void Solver_OnCollision(object sender, Obi.ObiSolver.ObiCollisionEventArgs e) { Oni.Contact[] contacts = e.contacts.Data; for (int i = 0; i < e.contacts.Count; ++i) { Oni.Contact c = contacts[i]; // make sure this is an actual contact: if (c.distance < 0.01f) { // get the collider: Collider collider = ObiCollider.idToCollider[c.other] as Collider; if (collider != null) { // make it blink: Blinker blinker = collider.GetComponent <Blinker>(); if (blinker) { blinker.Blink(); } } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { blinker = new Blinker(); blinker.reset(); characterrenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer> (); }
/// <summary> /// ダウンのシーケンスを作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="monster"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Sequence CreateDownSequence(BattleMapMonster monster) { Sequence seq = DOTween.Sequence(); // 点滅 SpriteRenderer sr = monster.GameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); Blinker blinker = new Blinker(sr); Tween tween = DOTween.To(() => blinker.Blink, (x) => blinker.Blink = x, 4, bc.GetBaseDuration() * 2); tween.SetEase(Ease.Linear); // エフェクト GameObject effectGo = bc.particleSystemPrefabHolder.Instantiate(EffectType.EXTINCT044, monster.GameObject); ParticleSystem effectPs = effectGo.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); // エフェクトの位置 effectPs.transform.position = monster.GameObject.transform.position; tween.OnComplete(() => { effectPs.Play(); bc.monsterGenerator.DownMonster(monster); }); seq.Append(tween); return(seq); }
void Solver_OnCollision(object sender, Obi.ObiSolver.ObiCollisionEventArgs e) { var colliderWorld = ObiColliderWorld.GetInstance(); Oni.Contact[] contacts = e.contacts.Data; for (int i = 0; i < e.contacts.Count; ++i) { Oni.Contact c = contacts[i]; // make sure this is an actual contact: if (c.distance < 0.01f) { // get the collider: var col = colliderWorld.colliderHandles[c.other].owner; if (col != null) { // make it blink: Blinker blinker = col.GetComponent <Blinker>(); if (blinker) { blinker.Blink(); } } } } }
void Start() { MusicTimer.OnWhole += OnWhole; MusicTimer.OnHalf += OnHalf; MusicTimer.OnQuarter += OnQuarter; MusicTimer.OnEighth += OnEighth; MusicTimer.OnSixteenth += OnSixteenth; MusicTimer timer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MusicTimer>(); float barLength = timer.barLength; whole = Instantiate <Blinker>(dotPrefab, new Vector3(-8, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); whole.fadeTime = barLength; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) { halves[i / 8] = Instantiate <Blinker>(dotPrefab, new Vector3(-8 + i, -1, 0), Quaternion.identity); halves[i / 8].fadeTime = barLength / 2; } if (i % 4 == 0) { quarters[i / 4] = Instantiate <Blinker>(dotPrefab, new Vector3(-8 + i, -2, 0), Quaternion.identity); quarters[i / 4].fadeTime = barLength / 4; } if (i % 2 == 0) { eighths[i / 2] = Instantiate <Blinker>(dotPrefab, new Vector3(-8 + i, -3, 0), Quaternion.identity); eighths[i / 2].fadeTime = barLength / 8; } sixteenths[i] = Instantiate <Blinker>(dotPrefab, new Vector3(-8 + i, -4, 0), Quaternion.identity); sixteenths[i].fadeTime = barLength / 16; } }
void Solver_OnCollision(object sender, Obi.ObiSolver.ObiCollisionEventArgs e) { if (solver.colliderGroup == null) { return; } foreach (Oni.Contact c in e.contacts) { // make sure this is an actual contact: if (c.distance < 0.01f) { // get the collider: Collider collider = solver.colliderGroup.colliders[c.other]; // make it blink: Blinker blinker = collider.GetComponent <Blinker>(); if (blinker) { blinker.Blink(); } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { charaTransform = character2P.transform.position; blin = GetComponent <Blinker>(); player = GamePad.Index.Two; bulletHold2P = bullet; }
public Loaded(RuntimeGltfInstance instance, HumanPoseTransfer src, Transform lookAtTarget) { _instance = instance; var lookAt = instance.GetComponent <VRMLookAtHead>(); if (lookAt != null) { // vrm _pose = _instance.gameObject.AddComponent <HumanPoseTransfer>(); _pose.Source = src; _pose.SourceType = HumanPoseTransfer.HumanPoseTransferSourceType.HumanPoseTransfer; m_lipSync = instance.gameObject.AddComponent <AIUEO>(); m_blink = instance.gameObject.AddComponent <Blinker>(); lookAt.Target = lookAtTarget; lookAt.UpdateType = UpdateType.LateUpdate; // after HumanPoseTransfer's setPose m_proxy = instance.GetComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>(); } // not vrm var animation = instance.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (animation && animation.clip != null) { animation.Play(animation.clip.name); } }
private IEnumerator AnimateEnemyMoves() { List <Agent> agents = board.world.Agents().FindAll(x => x is Enemy); agents = agents.OrderBy(x => x.turnPriority).ToList(); List <MoveListEnemy> enemies = new List <MoveListEnemy>(); foreach (Agent a in agents) { enemies.Add(a as MoveListEnemy); } foreach (MoveListEnemy e in enemies) { List <Vector2Int> moves = e.FindNextMoves(); Blinker blink = new Blinker(); Color color = new Color(e.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.r, e.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.g, e.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color.b); foreach (Vector2Int move in moves) { board.tiles[e.position.x + move.x, e.position.y + move.y].GetComponent <GridTile>().Animate(blink, color, true); while (board.tiles[e.position.x + move.x, e.position.y + move.y].GetComponent <GridTile>().IsAnimating()) { yield return(null); } } } yield break; }
void Start() { RenderTexture r = new RenderTexture(16, 16, 16); r.Create(); GetComponent<Camera>().targetTexture = r; blink = FindObjectOfType<Blinker>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { body = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); TextMesh text = GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>(); text.text = letter.ToString().ToUpper(); blinker = GetComponent <Blinker>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //SoundManager.Instance.Play(AudioKey.TitleBGM); FadeScript = GameObject.Find("Fade").GetComponent <Fade>(); Blink = gameObject.GetComponent <Blinker>(); fade = false; fade_out = false; push = false; }
public override void Initialize() { // General section VACMAPresent = GetBoolParameter("General", "VACMAPresent", true); RSPresent = GetBoolParameter("General", "RSPresent", true); DAATPresent = GetBoolParameter("General", "DAATPresent", false); TVM300Present = GetBoolParameter("General", "TVM300Present", false); // RS section RSDelayBeforeEmergencyBrakingS = GetFloatParameter("RS", "DelayBeforeEmergencyBrakingS", 4f); RSBlinkerFrequencyHz = GetFloatParameter("RS", "BlinkerFrequencyHz", 1f); // TVM common section TVMCOVITInhibited = GetBoolParameter("TVM", "CovitInhibited", false); // TVM300 section TVM300TrainSpeedLimitMpS = MpS.FromKpH(GetFloatParameter("TVM300", "TrainSpeedLimitKpH", 300f)); // VACMA section VACMAActivationSpeedMpS = MpS.FromKpH(GetFloatParameter("VACMA", "ActivationSpeedKpH", 3f)); VACMAReleasedAlertDelayS = GetFloatParameter("VACMA", "ReleasedAlertDelayS", 2.5f); VACMAReleasedEmergencyDelayS = GetFloatParameter("VACMA", "ReleasedEmergencyDelayS", 5f); VACMAPressedAlertDelayS = GetFloatParameter("VACMA", "PressedAlertDelayS", 55f); VACMAPressedEmergencyDelayS = GetFloatParameter("VACMA", "PressedEmergencyDelayS", 60f); // Variables initialization RSBlinker = new Blinker(this); RSBlinker.Setup(RSBlinkerFrequencyHz); RSBlinker.Start(); RSEmergencyTimer = new Timer(this); RSEmergencyTimer.Setup(RSDelayBeforeEmergencyBrakingS); VACMAPressedAlertTimer = new Timer(this); VACMAPressedAlertTimer.Setup(VACMAPressedAlertDelayS); VACMAPressedEmergencyTimer = new Timer(this); VACMAPressedEmergencyTimer.Setup(VACMAPressedEmergencyDelayS); VACMAReleasedAlertTimer = new Timer(this); VACMAReleasedAlertTimer.Setup(VACMAReleasedAlertDelayS); VACMAReleasedEmergencyTimer = new Timer(this); VACMAReleasedEmergencyTimer.Setup(VACMAReleasedEmergencyDelayS); // Cabview control names initialization SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(BP_AC_SF, "BP (AC) SF : Acquittement / Acknowledge"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(BP_A_LS_SF, "BP (A) LS (SF) : Annulation LS (SF) / Cancel LS (SF)"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(Z_ES_VA, "Z (ES) VA : Essai VACMA / Alerter test"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(BP_AM_V1, "BP AM V1 : Armement manuel TVM voie 1 / TVM manual arming track 1"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(BP_AM_V2, "BP AM V2 : Armement manuel TVM voie 2 / TVM manual arming track 2"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(BP_DM, "BP DM : Désarmement manuel TVM / TVM manual dearming"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(LS_SF, "LS (SF) : Signal Fermé / Closed Signal"); SetCustomizedCabviewControlName(TVM_Mask, "Masque TVM / TVM mask"); Activated = true; SetNextSignalAspect(Aspect.Clear_1); }
void Start() { head.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 2, 0); isHoldingMicrophone = false; microphone.SetActive(false); rightIndex = 0; device = null; if (isLocalPlayer) { if (UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled) { if (SteamVR_Rig == null) { GameManager gm = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); SteamVR_Rig = gm.vrCameraRig.transform; hmd = gm.hmd; controllerLeft = gm.controllerLeft; controllerRight = gm.controllerRight; hmdBlinker = gm.hmdBlinker; } //move the SteamVR_rig to the player's position copyTransform(this.transform, SteamVR_Rig.transform); //the controllers are the easy ones, just move them directly copyTransform(controllerLeft.transform, handLeft.transform); copyTransform(controllerRight.transform, handRight.transform); //now move the head to the HMD position, this is actually the eye position copyTransform(hmd.transform, head); //move the feet to be in the tracking space, but on the ground (maybe do this with physics to ensure a good foot position later) feet.position = Vector3.Scale(head.position, new Vector3(1, 0, 1)) + Vector3.Scale(SteamVR_Rig.position, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); handleControllerInputs(); } else { float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); transform.Translate(vertical * Time.fixedDeltaTime * (new Vector3(0, 0, 1))); transform.Translate(horizontal * Time.fixedDeltaTime * (new Vector3(1, 0, 0))); } CmdSyncPlayer(head.transform.position, head.transform.rotation, handLeft.transform.position, handLeft.transform.rotation, handRight.transform.position, handRight.transform.rotation); } else { //runs on all other clients and the server //move to the syncvars head.position = Vector3.Lerp(head.position, headPos, .2f); head.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(head.rotation, headRot, .2f); handLeft.transform.position = leftHandPos; handLeft.transform.rotation = leftHandRot; handRight.transform.position = rightHandPos; handRight.transform.rotation = rightHandRot; } }
public TimeWidget(GameScene gameScene, float x, float y) : base(x, y) { this.gameScene = gameScene; Layer = Global.LayerUi; label = new Label(Global.Font); label.Scale = 2.0f; label.HAlign = TextAlign.Center; Add(label); blinker = new Blinker(0.2f, label); Add(blinker); }
protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { listener = new HearthRateListener(); lsOperator = LedSoundOperator.GetBlinker(); var blinker = Blinker.GetBlinker(); listener.PulseDataReceived += (p, q) => { blinker.HeartRate = q.HeartRate; }; blinker.DoBlink += Blinker_DoBlink; blinker.Start(); await listener.Init(); }
private async Task Init() { if (model == null) { model = new HeartRateModel(); await model.Init(); model.BandDataReceived += (p, q) => FlashCircle(BandDataCircle, Colors.Gold, 100); model.PulseDataReceived += (p, q) => FlashCircle(AzureDataCircle, Colors.Gold, 100); var blinker = Blinker.GetBlinker(); model.PulseDataReceived += (p, q) => { blinker.HeartRate = q.HeartRate; }; blinker.DoBlink += BlinkerDoBlink; blinker.Start(); } }
void Awake() { movementAgent = GetComponent <PlayerMovement>(); gun = GetComponent <Gun>(); blinker = GetComponent <Blinker>(); abilityIndicator = GetComponentInChildren <AbilityIndicator>(); levelSetup = FindObjectOfType <LevelSetup>(); if (levelSetup) { levelHasTeleport = levelSetup.teleportActive; levelHasEyes = levelSetup.sightActive; levelHasGun = levelSetup.gunActive; } else { levelHasTeleport = levelHasEyes = levelHasGun = true; } upKey = keyBinding.moveUp; downKey = keyBinding.moveDown; leftKey = keyBinding.moveLeft; rightKey = keyBinding.moveRight; shootKey = keyBinding.shoot; blinkKey = keyBinding.blink; stealGunKey = keyBinding.stealGun; stealEyesKey = keyBinding.stealEyes; stealBlinkKey = keyBinding.stealBlink; if (otherPlayer == null) { var allPlayers = FindObjectsOfType <PlayerInput>(); if (allPlayers.Length > 1) { otherPlayer = allPlayers[0] == this ? allPlayers[1] : allPlayers[0]; } } if (otherPlayer != null && otherPlayer.playerId == playerId) { Debug.LogError("SAME PLAYER ID ON PLAYERS OMG"); } }
void Solver_OnCollision(object sender, Obi.ObiSolver.ObiCollisionEventArgs e) { foreach (Oni.Contact c in e.contacts) { // make sure this is an actual contact: if (c.distance < 0.01f) { // get the collider: Collider collider = ObiCollider.idToCollider[c.other] as Collider; // make it blink: Blinker blinker = collider.GetComponent <Blinker>(); if (blinker) { blinker.Blink(); } } } }
public async Task LoadModel(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) { Debug.LogError("file not found path = " + path); return; } //VRMファイルの読み込み var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path); var context = new VRMImporterContext(); context.ParseGlb(bytes); var meta = context.ReadMeta(false); await context.LoadAsyncTask(); //VRMファイルの表示 context.ShowMeshes(); context.EnableUpdateWhenOffscreen(); context.ShowMeshes(); model = GameObject.Find("VRM"); //VRMオブジェクトへの動的アタッチ model.AddComponent <AvatarController>(); this.GetComponent <KinectManager>().ResetAvatarControllers(); //thisをKinectManagerをアタッチしたGameObjectに変更 //BoneSendへのVRMオブジェクト代入 this.GetComponent <SampleBonesSend>().Model = model; //thisをSampleBonesSendをアタッチしたGameObjectに変更 //BoneReceiveへのVRMオブジェクト代入 this.GetComponent <SampleBonesReceive>().Model = model; //thisをSampleBonesSendをアタッチしたGameObjectに変更 //Blinker追加 var lookAt = model.GetComponent <VRMLookAtHead>(); if (lookAt != null) { model.AddComponent <Blinker>(); blinker = model.GetComponent <Blinker>(); } //AniLipSync-VRMへのVRMオブジェクト代入 LipSync.blendShapeProxy = model.GetComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>(); //thisをSampleBonesSendをアタッチしたGameObjectに変更 }
void Skin_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e) { uxSettings = FindName("uxSettings") as Button; uxLeftTurn = FindName("uxLeftTurn") as Blinker; uxRightTurn = FindName("uxRightTurn") as Blinker; uxLowFuel = FindName("uxLowFuel") as FrameworkElement; uxHazard = FindName("uxHazard") as FrameworkElement; uxMalfunction = FindName("uxMalfunction") as FrameworkElement; uxOpenDoor = FindName("uxOpenDoor") as FrameworkElement; uxMessage = FindName("uxMessage") as TextBlock; uxMessageMarquee = FindName("uxMessageMarquee") as Marquee; uxOdometer = FindName("uxOdometer") as TextBlock; uxMPG = FindName("uxMPG") as TextBlock; uxMPH = FindName("uxMPH") as Slider; uxRPM = FindName("uxRPM") as Slider; uxFuel = FindName("uxFuel") as Slider; uxTemp = FindName("uxTemp") as Slider; uxOil = FindName("uxOil") as Slider; uxBattery = FindName("uxBattery") as Slider; uxMPHLabel = FindName("uxMPHLabel") as TextBlock; uxRPMLabel = FindName("uxRPMLabel") as TextBlock; }
void SetModel(GameObject go) { // cleanup var loaded = m_loaded; m_loaded = null; if (loaded != null) { Debug.LogFormat("destroy {0}", loaded); GameObject.Destroy(loaded.gameObject); } if (go != null) { var lookAt = go.GetComponent <VRMLookAtHead>(); if (lookAt != null) { m_loaded = go.AddComponent <HumanPoseTransfer>(); m_loaded.Source = m_src; m_loaded.SourceType = HumanPoseTransfer.HumanPoseTransferSourceType.HumanPoseTransfer; m_lipSync = go.AddComponent <AIUEO>(); m_blink = go.AddComponent <Blinker>(); lookAt.Target = m_target.transform; lookAt.UpdateType = UpdateType.LateUpdate; // after HumanPoseTransfer's setPose } var animation = go.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (animation && animation.clip != null) { animation.Play(animation.clip.name); } m_proxy = go.GetComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>(); } }
private static void Main() { var blinker = new Blinker(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { blinker.Print(new Cell(-1, -2), new Cell(4, 4)); blinker.Step(); } var glider = new Glider(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var top = glider.Top; var left = glider.Left; var bottom = glider.Bottom; var right = glider.Right; glider.Print(new Cell(left - 1, top - 1), new Cell(right - left + 2, bottom - top + 2)); glider.Step(); } }
static void Main() { var buffer = new Buffer { }; var blinker = new Blinker { SourceBuffer = buffer }; // PowerShell PS> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://try.yaler.net/gsiot-8a3m-5w8t/blinkingPeriod/target" -Method Put -Body 100 -TimeoutSec 2 var webServer = new HttpServer { RelayDomain = Parameters.RelayDomain, RelaySecretKey = Parameters.RelaySecretKey, RequestRouting = { { "PUT /blinkingPeriod/target", new ManipulatedVariable { FromHttpRequest = CSharpRepresentation.TryDeserializeInt, ToActuator = buffer.HandlePut }.HandleRequest }, { "GET /blinkingPeriod/target.html", HandleBlinkTargetHtml } } }; var blinkerThread = new Thread(blinker.Run); blinkerThread.Start(); webServer.Run(); }
protected override void OnNavigatingFrom(NavigatingCancelEventArgs e) { lsOperator.Cleanup(); Blinker.GetBlinker().Stop(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { boyPosition = this.transform.position; blin = GetComponent <Blinker>(); blinkSound = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); }
void Start() { blinker = new Blinker(this); }
public Player(PlayerData data, DungeonTile tile, Direction direction) { Data = data; X = tile.ScreenX + Global.TileSize / 2; Y = tile.ScreenY + Global.TileSize / 2; Angle = DirectionUtils.GetAngle(direction); Type = Global.TypePlayer; Layer = Global.LayerMain; Collider = data.PixelMask; OriginX = Width / 2; OriginY = Height / 2; sortNode = new Renderable(); Add(sortNode); sprite = new Animator(data.Anim); sprite.CenterOrigin(); sprite.Play("idle"); sortNode.Add(sprite); bloodFrontSprite = new Animator(data.Anim); bloodFrontSprite.CenterOrigin(); sortNode.Add(bloodFrontSprite); bloodBackSprite = new Animator(data.Anim); bloodBackSprite.CenterOrigin(); sortNode.Add(bloodBackSprite); hurtSprite = new Animator(data.Anim); hurtSprite.CenterOrigin(); sortNode.Add(hurtSprite); blinker = new Blinker(PlayerData.InvincibleBlinkInterval, sortNode); blinker.Enabled = false; Add(blinker); if (engineSound == null) { engineSound = Asset.LoadSoundEffect("sfx/car_engine").CreateInstance(); } engineSound.Volume = 0.0f; engineSound.IsLooped = true; engineSound.Play(); if (driftSounds == null) { driftSounds = new SoundEffectInstance[2]; for (var i = 0; i < driftSounds.Length; i++) { driftSounds[i] = Asset.LoadSoundEffect("sfx/car_drift_" + (i + 1)).CreateInstance(); driftSounds[i].Volume = 0.7f; } } if (breakSound == null) { breakSound = Asset.LoadSoundEffect("sfx/car_break").CreateInstance(); } breakSound.Volume = 0.7f; Engine.Track(this, "Position"); Engine.Track(this, "Speed"); Engine.Track(this, "Angle"); Engine.Track(this, "engineState"); Engine.Track(this, "enginePct"); Engine.Track(this, "driftPct"); Engine.Track(this, "tireBloodPct"); Engine.Track(this, "velocity"); Engine.Track(this, "bounceVelocity"); Engine.Track(this, "driftAngle"); Engine.Track(this, "forward"); }
public void Awake() { itemImage = transform.Find("ItemImage").GetComponent <Image>(); blinker = transform.GetComponent <Blinker>(); UpdateInfo(); }
private void btnGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbClassName.Text)) { Blinker.Blink(tbClassName, Color.Orange, Color.White); return; } grd.AllowUserToAddRows = false; if (grd.Rows.Count > 0) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Public Class " + tbClassName.Text + Environment.NewLine); for (int i = 0; i < grd.RowCount; i++) { var pname = GetCellValue(i, FName); var ptype = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetCellValue(i, FCustom)) ? GetCellValue(i, FType) : GetCellValue(i, FCustom)); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pname)) { grd.Rows[i].Cells[FName.Index].Style.BackColor = Color.Orange; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FName.Index].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.DarkOrange; return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptype)) { grd.Rows[i].Cells[FType.Index].Style.BackColor = Color.Orange; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FCustom.Index].Style.BackColor = Color.Orange; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FCustom.Index].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.DarkOrange; return; } grd.Rows[i].Cells[FName.Index].Style.BackColor = Color.White; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FType.Index].Style.BackColor = Color.White; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FCustom.Index].Style.BackColor = Color.White; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FCustom.Index].Style.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight; grd.Rows[i].Cells[FName.Index].Style.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight; sb.Append(String.Format(@" Private _{0} As {1} Public Property {0}() As {1} Get Return _{0} End Get Set(ByVal value As {1}) _{0} = value End Set End Property ", pname, ptype)); } sb.Append("End Class "); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, tbClassName.Text + ".vb"), sb.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Done"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { grd.AllowUserToAddRows = true; } }
public static ILifePattern ChoosePattern() { Console.WriteLine("Available pattern:"); Console.WriteLine("0: GliderGun"); Console.WriteLine("1: Acorn"); Console.WriteLine("2: DieHard"); Console.WriteLine("3: Pentadecathlon"); Console.WriteLine("4: Pulsar"); Console.WriteLine("5: Toad"); Console.WriteLine("6: Beacon"); Console.WriteLine("7: Blinker"); Console.WriteLine("8: AcornDoubleMirror"); Console.WriteLine("9: AcornMirror"); string choosen = Console.ReadLine(); int patternChoosen = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(choosen)) { patternChoosen = Convert.ToInt32(choosen); } ILifePattern pattern; switch (patternChoosen) { case 0: pattern = new GliderGun(); break; case 1: pattern = new Acorn(); break; case 2: pattern = new Diehard(); break; case 3: pattern = new Pentadecathlon(); break; case 4: pattern = new Pulsar(); break; case 5: pattern = new Toad(); break; case 6: pattern = new Beacon(); break; case 7: pattern = new Blinker(); break; case 8: pattern = new AcornDoubleMirror(); break; case 9: pattern = new AcornMirror(); break; default: pattern = new Acorn(); break; } return(pattern); }
void Start() { blinky = GetComponent<Blinker> (); sound = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); gc = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<GameController> (); aet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<AudioEngineThing> (); fishy = transform.GetComponent<FishyBehavior> (); dead = false; isEnemy = false; if (this.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") isEnemy = true; }