Example #1
        public TabularTranslatedItem(string table, IModelComponent obj, TabularTranslatedItemProperty property, TabularTranslatedItem caption, SSAS.TabularTranslationsAnnotation annotations)
            _Table    = table;
            _object   = obj;
            _Property = property;

            TranslationCollection translations;
            string sCaption;
            string sDescription;
            string sDisplayFolder = null;

            if (obj is DimensionAttribute)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Column;
                DimensionAttribute typedobj = (DimensionAttribute)obj;
                translations   = typedobj.Translations;
                sDisplayFolder = typedobj.AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder;
                sCaption       = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription   = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Hierarchy)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Hierarchy;
                Hierarchy typedobj = (Hierarchy)obj;
                translations   = typedobj.Translations;
                sDisplayFolder = typedobj.DisplayFolder;
                sCaption       = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription   = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Level)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Level;
                Level typedobj = (Level)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption     = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is CalculationProperty)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Measure;
                CalculationProperty typedobj = (CalculationProperty)obj;
                translations   = typedobj.Translations;
                sDisplayFolder = typedobj.DisplayFolder;
                sCaption       = typedobj.CalculationReference;
                sDescription   = typedobj.Description;

                if (sCaption.StartsWith("[") && sCaption.EndsWith("]"))
                    sCaption = sCaption.Substring(1, sCaption.Length - 2);
            else if (obj is Database)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Database;
                Database typedobj = (Database)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption     = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Cube)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Cube;
                Cube typedobj = (Cube)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption     = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Perspective)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Perspective;
                Perspective typedobj = (Perspective)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption     = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Dimension)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Table;
                Dimension typedobj = (Dimension)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption     = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Action;
                Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action typedobj = (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption     = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
                throw new Exception("Unexpected object type: " + obj.GetType().Name);

            _ObjectName = sCaption;

            if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Caption)
                _DefaultLanguage = sCaption;

                SSAS.TabularTranslationObjectAnnotation annotation = annotations.Find(obj);
                if (annotation != null && translations.Count == 0)
                    foreach (SSAS.TabularTranslationAnnotation tranAnnotation in annotation.TabularTranslations)
                        Translation t = new Translation(tranAnnotation.Language);
                        if (obj is DimensionAttribute)
                            t = new AttributeTranslation(tranAnnotation.Language);
                        t.Caption       = tranAnnotation.Caption;
                        t.Description   = tranAnnotation.Description;
                        t.DisplayFolder = tranAnnotation.DisplayFolder;
                    _restoredTranslations = true;
            else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Description)
                _DefaultLanguage = sDescription;
            else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.DisplayFolder)
                _DefaultLanguage = sDisplayFolder;

            Languages = new Core.DirtyMonitoredDictionary <int, string>();
            foreach (Translation t in translations)
                if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Caption)
                    Languages.Add(t.Language, t.Caption);
                else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Description)
                    Languages.Add(t.Language, t.Description);
                else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.DisplayFolder)
                    Languages.Add(t.Language, t.DisplayFolder);

            if (caption != null)
Example #2
        private void SaveInternal(TranslationCollection translations, Dictionary <int, string> DisplayFolderLanguages, Dictionary <int, string> DescriptionLanguages, SSAS.TabularTranslationObjectAnnotation annotation)
            List <int> listAllLanguages = new List <int>(Languages.Keys);

            foreach (int iLang in DisplayFolderLanguages.Keys)
                if (!listAllLanguages.Contains(iLang))
            foreach (int iLang in DescriptionLanguages.Keys)
                if (!listAllLanguages.Contains(iLang))

            List <SSAS.TabularTranslationAnnotation> listAnnotations = new List <TabularTranslationAnnotation>();

            foreach (int iLang in listAllLanguages)
                Translation t = new Translation(iLang);
                if (translations is AttributeTranslationCollection)
                    t = new AttributeTranslation(iLang);
                if (DisplayFolderLanguages.ContainsKey(iLang))
                    t.DisplayFolder = DisplayFolderLanguages[iLang];
                if (DescriptionLanguages.ContainsKey(iLang))
                    t.Description = DescriptionLanguages[iLang];

                if (Languages.ContainsKey(iLang) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Languages[iLang]))
                    t.Caption = Languages[iLang];
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DisplayFolder) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Description))
                    t.Caption = this.DefaultLanguage; //this works around a problem where if they translate the display folder or the description but not the caption, then the caption ends up blank
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Caption) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Description) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DisplayFolder))
                    SSAS.TabularTranslationAnnotation tranAnnotation = new TabularTranslationAnnotation();
                    tranAnnotation.Caption       = t.Caption;
                    tranAnnotation.Description   = t.Description;
                    tranAnnotation.DisplayFolder = t.DisplayFolder;
                    tranAnnotation.Language      = t.Language;

            if (annotation != null)
                annotation.TabularTranslations = listAnnotations.ToArray();
Example #3
        public void Export(ExportSettings settings, IOrganizationService service, BackgroundWorker worker = null)
            // Loading available languages
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading provisioned languages...");
            var lcidRequest  = new RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest();
            var lcidResponse = (RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse)service.Execute(lcidRequest);
            var lcids        = lcidResponse.RetrieveProvisionedLanguages.Select(lcid => lcid).ToList();

            // Loading entities
            var emds = new List <EntityMetadata>();

            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading selected entities...");
            foreach (string entityLogicalName in settings.Entities)
                var filters = EntityFilters.Default;
                if (settings.ExportEntities)
                    filters = filters | EntityFilters.Entity;
                if (settings.ExportCustomizedRelationships)
                    filters = filters | EntityFilters.Relationships;
                if (settings.ExportAttributes || settings.ExportOptionSet || settings.ExportBooleans)
                    filters = filters | EntityFilters.Attributes;

                var request = new RetrieveEntityRequest {
                    LogicalName = entityLogicalName, EntityFilters = filters
                var response = (RetrieveEntityResponse)service.Execute(request);

            var file = new ExcelPackage();

            file.File = new FileInfo(settings.FilePath);

            if (settings.ExportEntities && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting entities translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Entities");
                var et    = new EntityTranslation();
                et.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportAttributes && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting attributes translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Attributes");
                var at    = new AttributeTranslation();
                at.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportCustomizedRelationships && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting relationships with custom labels translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Relationships");
                var rt    = new RelationshipTranslation();
                rt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

                var sheetNn = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("RelationshipsNN");
                var rtNn    = new RelationshipNnTranslation();
                rtNn.Export(emds, lcids, sheetNn);

            if (settings.ExportGlobalOptionSet)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting global optionsets translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Global OptionSets");
                var ot    = new GlobalOptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(lcids, sheet, service);

            if (settings.ExportOptionSet && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting optionset translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("OptionSets");
                var ot    = new OptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportBooleans && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting booleans translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Booleans");

                var bt = new BooleanTranslation();
                bt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportViews && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting views translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Views");
                var vt    = new ViewTranslation();
                vt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, service);

            if (settings.ExportCharts && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting Charts translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Charts");
                var vt    = new VisualizationTranslation();
                vt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, service);

            if ((settings.ExportForms || settings.ExportFormTabs || settings.ExportFormSections || settings.ExportFormFields) && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting forms translations...");

                var ft = new FormTranslation();

                ft.Export(emds, lcids, file.Workbook, service,
                          new FormExportOption
                    ExportForms        = settings.ExportForms,
                    ExportFormTabs     = settings.ExportFormTabs,
                    ExportFormSections = settings.ExportFormSections,
                    ExportFormFields   = settings.ExportFormFields

            if (settings.ExportSiteMap)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting SiteMap custom labels translations...");

                var st = new SiteMapTranslation();

                st.Export(lcids, file.Workbook, service);

            if (settings.ExportDashboards)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting Dashboards custom labels translations...");

                var st = new DashboardTranslation();

                st.Export(lcids, file.Workbook, service);


            if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open generated document?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
Example #4
        public void Import(string filePath, IOrganizationService service, BackgroundWorker worker = null)
            var stream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
            var file   = new ExcelPackage(stream);

            var emds = new List <EntityMetadata>();

            var  forms               = new List <Entity>();
            var  ft                  = new FormTranslation();
            var  st                  = new SiteMapTranslation();
            var  db                  = new DashboardTranslation();
            bool hasFormContent      = false;
            bool hasDashboardContent = false;
            bool hasSiteMapContent   = false;

            foreach (var sheet in file.Workbook.Worksheets)
                switch (sheet.Name)
                case "Entities":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing entities translations...");

                    var et = new EntityTranslation();
                    et.Import(sheet, emds, service);

                case "Attributes":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing attributes translations...");

                    var at = new AttributeTranslation();
                    at.Import(sheet, emds, service);

                case "Relationships":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing Relationships with custom label translations...");

                    var rt = new RelationshipTranslation();
                    rt.Import(sheet, emds, service);

                case "RelationshipsNN":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing NN Relationships with custom label translations...");

                    var rtNn = new RelationshipNnTranslation();
                    rtNn.Import(sheet, emds, service);

                case "Global OptionSets":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing global optionsets translations...");

                    var got = new GlobalOptionSetTranslation();
                    got.Import(sheet, service);

                case "OptionSets":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing optionsets translations...");

                    var ot = new OptionSetTranslation();
                    ot.Import(sheet, service);

                case "Booleans":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing booleans translations...");

                    var bt = new BooleanTranslation();
                    bt.Import(sheet, service);

                case "Views":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing views translations...");

                    var vt = new ViewTranslation();
                    vt.Import(sheet, service);

                case "Charts":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing charts translations...");

                    var vt2 = new VisualizationTranslation();
                    vt2.Import(sheet, service);

                case "Forms":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing forms translations...");

                    ft.ImportFormName(sheet, service);

                case "Forms Tabs":
                    ft.PrepareFormTabs(sheet, service, forms);
                    hasFormContent = true;

                case "Forms Sections":
                    ft.PrepareFormSections(sheet, service, forms);
                    hasFormContent = true;

                case "Forms Fields":
                    ft.PrepareFormLabels(sheet, service, forms);
                    hasFormContent = true;

                case "Dashboards":
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing dashboard translations...");

                    db.ImportFormName(sheet, service);

                case "Dashboards Tabs":
                    db.PrepareFormTabs(sheet, service, forms);
                    hasDashboardContent = true;

                case "Dashboards Sections":
                    db.PrepareFormSections(sheet, service, forms);
                    hasDashboardContent = true;

                case "Dashboards Fields":
                    db.PrepareFormLabels(sheet, service, forms);
                    hasDashboardContent = true;

                case "SiteMap Areas":
                    st.PrepareAreas(sheet, service);
                    hasSiteMapContent = true;

                case "SiteMap Groups":
                    st.PrepareGroups(sheet, service);
                    hasSiteMapContent = true;

                case "SiteMap SubAreas":
                    st.PrepareSubAreas(sheet, service);
                    hasSiteMapContent = true;

                if (hasFormContent)
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing form content translations...");

                    ft.ImportFormsContent(service, forms);

                if (hasDashboardContent)
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing dashboard content translations...");

                    db.ImportFormsContent(service, forms);

                if (hasSiteMapContent)
                    if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, "Importing SiteMap translations...");


            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                worker.ReportProgress(0, "Publishing customizations...");

            var paxRequest = new PublishAllXmlRequest();

Example #5
 public async Task <int> Insert(AttributeTranslation attributeTranslation)
     return(await Context.SaveChangesAsync());
Example #6
 public async Task <int> Update(AttributeTranslation attributeTranslation)
     return(await Context.SaveChangesAsync());
        public void Export(ExportSettings settings, IOrganizationService service, ConnectionDetail detail, BackgroundWorker worker = null)
            List <int> lcids;

            if (settings.LanguageToExport != -1)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading environment base language...");
                var baseLanguageCode = service.RetrieveMultiple(new QueryExpression("organization")
                    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("languagecode")
                }).Entities.First().GetAttributeValue <int>("languagecode");

                lcids = new List <int> {
                    baseLanguageCode, settings.LanguageToExport
                // Loading available languages
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading provisioned languages...");
                var lcidRequest  = new RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest();
                var lcidResponse = (RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse)service.Execute(lcidRequest);
                lcids = lcidResponse.RetrieveProvisionedLanguages.Select(lcid => lcid).ToList();

            // Loading entities
            var emds = new List <EntityMetadata>();

            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading selected entities...");
            foreach (string entityLogicalName in settings.Entities)
                var filters = EntityFilters.Default;
                if (settings.ExportEntities)
                    filters = filters | EntityFilters.Entity;
                if (settings.ExportCustomizedRelationships)
                    filters = filters | EntityFilters.Relationships;
                if (settings.ExportAttributes || settings.ExportOptionSet || settings.ExportBooleans)
                    filters = filters | EntityFilters.Attributes;

                var request = new RetrieveEntityRequest {
                    LogicalName = entityLogicalName, EntityFilters = filters
                var response = (RetrieveEntityResponse)service.Execute(request);

            var file = new ExcelPackage();

            file.File = new FileInfo(settings.FilePath);

            if (settings.ExportEntities && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting entities translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Entities");
                var et    = new EntityTranslation();
                et.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, settings);

            if (settings.ExportAttributes && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting attributes translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Attributes");
                var at    = new AttributeTranslation();
                at.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, settings);

            if (settings.ExportCustomizedRelationships && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting relationships with custom labels translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Relationships");
                var rt    = new RelationshipTranslation();
                rt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

                var sheetNn = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("RelationshipsNN");
                var rtNn    = new RelationshipNnTranslation();
                rtNn.Export(emds, lcids, sheetNn);

            if (settings.ExportGlobalOptionSet)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting global optionsets translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Global OptionSets");
                var ot    = new GlobalOptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(lcids, sheet, service, settings);

            if (settings.ExportOptionSet && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting optionset translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("OptionSets");
                var ot    = new OptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, settings);

            if (settings.ExportBooleans && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting booleans translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Booleans");

                var bt = new BooleanTranslation();
                bt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, settings);

            if (settings.ExportViews && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting views translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Views");
                var vt    = new ViewTranslation();
                vt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, service, settings);

            if (settings.ExportCharts && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting Charts translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Charts");
                var vt    = new VisualizationTranslation();
                vt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, service, settings);

            if ((settings.ExportForms || settings.ExportFormTabs || settings.ExportFormSections || settings.ExportFormFields) && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting forms translations...");

                var ft = new FormTranslation();

                ft.Export(emds, lcids, file.Workbook, service,
                          new FormExportOption
                    ExportForms        = settings.ExportForms,
                    ExportFormTabs     = settings.ExportFormTabs,
                    ExportFormSections = settings.ExportFormSections,
                    ExportFormFields   = settings.ExportFormFields
                }, settings);

            if (settings.ExportSiteMap)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting SiteMap custom labels translations...");

                var st = new SiteMapTranslation();

                st.Export(lcids, file.Workbook, service, settings, detail);

            if (settings.ExportDashboards)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting Dashboards custom labels translations...");

                var st = new DashboardTranslation();

                st.Export(lcids, file.Workbook, service, settings);

Example #8
        public void Import(string filePath, IOrganizationService service, BackgroundWorker worker = null)
            using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                var file = new ExcelPackage(stream);

                var emds = new List <EntityMetadata>();

                var  forms               = new List <Entity>();
                var  ft                  = new FormTranslation();
                var  st                  = new SiteMapTranslation();
                var  db                  = new DashboardTranslation();
                bool hasFormContent      = false;
                bool hasDashboardContent = false;
                bool hasSiteMapContent   = false;

                var count = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Count(x =>
                                                           !x.Name.StartsWith("Forms ") && !x.Name.StartsWith("Dashboards ") &&
                                                           !x.Name.StartsWith("SiteMap "));

                var hasFormElts      = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Any(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Forms "));
                var hasDashboardElts = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Any(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Dashboards "));
                var hasSiteMapElts   = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Any(x => x.Name.StartsWith("SiteMap "));

                if (hasFormElts)

                if (hasDashboardElts)

                if (hasSiteMapElts)

                int overallProgress = 0;
                foreach (var sheet in file.Workbook.Worksheets)
                        switch (sheet.Name)
                        case "Entities":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing entities translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var et = new EntityTranslation();
                            et.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            et.Import(sheet, emds, service, worker);


                        case "Attributes":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing attributes translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var at = new AttributeTranslation();
                            at.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            at.Import(sheet, emds, service, worker);

                        case "Relationships":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                    Message = "Importing Relationships with custom label translations...",
                                    Item    = 1,
                                    Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var rt = new RelationshipTranslation();
                            rt.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            rt.Import(sheet, emds, service, worker);

                        case "RelationshipsNN":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                    Message = "Importing NN Relationships with custom label translations...",
                                    Item    = 1,
                                    Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var rtNn = new RelationshipNnTranslation();
                            rtNn.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            rtNn.Import(sheet, emds, service, worker);

                        case "Global OptionSets":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing global optionsets translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var got = new GlobalOptionSetTranslation();
                            got.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            got.Import(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "OptionSets":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing optionsets translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var ot = new OptionSetTranslation();
                            ot.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            ot.Import(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "Booleans":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing booleans translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var bt = new BooleanTranslation();
                            bt.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            bt.Import(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "Views":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing views translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var vt = new ViewTranslation();
                            vt.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            vt.Import(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "Charts":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing charts translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            var vt2 = new VisualizationTranslation();
                            vt2.Result += Engine_OnResult;
                            vt2.Import(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "Forms":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing forms translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            ft.ImportFormName(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "Forms Tabs":
                            ft.PrepareFormTabs(sheet, service, forms);
                            hasFormContent = true;

                        case "Forms Sections":
                            ft.PrepareFormSections(sheet, service, forms);
                            hasFormContent = true;

                        case "Forms Fields":
                            ft.PrepareFormLabels(sheet, service, forms);
                            hasFormContent = true;

                        case "Dashboards":
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing dashboard translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            db.ImportFormName(sheet, service, worker);

                        case "Dashboards Tabs":
                            db.PrepareFormTabs(sheet, service, forms);
                            hasDashboardContent = true;

                        case "Dashboards Sections":
                            db.PrepareFormSections(sheet, service, forms);
                            hasDashboardContent = true;

                        case "Dashboards Fields":
                            db.PrepareFormLabels(sheet, service, forms);
                            hasDashboardContent = true;

                        case "SiteMap Areas":
                            st.PrepareAreas(sheet, service);
                            hasSiteMapContent = true;

                        case "SiteMap Groups":
                            st.PrepareGroups(sheet, service);
                            hasSiteMapContent = true;

                        case "SiteMap SubAreas":
                            st.PrepareSubAreas(sheet, service);
                            hasSiteMapContent = true;

                        if (hasFormContent)
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing form content translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            ft.ImportFormsContent(service, forms, worker);

                        if (hasDashboardContent)
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing dashboard content translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                            db.ImportFormsContent(service, forms, worker);

                        if (hasSiteMapContent)
                            worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                                Message = "Importing SiteMap translations...",
                                Item    = 1,
                                Overall = overallProgress == 0 ? 1 : overallProgress * 100 / count

                    catch (Exception error)
                        Engine_OnResult(this, new TranslationResultEventArgs
                            Success   = false,
                            SheetName = sheet.Name,
                            Message   = error.Message

                worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                    Message = "Publishing customizations...",
                    Item    = 100,
                    Overall = 100

                var paxRequest = new PublishAllXmlRequest();

                worker.ReportProgressIfPossible(0, new ProgressInfo
                    Message = "",
                    Item    = 100,
                    Overall = 100
Example #9
        public void Export(ExportSettings settings, IOrganizationService service, BackgroundWorker worker = null)
            // Loading available languages
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading provisioned languages...");
            var lcidRequest  = new RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest();
            var lcidResponse = (RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse)service.Execute(lcidRequest);
            var lcids        = lcidResponse.RetrieveProvisionedLanguages.Select(lcid => lcid).ToList();

            // Loading entities
            var emds = new List <EntityMetadata>();

            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                worker.ReportProgress(0, "Loading selected entities...");
            foreach (string entityLogicalName in settings.Entities)
                var request = new RetrieveEntityRequest {
                    LogicalName = entityLogicalName, EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes
                var response = (RetrieveEntityResponse)service.Execute(request);
            var file = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(settings.FilePath));
            var file = new ExcelFile();
            if (settings.ExportEntities && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting entities translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Entities");
                var et    = new EntityTranslation();
                et.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);
                var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("Entities");
                var et    = new EntityTranslation();
                et.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportAttributes && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting attributes translations...");
                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Attributes");
                var at    = new AttributeTranslation();
                at.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);
                var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("Attributes");
                var at    = new AttributeTranslation();
                at.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportGlobalOptionSet)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting global optionsets translations...");
                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Global OptionSets");
                var ot    = new GlobalOptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(lcids, sheet, service);
                var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("Global OptionSets");
                var ot    = new GlobalOptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(lcids, sheet, service);

            if (settings.ExportOptionSet && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting optionset translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("OptionSets");
                var ot    = new OptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);
                var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("OptionSets");
                var ot    = new OptionSetTranslation();
                ot.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportBooleans && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting booleans translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Booleans");

                var bt = new BooleanTranslation();
                bt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);
                var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("Booleans");

                var bt = new BooleanTranslation();
                bt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet);

            if (settings.ExportViews && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting views translations...");

                var sheet = file.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Views");
                var vt    = new ViewTranslation();
                vt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, service);
                var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("Views");
                var vt    = new ViewTranslation();
                vt.Export(emds, lcids, sheet, service);

            if ((settings.ExportForms || settings.ExportFormTabs || settings.ExportFormSections || settings.ExportFormFields) && emds.Count > 0)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting forms translations...");

                var ft = new FormTranslation();
                ft.Export(emds, lcids, file.Workbook, service,
                ft.Export(emds, lcids, file, service,
                          new FormExportOption
                    ExportForms        = settings.ExportForms,
                    ExportFormTabs     = settings.ExportFormTabs,
                    ExportFormSections = settings.ExportFormSections,
                    ExportFormFields   = settings.ExportFormFields

            if (settings.ExportSiteMap)
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, "Exporting SiteMap custom labels translations...");

                var st = new SiteMapTranslation();

                st.Export(lcids, file.Workbook, service);
                st.Export(lcids, file, service);

            file.Save(settings.FilePath, SaveOptions.XlsxDefault);
Example #10
        public async Task <ActionResultResponse <string> > Insert(string tenantId, string creatorId, string creatorFullName, string creatorAvatar,
                                                                  AttributeMeta attributeMeta)
            var productAttributeId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var productAttribute   = new Attribute
                Id = productAttributeId,
                ConcurrencyStamp = productAttributeId,
                IsActive         = attributeMeta.IsActive,
                IsRequire        = attributeMeta.IsRequire,
                IsMultiple       = attributeMeta.IsMultiple,
                IsSelfContent    = attributeMeta.IsSelfContent,
                TenantId         = tenantId,
                CreatorId        = creatorId,
                CreatorFullName  = creatorFullName,
                CreatorAvatar    = creatorAvatar

            var result = await _attributeRepository.Insert(productAttribute);

            if (result <= 0)
                return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(result,

            #region insert Translation.
            if (attributeMeta.Translations.Count > 0)
                var resultInsertTranslation = await InsertTranslation();

                if (resultInsertTranslation.Code <= 0)

            return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(1, _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Add new product attribute successful."),
                                                     string.Empty, productAttributeId));

            #region Local functions
            async Task <ActionResultResponse <string> > InsertTranslation()
                var productAttributeTranslations = new List <AttributeTranslation>();

                foreach (var productAttributeTranslation in attributeMeta.Translations)
                    //  Check name exists.
                    var isNameExists = await _attributeTranslationRepository.CheckExists(productAttributeId, tenantId,
                                                                                         productAttributeTranslation.LanguageId, productAttributeTranslation.Name);

                    if (isNameExists)
                        await RollbackInsert();

                        return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(-1,
                                                                 _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Product attribute name: \"{0}\" already exists.",

                    var productAttributeTranslationInsert = new AttributeTranslation
                        AttributeId = productAttributeId,
                        TenantId    = tenantId,
                        LanguageId  = productAttributeTranslation.LanguageId.Trim(),
                        Name        = productAttributeTranslation.Name.Trim(),
                        Description = productAttributeTranslation.Description?.Trim(),
                        UnsignName  = productAttributeTranslation.Name?.StripVietnameseChars().ToUpper()


                var resultTranslation = await _attributeTranslationRepository.Inserts(productAttributeTranslations);

                if (resultTranslation > 0)
                    return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(resultTranslation,
                                                             _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Add new product attribute translation successful.")));

                await RollbackInsertTranslation();
                await RollbackInsert();

                return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(-2,
                                                         _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Can not insert product attribute translation. Please contact with administrator.")));

            async Task RollbackInsert()
                await _attributeRepository.ForceDelete(productAttributeId);

            async Task RollbackInsertTranslation()
                await _attributeTranslationRepository.ForceDelete(productAttributeId);

            #endregion Local functions
Example #11
        public async Task <ActionResultResponse <string> > Update(string tenantId, string lastUpdateUserId, string lastUpdateFullName, string lastUpdateAvatar,
                                                                  string productAttributeId, AttributeMeta attributeMeta)
            var info = await _attributeRepository.GetInfo(productAttributeId);

            if (info == null)
                return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(-1, _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Product attribute does not exists.")));

            if (info.TenantId != tenantId)
                return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(-2,

            if (info.ConcurrencyStamp != attributeMeta.ConcurrencyStamp)
                return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(-3,
                                                             "The product attribute already updated by other people. you are not allowed to edit the product attribute information.")));

            // Todo Not allow update IsSelfContent if used by product.

            // Delete all attribute values when change IsSelfContent property.(IsSelfContent = true : delete )
            if (attributeMeta.IsSelfContent)
                await _attributeValueTranslationRepository.DeleteByProductAttribute(productAttributeId);

                await _attributeValueRepository.DeleteByProductAttribute(productAttributeId);

            info.IsActive           = attributeMeta.IsActive;
            info.IsRequire          = attributeMeta.IsRequire;
            info.IsMultiple         = attributeMeta.IsMultiple;
            info.IsSelfContent      = attributeMeta.IsSelfContent;
            info.ConcurrencyStamp   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            info.LastUpdateTime     = DateTime.Now;
            info.LastUpdateUserId   = lastUpdateUserId;
            info.LastUpdateFullName = lastUpdateFullName;

            await _attributeRepository.Update(info);

            #region translation.
            if (attributeMeta.Translations.Count > 0)
                var resultUpdateTranslation = await UpdateTranslation();

                if (resultUpdateTranslation.Code <= 0)

            return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(1, _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Update product attribute successful."),
                                                     string.Empty, info.ConcurrencyStamp));

            async Task <ActionResultResponse <string> > UpdateTranslation()
                foreach (var productAttributeTranslation in attributeMeta.Translations)
                    var isNameExists = await _attributeTranslationRepository.CheckExists(info.Id, tenantId,
                                                                                         productAttributeTranslation.LanguageId, productAttributeTranslation.Name);

                    if (isNameExists)
                        return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(-4, _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Product attribute name: \"{0}\" already exists.")));

                    var productAttributeTranslationInfo =
                        await _attributeTranslationRepository.GetInfo(info.Id, productAttributeTranslation.LanguageId);

                    if (productAttributeTranslationInfo != null)
                        productAttributeTranslationInfo.Name        = productAttributeTranslation.Name.Trim();
                        productAttributeTranslationInfo.Description = productAttributeTranslation.Description?.Trim();
                        productAttributeTranslationInfo.UnsignName  = productAttributeTranslation.Name?.StripVietnameseChars().ToUpper();

                        await _attributeTranslationRepository.Update(productAttributeTranslationInfo);
                        var productAttributeTranslationInsert = new AttributeTranslation
                            AttributeId = productAttributeId,
                            TenantId    = tenantId,
                            LanguageId  = productAttributeTranslation.LanguageId.Trim(),
                            Name        = productAttributeTranslation.Name.Trim(),
                            Description = productAttributeTranslation.Description?.Trim(),
                            UnsignName  = productAttributeTranslation.Name.StripVietnameseChars().ToUpper()

                        await _attributeTranslationRepository.Insert(productAttributeTranslationInsert);
                return(new ActionResultResponse <string>(1,
                                                         _warehouseResourceService.GetString("Update product attribute translation successful."), string.Empty, info.ConcurrencyStamp));
Example #12
        private void SaveInternal(TranslationCollection translations, Dictionary<int, string> DisplayFolderLanguages, Dictionary<int, string> DescriptionLanguages, SSAS.TabularTranslationObjectAnnotation annotation)
            List<int> listAllLanguages = new List<int>(Languages.Keys);
            foreach (int iLang in DisplayFolderLanguages.Keys)
                if (!listAllLanguages.Contains(iLang))
            foreach (int iLang in DescriptionLanguages.Keys)
                if (!listAllLanguages.Contains(iLang))

            List<SSAS.TabularTranslationAnnotation> listAnnotations = new List<TabularTranslationAnnotation>();
            foreach (int iLang in listAllLanguages)
                Translation t = new Translation(iLang);
                if (translations is AttributeTranslationCollection)
                    t = new AttributeTranslation(iLang);
                if (DisplayFolderLanguages.ContainsKey(iLang))
                    t.DisplayFolder = DisplayFolderLanguages[iLang];
                if (DescriptionLanguages.ContainsKey(iLang))
                    t.Description = DescriptionLanguages[iLang];

                if (Languages.ContainsKey(iLang) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Languages[iLang]))
                    t.Caption = Languages[iLang];
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DisplayFolder) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Description))
                    t.Caption = this.DefaultLanguage; //this works around a problem where if they translate the display folder or the description but not the caption, then the caption ends up blank
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Caption) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Description) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DisplayFolder))
                    SSAS.TabularTranslationAnnotation tranAnnotation = new TabularTranslationAnnotation();
                    tranAnnotation.Caption = t.Caption;
                    tranAnnotation.Description = t.Description;
                    tranAnnotation.DisplayFolder = t.DisplayFolder;
                    tranAnnotation.Language = t.Language;

            if (annotation != null)
                annotation.TabularTranslations = listAnnotations.ToArray();
Example #13
        public TabularTranslatedItem(string table, IModelComponent obj, TabularTranslatedItemProperty property, TabularTranslatedItem caption, SSAS.TabularTranslationsAnnotation annotations)
            _Table = table;
            _object = obj;
            _Property = property;

            TranslationCollection translations;
            string sCaption;
            string sDescription;
            string sDisplayFolder = null;
            if (obj is DimensionAttribute)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Column;
                DimensionAttribute typedobj = (DimensionAttribute)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sDisplayFolder = typedobj.AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Hierarchy)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Hierarchy;
                Hierarchy typedobj = (Hierarchy)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sDisplayFolder = typedobj.DisplayFolder;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Level)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Level;
                Level typedobj = (Level)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is CalculationProperty)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Measure;
                CalculationProperty typedobj = (CalculationProperty)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sDisplayFolder = typedobj.DisplayFolder;
                sCaption = typedobj.CalculationReference;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;

                if (sCaption.StartsWith("[") && sCaption.EndsWith("]"))
                    sCaption = sCaption.Substring(1, sCaption.Length - 2);
            else if (obj is Database)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Database;
                Database typedobj = (Database)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Cube)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Cube;
                Cube typedobj = (Cube)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Perspective)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Perspective;
                Perspective typedobj = (Perspective)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Dimension)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Table;
                Dimension typedobj = (Dimension)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
            else if (obj is Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action)
                _ObjectType = TabularTranslatedItemType.Action;
                Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action typedobj = (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action)obj;
                translations = typedobj.Translations;
                sCaption = typedobj.Name;
                sDescription = typedobj.Description;
                throw new Exception("Unexpected object type: " + obj.GetType().Name);

            _ObjectName = sCaption;

            if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Caption)
                _DefaultLanguage = sCaption;

                SSAS.TabularTranslationObjectAnnotation annotation = annotations.Find(obj);
                if (annotation != null && translations.Count == 0)
                    foreach (SSAS.TabularTranslationAnnotation tranAnnotation in annotation.TabularTranslations)
                        Translation t = new Translation(tranAnnotation.Language);
                        if (obj is DimensionAttribute)
                            t = new AttributeTranslation(tranAnnotation.Language);
                        t.Caption = tranAnnotation.Caption;
                        t.Description = tranAnnotation.Description;
                        t.DisplayFolder = tranAnnotation.DisplayFolder;
                    _restoredTranslations = true;
            else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Description)
                _DefaultLanguage = sDescription;
            else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.DisplayFolder)
                _DefaultLanguage = sDisplayFolder;

            Languages = new Core.DirtyMonitoredDictionary<int, string>();
            foreach (Translation t in translations)
                if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Caption)
                    Languages.Add(t.Language, t.Caption);
                else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.Description)
                    Languages.Add(t.Language, t.Description);
                else if (property == TabularTranslatedItemProperty.DisplayFolder)
                    Languages.Add(t.Language, t.DisplayFolder);

            if (caption != null)