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">variableName</exception>
 public IConsumerBinding GetConsumerBinding(string variableName, BuiltInType encoding)
     UATypeInfo _uaTypeInfo = new UATypeInfo(encoding);
       if (variableName == "Value1")
     Value1 = new ConsumerBindingMonitoredValue<string>(_uaTypeInfo);
     return Value1;
       else if (variableName == "Value2")
     Value2 = new ConsumerBindingMonitoredValue<double>(_uaTypeInfo);
     return Value2;
       throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("variableName");
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a simple field to the declaration.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddSimpleField(QualifiedName[] browseNames, NodeClass nodeClass, BuiltInType dataType, int valueRank, bool displayInList)
            FilterDeclarationField field = new FilterDeclarationField();

            field.DisplayInList                 = displayInList;
            field.InstanceDeclaration           = new InstanceDeclaration();
            field.InstanceDeclaration.NodeClass = nodeClass;

            if (browseNames != null)
                field.InstanceDeclaration.BrowseName = browseNames[browseNames.Length - 1];
                field.InstanceDeclaration.BrowsePath = new QualifiedNameCollection();

                StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < browseNames.Length; ii++)
                    if (path.Length > 0)


                field.InstanceDeclaration.BrowsePathDisplayText = path.ToString();

            field.InstanceDeclaration.BuiltInType         = dataType;
            field.InstanceDeclaration.DataType            = (uint)dataType;
            field.InstanceDeclaration.ValueRank           = valueRank;
            field.InstanceDeclaration.DataTypeDisplayText = dataType.ToString();

            if (valueRank >= 0)
                field.InstanceDeclaration.DataTypeDisplayText += "[]";

            field.InstanceDeclaration.DisplayName = field.InstanceDeclaration.BrowseName.Name;
            field.InstanceDeclaration.DisplayPath = field.InstanceDeclaration.BrowsePathDisplayText;
            field.InstanceDeclaration.RootTypeId  = ObjectTypeIds.BaseEventType;
Example #5
        public Variant?ShowDialog(Variant value, BuiltInType builtInType)
            if (value != Variant.Null)
                ValueTB.Text = value.ToString();

            if (ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ValueTB.Text))

            return(new Variant(TypeInfo.Cast(ValueTB.Text, builtInType)));
Example #6
        private static bool IsAnalogType(BuiltInType builtInType)
            switch (builtInType)
            case BuiltInType.Byte:
            case BuiltInType.UInt16:
            case BuiltInType.UInt32:
            case BuiltInType.UInt64:
            case BuiltInType.SByte:
            case BuiltInType.Int16:
            case BuiltInType.Int32:
            case BuiltInType.Int64:
            case BuiltInType.Float:
            case BuiltInType.Double:

Example #7
        public MosaType GetType(BuiltInType builtInType)
            switch (builtInType)
            case BuiltInType.Void: return(Void);

            case BuiltInType.Boolean: return(Boolean);

            case BuiltInType.Char: return(Char);

            case BuiltInType.SByte: return(I1);

            case BuiltInType.Byte: return(U1);

            case BuiltInType.Int16: return(I2);

            case BuiltInType.UInt16: return(U2);

            case BuiltInType.Int32: return(I4);

            case BuiltInType.UInt32: return(U4);

            case BuiltInType.Int64: return(I8);

            case BuiltInType.UInt64: return(U8);

            case BuiltInType.Single: return(R4);

            case BuiltInType.Double: return(R8);

            case BuiltInType.String: return(String);

            case BuiltInType.Object: return(Object);

            case BuiltInType.IntPtr: return(I);

            case BuiltInType.UIntPtr: return(U);

            case BuiltInType.TypedReference: return(TypedRef);

            default: throw new CompilerException("Invalid BuildInType");
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the buffer with enough space to hold the specified number of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementName">The type of element.</param>
        /// <param name="noOfElements">The number of elements.</param>
        public void CreateBuffer(string elementName, int noOfElements)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(elementName))
                elementName = "UInt32";

            BuiltInType elementType = BuiltInType.UInt32;

            switch (elementName)
            case "Double": {
                elementType = BuiltInType.Double;

            CreateBuffer(elementType, noOfElements);
Example #9
        public void VariantArrayFromBuiltInType(BuiltInType builtInType, bool useBoundaryValues)
            object  randomData = DataGenerator.GetRandomArray(builtInType, useBoundaryValues, 100, false);
            Variant variant1   = new Variant(randomData);

            if (builtInType == BuiltInType.Byte)
                // Without hint, byte array can not be distinguished from bytestring
                Assert.AreEqual(BuiltInType.ByteString, variant1.TypeInfo.BuiltInType);
                Assert.AreEqual(builtInType, variant1.TypeInfo.BuiltInType);
            Variant variant2 = new Variant(randomData, new TypeInfo(builtInType, ValueRanks.OneDimension));

            Assert.AreEqual(builtInType, variant2.TypeInfo.BuiltInType);
Example #10
        public Variant? ShowDialog(Variant value, BuiltInType builtInType)
            if (value != Variant.Null)
                ValueTB.Text = value.ToString();
            if (ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                return null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ValueTB.Text))
                return Variant.Null;

            return new Variant(TypeInfo.Cast(ValueTB.Text, builtInType));
        internal IProducerBinding GetProducerBinding(string variableName, BuiltInType encoding)
            UATypeInfo _uaTypeInfo = new UATypeInfo(encoding);

            if (variableName == "Value1")
                Value1 = new ProducerBindingMonitoredValue <string>(variableName, _uaTypeInfo);
            else if (variableName == "Value2")
                Value2 = new ProducerBindingMonitoredValue <double>(variableName, _uaTypeInfo);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("variableName");
Example #12
        public void ReEncodeBuiltInType(
            EncodingType encoderType,
            BuiltInType builtInType
            object randomData = null;
            bool   getRandom  = true;

            while (getRandom)
                getRandom  = false;
                randomData = DataGenerator.GetRandom(builtInType);
                // filter a few random special cases to skip
                // as they test for unsupported objects
                switch (builtInType)
                case BuiltInType.NodeId:
                    var nodeId = (NodeId)randomData;
                    if (nodeId.IdType == IdType.Opaque &&
                        ((byte[])nodeId.Identifier).Length == 0)
                        getRandom = true;

                case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
                    var expandedNodeId = (ExpandedNodeId)randomData;
                    if (expandedNodeId.IdType == IdType.Opaque &&
                        ((byte[])expandedNodeId.Identifier).Length == 0)
                        getRandom = true;

            EncodeDecode(encoderType, builtInType, randomData);
Example #13
        public void EncodeArray(
            EncodingType encoderType,
            BuiltInType builtInType
            Assume.That(builtInType != BuiltInType.Null);
            int   arrayDimension = RandomSource.NextInt32(99) + 1;
            Array randomData     = DataGenerator.GetRandomArray(builtInType, false, arrayDimension, true);

            string encodeInfo = $"Encoder: {encoderType} Type:{builtInType}";
            Type   type       = TypeInfo.GetSystemType(builtInType, -1);

            var      encoderStream = new MemoryStream();
            IEncoder encoder       = CreateEncoder(encoderType, Context, encoderStream, type, true, false);

            encoder.WriteArray(builtInType.ToString(), randomData, ValueRanks.OneDimension, builtInType);

            var buffer = encoderStream.ToArray();

            switch (encoderType)
            case EncodingType.Json:
            var      decoderStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
            IDecoder decoder       = CreateDecoder(encoderType, Context, decoderStream, type);
            object   result        = decoder.ReadArray(builtInType.ToString(), ValueRanks.OneDimension, builtInType);


            object expected = AdjustExpectedBoundaryValues(encoderType, builtInType, randomData);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, encodeInfo);
            Assert.IsTrue(Opc.Ua.Utils.IsEqual(expected, result), "Opc.Ua.Utils.IsEqual failed to compare expected and result. " + encodeInfo);
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a BuiltInType value from the line.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ExtractField(int lineCount, ref string line, out BuiltInType value)
            value = BuiltInType.String;
            var field = ExtractField(ref line);

            if (field == null)

            try {
                value = (BuiltInType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BuiltInType), field);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Utils.Trace("PARSE ERROR [Line:{0}] - '{1}': {2}", lineCount, field, e.Message);

 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public VariantValue Encode(Variant?value, out BuiltInType builtinType)
     if (value == null || value == Variant.Null)
         builtinType = BuiltInType.Null;
     using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
         using (var encoder = new JsonEncoderEx(stream, Context)
             UseAdvancedEncoding = true
         }) {
             encoder.WriteVariant(nameof(value), value.Value);
         var token = Serializer.Parse(stream.ToArray());
                       true, out builtinType);
Example #16
        private void AddDataGridViewArrayRow(NodeId nodeId, out int index)
            DateTime dateTimeStart = DateTime.Now;

            DataValue[] dataValues = ReadOneNodeFiveAttributes(new List <NodeId>()
            label_time_spend.Text = (int)(DateTime.Now - dateTimeStart).TotalMilliseconds + " ms";
            DataValue dataValue = dataValues[1];

            if (dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo?.ValueRank == ValueRanks.OneDimension)
                string      access = GetDiscriptionFromAccessLevel(dataValues[2]);
                BuiltInType type   = dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.BuiltInType;
                object      des    = dataValues[4].Value ?? "";
                object      dis    = dataValues[3].Value ?? type;
                Array       array  = dataValue.Value as Array;
                int         i      = 0;
                foreach (object obj in array)
                    while (i >= dataGridView1.Rows.Count)
                    DataGridViewRow dgvr = dataGridView1.Rows[i];
                    dgvr.Tag            = null;
                    dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.Enum_582;
                    dgvr.Cells[1].Value = $"{dis} [{i++}]";
                    dgvr.Cells[2].Value = obj;
                    dgvr.Cells[3].Value = type;
                    dgvr.Cells[4].Value = access;
                    dgvr.Cells[5].Value = des;
                index = i;
                index = 0;
Example #17
        public static void SetExpectedType(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
                ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection();

                foreach (uint attributeId in new uint[] { Attributes.DataType, Attributes.ValueRank })
                    ReadValueId nodeToRead = new ReadValueId();
                    nodeToRead.NodeId      = nodeId;
                    nodeToRead.AttributeId = attributeId;

                DataValueCollection      results         = null;
                DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null;

                    out results,
                    out diagnosticInfos);

                ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToRead);
                ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead);

                NodeId dataTypeId = results[0].GetValue <NodeId>(null);
                int    valueRank  = results[1].GetValue <int>(ValueRanks.Scalar);

                BuiltInType builtInType = DataTypes.GetBuiltInType(dataTypeId, session.NodeCache.TypeTree);

                _sourceType = new TypeInfo(builtInType, valueRank);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Error(ex, "Error WriteValue method: {0}", ex.Message);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode and decode object, validate result.
        /// </summary>
        protected void EncodeDecode(
            EncodingType encoderType,
            BuiltInType builtInType,
            object expected
            string encodeInfo = $"Encoder: {encoderType} Type:{builtInType}";
            Type   type       = TypeInfo.GetSystemType(builtInType, -1);

            var      encoderStream = new MemoryStream();
            IEncoder encoder       = CreateEncoder(encoderType, Context, encoderStream, type);

            Encode(encoder, builtInType, builtInType.ToString(), expected);
            var    buffer = encoderStream.ToArray();
            string jsonFormatted;

            switch (encoderType)
            case EncodingType.Json:
                jsonFormatted = PrettifyAndValidateJson(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer));
            var      decoderStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
            IDecoder decoder       = CreateDecoder(encoderType, Context, decoderStream, type);
            object   result        = Decode(decoder, builtInType, builtInType.ToString(), type);

            expected = AdjustExpectedBoundaryValues(encoderType, builtInType, expected);
            if (BuiltInType.DateTime == builtInType)
                expected = Utils.ToOpcUaUniversalTime((DateTime)expected);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, encodeInfo);
            Assert.IsTrue(Opc.Ua.Utils.IsEqual(expected, result), "Opc.Ua.Utils.IsEqual failed to compare expected and result. " + encodeInfo);
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode and decode a DataValue,
        /// validate the result against the input data.
        /// </summary>
        protected void EncodeDecodeDataValue(
            EncodingType encoderType,
            BuiltInType builtInType,
            object data
            string encodeInfo = $"Encoder: {encoderType} Type:{builtInType}";

            DataValue expected = CreateDataValue(builtInType, data);

            Assert.IsNotNull(expected, "Expected DataValue is Null, " + encodeInfo);
            var      encoderStream = new MemoryStream();
            IEncoder encoder       = CreateEncoder(encoderType, Context, encoderStream, typeof(DataValue));

            encoder.WriteDataValue("DataValue", expected);
            var    buffer = encoderStream.ToArray();
            string jsonFormatted;

            switch (encoderType)
            case EncodingType.Json:
                jsonFormatted = PrettifyAndValidateJson(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer));
            var       decoderStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
            IDecoder  decoder       = CreateDecoder(encoderType, Context, decoderStream, typeof(DataValue));
            DataValue result        = decoder.ReadDataValue("DataValue");

            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Resulting DataValue is Null, " + encodeInfo);
            expected.Value = AdjustExpectedBoundaryValues(encoderType, builtInType, expected.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, encodeInfo);
            Assert.IsTrue(Utils.IsEqual(expected, result), "Opc.Ua.Utils.IsEqual failed to compare expected and result. " + encodeInfo);
Example #20
        public VariableInfo(NodeId nodeId, string displayName, BuiltInType builtInType)
            InitializeClass(nodeId, displayName);

            object defaultValue;

            switch (builtInType)
            case BuiltInType.String:
                defaultValue = "";

                defaultValue = TypeInfo.GetDefaultValue(builtInType);
            var typeInfo = TypeInfo.Construct(defaultValue);
            var dv       = new DataValue(new Variant(defaultValue, typeInfo), StatusCodes.BadWaitingForInitialData);

Example #21
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Variant Decode(JToken value, BuiltInType builtinType,
                              ServiceMessageContext context)
            // Sanitize json input from user
            value = Sanitize(value, builtinType == BuiltInType.String);

            JObject json;

            if (builtinType == BuiltInType.Null ||
                (builtinType == BuiltInType.Variant && value is JObject))
                // Let the decoder try and decode the json variant.
                json = new JObject {
                    { nameof(value), value }
                // Give decoder a hint as to the type to use to decode.
                json = new JObject {
                    { nameof(value), new JObject {
                          { "Body", value },
                          { "Type", (byte)builtinType }
                      } }

            // Decode json to a real variant
            using (var decoder = new JsonDecoderEx(json, context ?? Context)) {
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a UA value to something the DA server will accept.
        /// </summary>
        private static object LocalToRemoteValue(object srcValue, BuiltInType srcType, BuiltInType dstType)
            if (srcType <= BuiltInType.DateTime)

            if (srcType == BuiltInType.Variant)
                TypeInfo typeInfo = TypeInfo.Construct(srcValue);
                srcType = typeInfo.BuiltInType;

                if (typeInfo.ValueRank != ValueRanks.Scalar)
                    return(TypeInfo.CastArray((Array)srcValue, srcType, BuiltInType.Null, LocalToRemoteValue));

                return(LocalToRemoteValue(srcValue, srcType, dstType));

            throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadTypeMismatch);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the expected data type.
        /// </summary>
        private TypeInfo GetExpectedType(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
            // build list of attributes to read.
            ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection();

            foreach (uint attributeId in new uint[] { Attributes.DataType, Attributes.ValueRank })
                ReadValueId nodeToRead = new ReadValueId();
                nodeToRead.NodeId      = nodeId;
                nodeToRead.AttributeId = attributeId;

            // read the attributes.
            DataValueCollection      results         = null;
            DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null;

                out results,
                out diagnosticInfos);

            ClientBase.ValidateResponse(results, nodesToRead);
            ClientBase.ValidateDiagnosticInfos(diagnosticInfos, nodesToRead);

            // this call checks for error and checks the data type of the value.
            // if an error or mismatch occurs the default value is returned.
            NodeId dataTypeId = results[0].GetValue <NodeId>(null);
            int    valueRank  = results[1].GetValue <int>(ValueRanks.Scalar);

            // use the local type cache to look up the base type for the data type.
            BuiltInType builtInType = DataTypes.GetBuiltInType(dataTypeId, session.NodeCache.TypeTree);

            // the type info object is used in cast and compare functions.
            return(new TypeInfo(builtInType, valueRank));
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an instance of <see cref="IVariant" /> from UA Binary encoded stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decoder">The decoder <see cref="IBinaryDecoder" /> to be used to read form the stream.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IVariant" /> decoded from the UA binary stream of bytes.</returns>
        public IVariant ReadVariant(IBinaryDecoder decoder)
            byte encodingByte = decoder.ReadByte(); //Read the EncodingMask

            if (encodingByte == 0x0)
            Variant     value       = null;
            BuiltInType builtInType = (BuiltInType)(encodingByte & (byte)VariantEncodingMask.TypeIdMask);

            if ((encodingByte & (byte)VariantEncodingMask.IsArray) == 0)
                value = ReadValue(decoder, builtInType);
                Array array = DecodeArray(decoder, builtInType, ((encodingByte & (byte)VariantEncodingMask.ArrayDimensionsPresents) != 0));
                value = new Variant(array, builtInType);
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the buffer from the configuration.
        /// </summary>
        public MemoryBufferState(ISystemContext context, MemoryBufferInstance configuration) : base(null)

            string dataType = "UInt32";
            string name     = dataType;
            int    count    = 10;

            if (configuration != null)
                count = configuration.TagCount;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.DataType))
                    dataType = configuration.DataType;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.Name))
                    name = dataType;

            this.SymbolicName = name;

            BuiltInType elementType = BuiltInType.UInt32;

            switch (dataType)
            case "Double":
                elementType = BuiltInType.Double;

            CreateBuffer(elementType, count);
        private string ToString(BuiltInType encoding, type value)
            switch (encoding)
            case BuiltInType.Null:
            case BuiltInType.Boolean:
            case BuiltInType.SByte:
            case BuiltInType.Byte:
            case BuiltInType.Int16:
            case BuiltInType.UInt16:
            case BuiltInType.Int32:
            case BuiltInType.UInt32:
            case BuiltInType.Int64:
            case BuiltInType.UInt64:
            case BuiltInType.Float:
            case BuiltInType.Double:
            case BuiltInType.String:
            case BuiltInType.DateTime:
            case BuiltInType.Guid:
            case BuiltInType.XmlElement:
            case BuiltInType.NodeId:
            case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
            case BuiltInType.StatusCode:
            case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:
            case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:
            case BuiltInType.ExtensionObject:
            case BuiltInType.DataValue:
            case BuiltInType.Variant:
            case BuiltInType.DiagnosticInfo:
            case BuiltInType.Enumeration:

            case BuiltInType.ByteString:
                byte[] _value = (byte[])(object)value;
                return($"[{String.Join(", ", new ArraySegment<byte>(_value, 0, Math.Min(_value.Length, 80)).Select<byte, string>(x => x.ToString("X")).ToArray<string>())}]");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the local type info.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteType">The remote type info.</param>
        /// <returns>The local type info.</returns>
        private TypeInfo GetLocalTypeInfo(TypeInfo remoteType)
            BuiltInType localBuiltInType = BuiltInType.Null;

            switch (remoteType.BuiltInType)
            case BuiltInType.Guid:
            case BuiltInType.XmlElement:
            case BuiltInType.NodeId:
            case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
            case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:
            case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:
                localBuiltInType = BuiltInType.String;

            case BuiltInType.StatusCode:
                localBuiltInType = BuiltInType.UInt32;

            case BuiltInType.ExtensionObject:
                localBuiltInType = BuiltInType.ByteString;

                localBuiltInType = remoteType.BuiltInType;

            return(new TypeInfo(localBuiltInType, remoteType.ValueRank));
Example #28
        private static Opc.Ua.Range GetAnalogRange(BuiltInType builtInType)
            switch (builtInType)
            case BuiltInType.UInt16:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.UInt16.MaxValue, System.UInt16.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.UInt32:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.UInt32.MaxValue, System.UInt32.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.UInt64:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.UInt64.MaxValue, System.UInt64.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.SByte:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.SByte.MaxValue, System.SByte.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.Int16:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.Int16.MaxValue, System.Int16.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.Int32:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.Int32.MaxValue, System.Int32.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.Int64:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.Int64.MaxValue, System.Int64.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.Float:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.Single.MaxValue, System.Single.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.Double:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.Double.MaxValue, System.Double.MinValue));

            case BuiltInType.Byte:
                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.Byte.MaxValue, System.Byte.MinValue));

                return(new Opc.Ua.Range(System.SByte.MaxValue, System.SByte.MinValue));
Example #29
        public void ReEncodeBuiltInTypeDefaultValue(
            EncodingType encoderType,
            BuiltInType builtInType
            object randomData = TypeInfo.GetDefaultValue(builtInType);

            switch (builtInType)
            case BuiltInType.Number:
            case BuiltInType.Integer:
            case BuiltInType.UInteger:
                randomData = new Variant(randomData);

            // special case for extension object, default from TypeInfo must be null
            // or encoding of extension objects fails.
            case BuiltInType.ExtensionObject:
                randomData = ExtensionObject.Null;
            EncodeDecode(encoderType, builtInType, randomData);
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust expected values to encoder specific results.
        /// </summary>
        protected object AdjustExpectedBoundaryValues(EncodingType encoderType, BuiltInType builtInType, object value)
            if (value == null)
            if (encoderType == EncodingType.Binary)
                if (builtInType == BuiltInType.DateTime || builtInType == BuiltInType.Variant)
                    if (value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                        value = AdjustExpectedDateTimeBinaryEncoding((DateTime)value);

                    if (value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime[]))
                        DateTime[] valueArray = (DateTime[])value;
                        for (int i = 0; i < valueArray.Length; i++)
                            valueArray[i] = AdjustExpectedDateTimeBinaryEncoding(valueArray[i]);
                if (builtInType == BuiltInType.DataValue)
                    DataValue dataValue = (DataValue)value;
                    if (dataValue.Value?.GetType() == typeof(DateTime) || dataValue.Value?.GetType() == typeof(DateTime[]))
                        dataValue.Value = AdjustExpectedBoundaryValues(encoderType, BuiltInType.DateTime, dataValue.Value);
 public Variant(object value, BuiltInType type) : this(value, new UATypeInfo(type))
Example #32
 private DataItemState CreateAnalogItemVariable(NodeState parent, string path, string name, BuiltInType dataType, int valueRank, object initialValues, Range customRange)
     return CreateAnalogItemVariable(parent, path, name, (uint)dataType, valueRank, initialValues, customRange);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a Double
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToDouble(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                double[] output = new double[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (double)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.Double);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.Double:
                    return (double)value; 
                case BuiltInType.Boolean: return Convert.ToDouble((bool)value);
                case BuiltInType.SByte:   return Convert.ToDouble((sbyte)value);
                case BuiltInType.Byte:    return Convert.ToDouble((byte)value);
                case BuiltInType.Int16:   return Convert.ToDouble((short)value);
                case BuiltInType.UInt16:  return Convert.ToDouble((ushort)value);
                case BuiltInType.Int32:   return Convert.ToDouble((int)value);
                case BuiltInType.UInt32:  return Convert.ToDouble((uint)value);
                case BuiltInType.Int64:   return Convert.ToDouble((long)value);
                case BuiltInType.UInt64:  return Convert.ToDouble((ulong)value);
                case BuiltInType.Float:   return Convert.ToDouble((float)value);

                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return XmlConvert.ToDouble((string)value); 
            // conversion not supported.
            return DBNull.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the data type precedence for the value.
        /// </summary>
        private static int GetDataTypePrecedence(BuiltInType type)
            switch (type)
                case BuiltInType.Double:         { return 18; }
                case BuiltInType.Float:          { return 17; }
                case BuiltInType.Int64:          { return 16; }
                case BuiltInType.UInt64:         { return 15; }
                case BuiltInType.Int32:          { return 14; }
                case BuiltInType.UInt32:         { return 13; }
                case BuiltInType.StatusCode:     { return 12; }
                case BuiltInType.Int16:          { return 11; }
                case BuiltInType.UInt16:         { return 10; }
                case BuiltInType.SByte:          { return 9;  }
                case BuiltInType.Byte:           { return 8;  }
                case BuiltInType.Boolean:        { return 7;  }
                case BuiltInType.Guid:           { return 6;  }
                case BuiltInType.String:         { return 5;  }
                case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId: { return 4;  }
                case BuiltInType.NodeId:         { return 3;  }
                case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:  { return 2;  }
                case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:  { return 1;  }

            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a value to the specified target type.
        /// </summary>
        private static object Cast(object source, BuiltInType targetType)
            BuiltInType sourceType = GetBuiltInType(source);

            if (sourceType == BuiltInType.Null)
                return null;

            return Cast(source, sourceType, targetType); 
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a QualifiedName
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToQualifiedName(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                QualifiedName[] output = new QualifiedName[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (QualifiedName)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.QualifiedName);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:
                    return (QualifiedName)value; 

                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return QualifiedName.Parse((string)value);
            // conversion not supported.
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a ExpandedNodeId
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToExpandedNodeId(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                ExpandedNodeId[] output = new ExpandedNodeId[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (ExpandedNodeId)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
                    return (ExpandedNodeId)value; 

                case BuiltInType.NodeId:
                    return (ExpandedNodeId)(NodeId)value; 

                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return ExpandedNodeId.Parse((string)value);
            // conversion not supported.
            return null;
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UATypeInfo"/> class representing <see cref="BuiltInType"/> and value rank.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtInType">Type of the an OPC UA entity.</param>
 /// <param name="valueRank">The value rank.</param>
 public UATypeInfo(BuiltInType builtInType, int valueRank)
     : this(builtInType, valueRank, null)
Example #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UATypeInfo"/> class representing <see cref="BuiltInType"/> and value rank.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builtInType">Type of the an OPC UA entity.</param>
 public UATypeInfo(BuiltInType builtInType)
     : this(builtInType, ValueRanks.Scalar)
Example #40
 public UATypeInfo()
     m_builtInType = BuiltInType.Null;
       m_valueRank = ValueRanks.Any;
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the datatype id is a built-in type.
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsBuiltInType(ExpandedNodeId nodeId, out BuiltInType builtinType)
            builtinType = BuiltInType.Null;

            if (nodeId.IsAbsolute || nodeId.NamespaceIndex != 0 || nodeId.IdType != IdType.Numeric)
                return false;

            uint id = (uint)nodeId.Identifier;

            if (id > 0 && id <= DataTypes.BaseDataType)
                builtinType = (BuiltInType)(int)id;
                return true;

            switch (id)
                case DataTypes.Enumeration: { builtinType = BuiltInType.Int32;  break; }
                case DataTypes.Number:      { builtinType = BuiltInType.Double; break; }
                case DataTypes.Integer:     { builtinType = BuiltInType.Int64;  break; }
                case DataTypes.UInteger:    { builtinType = BuiltInType.UInt64; break; }

                    return false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a UA value to something the DA server will accept.
        /// </summary>
        private static object LocalToRemoteValue(object srcValue, BuiltInType srcType, BuiltInType dstType)
            if (srcType <= BuiltInType.DateTime)
                return srcValue;

            if (srcType == BuiltInType.Variant)
                TypeInfo typeInfo = TypeInfo.Construct(srcValue);
                srcType = typeInfo.BuiltInType;

                if (typeInfo.ValueRank != ValueRanks.Scalar)
                    return TypeInfo.CastArray((Array)srcValue, srcType, BuiltInType.Null, LocalToRemoteValue);

                return LocalToRemoteValue(srcValue, srcType, dstType);

            throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadTypeMismatch);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a StatusCode
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToStatusCode(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                StatusCode[] output = new StatusCode[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (StatusCode)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.StatusCode);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.StatusCode:
                    return (StatusCode)value; 

                case BuiltInType.UInt16:
                    uint code = Convert.ToUInt32((ushort)value);
                    code <<= 16;
                    return (StatusCode)code; 

                case BuiltInType.Int32:
                    return (StatusCode)Convert.ToUInt32((int)value); 

                case BuiltInType.UInt32:
                    return (StatusCode)(uint)value; 
                case BuiltInType.Int64:
                    return (StatusCode)Convert.ToUInt32((long)value); 

                case BuiltInType.UInt64:
                    return (StatusCode)Convert.ToUInt32((ulong)value); 
            // conversion not supported.
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to something the UA client can accept.
        /// </summary>
        private static object RemoteToLocalValue(object srcValue, BuiltInType srcType, BuiltInType dstType)
            if (typeof(decimal).IsInstanceOfType(srcValue))
                return ((decimal)srcValue).ToString();

            if (typeof(decimal[]).IsInstanceOfType(srcValue))
                return TypeInfo.CastArray((Array)srcValue, BuiltInType.Null, BuiltInType.String, RemoteToLocalValue);

            return srcValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a LocalizedText
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToLocalizedText(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                LocalizedText[] output = new LocalizedText[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (LocalizedText)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.LocalizedText);

                return output;

            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:
                    return (LocalizedText)value; 

                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return new LocalizedText((string)value);

            // conversion not supported.
            return null;
        private Variant ReadVariantArrayBody(string fieldName, BuiltInType type)
            switch (type)
                case BuiltInType.Boolean: { return new Variant(ReadBooleanArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Boolean); }
                case BuiltInType.SByte: { return new Variant(ReadSByteArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.SByte); }
                case BuiltInType.Byte: { return new Variant(ReadByteArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Byte); }
                case BuiltInType.Int16: { return new Variant(ReadInt16Array(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Int16); }
                case BuiltInType.UInt16: { return new Variant(ReadUInt16Array(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.UInt16); }
                case BuiltInType.Int32: { return new Variant(ReadInt32Array(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Int32); }
                case BuiltInType.UInt32: { return new Variant(ReadUInt32Array(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.UInt32); }
                case BuiltInType.Int64: { return new Variant(ReadInt64Array(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Int64); }
                case BuiltInType.UInt64: { return new Variant(ReadUInt64Array(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.UInt64); }
                case BuiltInType.Float: { return new Variant(ReadFloatArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Float); }
                case BuiltInType.Double: { return new Variant(ReadDoubleArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Double); }
                case BuiltInType.String: { return new Variant(ReadStringArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.String); }
                case BuiltInType.ByteString: { return new Variant(ReadByteStringArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.ByteString); }
                case BuiltInType.DateTime: { return new Variant(ReadDateTimeArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.DateTime); }
                case BuiltInType.Guid: { return new Variant(ReadGuidArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Guid); }
                case BuiltInType.NodeId: { return new Variant(ReadNodeIdArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.NodeId); }
                case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId: { return new Variant(ReadExpandedNodeIdArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.ExpandedNodeId); }
                case BuiltInType.QualifiedName: { return new Variant(ReadQualifiedNameArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.QualifiedName); }
                case BuiltInType.LocalizedText: { return new Variant(ReadLocalizedTextArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.LocalizedText); }
                case BuiltInType.StatusCode: { return new Variant(ReadStatusCodeArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.StatusCode); }
                case BuiltInType.XmlElement: { return new Variant(ReadXmlElementArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.XmlElement); }
                case BuiltInType.ExtensionObject: { return new Variant(ReadExtensionObjectArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.ExtensionObject); }
                case BuiltInType.Variant: { return new Variant(ReadVariantArray(fieldName), TypeInfo.Arrays.Variant); }

            return Variant.Null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a value to the specified target type.
        /// </summary>
        private static object Cast(object source, BuiltInType sourceType, BuiltInType targetType)
            // null always casts to null.
            if (source == null)
                return null;

            // extract the value from a Variant if specified.
            if (source is Variant)
                return Cast(((Variant)source).Value, targetType);

            // call the appropriate function if a conversion is supported for the target type.
                switch (targetType)
                    case BuiltInType.Boolean:        return ToBoolean(source, sourceType);                
                    case BuiltInType.SByte:          return ToSByte(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Byte:           return ToByte(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Int16:          return ToInt16(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.UInt16:         return ToUInt16(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Int32:          return ToInt32(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.UInt32:         return ToUInt32(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Int64:          return ToInt64(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.UInt64:         return ToUInt64(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Float:          return ToFloat(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Double:         return ToDouble(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.String:         return ToString(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.DateTime:       return ToDateTime(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.Guid:           return ToGuid(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.ByteString:     return ToByteString(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.NodeId:         return ToNodeId(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId: return ToExpandedNodeId(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.StatusCode:     return ToStatusCode(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:  return ToQualifiedName(source, sourceType);
                    case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:  return ToLocalizedText(source, sourceType);
            catch (Exception e)
                Utils.Trace(e, "Error converting a {1} (Value={0}) to {2}.", source, sourceType, targetType);

            // conversion not supported.
            return null;
Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the buffer with enough space to hold the specified number of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementType">The type of element.</param>
        /// <param name="noOfElements">The number of elements.</param>
        public void CreateBuffer(BuiltInType elementType, int noOfElements)
            lock (m_dataLock)
                m_elementType = elementType;
                m_elementSize = 1;

                switch (m_elementType)
                    case BuiltInType.UInt32:
                        m_elementSize = 4;

                    case BuiltInType.Double:
                        m_elementSize = 8;
                m_lastScanTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                m_maximumScanRate = 1000;

                m_buffer = new byte[m_elementSize * noOfElements];
                SizeInBytes.Value = (uint)m_buffer.Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a Byte
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToByte(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Arrays of Byte not supported. Use ByteString instead.");
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.Byte:
                    return (byte)value; 
                case BuiltInType.Boolean: return Convert.ToByte((bool)value);
                case BuiltInType.SByte:   return Convert.ToByte((sbyte)value);
                case BuiltInType.Int16:   return Convert.ToByte((short)value);
                case BuiltInType.UInt16:  return Convert.ToByte((ushort)value);
                case BuiltInType.Int32:   return Convert.ToByte((int)value);
                case BuiltInType.UInt32:  return Convert.ToByte((uint)value);
                case BuiltInType.Int64:   return Convert.ToByte((long)value);
                case BuiltInType.UInt64:  return Convert.ToByte((ulong)value);
                case BuiltInType.Float:   return Convert.ToByte((float)value);
                case BuiltInType.Double:  return Convert.ToByte((double)value);

                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return XmlConvert.ToByte((string)value); 
            // conversion not supported.
            return DBNull.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the data type.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetType(BuiltInType builtInType)
            if (!CanChangeType)
            AccessInfo info = NavigationMENU.Items[NavigationMENU.Items.Count - 1].Tag as AccessInfo;

            TypeInfo currentType = info.TypeInfo;
            object currentValue = info.Value;

                currentValue = info.Value;
            catch (Exception)
                currentValue = TypeInfo.GetDefaultValue(currentType.BuiltInType);

            if (info.Value is Variant)
                Variant variant = (Variant)info.Value;
                currentValue = variant.Value;

                if (currentValue != null)
                    currentType = variant.TypeInfo;

                    if (currentType == null)
                        currentType = TypeInfo.Construct(currentValue);
            TypeInfo targetType = new TypeInfo(builtInType, currentType.ValueRank);
            object newValue  = Convert(currentValue, currentType, targetType, true);

            NavigationMENU.Items.RemoveAt(NavigationMENU.Items.Count - 1);

            info.TypeInfo = targetType;
            info.Value = newValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a String
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToString(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                String[] output = new String[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (String)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.String);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return (string)value;

                case BuiltInType.Boolean:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((bool)value);

                case BuiltInType.SByte:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((sbyte)value); 

                case BuiltInType.Byte:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((byte)value); 

                case BuiltInType.Int16:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((short)value); 

                case BuiltInType.UInt16:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((ushort)value); 

                case BuiltInType.Int32:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((int)value); 

                case BuiltInType.UInt32:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((uint)value); 

                case BuiltInType.Int64:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((long)value); 

                case BuiltInType.UInt64:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((ulong)value); 

                case BuiltInType.Float:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((float)value); 

                case BuiltInType.Double:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((double)value); 

                case BuiltInType.DateTime:
                    return XmlConvert.ToString((DateTime)value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Unspecified); 

                case BuiltInType.Guid:
                    return ((Guid)value).ToString(); 

                case BuiltInType.NodeId:
                    return ((NodeId)value).ToString(); 

                case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
                    return ((ExpandedNodeId)value).ToString(); 

                case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:
                    return ((LocalizedText)value).Text; 

                case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:
                    return ((QualifiedName)value).ToString(); 
            // conversion not supported.
            return DBNull.Value;
Example #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new variable type.
        /// </summary>
        private BaseVariableTypeState CreateVariableType(NodeState parent, IDictionary<NodeId, IList<IReference>> externalReferences, string path, string name, BuiltInType dataType, int valueRank)
            BaseDataVariableTypeState type = new BaseDataVariableTypeState();

            type.SymbolicName = name;
            type.SuperTypeId = VariableTypeIds.BaseDataVariableType;
            type.NodeId = new NodeId(path, NamespaceIndex);
            type.BrowseName = new QualifiedName(name, NamespaceIndex);
            type.DisplayName = type.BrowseName.Name;
            type.WriteMask = AttributeWriteMask.None;
            type.UserWriteMask = AttributeWriteMask.None;
            type.IsAbstract = false;
            type.DataType = (uint)dataType;
            type.ValueRank = valueRank;
            type.Value = null;

            IList<IReference> references = null;

            if (!externalReferences.TryGetValue(VariableTypeIds.BaseDataVariableType, out references))
                externalReferences[VariableTypeIds.BaseDataVariableType] = references = new List<IReference>();

            references.Add(new NodeStateReference(ReferenceTypes.HasSubtype, false, type.NodeId));

            if (parent != null)
                parent.AddReference(ReferenceTypes.Organizes, false, type.NodeId);
                type.AddReference(ReferenceTypes.Organizes, true, parent.NodeId);

            AddPredefinedNode(SystemContext, type);
            return type;
Example #53
 private DataItemState CreateAnalogItemVariable(NodeState parent, string path, string name, BuiltInType dataType, int valueRank, object initialValues)
     return (CreateAnalogItemVariable(parent, path, name, dataType, valueRank, initialValues, null));
Example #54
        private BaseDataVariableState[] CreateDynamicVariables(NodeState parent, string path, string name, BuiltInType dataType, int valueRank, uint numVariables)
            return CreateDynamicVariables(parent, path, name, (uint)dataType, valueRank, numVariables);
 public Variant(Array value, BuiltInType type) : this(value, new UATypeInfo(type, value.Rank))
Example #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new variable.
 /// </summary>
 private BaseDataVariableState CreateVariable(NodeState parent, string path, string name, BuiltInType dataType, int valueRank)
     return CreateVariable(parent, path, name, (uint)dataType, valueRank);
        private Variant ReadValue(IBinaryDecoder encoder, BuiltInType encodingByte)
            switch (encodingByte)
            case BuiltInType.Boolean:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadBoolean(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.SByte:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadSByte(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Byte:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadByte(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Int16:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadInt16(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.UInt16:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadUInt16(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Int32:
            case BuiltInType.Enumeration:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadInt32(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.UInt32:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadUInt32(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Int64:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadInt64(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.UInt64:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadUInt64(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Float:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadSingle(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Double:
                return(new Variant(encoder.ReadDouble(), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.String:
                return(new Variant(ReadString(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.DateTime:
                return(new Variant(ReadDateTime(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.Guid:
                return(new Variant(ReadGuid(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.ByteString:
                return(new Variant(ReadByteString(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.XmlElement:
                return(new Variant(ReadXmlElement(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.NodeId:
                return(new Variant(ReadNodeId(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
                return(new Variant(ReadExpandedNodeId(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.StatusCode:
                return(new Variant(ReadStatusCode(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:
                return(new Variant(ReadQualifiedName(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:
                return(new Variant(ReadLocalizedText(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.ExtensionObject:
                return(new Variant(ReadExtensionObject(encoder), encodingByte));

            case BuiltInType.DataValue:
                return(new Variant(ReadDataValue(encoder), encodingByte));

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Cannot decode unknown type in Variant object (0x{encodingByte:X}).");
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a DateTime
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToDateTime(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                DateTime[] output = new DateTime[array.Length];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (DateTime)Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.DateTime);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.DateTime:
                    return (DateTime)value; 

                case BuiltInType.String:
                    return XmlConvert.ToDateTimeOffset((string) value); 
            // conversion not supported.
            return null;
        private Array DecodeArray(IBinaryDecoder decoder, BuiltInType builtInType, bool arrayDimensionsPresents)
            switch (builtInType)
            case BuiltInType.Boolean:
                return(DecodeArray <bool>(decoder, decoder.ReadBoolean, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.SByte:
                return(DecodeArray <sbyte>(decoder, decoder.ReadSByte, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Byte:
                return(DecodeArray <byte>(decoder, decoder.ReadByte, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Int16:
                return(DecodeArray <short>(decoder, decoder.ReadInt16, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.UInt16:
                return(DecodeArray <ushort>(decoder, decoder.ReadUInt16, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Int32:
            case BuiltInType.Enumeration:
                return(DecodeArray <int>(decoder, decoder.ReadInt32, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.UInt32:
                return(DecodeArray <uint>(decoder, decoder.ReadUInt32, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Int64:
                return(DecodeArray <long>(decoder, decoder.ReadInt64, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.UInt64:
                return(DecodeArray <ulong>(decoder, decoder.ReadUInt64, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Float:
                return(DecodeArray <float>(decoder, decoder.ReadSingle, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Double:
                return(DecodeArray <double>(decoder, decoder.ReadDouble, arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.String:
                return(DecodeArray <string>(decoder, () => ReadString(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.DateTime:
                return(DecodeArray <DateTime>(decoder, () => ReadDateTime(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Guid:
                return(DecodeArray <Guid>(decoder, () => ReadGuid(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.ByteString:
                return(DecodeArray <byte[]>(decoder, () => ReadByteString(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.XmlElement:
                return(DecodeArray <XmlElement>(decoder, () => ReadXmlElement(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.NodeId:
                return(DecodeArray <INodeId>(decoder, () => ReadNodeId(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.ExpandedNodeId:
                return(DecodeArray <IExpandedNodeId>(decoder, () => ReadExpandedNodeId(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.StatusCode:
                return(DecodeArray <IStatusCode>(decoder, () => ReadStatusCode(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.QualifiedName:
                return(DecodeArray <IQualifiedName>(decoder, () => ReadQualifiedName(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.LocalizedText:
                return(DecodeArray <ILocalizedText>(decoder, () => ReadLocalizedText(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.ExtensionObject:
                return(DecodeArray <IExtensionObject>(decoder, () => ReadExtensionObject(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.DataValue:
                return(DecodeArray <IDataValue>(decoder, () => ReadDataValue(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

            case BuiltInType.Variant:
                return(DecodeArray <IVariant>(decoder, () => ReadVariant(decoder), arrayDimensionsPresents));

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Cannot decode unknown type in Variant object (0x{(int)builtInType:X2}).");
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a ByteString
        /// </summary>
        private static object ToByteString(object value, BuiltInType sourceType)
            // check for array conversions.
            Array array = value as Array;

            if (array != null)
                byte[][] output = new byte[array.Length][];

                for (int ii = 0; ii < array.Length; ii++)
                    output[ii] = (byte[])Cast(array.GetValue(ii), BuiltInType.ByteString);

                return output;
            // handle for supported conversions.
            switch (sourceType)
                case BuiltInType.ByteString:
                    return (byte[])value; 

                case BuiltInType.Guid:
                    return ((Guid)value).ToByteArray(); 
            // conversion not supported.
            return null;