Example #1
    private void addSpawnEvent(BlobData blobData, float preferredSpawnTime, bool useFrequencySafeguard)
        adds to the spawn event list, taking into account the direction and speed of the blobData

        useFrequencySafeguard ensures collisions will not be too close together

        float spawnTime = preferredSpawnTime;
        if (useFrequencySafeguard) {
            float safeSpawnTime = getSafeSpawnTime (blobData);
            spawnTime = Mathf.Max (safeSpawnTime, preferredSpawnTime);
            if (spawnTime != preferredSpawnTime)
                Debug.Log ("info: used safeSpawnTime: " + safeSpawnTime + " instead of preferredSpawnTime: " + preferredSpawnTime);

        SpawnEvent spawnEvent = new SpawnEvent (blobData, spawnTime);

        bool added = false;
        for (int i=0; i<spawnEvents.Count; i++) {
            SpawnEvent compareEvent = (SpawnEvent)spawnEvents [i];
            if (spawnEvent.time < compareEvent.time) {
                spawnEvents.Insert (i, spawnEvent);
                added = true;

        if (!added)
            spawnEvents.Add (spawnEvent);
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var blobFactory = new BlobFactory();
            var reader =  new ConsoleReader();
            var writer = new ConsoleWriter();
            var data = new BlobData();

            var engine = new Engine(blobFactory, data, reader, writer);
Example #3
    public SandboxMenu()
        mainBackground = Resources.Load ("Textures/SandboxGUI") as Texture;
        titleStyle = MenuTemplate.getLabelStyle (20, TextAnchor.UpperLeft, Color.black);
        //createStyle = MenuTemplate.getLabelStyle (25, TextAnchor.UpperCenter, Color.black);
        normalStyle = MenuTemplate.getLabelStyle (40, TextAnchor.UpperRight, Color.black);

        sliderWidth = Screen.width / 3;
        sliderSpace = Screen.width / 10;
        blobData = BlobData.getBlobData ("sandbox");

        setupEnumSliders ();
Example #4
    public BlobManager genBlob(BlobData blobData)
        this is all worldManager needs to create a blob using blobData

        IntVector3 startPosition = getBlobStartPosition (blobData);
        BlobManager blobManager = startBlob (getNewBlob (), blobData.getMapData (), startPosition);

        blobManager.setBlobData (blobData);
        blobManager.createVoxels ();

        blobManager.setVelocity (blobData.getVelocity (), getDriftFuel (blobData));
        return blobManager;
Example #5
        public async Task <BlobData> GetBlobById(string blobReference, string blobContainerReference)
            // Retrieve reference to a blob
            BlobClient blobBlock = _blobContainerClient.GetBlobClient(blobReference);

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                await blobBlock.DownloadToAsync(memoryStream);

                var blob = new BlobData()
                    Bytes    = memoryStream.ToArray(),
                    FileName = blobReference,
                    Url      = blobBlock.Uri.ToString()

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Crawl result.</returns>
        public CrawlResult Get()
            CrawlResult ret = new CrawlResult();

                BlobData data = _Blobs.GetStream(Key).Result;
                ret.Metadata      = CrawlResult.ObjectMetadata.FromBlobMetadata(_Blobs.GetMetadata(Key).Result);
                ret.ContentLength = data.ContentLength;
                ret.DataStream    = data.Data;
                ret.Success       = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                ret.Exception = e;

            ret.Time.End = DateTime.UtcNow;
Example #7
        private static XDocument CreateDocumentFromBlobData(BlobData blobData)
            if (blobData == null || blobData.BlobContents.Length == 0)
                return(new XDocument(new XElement(RepositoryElementName)));

            using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(blobData.BlobContents);

            var xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings()
                DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit,
                IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true,

            using (var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(memoryStream, xmlReaderSettings))
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the object asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Cancellation token to cancel the request.</param>
        /// <returns>Crawl result.</returns>
        public async Task <CrawlResult> GetAsync(CancellationToken token = default)
            CrawlResult ret = new CrawlResult();

                BlobData data = await _Blobs.GetStream(Key, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                ret.Metadata      = CrawlResult.ObjectMetadata.FromBlobMetadata(await _Blobs.GetMetadata(Key, token).ConfigureAwait(false));
                ret.ContentLength = data.ContentLength;
                ret.DataStream    = data.Data;
                ret.Success       = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                ret.Exception = e;

            ret.Time.End = DateTime.UtcNow;
        private static Marker GetClosestMarker(IEnumerable <Marker> markers, BlobData blob, out double retDistance)
            Marker candidate     = null;
            var    leastDistance = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (var marker in markers)
                var distance = (marker.Center - blob.Center).Length;

                if (leastDistance < distance)

                candidate     = marker;
                leastDistance = distance;

            retDistance = leastDistance;
        private void UpdateDevice(BlobData blob, Marker marker = null)
            var device = Devices.Single(d => d.BlobId == blob.Id);
            var center = new Point(blob.Center.X, blob.Center.Y);

            device.Key = blob.Key;
            //device.BlobId = blob.Id;
            device.Center = center;
            device.State  = blob.State;
            device.Shape  = blob.Polygon;
            device.Area   = blob.Area;

            if (marker != null)
                device.DeviceId               = marker.Id;
                device.IsIdentified           = true;
                device.Angle                  = marker.Angle;
                device.RgbImageToDisplayRatio = marker.RgbImageToDisplayRatio;
                var deltaAngle = blob.Angle - device.LastBlobAngle;

                // this is a hack but it works pretty good
                //if (deltaAngle > 45)
                //    deltaAngle -= 90;
                //    //return;
                //else if (deltaAngle < -45)
                //    deltaAngle += 90;

                //Console.WriteLine("Delta Angle {0}", deltaAngle);

                device.LastBlobAngle = blob.Angle;
                device.Angle        += deltaAngle;
    public void RegisterBlobData(Vector3 position, float range, float duration, float wavelength, float maxAmplitude, float speed)
        BlobData newData = new BlobData();

        newData.position   = position;
        newData.maxRange   = range;
        newData.duration   = duration;
        newData.wavelength = wavelength;
        newData.amplitude  = maxAmplitude;
        newData.speed      = speed;
        newData.timer      = 0f;
        newData.progress   = 0f;

        //we always store the newest impact at index 0 and shift all others
        for (int i = 0; i < blobData.Length - 1; i++)
            blobData[i + 1] = blobData[i];//shift all blobdata and overwrite oldest if array is already full
        blobData[0] = newData;

        activeBlobDataIndex = Mathf.Min(blobData.Length - 1, activeBlobDataIndex + 1);//increment number of active blobs

         * if(activeBlobDataIndex >= blobData.Length) {//if the array is already full with active blobsies, we replace the one at index 0
         *  for (int i = 0; i < blobData.Length - 1; i++) {//we shift the existing blobdata
         *      blobData[i] = blobData[i+1];
         *  }
         *  blobData[blobData.Length - 1] = newData;//and add the new data at the bottom of the array
         * } else {
         *  blobData[activeBlobDataIndex] = newData;
         *  activeBlobDataIndex++;
         * }
Example #12
    private float getSafeSpawnTime(BlobData blobData)
        //returns the earliest time it is safe to spawn the blob from its direction

        float highestCollisionTime = 0;
        foreach (SpawnEvent spawnEvent in spawnEvents) {
            if (spawnEvent.blobData.getMoveDirection () != blobData.getMoveDirection ())
            float driftTime = spawnEvent.blobData.getDriftTime ();
            float collisionTime = driftTime + spawnEvent.time;

            highestCollisionTime = Mathf.Max (highestCollisionTime, collisionTime);

        if (highestCollisionTime == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            float safeTime = highestCollisionTime - blobData.getDriftTime ();
            safeTime += GameSettings.collisionWait;
            //Debug.Log (highestCollisionTime + " " + blobData.getDriftTime () + " " + GameSettings.collisionWait);
            return safeTime;
Example #13
 public SpawnEvent(BlobData blobData, float time)
     this.blobData = blobData;
     this.time = time;
Example #14
 public void setBlobData(BlobData blobData)
     this.blobData = blobData;
Example #15
    private void applyWaveData(BlobData blobData, WaveData waveData, int frequencyIndex)
        Directions.Cardinal direction = waveData.genDirection ();
        if (direction != Directions.Cardinal.unknown)
            blobData.moveDirection = direction;

        float sizeMultiplier = waveData.genSizeMultiplier (frequencyIndex);
        IntVector3 blobSize = blobData.getSize ();
        blobData.setSize (blobSize * sizeMultiplier);

        Vector2 offsetMultiplier = waveData.genOffset ();
        IntVector3 mainSize = worldManager.getMainSizeVector ();
        IntVector2 collisionSize= MDCollision.getCollisionArraySize(blobData.getSizeVector(),blobData.getMoveDirectionUnitVector());
        blobData.offset.x = (int)(collisionSize.x * offsetMultiplier.x);
        blobData.offset.y = (int)(collisionSize.y * offsetMultiplier.y);
        public HttpResponseMessage UpdateBlobDataToDB(BlobData blobData)
                SqlConnection conn    = null;
                SqlCommand    command = null;

                var connectionString = string.Empty;
                var json             = string.Empty;
                connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

                conn    = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                command = new SqlCommand("BlobStorageIns", conn);
                command.CommandTimeout = 0;

                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                command.Parameters.Add("@filePath", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255);
                command.Parameters.Add("@fileExt", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10);
                command.Parameters.Add("@senderNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30);
                command.Parameters.Add("@senderLat", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                command.Parameters.Add("@senderLong", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                command.Parameters.Add("@adminArea", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@countryCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@countryName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@featureName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@locality", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@postalCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@subAdminArea", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@subLocality", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@subThoroughFare", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@thoroughFare", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@createdOn", SqlDbType.DateTime);

                command.Parameters["@filePath"].Value        = blobData.filePath;
                command.Parameters["@fileExt"].Value         = blobData.fileExt;
                command.Parameters["@senderNumber"].Value    = blobData.senderNumber;
                command.Parameters["@senderLat"].Value       = blobData.senderLat;
                command.Parameters["@senderLong"].Value      = blobData.senderLong;
                command.Parameters["@adminArea"].Value       = blobData.adminArea;
                command.Parameters["@countryCode"].Value     = blobData.countryCode;
                command.Parameters["@countryName"].Value     = blobData.countryName;
                command.Parameters["@featureName"].Value     = blobData.featureName;
                command.Parameters["@locality"].Value        = blobData.locality;
                command.Parameters["@postalCode"].Value      = blobData.postalCode;
                command.Parameters["@subAdminArea"].Value    = blobData.subAdminArea;
                command.Parameters["@subLocality"].Value     = blobData.subLocality;
                command.Parameters["@subThoroughFare"].Value = blobData.subThoroughFare;
                command.Parameters["@thoroughFare"].Value    = blobData.thoroughFare;
                command.Parameters["@createdOn"].Value       = DateTime.UtcNow;



                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse <BlobData>(HttpStatusCode.Created, blobData);
            catch (Exception exception)
                    var errorMessagError
                        = new System.Web.Http.HttpError(exception.Message)
                        { "ErrorCode", 405 }

                    throw new
                              (ControllerContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed, errorMessagError));
Example #17
 public BlobData getBlobData()
     if (blobData == null)
         blobData = worldManager.getLevelData ().getFirstBlob ();
     return blobData;
Example #18
    internal static pxcmStatus QueryBlobDataINT(IntPtr instance, Int32 index, IntPtr segmentationImage, out BlobData blobData)
        blobData = new BlobData();

        return(PXCMBlobExtractor_QueryBlobData(instance, index, segmentationImage, blobData));
Example #19
        private void FillDoc(DocumentBuilder builder, string prefix, DynaDoc doc)
            var pref = String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? "" : prefix + ".";

            //foreach (var attr in doc.Doc.Attributes)
            //    var fn = Logger.GetLogFileName("ReportManagerError");
            //    Logger.OutputLog(fn, "ERROR BLOB: " + attr.AttrDef.Name + " ----- " + attr.GetType() + " ----- " + attr.ObjectValue.ToString().Length + " ----- " + (attr is BlobAttribute));

            foreach (var attr in doc.Doc.Attributes)
                var value = attr.ObjectValue;

                    if (attr is BlobAttribute)
                        //var fn = Logger.GetLogFileName("ReportManagerError");
                        //Logger.OutputLog(fn, "ERROR BLOB: " + attr.AttrDef.Name + " ----- " + attr.GetType());

                        IDocRepository _docRepo = Provider.Get <IDocRepository>();

                        BlobData img = _docRepo.GetBlobAttrData(doc.Doc.Id, attr.AttrDef);

                        //Logger.OutputLog(fn, "ERROR BLOB: " + img.FileName);

                        // We assume only Image types blobs are used in reports
                        builder.SetBlobField(pref + attr.AttrDef.Name, img.Data);

                catch (Exception e)
                    var fn = Logger.GetLogFileName("ReportManagerError");
                    Logger.OutputLog(fn, e, e.Message);

                if (value == null)

                if (attr is DocAttribute)
                    var attrDoc = doc.GetAttrDoc((DocAttribute)attr);

                    if (attrDoc != null)
                        using (var dynaDoc = new DynaDoc(attrDoc, UserId, Provider))
                            FillDoc(builder, pref + attr.AttrDef.Name, dynaDoc);
                else if (attr is DocListAttribute)
                    var index = 0;
                    foreach (var docItem in doc.GetAttrDocList((DocListAttribute)attr))
                        using (var dynaDoc = new DynaDoc(docItem, UserId, Provider))
                            FillDoc(builder, string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", pref, attr.AttrDef.Name, index), dynaDoc);
                else if (attr is EnumAttribute)
                    var enumValue = doc.GetAttrEnum((EnumAttribute)attr);

                    if (enumValue != null)
                        builder.SetField(pref + attr.AttrDef.Name, enumValue.Value);
                else if (attr is DateTimeAttribute)
                    builder.SetField(pref + attr.AttrDef.Name, String.Format("{0:d}", value));
                else if (attr is CurrencyAttribute || attr is FloatAttribute)
                    builder.SetField(pref + attr.AttrDef.Name, String.Format("{0:F2}", value));
                    builder.SetField(pref + attr.AttrDef.Name, value);
Example #20
 public void TestStructContainingArray() {
     BlobData arg = new BlobData();
     arg.ident = 1;
     arg.data = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
     BlobData result = m_testService.EchoBlobData(arg);    
     Assert.AreEqual(arg.ident, result.ident);
     Assert.AreEqual(arg.data.Length, result.data.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < arg.data.Length; i++) {
         Assert.AreEqual(arg.data[i], result.data[i]);
        async Task <object> IDataStore.AddOrReplaceAsync(BlobData blob, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ArgCheck.NotNull(nameof(blob), blob);

            return((await PutAsync(blob?.Key, blob?.Content, directoryRelativeAddress: blob?.Partition, contentType: blob?.ContentType, contentEncoding: blob?.ContentEncoding, ifMatchETag: (string)blob?.ConcurrencyToken, absoluteExpiration: blob?.ExpiresAt, cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ETag);
        internal static pxcmStatus QueryBlobDataINT(IntPtr instance, Int32 index, IntPtr segmentationImage, out BlobData blobData)
            blobData = new BlobData();

            return PXCMBlobExtractor_QueryBlobData(instance, index, segmentationImage, blobData);
Example #23
    private int getDriftFuel(BlobData blobData)
        if the blob spawns, and misses the main platform, this is the total distance
        it will cover before disappearing off the other side of the map.
        BlobManager mainBlob = getBlob (mainBlobName);
        IntVector3 vec = blobData.getMoveDirectionUnitVector ();

        int fuel = GameSettings.blobSpawnDistance * 2;
        fuel += mainBlob.getPrism ().width * Mathf.Abs (vec.x);
        fuel += mainBlob.getPrism ().height * Mathf.Abs (vec.y);
        fuel += mainBlob.getPrism ().depth * Mathf.Abs (vec.z);

        return fuel;
  *  @brief Retrieve the 2D image mask of the blob and its associated blob data
  *  The blobs are ordered from the largest to the smallest (in number of pixels)
  *  @see BlobData
  *  @param[in] index the zero-based index of the requested blob (has to be between 0 to number of blobs)
  *  @param[out] segmentationImage the 2D image mask of the requested blob
  *  @param[out] blobData the data of the requested blob
  *  @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR if index is valid and processImage terminated successfully; otherwise, return the following error:
  *  PXCM_STATUS_PARAM_UNSUPPORTED if index is invalid or PXCM_STATUS_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE if processImage is running or PXCMBlobExtractor was not initialized.
 public pxcmStatus QueryBlobData(Int32 index, PXCMImage segmentationImage, out BlobData blobData)
     return(QueryBlobDataINT(instance, index, segmentationImage.instance, out blobData));
        public async Task <string> PostBlobData2(BlobData blobData)
                SqlConnection conn    = null;
                SqlCommand    command = null;

                var connectionString = string.Empty;
                var json             = string.Empty;
                connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

                conn    = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                command = new SqlCommand("BlobStorageIns2", conn);
                command.CommandTimeout = 0;

                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                command.Parameters.Add("@filePath", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255);
                command.Parameters.Add("@fileExt", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10);
                command.Parameters.Add("@senderNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30);
                command.Parameters.Add("@senderLat", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                command.Parameters.Add("@senderLong", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                command.Parameters.Add("@adminArea", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@countryCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@countryName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@featureName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@locality", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@postalCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@subAdminArea", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@subLocality", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@subThoroughFare", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@thoroughFare", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                command.Parameters.Add("@createdOn", SqlDbType.DateTime);

                command.Parameters["@filePath"].Value        = blobData.filePath;
                command.Parameters["@fileExt"].Value         = blobData.fileExt;
                command.Parameters["@senderNumber"].Value    = blobData.senderNumber;
                command.Parameters["@senderLat"].Value       = blobData.senderLat;
                command.Parameters["@senderLong"].Value      = blobData.senderLong;
                command.Parameters["@adminArea"].Value       = blobData.adminArea;
                command.Parameters["@countryCode"].Value     = blobData.countryCode;
                command.Parameters["@countryName"].Value     = blobData.countryName;
                command.Parameters["@featureName"].Value     = blobData.featureName;
                command.Parameters["@locality"].Value        = blobData.locality;
                command.Parameters["@postalCode"].Value      = blobData.postalCode;
                command.Parameters["@subAdminArea"].Value    = blobData.subAdminArea;
                command.Parameters["@subLocality"].Value     = blobData.subLocality;
                command.Parameters["@subThoroughFare"].Value = blobData.subThoroughFare;
                command.Parameters["@thoroughFare"].Value    = blobData.thoroughFare;
                command.Parameters["@createdOn"].Value       = DateTime.UtcNow;



                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse <BlobData>(HttpStatusCode.Created, blobData);
            catch (Exception exception)
Example #26
 private static extern pxcmStatus PXCMBlobExtractor_QueryBlobData(IntPtr instance, Int32 index, IntPtr segmentationImage, [Out] BlobData blobData);
Example #27
    private IntVector3 getBlobStartPosition(BlobData blobData)
        Prism mainPrism = getBlob (mainBlobName).genPrism ();
        IntVector3 vec = blobData.getMoveDirectionUnitVector ();
        IntVector3 pos = new IntVector3 (mainPrism.x, mainPrism.y, mainPrism.z);

        int xOffset = blobData.offset.x;
        int yOffset = blobData.offset.y;

        if (blobData.offset.guarenteeHit) {

            IntVector3 moveDirection = blobData.getMoveDirectionUnitVector ();
            IntVector2 blobOffset = MDCollision.getCenterCollisionPoint (blobData.getMapData (), moveDirection);

            IntVector2 preferredPoint = new IntVector2 (xOffset, yOffset);
            int[,,] mainMapData = ((BlobManager)getBlob (mainBlobName)).mapData;
            IntVector2 mainOffset = MDCollision.getCollisionPoint (mainMapData, preferredPoint, moveDirection);

            xOffset = mainOffset.x - blobOffset.x;
            yOffset = mainOffset.y - blobOffset.y;

        IntVector3 sizeVector = blobData.getSizeVector ();
        int nextOffset = xOffset;
        if (vec.x == 0) {
            pos.x += nextOffset;
            nextOffset = yOffset;
        } else {
            pos.x += vec.x * GameSettings.blobSpawnDistance * -1;
            if (vec.x == 1)
                pos.x -= sizeVector.x;
            if (vec.x == -1)
                pos.x += mainPrism.width;

        if (vec.z == 0) {
            pos.z += nextOffset;
            nextOffset = yOffset;
        } else {
            pos.z += vec.z * GameSettings.blobSpawnDistance * -1;
            if (vec.z == 1)
                pos.z -= sizeVector.z;
            if (vec.z == -1)
                pos.z += mainPrism.depth;

        if (vec.y == 0) {
            pos.y += nextOffset;
        } else {
            pos.y += vec.y * GameSettings.blobSpawnDistance * -1;
            if (vec.y == 1)
                pos.y -= sizeVector.y;
            if (vec.y == -1)
                pos.y += mainPrism.height;
        return pos;
Example #28
 void Awake()
     my_bd = GetComponent <BlobData>();
     @brief Retrieve the 2D image mask of the blob and its associated blob data
     The blobs are ordered from the largest to the smallest (in number of pixels)
     @see BlobData
     @param[in] index the zero-based index of the requested blob (has to be between 0 to number of blobs) 
     @param[out] segmentationImage the 2D image mask of the requested blob
     @param[out] blobData the data of the requested blob
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR if index is valid and processImage terminated successfully; otherwise, return the following error:
     PXCM_STATUS_PARAM_UNSUPPORTED if index is invalid or PXCM_STATUS_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE if processImage is running or PXCMBlobExtractor was not initialized.
 public pxcmStatus QueryBlobData(Int32 index, PXCMImage segmentationImage, out BlobData blobData)
     return QueryBlobDataINT(instance, index, segmentationImage.instance, out blobData);
Example #30
 void Start()
     rb    = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     my_bd = GetComponent <BlobData>();