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##Bolt Lean and lightweight http communication library based on ASP.NET 5. The main focus of project was to create multiplatform, simple and powerfull replacement for WCF library.

####Service Contract Bolt requires interface describing your service that will be used for communication.

public interface IFooService
    void DoYourThing();


  • Add Bolt.Client.Proxy package to project (Install-Package Bolt.Client.Proxy -pre)
  • Create proxy to your service and call remote method
var configuration = new ClientConfiguration().UseDynamicProxy();
IFooService proxy = configuration.CreateProxy<IFooService>(<service url>);


  • Add Bolt.Server package to project (Install-Package Bolt.Server -pre)
  • In you startup class use Bolt extensions to register Bolt into the pipeline
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

public void Configuration(IApplicationBuilder app)
    appBuilder.UseBolt((h) =>
        // register our service
        h.Use<IFooService, FooService>();

Now you are ready to experiment with Bolt. This was just the very simple scenario for Bolt usage. Bolt also supports:

  • Sessions
  • Generation of async interfaces
  • CancellationToken support
  • Asynchronous methods
  • Recoverable Proxy
  • Server Failover support
  • Modularity - every component and behavior of Bolt is replaceable
  • User Code Generators - plug your own code into the generated proxies
  • Configuration Based Generation - define Configuration.json file to describe how proxies should be generated

Bolt Packages

  • Bolt.Core - contains common interfaces and helpers shared by both client and server.
  • Bolt.Client - contains client side code required to communicate with Bolt service.
  • Bolt.Client.Proxy - factory for dynamic proxy generation
  • Bolt.Server - server side code required to integrate Bolt into ASP.NET 5
  • Bolt.Generators - classes and helpers used by Bolt.Console for code generation. Reference it if you need to generate async proxies and interfaces.
  • Bolt.Console - tool used to generate Bolt proxies.

To find out more just take a look at Bolt code or check out the Bolt.Samples repository.

Any ideas, improvements or code contributions are welcome. Happy coding ;)


Lean and lightweight WCF alternative library based on Katana project







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  • C# 98.9%
  • Batchfile 1.1%