public virtual string[] GetFileSystemEntries(string path, string searchPattern, bool includeFiles, bool includeDirectories) { #if !SILVERLIGHT #pragma warning disable 618 if (includeFiles && includeDirectories) { return(ArrayUtils.AppendRange(GetDirectories(path, searchPattern), GetFiles(path, searchPattern))); } if (includeFiles) { return(GetFiles(path, searchPattern)); } if (includeDirectories) { return(GetDirectories(path, searchPattern)); } #pragma warning restore 618 // TODO: remove virtual GetFiles/GetDirectories and use this code: //if (includeFiles && includeDirectories) { // return Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path, searchPattern); //} //if (includeFiles) { // return Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern); //} //if (includeDirectories) { // return Directory.GetDirectories(path, searchPattern); //} return(ArrayUtils.EmptyStrings); #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif }
public object Call(CodeContext/*!*/ context, params object[] args) { if (_keywordArgs == null) { EnsureSplatSite(); return _splatSite.Target(_splatSite, context, _function, ArrayUtils.AppendRange(_args, args)); } EnsureDictSplatSite(); return _dictSite.Target(_dictSite, context, _function, ArrayUtils.AppendRange(_args, args), _keywordArgs); }
protected override Expression BindMissingMethod(CallSiteContext bound) { var type = bound.TargetType; if (type == null) // already reported - class cannot be found { return(ConvertExpression.BindDefault(this.ReturnType)); } if (bound.TargetInstance != null && bound.CurrentTargetInstance != null) // it has been checked it is a subclass of TargetType { // ensure current scope's __call() is favoured over the specified class type = bound.CurrentTargetInstance.GetPhpTypeInfo(); } // try to find __call() first if we have $this var call = (bound.TargetInstance != null) ? BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(type, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__call) : null; if (call == null) { // look for __callStatic() call = BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(type, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__callstatic); } if (call != null) { Expression[] call_args; var name_expr = (_name != null) ? Expression.Constant(_name) : bound.IndirectName; if (call.Methods.All(IsClrMagicCallWithParams)) { // Template: target.__call(name, arg1, arg2, ...) // flatterns the arguments: call_args = ArrayUtils.AppendRange(name_expr, bound.Arguments); } else { // Template: target.__call(name, array) // regular PHP behavior: call_args = new Expression[] { name_expr, BinderHelpers.NewPhpArray(bound.Arguments, bound.Context, bound.ClassContext), }; } return(OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(_returnType, bound.TargetInstance, call.Methods, bound.Context, call_args, isStaticCallSyntax: true, lateStaticType: bound.TargetType, classContext: bound.ClassContext)); } // return(base.BindMissingMethod(bound)); }
public object Call(CodeContext/*!*/ context, [ParamDictionary]IDictionary<object, object> dict, params object[] args) { IDictionary<object, object> finalDict; if (_keywordArgs != null) { PythonDictionary pd = new PythonDictionary(); pd.update(context, _keywordArgs); pd.update(context, dict); finalDict = pd; } else { finalDict = dict; } EnsureDictSplatSite(); return _dictSite.Target(_dictSite, context, _function, ArrayUtils.AppendRange(_args, args), finalDict); }
protected override Expression BindMissingMethod(CallSiteContext bound) { var name_expr = (_name != null) ? Expression.Constant(_name) : bound.IndirectName; // resolve target expression: var isobject = bound.TargetType != null; if (isobject == false) { /* Template: * PhpException.MethodOnNonObject(name_expr); * return NULL; */ var throwcall = Expression.Call(typeof(PhpException), "MethodOnNonObject", Array.Empty <Type>(), ConvertExpression.Bind(name_expr, typeof(string), bound.Context)); return(Expression.Block(throwcall, ConvertExpression.BindDefault(this.ReturnType))); } var call = BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(bound.TargetType, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__call); if (call != null) { Expression[] call_args; if (call.Methods.All(IsClrMagicCallWithParams)) { // Template: target.__call(name, arg1, arg2, ...) // flatterns the arguments: call_args = ArrayUtils.AppendRange(name_expr, bound.Arguments); } else { // Template: target.__call(name, array) // regular PHP behavior: call_args = new Expression[] { name_expr, BinderHelpers.NewPhpArray(bound.Arguments, bound.Context, bound.ClassContext), }; } return(OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(_returnType, bound.TargetInstance, call.Methods, bound.Context, call_args, false)); } return(base.BindMissingMethod(bound)); }
/// <summary> /// Reflects given assembly for PeachPie compiler specifics - compiled scripts, references to other assemblies, declared functions and classes. /// Scripts and declarations are loaded into application context (static). /// </summary> /// <param name="assembly">PeachPie compiler generated assembly.</param> /// <remarks>Not thread safe.</remarks> public static void AddScriptReference(Assembly assembly) { if (assembly == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly)); } if (assembly.GetType(ScriptInfo.ScriptTypeName) == null || !s_processedAssemblies.Add(assembly)) { // nothing to reflect return; } s_processedAssembliesArr = ArrayUtils.AppendRange(assembly, s_processedAssembliesArr); // TODO: ImmutableArray<T> // remember the assembly for class map: s_assClassMap.AddPhpAssemblyNoLock(assembly); // reflect the module for imported symbols: var module = assembly.ManifestModule; // PhpPackageReferenceAttribute foreach (var r in module.GetCustomAttributes <PhpPackageReferenceAttribute>()) { if (r.ScriptType != null) // always true { AddScriptReference(r.ScriptType.Assembly); } } // ImportPhpTypeAttribute foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpTypeAttribute>()) { TypesTable.DeclareAppType(PhpTypeInfoExtension.GetPhpTypeInfo(t.ImportedType)); } // ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute>()) { if (ExtensionsAppContext.ExtensionsTable.VisitFunctionsContainer(t.ContainerType, out var attr)) { foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMethods()) { if (m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic && !m.IsPhpHidden()) { ExtensionsAppContext.ExtensionsTable.AddRoutine(attr, RoutinesTable.DeclareAppRoutine(m.Name, m)); } } } } // ImportPhpConstantsAttribute foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpConstantsAttribute>()) { if (!s_processedConstantsContainers.Add(t.ContainerType)) { // already visited before continue; } // reflect constants defined in the container foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) { if (m is FieldInfo fi && !fi.IsPhpHidden()) { Debug.Assert(fi.IsStatic && fi.IsPublic); if (fi.IsInitOnly || fi.IsLiteral) { ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null))); } else { ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, new Func <PhpValue>(() => PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null)))); } }