/// <summary>
 ///     Sets terrain estate texture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level"></param>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void osSetTerrainTexture(int level, LSL_Key texture)
     if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osSetParcelDetails", m_host, "OSSL", m_itemID))
     //Check to make sure that the script's owner is the estate manager/master
     if (World.Permissions.IsGod(m_host.OwnerID))
         if (level < 0 || level > 3)
         UUID textureID = new UUID();
         if (!UUID.TryParse(texture, out textureID))
         // estate module is required
         IEstateModule estate = World.RequestModuleInterface<IEstateModule>();
         if (estate != null)
             estate.setEstateTerrainBaseTexture(level, textureID);
        public void llSetAnimationOverride(LSL_String anim_state, LSL_String anim)
            //anim_state - animation state to be overriden
            //anim       - an animation in the prim's inventory or the name of the built-in animation

            UUID invItemID = InventorySelf();
            if (invItemID == UUID.Zero)

            TaskInventoryItem item;

            lock (m_host.TaskInventory)
                if (!m_host.TaskInventory.ContainsKey(InventorySelf()))
                item = m_host.TaskInventory[InventorySelf()];

            if (item.PermsGranter == UUID.Zero)

            if ((item.PermsMask & ScriptBaseClass.PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS) != 0)
                IScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(item.PermsGranter);

                if (presence != null)
                    // Do NOT try to parse UUID, animations cannot be triggered by ID
                    UUID animID = KeyOrName(anim, AssetType.Animation, false);

                    presence.Animator.SetDefaultAnimationOverride(anim_state, animID, anim);
        public LSL_List GetLinkPrimitiveParamsEx(LSL_Key prim, LSL_List rules)
            ISceneChildEntity obj = World.GetSceneObjectPart(prim);
            if (obj == null)
                return new LSL_List();

            if (obj.OwnerID == m_host.OwnerID)
                return new LSL_List();

            return GetLinkPrimitiveParams(obj, rules, true);
        public void llRegionSayTo(LSL_Key toID, int channelID, string text)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return;

            IChatModule chatModule = World.RequestModuleInterface<IChatModule>();

            if (text.Length > 1023)
                text = text.Substring(0, 1023);
            if (channelID == 0)
                IScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(UUID.Parse(toID.m_string));
                if (presence != null)
                    if (chatModule != null)
                        chatModule.TrySendChatMessage(presence, m_host.AbsolutePosition,
                                                      m_host.UUID, m_host.Name, ChatTypeEnum.Say, text,
                                                      ChatSourceType.Object, 10000);

            if (m_comms != null)
                m_comms.DeliverMessage(ChatTypeEnum.Region, channelID, m_host.Name, m_host.UUID,
                                       UUID.Parse(toID.m_string), text);
        public LSL_Key llRequestUsername(LSL_Key uuid)
            UUID userID = UUID.Zero;

            if (!UUID.TryParse(uuid, out userID))
                // => complain loudly, as specified by the LSL docs
                ShoutError("Failed to parse uuid for avatar.");

                return UUID.Zero.ToString();

            DataserverPlugin dataserverPlugin = (DataserverPlugin) m_ScriptEngine.GetScriptPlugin("Dataserver");
            UUID tid = dataserverPlugin.RegisterRequest(m_host.UUID, m_itemID, uuid.ToString());

                                       string name = "";
                                       UserAccount info =
                                           World.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(World.RegionInfo.AllScopeIDs, userID);
                                       if (info != null)
                                           name = info.Name;
                                                                 name, 100);

            return tid.ToString();
 public LSL_String llJsonValueType(LSL_String json, LSL_List specifiers)
     OSD o = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(json);
     OSD specVal = JsonGetSpecific(o, specifiers, 0);
     if (specVal == null)
         return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_INVALID;
     switch (specVal.Type)
         case OSDType.Array:
             return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_ARRAY;
         case OSDType.Boolean:
             return specVal.AsBoolean() ? ScriptBaseClass.JSON_TRUE : ScriptBaseClass.JSON_FALSE;
         case OSDType.Integer:
         case OSDType.Real:
             return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_NUMBER;
         case OSDType.Map:
             return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_OBJECT;
         case OSDType.String:
         case OSDType.UUID:
             return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_STRING;
         case OSDType.Unknown:
             return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_NULL;
     return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_INVALID;
 public LSL_Integer llManageEstateAccess(LSL_Integer action, LSL_String avatar)
     if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID))
         return LSL_Integer.FALSE;
     if (World.Permissions.CanIssueEstateCommand(m_host.OwnerID, false))
         if (action == ScriptBaseClass.ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_ADD)
         else if (action == ScriptBaseClass.ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_REMOVE)
         else if (action == ScriptBaseClass.ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_ADD)
         else if (action == ScriptBaseClass.ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_REMOVE)
         else if (action == ScriptBaseClass.ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_ADD)
             World.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.AddBan(new EstateBan
                                                            EstateID = World.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateID,
                                                            BannedUserID = UUID.Parse(avatar)
         else if (action == ScriptBaseClass.ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_REMOVE)
         return LSL_Integer.TRUE;
         ShoutError("llManageEstateAccess object owner must manage estate.");
     return LSL_Integer.FALSE;
        public LSL_String llTransferLindenDollars(LSL_String destination, LSL_Integer amt)
            LSL_String transferID = UUID.Random().ToString();
            IMoneyModule moneyMod = World.RequestModuleInterface<IMoneyModule>();
            LSL_String data = "";
            LSL_Integer success = LSL_Integer.FALSE;
            TaskInventoryItem item = m_host.TaskInventory[m_itemID];
            UUID destID;
            if (item.PermsGranter == UUID.Zero || (item.PermsMask & ScriptBaseClass.PERMISSION_DEBIT) == 0)
                data = llList2CSV(new LSL_Types.list("MISSING_PERMISSION_DEBIT"));
            else if (!UUID.TryParse(destination, out destID))
                data = llList2CSV(new LSL_Types.list("INVALID_AGENT"));
            else if (amt <= 0)
                data = llList2CSV(new LSL_Types.list("INVALID_AMOUNT"));
            else if (World.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(World.RegionInfo.AllScopeIDs, destID) == null)
                data = llList2CSV(new LSL_Types.list("LINDENDOLLAR_ENTITYDOESNOTEXIST"));
            else if (m_host.ParentEntity.OwnerID == m_host.ParentEntity.GroupID)
                data = llList2CSV(new LSL_Types.list("GROUP_OWNED"));
            else if (moneyMod != null)
                success = moneyMod.Transfer(UUID.Parse(destination), m_host.OwnerID, amt, "", TransactionType.ObjectPays);
                data =
                                   ? new LSL_List(destination, amt)
                                   : new LSL_Types.list("LINDENDOLLAR_INSUFFICIENTFUNDS"));
                data = llList2CSV(new LSL_Types.list("SERVICE_ERROR"));

            m_ScriptEngine.PostScriptEvent(m_itemID, m_host.UUID, new EventParams(
                                                                      "transaction_result", new Object[]
                                                                                                    transferID, success,
                                                                      new DetectParams[0]), EventPriority.FirstStart);

            return transferID;
        public void SetPrimitiveParamsEx(LSL_Key prim, LSL_List rules)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.High, "osSetPrimitiveParams", m_host, "OSSL", m_itemID))
            ISceneChildEntity obj = World.GetSceneObjectPart(prim);
            if (obj == null)

            if (obj.OwnerID != m_host.OwnerID)

            SetPrimParams(obj, rules, m_allowOpenSimParams);
        public void llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords(LSL_Key agent, LSL_Vector global_coordinates,
                                                LSL_Vector region_coordinates, LSL_Vector look_at)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return;

            UUID invItemID = InventorySelf();

            if (invItemID == UUID.Zero)

            lock (m_host.TaskInventory)
                if (m_host.TaskInventory[invItemID].PermsGranter == UUID.Zero)
                    ShoutError("No permissions to teleport the agent");

                if ((m_host.TaskInventory[invItemID].PermsMask & ScriptBaseClass.PERMISSION_TELEPORT) == 0)
                    ShoutError("No permissions to teleport the agent");

            IScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(m_host.OwnerID);
            if (presence != null)
                IEntityTransferModule module = World.RequestModuleInterface<IEntityTransferModule>();
                if (module != null)
                                    Utils.UIntsToLong((uint) global_coordinates.x, (uint) global_coordinates.y),
                                    region_coordinates.ToVector3(), look_at.ToVector3(),
                                    (uint) TeleportFlags.ViaLocation);
        public DateTime llTeleportAgentHome(LSL_Key _agent)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID))
                return DateTime.Now;

            string agent = _agent.ToString();

            UUID agentId = new UUID();
            if (UUID.TryParse(agent, out agentId))
                IScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(agentId);
                if (presence != null)
                    // agent must be over the owners land
                    IParcelManagementModule parcelManagement = World.RequestModuleInterface<IParcelManagementModule>();
                    if (parcelManagement != null)
                        if (m_host.OwnerID != parcelManagement.GetLandObject(
                            presence.AbsolutePosition.X, presence.AbsolutePosition.Y).LandData.OwnerID &&
                            !World.Permissions.CanIssueEstateCommand(m_host.OwnerID, false))
                            return PScriptSleep(5000);

                    //Send disable cancel so that the agent cannot attempt to stay in the region
                    presence.ControllingClient.SendTeleportStart((uint) TeleportFlags.DisableCancel);
                    IEntityTransferModule transferModule = World.RequestModuleInterface<IEntityTransferModule>();
                    if (transferModule != null)
                        transferModule.TeleportHome(agentId, presence.ControllingClient);
                        presence.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Unable to perform teleports on this simulator.");
            return PScriptSleep(5000);
        public void botSetSpeed(LSL_Key bot, LSL_Float SpeedModifier)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Moderate, "botSetSpeed", m_host, "OSSL", m_itemID))

            IBotManager manager = World.RequestModuleInterface<IBotManager>();
            if (manager != null)
                manager.SetSpeed(UUID.Parse(bot), m_host.OwnerID, (float)SpeedModifier);
        public void botSetRot(LSL_Key npc, LSL_Rotation rotation)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Moderate, "botStandUp", m_host, "bot", m_itemID)) return;
            IScenePresence sp = World.GetScenePresence(UUID.Parse(npc));
            if (sp == null)
            UUID npcId;
            if (!UUID.TryParse(npc.m_string, out npcId))

            if (sp != null)
                sp.Rotation = rotation.ToQuaternion();
 /// <summary>
 ///     Eject user from the group this object is set to
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agentId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public LSL_Integer osEjectFromGroup(LSL_Key agentId)
     if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.VeryLow, "osInviteToGroup", m_host, "OSSL", m_itemID))
         return new LSL_Integer();
     UUID agent = new UUID((string) agentId);
     // groups module is required
     IGroupsModule groupsModule = World.RequestModuleInterface<IGroupsModule>();
     if (groupsModule == null) return ScriptBaseClass.FALSE;
     // object has to be set to a group, but not group owned
     if (m_host.GroupID == UUID.Zero || m_host.GroupID == m_host.OwnerID) return ScriptBaseClass.FALSE;
     // object owner has to be in that group and required permissions
     GroupMembershipData member = groupsModule.GetMembershipData(m_host.GroupID, m_host.OwnerID);
     if (member == null || (member.GroupPowers & (ulong) GroupPowers.Eject) == 0) return ScriptBaseClass.FALSE;
     // agent has to be in that group
     //member = groupsModule.GetMembershipData(agent, m_host.GroupID, agent);
     //if (member == null) return ScriptBaseClass.FALSE;
     // ejectee can be offline
     groupsModule.EjectGroupMember(null, m_host.OwnerID, m_host.GroupID, agent);
     return ScriptBaseClass.TRUE;
        public LSL_String llJsonGetValue(LSL_String json, LSL_List specifiers)
            OSD o = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(json);
            OSD specVal = JsonGetSpecific(o, specifiers, 0);

            return specVal.AsString();
        private OSD JsonBuildRestOfSpec(LSL_List specifiers, int i, LSL_String val)
            object spec =  i >= specifiers.Data.Length ? null : specifiers.Data[i];
            object specNext = i+1 >= specifiers.Data.Length ? null : specifiers.Data[i+1];

            if (spec == null)
                return OSD.FromString(val);

            if (spec is LSL_Integer ||
                (spec is LSL_String && ((LSL_String)spec) == ScriptBaseClass.JSON_APPEND))
                OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
                array.Add(JsonBuildRestOfSpec(specifiers, i+1, val));
                return array;
            else if (spec is LSL_String)
                OSDMap map = new OSDMap();
                map.Add((LSL_String)spec, JsonBuildRestOfSpec(specifiers, i+1, val));
                return map;
            return new OSD();
 public LSL_String llJsonSetValue(LSL_String json, LSL_List specifiers, LSL_String value)
         OSD o = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(json);
         JsonSetSpecific(o, specifiers, 0, value);
         return OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(o);
     catch (Exception)
     return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_INVALID;
 private void JsonSetSpecific(OSD o, LSL_List specifiers, int i, LSL_String val)
     object spec = specifiers.Data[i];
     object specNext = i+1 == specifiers.Data.Length ? null : specifiers.Data[i+1];
     OSD nextVal = null;
     if (o is OSDArray)
         OSDArray array = ((OSDArray)o);
         if (spec is LSL_Integer)
             int v = ((LSL_Integer)spec).value;
             if(v >= array.Count)
                 array.Add(JsonBuildRestOfSpec(specifiers, i+1, val));
                 nextVal = ((OSDArray)o)[v];
         else if (spec is LSL_String && ((LSL_String)spec) == ScriptBaseClass.JSON_APPEND)
             array.Add(JsonBuildRestOfSpec(specifiers, i+1, val));
     if (o is OSDMap)
         if (spec is LSL_String)
             OSDMap map = ((OSDMap)o);
             if (map.ContainsKey(((LSL_String)spec).m_string))
                 nextVal = map[((LSL_String)spec).m_string];
                 map.Add(((LSL_String)spec).m_string, JsonBuildRestOfSpec(specifiers, i+1, val));
     if (nextVal != null)
         if (specifiers.Data.Length - 1 > i)
             JsonSetSpecific(nextVal, specifiers, i + 1, val);
 public LSL_String llList2Json(LSL_String type, LSL_List values)
         if (type == ScriptBaseClass.JSON_ARRAY)
             OSDArray array = new OSDArray();
             foreach (object o in values.Data)
             return OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(array);
         else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.JSON_OBJECT)
             OSDMap map = new OSDMap();
             for (int i = 0; i < values.Data.Length; i += 2)
                 if (!(values.Data[i] is LSL_String))
                     return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_INVALID;
                 map.Add(((LSL_String)values.Data[i]).m_string, ListToJson(values.Data[i+1]));
             return OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(map);
         return ScriptBaseClass.JSON_INVALID;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return ex.Message;
 public void llEvade(LSL_String target, LSL_List options)
 public void llPursue(LSL_String target, LSL_List options)
     IBotManager botManager = World.RequestModuleInterface<IBotManager>();
     if (botManager != null)
         float fuzz = 2;
         Vector3 offset = Vector3.Zero;
         bool requireLOS = false;
         bool intercept = false; //Not implemented
         for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i += 2)
             LSL_Types.LSLInteger opt = options.GetLSLIntegerItem(i);
             if (opt == ScriptBaseClass.PURSUIT_FUZZ_FACTOR)
                 fuzz = (float) options.GetLSLFloatItem(i + 1).value;
             if (opt == ScriptBaseClass.PURSUIT_OFFSET)
                 offset = options.GetVector3Item(i + 1).ToVector3();
             if (opt == ScriptBaseClass.REQUIRE_LINE_OF_SIGHT)
                 requireLOS = options.GetLSLIntegerItem(i + 1) == 1;
             if (opt == ScriptBaseClass.PURSUIT_INTERCEPT)
                 intercept = options.GetLSLIntegerItem(i + 1) == 1;
         botManager.FollowAvatar(m_host.ParentEntity.UUID, target.m_string, fuzz, fuzz, requireLOS, offset,
        public LSL_String llGetEnv(LSL_String name)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return "";

            if (name == "sim_channel")
                return "Aurora-Sim Server";
            if (name == "sim_version")
                return World.RequestModuleInterface<ISimulationBase>().Version;
            if (name == "frame_number")
                return new LSL_String(World.Frame.ToString());
            if (name == "region_idle")
                return new LSL_String("1");
            if (name == "dynamic_pathfinding")
                return new LSL_String("disabled");
            return "";
        public LSL_Key llRequestDisplayName(LSL_Key uuid)
            UUID userID = UUID.Zero;

            if (!UUID.TryParse(uuid, out userID))
                // => complain loudly, as specified by the LSL docs
                ShoutError("Failed to parse uuid for avatar.");

                return UUID.Zero.ToString();

            DataserverPlugin dataserverPlugin = (DataserverPlugin) m_ScriptEngine.GetScriptPlugin("Dataserver");
            UUID tid = dataserverPlugin.RegisterRequest(m_host.UUID, m_itemID, uuid.ToString());

                                       string name = "";
                                       IProfileConnector connector =
                                       if (connector != null)
                                           IUserProfileInfo info = connector.GetUserProfile(userID);
                                           if (info != null)
                                               name = info.DisplayName;
                                                                 name, 100);

            return tid.ToString();
        public LSL_String llGetHTTPHeader(LSL_Key request_id, string header)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return "";

            if (m_UrlModule != null)
                return m_UrlModule.GetHttpHeader(request_id, header);
            return String.Empty;
        public void llResetAnimationOverride(LSL_String anim_state)
            //anim_state - animation state to be reset

            UUID invItemID = InventorySelf();
            if (invItemID == UUID.Zero)

            TaskInventoryItem item;

            lock (m_host.TaskInventory)
                if (!m_host.TaskInventory.ContainsKey(InventorySelf()))
                item = m_host.TaskInventory[InventorySelf()];

            if (item.PermsGranter == UUID.Zero)

            if ((item.PermsMask & ScriptBaseClass.PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS) != 0)
                IScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(item.PermsGranter);

                if (presence != null)
        public void llHTTPResponse(LSL_Key id, int status, string body)
            // Partial implementation: support for parameter flags needed
            //   see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/llHTTPResponse

            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return;

            if (m_UrlModule != null)
                m_UrlModule.HttpResponse(id, status, body);
        public void llSetContentType(LSL_Key id, LSL_Integer type)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return;

            string content_type = "text/plain";

            if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML)
                content_type = "text/html";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_XML)
                content_type = "application/xml";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_XHTML)
                content_type = "application/xhtml+xml";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM)
                content_type = "application/atom+xml";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)
                content_type = "application/json";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_LLSD)
                content_type = "application/llsd+xml";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_FORM)
                content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            else if (type == ScriptBaseClass.CONTENT_TYPE_RSS)
                content_type = "application/rss+xml";
                content_type = "text/plain";

            if (m_UrlModule != null)
                m_UrlModule.SetContentType(id, content_type);
 public LSL_List llJson2List(LSL_String json)
         OSD o = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(json);
         return (LSL_List)ParseJsonNode(o);
     catch (Exception)
         return new LSL_List(ScriptBaseClass.JSON_INVALID);
        public void llTeleportAgent(LSL_Key avatar, LSL_String landmark, LSL_Vector position, LSL_Vector look_at)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "LSL", m_host, "LSL", m_itemID)) return;

            UUID invItemID = InventorySelf();

            if (invItemID == UUID.Zero)

            lock (m_host.TaskInventory)
                if (m_host.TaskInventory[invItemID].PermsGranter == UUID.Zero)
                    ShoutError("No permissions to teleport the agent");

                if ((m_host.TaskInventory[invItemID].PermsMask & ScriptBaseClass.PERMISSION_TELEPORT) == 0)
                    ShoutError("No permissions to teleport the agent");

            TaskInventoryItem item = null;
            lock (m_host.TaskInventory)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, TaskInventoryItem> inv in m_host.TaskInventory)
                    if (inv.Value.Name == landmark)
                        item = inv.Value;
            if (item == null && landmark != "")

            IScenePresence presence = World.GetScenePresence(m_host.OwnerID);
            if (presence != null)
                IEntityTransferModule module = World.RequestModuleInterface<IEntityTransferModule>();
                if (module != null)
                    if (landmark == "")
                        module.Teleport(presence, World.RegionInfo.RegionHandle,
                                        position.ToVector3(), look_at.ToVector3(), (uint) TeleportFlags.ViaLocation);
                        AssetLandmark lm = new AssetLandmark(
                        module.Teleport(presence, lm.RegionHandle, lm.Position,
                                        look_at.ToVector3(), (uint) TeleportFlags.ViaLocation);
        public void osSetSpeed(LSL_Key UUID, LSL_Float SpeedModifier)
            if (!ScriptProtection.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Moderate, "osSetSpeed", m_host, "OSSL", m_itemID))

            IScenePresence avatar = World.GetScenePresence(UUID);
            if (avatar != null)
                if (avatar.UUID != m_host.OwnerID)
                    //We need to make sure that they can do this then
                    if (!World.Permissions.IsGod(m_host.OwnerID))
                avatar.SpeedModifier = (float) SpeedModifier;