Example #1
        private void HandleCheckBoxClick(CheckBox source, AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
            foreach (var ace in acl)
                if (ace.AceType == aceType && ace.AccountSID == selectedUser)
                    if (source.Checked)

            // The ace type doesn't exist

            var newAce = new AccessControlEntry(selectedUser)
                AceType = aceType

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a deep copy of an existing Access Control Entry
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">Original AccessControlEntry</param>
 public AccessControlEntryEx(AccessControlEntryEx original)
     this.accountSID        = original.accountSID;
     this.aceType           = original.aceType;
     this.flags             = original.flags;
     this.inheritObjectGuid = original.inheritObjectGuid;
     this.objectGuid        = original.objectGuid;
     this.rights            = original.rights;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     AceAssertion constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aceRight">
 ///     A single AceRight (e.g.: use AceRights.parseValue(0x00000004) if AceRights.ObjectRight enum does not contain
 ///     desired right.) MUST be specified.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="aceObjFlags">One or more AceObjectFlags, may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="objectType">Object type GUID. Must be set if Flag.ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT is in aceObjFlags</param>
 /// <param name="inheritedObjectType">
 ///     Inherited object type GUID. Must be set if Flag.ACE_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT is in aceObjFlags
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="requiredFlag">Single AceFlag that stipulates an ACE must contain it; may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="excludedFlag">Single AceFlag that stipulates an ACE must NOT contain it; may be null.</param>
 public AceAssertion(AceRights aceRight, AceObjectFlags aceObjFlags, Guid?objectType, Guid?inheritedObjectType,
                     AceFlag requiredFlag, AceFlag excludedFlag)
     this.aceRight            = aceRight;
     this.aceObjectFlags      = aceObjFlags;
     this.objectType          = objectType;
     this.inheritedObjectType = inheritedObjectType;
     this.requiredFlag        = requiredFlag;
     this.excludedFlag        = excludedFlag;
Example #4
 private bool GetRightValue(AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
     foreach (var ace in acl)
         if (ace.AceType == aceType && ace.AccountSID == selectedUser)
             foreach (var right in ace)
                 if (right == aceRight)
 private bool GetRightValue(AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
     foreach (AccessControlEntry ace in this.acl)
         if (ace.AceType == aceType && ace.AccountSID == this.selectedUser)
             foreach (AceRights right in ace)
                 if (right == aceRight)
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Load the ACE from the buffer returning the last ACE segment position into the buffer.
        ///     @param buff source buffer.
        ///     @param start start loading position.
        ///     @return last loading position.
        /// </summary>
        public void Parse(BinaryReader buff)
            var start = buff.BaseStream.Position;

            byte[] bytes = NumberFacility.GetBytes(buff.ReadInt32());
            this.type  = AceTypeExtension.ParseValue(bytes[0]);
            this.flags = AceFlagExtension.ParseValue(bytes[1]);

            int size = NumberFacility.GetInt(bytes[3], bytes[2]);

            this.rights = AceRights.ParseValue(NumberFacility.GetReverseInt(buff.ReadInt32()));

            if (this.type == AceType.AccessAllowedObjectAceType || this.type == AceType.AccessDeniedObjectAceType)
                this.objectFlags = AceObjectFlags.ParseValue(NumberFacility.GetReverseInt(buff.ReadInt32()));

                if (this.objectFlags.GetFlags().Contains(AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceObjectTypePresent))
                    this.objectType = new Guid(buff.ReadBytes(16));

                if (this.objectFlags.GetFlags().Contains(AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceInheritedObjectTypePresent))
                    this.inheritedObjectType = new Guid(buff.ReadBytes(16));

            this.sid = new SID();

            if (size > 0)
                var lastPos = start + size;
                this.applicationData = new byte[lastPos - buff.BaseStream.Position];

                for (var i = 0; i < applicationData.Length; i++)
                    this.applicationData[i] = buff.ReadByte();
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets ACE rights.
 ///     @param rights ACE rights.
 ///     AceRights
 /// </summary>
 public void SetRights(AceRights rights) => this.rights = rights;
Example #8
 public CheckAceTypeCheckedHandler(AccessControlRightsListBox parent, AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
     this.parent   = parent;
     this.aceType  = aceType;
     this.aceRight = aceRight;
 public checkAceTypeCheckedHandler(AccessControlRightsListBox parent, AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
     this.parent = parent;
     this.aceType = aceType;
     this.aceRight = aceRight;
        private void HandleCheckBoxClick(CheckBox source, AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
            foreach (AccessControlEntry ace in this.acl)
                if (ace.AceType == aceType && ace.AccountSID == this.selectedUser)
                    if (source.Checked)

            // The ace type doesn't exist

            AccessControlEntry newAce = new AccessControlEntry(this.selectedUser);
            newAce.AceType = aceType;
 private bool GetRightValue(AceType aceType, AceRights aceRight)
     foreach (AccessControlEntry ace in this.acl)
         if (ace.AceType == aceType && ace.AccountSID == this.selectedUser)
             foreach (AceRights right in ace)
                 if (right == aceRight) return true;
     return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a Access Control Entry of type AccessAllowed with account SID, Type and Rights
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="account">Account SID</param>
 /// <param name="aceType">Type of Access Control</param>
 /// <param name="rights">Rights</param>
 public AccessControlEntryEx(SecurityIdentity account, AceType aceType, AceRights rights)
     this.accountSID = account;
     this.aceType    = aceType;
     this.rights     = rights;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Access Control Entry from a ACE string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aceString">ACE string</param>
        public AccessControlEntryEx(string aceString)
            Regex aceRegex = new Regex(cAceExpr, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            Match aceMatch = aceRegex.Match(aceString);

            if (!aceMatch.Success)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid ACE String Format");

            if (aceMatch.Groups["ace_type"] != null && aceMatch.Groups["ace_type"].Success && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aceMatch.Groups["ace_type"].Value))
                Int32 aceTypeValue = Array.IndexOf <string>(AccessControlEntryEx.aceTypeStrings, aceMatch.Groups["ace_type"].Value.ToUpper());

                if (aceTypeValue == -1)
                    throw new FormatException("Invalid ACE String Format");

                this.aceType = ( AceType )aceTypeValue;
                throw new FormatException("Invalid ACE String Format");

            if (aceMatch.Groups["ace_flags"] != null && aceMatch.Groups["ace_flags"].Success && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aceMatch.Groups["ace_flags"].Value))
                string aceFlagsValue = aceMatch.Groups["ace_flags"].Value.ToUpper();
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < aceFlagsValue.Length - 1; i += 2)
                    Int32 flagValue = Array.IndexOf <string>(AccessControlEntryEx.aceFlagStrings, aceFlagsValue.Substring(i, 2));

                    if (flagValue == -1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid ACE String Format");

                    this.flags = this.flags | (( AceFlags )( Int32 )Math.Pow(2.0d, flagValue));

            if (aceMatch.Groups["rights"] != null && aceMatch.Groups["rights"].Success && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aceMatch.Groups["rights"].Value))
                string rightsValue = aceMatch.Groups["rights"].Value.ToUpper();
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < rightsValue.Length - 1; i += 2)
                    Int32 rightValue = Array.IndexOf <string>(AccessControlEntryEx.rightsStrings, rightsValue.Substring(i, 2));

                    if (rightValue == -1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid ACE String Format");

                    this.rights = this.rights | ( AceRights )( Int32 )Math.Pow(2.0d, rightValue);

            if (aceMatch.Groups["object_guid"] != null && aceMatch.Groups["object_guid"].Success && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aceMatch.Groups["object_guid"].Value))
                this.objectGuid = new Guid(aceMatch.Groups["object_guid"].Value);

            if (aceMatch.Groups["inherit_object_guid"] != null && aceMatch.Groups["inherit_object_guid"].Success && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aceMatch.Groups["inherit_object_guid"].Value))
                this.inheritObjectGuid = new Guid(aceMatch.Groups["inherit_object_guid"].Value);

            if (aceMatch.Groups["account_sid"] != null && aceMatch.Groups["account_sid"].Success && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(aceMatch.Groups["account_sid"].Value))
                this.accountSID = SecurityIdentity.SecurityIdentityFromSIDorAbbreviation(aceMatch.Groups["account_sid"].Value.ToUpper());
                throw new FormatException("Invalid ACE String Format");