Example #1
 override protected void OnUserBeginTwoHandGrab(
     Vector3 primaryHand, Vector3 secondaryHand, bool secondaryHandInObject)
     base.OnUserBeginTwoHandGrab(primaryHand, secondaryHand, secondaryHandInObject);
     m_LockedManipulationAxis = GetInferredManipulationAxis(
         primaryHand, secondaryHand, secondaryHandInObject);
Example #2
        public _DragAvatar(
            OverlayState overlayState,
            T data    = default,
            Axis?axis = null,
            Offset initialPosition = null,
            Offset dragStartPoint  = null,
            Widget feedback        = null,
            Offset feedbackOffset  = null,
            _OnDragEnd onDragEnd   = null
            if (feedbackOffset == null)
                feedbackOffset = Offset.zero;

            D.assert(overlayState != null);
            this.overlayState   = overlayState;
            this.data           = data;
            this.axis           = axis;
            this.dragStartPoint = dragStartPoint ?? Offset.zero;
            this.feedback       = feedback;
            this.feedbackOffset = feedbackOffset ?? Offset.zero;
            this.onDragEnd      = onDragEnd;

            _entry = new OverlayEntry(_build);
            _position = initialPosition ?? Offset.zero;
Example #3
        public static Tensor reduce_variance(Tensor input_tensor, Axis?axis = null, bool keepdims = false, string name = null)
            if (name == null)
                name = "reduce_variance";
            // else {name = name;}

            return(tf_with(ops.name_scope(name, "reduce_variance", new[] { input_tensor }), scope =>
                var means = reduce_mean(input_tensor, axis: axis, keepdims: true);
                if (means.dtype.is_integer())
                    throw new TypeError("Input must be either real or complex");
                var diff = input_tensor - means;

                Tensor squared_deviations;
                if (diff.dtype.is_complex())
                    var real_dtype = diff.dtype.real_dtype();
                    squared_deviations = real(
                        gen_math_ops.mul(conj(diff), diff));
                    squared_deviations = gen_math_ops.square(diff);
                return reduce_mean(squared_deviations, axis: axis, keepdims: keepdims);
        public static Matrix4 createCylindricalProjectionTransform(
            float radius,
            float angle,
            float perspective = 0.001f,
            Axis?orientation  = null
            D.assert(perspective >= 0 && perspective <= 1.0);
            if (orientation == null)
                orientation = Axis.vertical;

            Matrix4 result = Matrix4.identity();

            result.setEntry(3, 2, -perspective);
            result.setEntry(2, 3, -radius);
            result.setEntry(3, 3, perspective * radius + 1.0f);

            result = result * ((
                                   orientation == Axis.horizontal
                    ? Matrix4.rotationY(angle)
                    : Matrix4.rotationX(angle)
                                   ) * Matrix4.translationValues(0.0f, 0.0f, radius)) as Matrix4;

Example #5
 public LongPressDraggable(
     T data,
     Key key                    = null,
     Widget child               = null,
     Widget feedback            = null,
     Axis?axis                  = null,
     Widget childWhenDragging   = null,
     Offset feedbackOffset      = null,
     DragAnchor dragAnchor      = DragAnchor.child,
     int?maxSimultaneousDrags   = null,
     VoidCallback onDragStarted = null,
     DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled = null,
     DragEndCallback onDragEnd    = null,
     VoidCallback onDragCompleted = null
     ) : base(
         key: key,
         child: child,
         feedback: feedback,
         data: data,
         axis: axis,
         childWhenDragging: childWhenDragging,
         feedbackOffset: feedbackOffset,
         dragAnchor: dragAnchor,
         maxSimultaneousDrags: maxSimultaneousDrags,
         onDragStarted: onDragStarted,
         onDraggableCanceled: onDraggableCanceled,
         onDragEnd: onDragEnd,
         onDragCompleted: onDragCompleted
Example #6
        public _TabLabelBarRenderer(
            List <RenderBox> children             = null,
            Axis?direction                        = null,
            MainAxisSize?mainAxisSize             = null,
            MainAxisAlignment?mainAxisAlignment   = null,
            CrossAxisAlignment?crossAxisAlignment = null,
            VerticalDirection?verticalDirection   = null,
            _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout       = null
            ) : base(
                children: children,
                direction: direction.Value,
                mainAxisSize: mainAxisSize.Value,
                mainAxisAlignment: mainAxisAlignment.Value,
                crossAxisAlignment: crossAxisAlignment.Value,
                verticalDirection: verticalDirection.Value
            D.assert(direction != null);
            D.assert(mainAxisSize != null);
            D.assert(mainAxisAlignment != null);
            D.assert(crossAxisAlignment != null);
            D.assert(verticalDirection != null);

            D.assert(onPerformLayout != null);
            this.onPerformLayout = onPerformLayout;
Example #7
        public Draggable(
            Key key                    = null,
            Widget child               = null,
            Widget feedback            = null,
            T data                     = default,
            Axis?axis                  = null,
            Widget childWhenDragging   = null,
            Offset feedbackOffset      = null,
            DragAnchor dragAnchor      = DragAnchor.child,
            Axis?affinity              = null,
            int?maxSimultaneousDrags   = null,
            VoidCallback onDragStarted = null,
            DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled = null,
            DragEndCallback onDragEnd    = null,
            VoidCallback onDragCompleted = null
            ) : base(key)
            D.assert(child != null);
            D.assert(feedback != null);
            D.assert(maxSimultaneousDrags == null || maxSimultaneousDrags >= 0);

            this.child                = child;
            this.feedback             = feedback;
            this.data                 = data;
            this.axis                 = axis;
            this.childWhenDragging    = childWhenDragging;
            this.feedbackOffset       = feedbackOffset ?? Offset.zero;
            this.dragAnchor           = dragAnchor;
            this.affinity             = affinity;
            this.maxSimultaneousDrags = maxSimultaneousDrags;
            this.onDragStarted        = onDragStarted;
            this.onDraggableCanceled  = onDraggableCanceled;
            this.onDragEnd            = onDragEnd;
            this.onDragCompleted      = onDragCompleted;
Example #8
 public RenderUnconstrainedBox(
     Alignment alignment  = null,
     Axis?constrainedAxis = null,
     RenderBox child      = null
     ) : base(alignment, child)
     this._constrainedAxis = constrainedAxis;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
        /// Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `axis`.
        /// Unless `keepdims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
        /// entry in `axis`. If `keepdims` is true, the reduced dimensionsare retained with length 1.
        /// If `axis` is None, all dimensions are reduced, and a tensor with a single element is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input_tensor"> The tensor to reduce. Should have numeric type.</param>
        /// <param name="axis">The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the default), reduces all
        /// dimensions.Must be in the range `[-rank(input_tensor), rank(input_tensor))`.</param>
        /// <param name="keepdims"> If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.</param>
        /// <param name="name"> A name for the operation (optional).</param>
        public static Tensor reduce_mean(Tensor input_tensor, Axis?axis = null, bool keepdims = false, string name = null, int?reduction_indices = null)
            var r           = _ReductionDims(input_tensor, axis);
            var axis_tensor = axis == null ? r : ops.convert_to_tensor(axis);
            var m           = gen_math_ops.mean(input_tensor, axis_tensor, keepdims, name);

            return(_may_reduce_to_scalar(keepdims, axis_tensor, m));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the "logical and" of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input_tensor"></param>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <param name="keepdims"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tensor reduce_all(Tensor input_tensor, Axis?axis = null, bool keepdims = false, string name = null)
            var all = gen_math_ops._all(input_tensor,
                                        _ReductionDims(input_tensor, axis),
                                        name: name);

            return(_may_reduce_to_scalar(keepdims, axis, all));
Example #11
 override protected void OnUserBeginInteracting()
     m_LockedManipulationAxis = null;
     if (m_TintableMeshes != null)
         Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_UserIsInteractingWithStencilWidget", 1.0f);
Example #12
        internal static DoubleLinkAxis?ConvertTree(Axis?axis)
            if (axis == null)

            return(new DoubleLinkAxis(axis, ConvertTree((Axis?)axis.Input)));
Example #13
 private void Control_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left)
         _selectedAxis = null;
         _pressedAxis  = null;
         _dragPlane    = null;
Example #14
 public class RenderUnconstrainedBox : RenderAligningShiftedBox {//, DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin
     public RenderUnconstrainedBox(
         AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
         TextDirection?textDirection = null,
         Axis?constrainedAxis        = null,
         RenderBox child             = null
         ) : base(alignment, textDirection, child)
         D.assert(alignment != null);
         _constrainedAxis = constrainedAxis;
Example #15
 internal DoubleLinkAxis(Axis axis, DoubleLinkAxis?inputaxis)
     : base(axis.TypeOfAxis, inputaxis, axis.Prefix, axis.Name, axis.NodeType)
     this.next     = null;
     this.Urn      = axis.Urn;
     this.abbrAxis = axis.AbbrAxis;
     if (inputaxis != null)
         inputaxis.Next = this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ResizeFilter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="width">The width.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height.</param>
 /// <param name="method">The resize method.</param>
 /// <param name="anchorLocation">The anchor location, for when cropping is used.</param>
 public ResizeFilter(int width, int height, ResizeMethod method, AnchorLocation anchorLocation, Axis?constrainAxis = null)
     this.TargetSize         = new Size(width, height);
     this.ResizeMethod       = method;
     this.AnchorLocation     = anchorLocation;
     this.Resolution         = Resolution.Screen;
     this.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
     this.InterpoliationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
     this.BackgroundColour   = Color.White;
     this.ConstrainAxis      = constrainAxis;
Example #17
        public Rotation CreateRotationFromSides(
            CubeCoords coords1, CubeSide side1,
            CubeCoords coords2, CubeSide side2)
            int left1 = coords1.Left;
            int top1 = coords1.Top;
            int depth1 = coords1.Depth;

            int left2 = coords2.Left;
            int top2 = coords2.Top;
            int depth2 = coords2.Depth;

            if (side1 == side2 && coords1 != coords2)
                bool invert;
                Axis? equalsWay = GetEqualsWay(side1,
                    left1, top1, depth1,
                    left2, top2, depth2,
                    out invert);

                if (equalsWay == null)
                    return null;

                Axis rotation = (Axis)equalsWay;
                int layer = CoordsHelper.GetLayerFromAxis(rotation, coords1);

                return new Rotation(rotation, layer, !invert);
            else if (coords1 == coords2 && side1 != side2)
                int sum = (int)Axis.Left + (int)Axis.Top + (int)Axis.Depth;
                Axis axis1 = CoordsHelper.GetAxisFromSide(side1);
                Axis axis2 = CoordsHelper.GetAxisFromSide(side2);

                Axis rotation = (Axis)(sum - (int)axis1 - (int)axis2);
                int layer = CoordsHelper.GetLayerFromAxis(rotation, coords1);

                bool clockwise = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < rotationRules.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (rotationRules[i, 0] == side1 &&
                        rotationRules[i, 1] == side2)
                        clockwise = true;

                return new Rotation(rotation, layer, clockwise);

            return null;
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the sum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input"></param>
 /// <param name="axis"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Tensor reduce_sum(Tensor input, Axis?axis = null, Axis?reduction_indices = null,
                          bool keepdims           = false, string name = null)
     if (keepdims)
         return(math_ops.reduce_sum(input, axis: constant_op.constant(axis ?? reduction_indices), keepdims: keepdims, name: name));
         return(math_ops.reduce_sum(input, axis: constant_op.constant(axis ?? reduction_indices)));
        public static ExpressionAnimation StartExpressionAnimation(
            [NotNull] this ScrollViewer scroller, [NotNull] UIElement target,
            Axis sourceXY, Axis?targetXY = null, bool invertSourceAxis = false)
            CompositionPropertySet scrollSet = ElementCompositionPreview.GetScrollViewerManipulationPropertySet(scroller);
            string sign = invertSourceAxis ? "-" : string.Empty;
            ExpressionAnimation animation = scrollSet.Compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation($"{sign}scroll.Translation.{sourceXY}");

            animation.SetReferenceParameter("scroll", scrollSet);
            target.GetVisual().StartAnimation($"Offset.{targetXY ?? sourceXY}", animation);
Example #20
        protected override void FixedUpdate()
			if (_playerController.EditorMode)
			if (LockMove)

            var upHorizontal = Top.enable;
            var downHorizontal = Bot.enable;
            var leftVertical = Left.enable;
            var rightVertical = Right.enable;

            var player = _playerController.TypeItem;
			AudioManager.PlayerAudioType audioType;
            Animator.enabled = (upHorizontal || downHorizontal || leftVertical || rightVertical);
            if (!Animator.enabled)
				audioType = AudioManager.PlayerAudioType.Idle;
				AudioManager.PlaySoundPlayer(AudioIdle, true, player, audioType);


				_calcFirstAxis = null;
				_holdHorizontal = false;
				_holdVertical = false;

			audioType  = AudioManager.PlayerAudioType.Move;
			AudioManager.PlaySoundPlayer(AudioMove, true, player, audioType);

            if (upHorizontal) {
                CurrentDirection = Direction.Top;
            else if (downHorizontal)
                CurrentDirection = Direction.Bottom;
            else if (leftVertical)
                CurrentDirection = Direction.Left;
            else if (rightVertical)
                CurrentDirection = Direction.Right;
            _holdHorizontal = (upHorizontal || downHorizontal);
            _holdVertical = (leftVertical || rightVertical);
Example #21
        public float along(Axis?axis)
            D.assert(axis != null);
            switch (axis)
            case Axis.horizontal:

            case Axis.vertical:
            throw new Exception("unknown axis");
Example #22
        private Axis? GetEqualsWay(CubeSide side,
            int left1, int top1, int depth1,
            int left2, int top2, int depth2, out bool invert)
            Axis? equalsWay = null;
            invert = false;
            if (side == CubeSide.Left || side == CubeSide.Right)
                if (top1 == top2)
                    equalsWay = Axis.Top;
                    invert = depth1 < depth2;
                else if (depth1 == depth2)
                    equalsWay = Axis.Depth;
                    invert = top1 > top2;
            else if (side == CubeSide.Up || side == CubeSide.Down)
                if (left1 == left2)
                    equalsWay = Axis.Left;
                    invert = depth1 > depth2;
                else if (depth1 == depth2)
                    equalsWay = Axis.Depth;
                    invert = left1 < left2;
            else if (side == CubeSide.Front || side == CubeSide.Back)
                if (left1 == left2)
                    equalsWay = Axis.Left;
                    invert = top1 < top2;
                else if (top1 == top2)
                    equalsWay = Axis.Top;
                    invert = left1 > left2;

            invert ^= side == CubeSide.Right || side == CubeSide.Down || side == CubeSide.Back;
            return equalsWay;
Example #23
        public static Tensor reduce_std(Tensor input_tensor, Axis?axis = null, bool keepdims = false, string name = null)
            if (name == null)
                name = "reduce_std";
            // else {name = name;}

            return(tf_with(ops.name_scope(name, "reduce_std", new[] { input_tensor }), scope =>
                var variance = reduce_variance(input_tensor, axis: axis, keepdims: keepdims);
                return gen_math_ops.sqrt(variance);
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the product of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input_tensor"></param>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <param name="keepdims"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tensor reduce_prod(Tensor input_tensor, Axis?axis = null, bool keepdims = false, string name = null)
            var r = _ReductionDims(input_tensor, axis);

            if (axis == null)
                var m = gen_math_ops.prod(input_tensor, r, keepdims, name);
                return(_may_reduce_to_scalar(keepdims, axis, m));
                var m = gen_math_ops.prod(input_tensor, axis, keepdims, name);
                return(_may_reduce_to_scalar(keepdims, axis, m));
Example #25
        internal Joint(XmlNode node)
            Name = Utils.ParseString(node.Attributes?["name"]);
            string typeStr = Utils.ParseString(node.Attributes?["type"]);

            Type = GetJointType(typeStr, node);

            Origin?origin = null;
            Parent?parent = null;
            Child? child  = null;
            Axis?  axis   = null;
            Limit? limit  = null;

            foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
                switch (childNode.Name)
                case "origin":
                    origin = new Origin(childNode);

                case "parent":
                    parent = new Parent(childNode);

                case "child":
                    child = new Child(childNode);

                case "axis":
                    axis = new Axis(childNode);

                case "limit":
                    limit = new Limit(childNode);

            Origin = origin ?? Origin.Identity;
            Parent = parent ?? throw new MalformedUrdfException(node);
            Child  = child ?? throw new MalformedUrdfException(node);
            Axis   = axis ?? Axis.Right;
            Limit  = limit ?? Limit.Empty;
Example #26
        private static Tensor _ReductionDims(Tensor x, Axis?axis)
            if (axis != null)
                // should return axis. or check before.
                return(ops.convert_to_tensor(axis, TF_DataType.TF_INT32));
                var rank = common_shapes.rank(x);

                // we rely on Range and Rank to do the right thing at run-time.
                if (rank == -1)
                    return(range(0, array_ops.rank(x)));

                return(range(0, rank, 1));
Example #27
        public _DragAvatar(
            T data,
            OverlayState overlayState,
            Axis?axis = null,
            Offset initialPosition = null,
            Offset dragStartPoint  = null,
            Widget feedback        = null,
            Offset feedbackOffset  = null,
            _OnDragEnd onDragEnd   = null
            if (initialPosition == null)
                initialPosition = Offset.zero;

            if (dragStartPoint == null)
                dragStartPoint = Offset.zero;

            if (feedbackOffset == null)
                feedbackOffset = Offset.zero;

            D.assert(overlayState != null);
            this.overlayState   = overlayState;
            this.data           = data;
            this.axis           = axis;
            this.dragStartPoint = dragStartPoint;
            this.feedback       = feedback;
            this.feedbackOffset = feedbackOffset;
            this.onDragEnd      = onDragEnd;

            this._entry = new OverlayEntry(this._build);

            this._position = initialPosition;
        public static ScalarExpressionAnimation StartExpressionAnimation(
            [NotNull] this ScrollViewer scroller, [NotNull] UIElement target,
            Axis sourceXY, float parameter,
            Axis?targetXY = null, bool invertSourceAxis = false)
            // Get the property set and setup the scroller offset sign
            CompositionPropertySet scrollSet = ElementCompositionPreview.GetScrollViewerManipulationPropertySet(scroller);
            string sign = invertSourceAxis ? "-" : "+";

            // Prepare the second property set to insert the additional parameter
            CompositionPropertySet properties = scroller.GetVisual().Compositor.CreatePropertySet();

            properties.InsertScalar(nameof(parameter), parameter);

            // Create and start the animation
            ExpressionAnimation animation = scrollSet.Compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation($"{nameof(properties)}.{nameof(parameter)} {sign} scroll.Translation.{sourceXY}");

            animation.SetReferenceParameter("scroll", scrollSet);
            animation.SetReferenceParameter(nameof(properties), properties);
            target.GetVisual().StartAnimation($"Offset.{targetXY ?? sourceXY}", animation);
            return(new ScalarExpressionAnimation(animation, properties, nameof(parameter)));
Example #29
        public _GlowController(
            TickerProvider vsync,
            Color color,
            D.assert(vsync != null);
            D.assert(color != null);
            D.assert(axis != null);
            _color          = color;
            _axis           = axis.Value;
            _glowController = new AnimationController(vsync: vsync);
            Animation <float> decelerator = new CurvedAnimation(
                parent: _glowController,
                curve: Curves.decelerate

            _glowOpacity        = decelerator.drive(_glowOpacityTween);
            _glowSize           = decelerator.drive(_glowSizeTween);
            _displacementTicker = vsync.createTicker(_tickDisplacement);
Example #30
        private void Select()
            var ray           = Scene.MainCamera.Unproject(Scene.Control.ScreenMousePosition);
            var modelSpaceRay = Ray.Transform(ray, Transform.InvertedModelMatrix);

            var axis = GetHitAxis(modelSpaceRay);

            if (axis == null)
                _selectedAxis = null;

            if (_selectedAxis == axis)

            _selectedAxis = axis;
 public TransformInfo(
     int?index              = null,
     float?position         = null,
     float?width            = null,
     float?height           = null,
     int?activeIndex        = null,
     int?fromIndex          = null,
     bool?forward           = null,
     bool?done              = null,
     float?viewportFraction = null,
     Axis?scrollDirection   = null
     this.index            = index;
     this.position         = position;
     this.width            = width;
     this.height           = height;
     this.activeIndex      = activeIndex;
     this.fromIndex        = fromIndex;
     this.forward          = forward;
     this.done             = done;
     this.viewportFraction = viewportFraction;
     this.scrollDirection  = scrollDirection;
Example #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ResizeFilter"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="width">The width.</param>
		/// <param name="height">The height.</param>
		/// <param name="method">The resize method.</param>
		/// <param name="anchorLocation">The anchor location, for when cropping is used.</param>
		public ResizeFilter(int width, int height, ResizeMethod method, AnchorLocation anchorLocation, Axis? constrainAxis = null)
			this.TargetSize = new Size(width, height);
			this.ResizeMethod = method;
			this.AnchorLocation = anchorLocation;
			this.Resolution = Resolution.Screen;
			this.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
			this.InterpoliationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
			this.BackgroundColour = Color.White;
            this.ConstrainAxis = constrainAxis;
Example #33
        public Window(string World, bool Nether , Dictionary<string, Scheme> Schemes)
            : base(640, 480, GraphicsMode.Default, DefaultTitle)
            System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(frmHelp));
            this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")));

            GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); // support transparencey
            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);

            //GL.PolygonMode(MaterialFace.FrontAndBack, PolygonMode.Line);

            MinecraftLevel mcl;
            MinecraftLevel mclt;
            if (Nether)
                mcl = new MinecraftLevel(World + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "DIM-1", false);
                mclt = new MinecraftLevel(World + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "DIM-1", true);
                mcl = new MinecraftLevel(World, false);
                mclt = new MinecraftLevel(World, true);
            int s = 128;

            DateTime starttime = DateTime.Now;
            string leveldat = World + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "level.dat"; // we still dont change this, level.dat is still used
            this._Renderer = new MinecraftRenderer(mcl);
            this._RendererTrans = new MinecraftRenderer(mclt);

            Scheme schm;
            Schemes.TryGetValue("Default", out schm);

            this._Renderer.CurrentScheme = schm;
            this._RendererTrans.CurrentScheme = schm;

            Vector<double> acpos = new Vector<double>();
            if (File.Exists(leveldat) && !SMPInterface.IsSMP)
                    NBTCompound data = ((NBT.Read(File.OpenRead(leveldat)).Data as NBTCompound?).Value.Data["Data"].Data as NBTCompound?).Value;
                    NBTNamedTag<INBTData> player = null;

                    double hellscale = 8.0;

                    bool tryget = data.Data.TryGetValue("Player", out player);
                    bool nether = !(((player.Data as NBTCompound?).Value.Data["Dimension"].Data as NBTInt?).Value.Data == 0);

                    if (tryget & Nether == nether)
                        NBTList pos = (((player.Data as NBTCompound?).Value.Data["Pos"]).Data as NBTList?).Value;
                        acpos = new Vector<double>(
                          (pos.Data[0] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data,
                          (pos.Data[1] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data,
                          (pos.Data[2] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data);
                    else if (tryget && !Nether) // the correct positions are not in the correct places
                    {                           // Not the nether, but player location is in the nether
                        // Lets make the view 16 times further away, this is the chunk they will come up on.
                        NBTList pos = (((player.Data as NBTCompound?).Value.Data["Pos"]).Data as NBTList?).Value;
                        acpos = new Vector<double>(
                          (pos.Data[0] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data * hellscale,
                          (pos.Data[1] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data,
                          (pos.Data[2] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data * hellscale);
                    else if (tryget && Nether) // Lets see where we will end up on the nether from up top
                        NBTList pos = (((player.Data as NBTCompound?).Value.Data["Pos"]).Data as NBTList?).Value;
                        acpos = new Vector<double>(
                          (pos.Data[0] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data / hellscale,
                          (pos.Data[1] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data,
                          (pos.Data[2] as NBTDouble?).Value.Data / hellscale);
                        acpos = new Vector<double>(
                            ((data.Data["SpawnX"]).Data as NBTInt?).Value.Data,
                            ((data.Data["SpawnY"]).Data as NBTInt?).Value.Data,
                            ((data.Data["SpawnZ"]).Data as NBTInt?).Value.Data);

            else if (SMPInterface.IsSMP)
                MineViewer.SMPPackets.PlayerSpawnPos.UpdateSpawnPos = new Action<Vector<int>>(delegate(Vector<int> pos)
                        Point<int> c;
                        Point<int> o; MinecraftRenderer.ChunkOffset(new Point<int>((int)pos.Z, (int)pos.X), out c, out o);
                        this._CamPos = new Vector<double>(s + 10.1 + c.X * MinecraftRenderer.ChunkSize, s + 10.1 + c.Y * MinecraftRenderer.ChunkSize, s + 10.1);

            Point<int> chunk;
            Point<int> offset; MinecraftRenderer.ChunkOffset(new Point<int>((int)acpos.Z, (int)acpos.X), out chunk, out offset);
            if (!SMPInterface.IsSMP)
            this._CamPos = new Vector<double>(s + 10.1 + chunk.X * MinecraftRenderer.ChunkSize, s + 10.1 + chunk.Y * MinecraftRenderer.ChunkSize, s + 10.1);

            this._LookZAngle = 4.0;
            this._LookXAngle = -0.6;
            DateTime endtime = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan loadtime = endtime - starttime;
            this._LastHit = null;

            _Bookmarks = new Bookmarks(World + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, delegate(Vector<double> vec, Vector<double> ang)
                this._CamPos = vec;
                //this._LookXAngle = ang.X;
                //this._LookZAngle = ang.Z;

                Point<int> dchunk;
                Point<int> doffset;
                MinecraftRenderer.ChunkOffset(new Point<int>((int)vec.X, (int)vec.Y), out dchunk, out doffset);


            this.KeyPress += delegate(object sender, OpenTK.KeyPressEventArgs e)
                char key = e.KeyChar.ToString().ToLower()[0];
                if (key == 'b')
                    this._Bookmarks.ShowForm(this._CamPos, new Vector<double>(this._LookXAngle, 0.0, this._LookZAngle));
                if (key == ',')
                    this._SliceLevel = this._SlicePolarity == Polarity.Negative ? this._SliceLevel - 1 : this._SliceLevel + 1;
                if (key == '.')
                    this._SliceLevel = this._SlicePolarity == Polarity.Negative ? this._SliceLevel + 1 : this._SliceLevel - 1;
                if (key == 'h')
                    frmHelp frm = new frmHelp();
                if (key == 'k')
                    frmKey k = new frmKey(this._Renderer.CurrentScheme);
                if (key == 't')
                    frmSchemes schemeform = new frmSchemes(delegate(string item)
                        if (item.Length < 1)
                        this._Renderer.CurrentScheme = this._Schemes[item];
                        this._RendererTrans.CurrentScheme = this._Schemes[item];

                    int index = 0;
                    foreach(string k in this._Schemes.Keys)
                        ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(k);

                        Scheme o;
                        this._Schemes.TryGetValue(k, out o);
                        if (this._Renderer.CurrentScheme == o)
                            schemeform.Schemes.Items[index].Selected = true;



            this.Keyboard.KeyDown += delegate(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
                if (e.Key == Key.Escape)
                if (e.Key == Key.R)
                    this._SliceAxis = null;

            this.Mouse.ButtonDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs bea)
                if (bea.Button == MouseButton.Left)
                    if (this._LastHit != null)

                        Border<MinecraftRenderer.HitBorder> hit = this._LastHit.Value;
                        MinecraftRenderer.Chunk c;
                        bool loaded = this._Renderer.Chunks.TryGetValue(hit.Value.Chunk.Value, out c);
                        if (loaded)
                            if (this.Keyboard[Key.Q])
                            else if (this.Keyboard[Key.I])
                                // TODO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Point<int> pos = hit.Value.Chunk.Value;

                                long regionX = (long)Math.Floor((decimal)pos.X / 32);
                                long regionZ = (long)Math.Floor((decimal)pos.Y / 32);

                                string file = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "region" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "r." +
                                    Convert.ToString(regionX) + "." + Convert.ToString(regionZ) + ".mcr";

                                string msg = String.Format("Chunk: X {0} Y {1}\nFile: {2}", pos.X, pos.Y, file);
                                msg += String.Format("\nX {0} Y {1} Z {2}", hit.Position.Y, hit.Position.Z, hit.Position.X);

                                this._SliceAxis = hit.Direction;
                                this._SliceLevel = hit.Position[hit.Direction] + (hit.Value.Polarity == Polarity.Negative ? 1 : 0);
                                this._SlicePolarity = hit.Value.Polarity;
                            if (this.Keyboard[Key.E])
                                bool a;
                                Point<int> pos = hit.Value.Chunk.Value;

                                if (this._Renderer.ChunksSelected.TryGetValue(pos, out a))
                                    this._Renderer.ChunksSelected.Add(pos, true);
                                if (this._Renderer.ChunksSelected.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair<Point<int>, bool> kv in this._Renderer.ChunksSelected)
                    if (this._Renderer.ChunksSelected.Count > 0 && this.Keyboard[Key.E])

            this._Schemes = Schemes;
            this._Renderer.CurrentScheme = this._Schemes["Default"];
            this._AverageFPS = 60.0;